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by the book 完全按照规章制度办事,按照规定,照章办事 go by the book 依章办事 play by the book按规定来 do something by the book按规定做某事 run something by the book 按规定管理、运营 The manager does everything by the book, hewon’t approve this exception.经理办事很死板,他不会破例批准的。 He suggestedthat we go by the book and not accept the proposal. 他建议我们照章办事,不要接受这个提议。…
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An open book (某物)容易理解;(某人)坦诚,没有秘密 open adj. 打开的 My life is an open book.我的生活很简单。 There’s no secret between us, she’s an open book to me.我们之间没有秘密,我对她是了如指掌。 I wish these legal contracts were an open book.我真希望我能读懂这些法律合同。 Adam says he's an open book, but I've seen him sneaking out of his house late at night. Adam说他没什么秘密,但是我看到过他大半夜偷偷溜出他的房间。…
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In the flesh 本人;亲自;(见到)真人 flesh 肉;肉体 You wouldn’t believe this, I met my idol Liu Dehua in the flesh the other day, he even hugged me.你肯定不会相信,前几天我见到了我的偶像刘德华本人了,他甚至还拥抱我了。 I have heard a lot about you, I can’t believe now you’re standing in front of me in the flesh, I’m thrilled. 我听说过很多关于你的事,真不敢相信你现在就站在我面前,我好激动。 Inperson 本人,亲自,当面 I’ve heard that Liu …
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A third wheel/ a fifth wheel 多余;电灯泡 third 第三个 fifth 第五个 wheel 车轮 I don’t think I’ll join you this time. Whenever I go out with you guys, I just feel like a third wheel.我这次就不跟你一块了,每次跟你们一块出去,我都感觉我像个电灯泡。 I just wanted to feel like part of the team instead of a fifth wheel.我只是想让自己感觉是这个团队的一员,而不是多余的。 I didn't realize that the party was for couples only, …
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Why the long face? 干嘛拉着个脸啊?怎么闷闷不乐的? long face 长脸;闷闷不乐;不悦的脸色 What’s wrong? Why the long face? 怎么了?怎么闷闷不乐的? Hey, Jack, why the long face? Is something bothering you?Jack,干嘛拉着个脸啊?有什么烦心事吗? He came to me with a very long face and said that he had failed the exam.他拉长个脸来找我,说他考试没及格。
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Go easy on someone/ something 手下留情;温和对待;节约使用 Go easy on him, he is my friend. 对他手下留情啊,他是我朋友。 The doctor told me to go easy on the chilies, but I just can’t.医生要我少吃辣椒,但是我做不到啊。 Hey, go easy on the ketchup, there's not much left.番茄酱你悠着点用,剩的没多少了。
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Be like looking/searching for a needle in a haystack 如同大海捞针 like 像 look for/search for 寻找 needle 针 haystack 干草堆 There’re like, thousands of files piled up,it’ll be like looking for a needle in a haystack.有成千上万份文件堆在一起,这将如同大海捞针。 The police told her that searching for the dog was like looking for a needle in a haystack.警察告诉她寻找这条狗就像大海捞针。 It soon became…
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roll up one’s sleeves 撸起袖子,准备开始干活;准备大干一场 roll 卷 sleeve 袖子 We have a long day ahead, so let's roll up our sleeves and start! 今天将会是漫长的一天,所以让我们撸起袖子,开始干活吧。 I know you're disappointed, but you need to roll up your sleeves and redouble your efforts.我知道你很失望,但你需要卷起袖子加倍努力。
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blow one’s mind 令某人极度震惊,感到意外;令人刮目相看 blow 爆炸 mind 思想,头脑 That was my first time to watch the show,it really blew my mind.那是我第一次看着个节目,太让我震惊了。 Prepare to have your mind blown.准备好大开眼界吧。 It blew my mind that she had her hair dyed green.她把头发染成了绿色,真是让我大吃一惊。 mind-blowing adj. 令人感到震惊的;给人印象极深的 It absolutely would be mind-blowing news to him if you tell him.如果…
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Havea say/voice in something在某件事上有发言权 You don’t have a say in this.这件事上,你没有发音权;这没你说话的份。 They want to have a voice in how this would be handled.在如何处理这件事上,他们想有个发言权。 Have one’s say 说出/表达出某人的观点、看法 Just calm down, you’ll have your say. 别着急,你会有机会说的。 As soon as I've had my say I'll sit down.只要让我说出我的看法,我就坐下。 Have the say 某人说了算,有决定权 We all have a say in thi…
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pass gas 放屁 It must be something I ate at lunch that made me pass gas all afternoon.肯定是我中午吃的什么东西,弄得我一下午都在放屁。 fart 放屁;屁 He farted in front of everyone, and he acted like nothing had happened.他在大家面前放了个屁,然后表现的跟什么事都没发生一样。 fart around 瞎折腾;闲荡;浪费时间 Stop farting around and get a job! 别瞎混了,找份工作吧! break wind 放屁 Someone in the elevator broke wind. It smelled …
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Have one’s eyes glued to something 一直盯着看;全神贯注地看 glue 胶水;沾上 I hate it when people talk to me and have their eyes glued to their phones all the time.我很讨厌有的人一边跟我说话,一边还不停地盯着手机看。 I came back two hours later to find the kids still had their eyes glued to the television.我两个小时以后回来,发现孩子们还在盯着电视看。 Many children would have their eyes glued to the cell phone on…
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Get/have cold feet (做某事前,因为紧张或害怕)临阵退缩 If you get cold feet or have cold feet about something you have planned to do, you become nervous about it and not sure that you want to do it. She had been looking forward to the bungee jumping, but she got cold feet right before the jump. 她一直盼望着去蹦极,但在跳之前却退缩了。 Tomorrow is your big day. You are not having cold …
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big talk 大话,吹牛 He is always full of big talk, but he rarely follows through on it. 他总是说大话,却很少去做并坚持到底。 talk big 说大话,吹牛 The President talks big, but he doesn’t do anything.总统老说大话,但是什么都不做。 brag about/of 吹嘘;炫耀 boast about/of 吹牛,自夸 He bragged to everyone he met about how smart his son was.他向他见到的每一人吹嘘他儿子有多聪明。 Is he boasting about his car again? 他又在吹嘘他的车了…
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Have bigger fish to fry 有更重要的事情要办 Don't waste time on this. We've got bigger fish to fry.别在这上面浪费时间了,我们还有更重要的事情要办。 Every time I ask him for help, he claims that he has bigger fish to fry.每次我要他帮我的时候,他都说他有更重要的事情要做。 Have other fish to fry 还有其他事情要办 I don't have time for this. I have other fish to fry.我没时间干这个,我还有其他事要办。…
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Burst out laughing 突然大笑起来 burst 爆发;突发 laugh 笑 1. The baby burst out laughing when he saw the cat slip. 这个婴儿看到猫滑倒了,突然大笑起来。 2. The kids burst out laughing when the clown fell down on stage.孩子们看到小丑在台上摔倒以后,大笑了起来。 Burst into laughter Laughter n.笑;笑声 3. He burst into laughter when he turned around and saw his “bride” .他转身看到他的“新娘”以后,大笑了起来。…
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burst into tears 突然大哭起来,眼泪夺眶而出 burst 爆发;突发 tear 眼泪 过去式、过去分词形式不变,仍是burst 1. He burst into tears when he found out that his father had cancer. 当他发现他父亲得了癌症后,哭了起来。 2. She burst into tears when she saw her terrible grades. 当她看到自己糟糕的成绩时,突然大哭了起来。 3. I was so happy to see my family that I burst into tears.我看到我的家人太高兴了,就哭了起来。 burst out crying 4.The children …
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Better half 夫妻中的丈夫或妻子;另一半,爱人 Have you seen my better-half? 你见我爱人了吗? I had known him for almost three years before I met his better half. 在见到他的另一半之前,我已经认识他近3年了。 Please come to our party,and your better half is invited, too! 来参加我们的派对吧,你的爱人也被邀请了。
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It’s a bummer. bummer令人不愉快/失望的人、事、经历 1. Getting stranded at the airport was a real bummer.被滞留在机场真的是很恶心。 2. It’s a bummer that my best friend can’t make it to my wedding.我最好的朋友参加不了我的婚礼了,很烦人。 3. It was a real bummer that it rained the whole weekend. I had to stay indoors and did nothing. 整个周末都在下雨,很烦人,我只能呆在室内,啥都没做不了。…
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better off 达到/处于更好的状况 You would be better off without me.没有我你会过得更好。 I think you guys would be better off taking the train than driving.我觉得你们坐火车比开车更好 Your health will be better off if you choose the fruit salad rather than the chocolate cake. 如果你选择水果沙拉而不是巧克力蛋糕,你的健康状况会更好。
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Window-shop 橱窗购物,只看不买 shop 购物 window 商店的玻璃橱窗 A: Do you want to go shopping this weekend? 周末咱去逛街吧? B: I think I’ll just window-shop because I don’t have much money.我可能只看不买,因为我没多少钱。 I’m not looking for anything particular, just window-shopping.我没有什么特别想买的,只是看看。
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tag along 跟着,跟随 tag 标签;紧随 along 一起;伴随着 When I was a kid, I used to tag along with my brother when he went out with his friends.小时候,我哥跟他的朋友出去玩的时候,我经常会跟着他。 If you are going to the mall, do you mind if I tag along? 你如果是去商场的话,介不介意我跟着啊?
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up in the air悬而未决;(计划、安排)不确定 I didn’t get into college, so my future is kind of up in the air.我没考上大学,所以我何去何从现在有点不确定。 Becky and I were supposed to go shopping this weekend, but things are up in the air now, because she’s not feeling well. Becky 和我本来这周末要去逛街的,但是现在不确定了,因为她现在身体不太舒服。
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Why did you stand me up last night? 你昨天晚上为什么放我鸽子? 1 stand sb up 失约,爽约,放某人鸽子 Pronunciation did you 连读时会发生音变 /d/+/j/=/dʒ/ stand me up 连读 stand d失去爆破 me up 元音+元音连读,连读时中间加半元音 /j/ last night last t 失去爆破 这些连读技巧,在我录制的【美式英语发音秘诀第二期】中都有讲到。 stand up 其他的义项 2 stand up 站起来 3 stand up for sb/sth 拥护,维护,为…辩护;支持 Nobody stood up for him while they were questioning hi…
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bare one’s heart / soul 倾吐心声,袒露心声 bare 露出,使裸露 heart 心 soul 心灵,灵魂 We didn’t know each other that well, so I was surprised that he bared his heart to me. 我们不是很熟,所以我很惊讶他对我袒露心声。 Billy couldn't keep things to himself any longer. He decided to bare his soul to his best friend.Billy再也憋不住心里的事情了,他决定向他最好的朋友倾吐心声。 There’re very few people I would bare my heart…
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add fuel to the fire/flames 火上浇油,使情况更糟 add添加 fuel 燃料 fire 火 flame 火焰 He forgot their wedding anniversary, and his apologies only added fuel to the fire.他忘记了他们的结婚纪念日,而他的道歉只是在火上浇油。 fuel the fire/flames fuel v.添加燃料 I don’t wanna fuel the fire here, so I’m just gonna keep my mouth shut.我不想在这火上浇油,所以我就闭嘴好了。 She is already furious and his excuses will onl…
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a big deal 大事,重要的事;重要的人物 Buying a house is a big deal.买房子是件大事。 He is a big deal around here.他在这一片是个大人物。 这个短语常见的日常用法还有: What’s the big deal? 有什么大不了的? It’s not a big deal. /No big deal. 没什么大不了的。 类似的更口语化的用法:No biggie.没事,不要紧。可以用于回答别人的感谢 最后再来强调一下读音 big i发短音或叫松元音/ɪ/ deal ea发长音或叫紧元音/i/
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英语“上厕所”有很多种说法: go to the bathroom use the toilet answer the call of nature/ nature's call“响应大自然的召唤” 非正式的,有调侃的意味,最好在熟人和朋友之间使用。 I had to get up in the middle of the night to answer the call of nature.我得大半夜起来去响应大自然的召唤(上厕所)。 He went to answer the call the nature.他去上厕所了。 A:Where are you going? 你干嘛去? B:Nature's call.大自然在召唤。…
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Not to mention +n/v-ing更不用说,更别提 mention 提及,说到 I can’t even solve the math problem, not to mention the 8-year-old kid.我都算不出来这道数学题,更别说这个8岁的孩子了。 He is a rich guy, he has a luxury car, not to mention 2 houses in Beijing.他可是个土豪,他有辆豪车,更不用提他在北京还有2套房子。 let alone 一般用于否定句的后面,表示后面的情况更不可能。 she can't even make instant noodles, let alone cook a meal.她连下方便面都不会,更别…
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Don’t play dumb with me.别跟我装傻。 dumb 哑的;愚蠢的 play dumb 装作不知情;装傻,装聋作哑 Don’t play dumb with me, I know you know it. Just tell me!别跟我装傻,我知道你知道这事,赶紧告诉我! I don’t want him to know that you are back, so I'm just going to play dumb the next time I see him.我不想让他知道你回来了,所以下次见到他我就跟他装傻。
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pain in the ass 形容某人或某事令人厌恶、恶心;眼中钉、肉中刺 That guy is a real pain in the ass.那人真的很恶心。 I know I need to renew my license, but waiting in line at the DMV is such a pain in the ass.我知道我的驾照需要续期了,但是在车管所排队等真的很烦人。 pain-in-the-ass 形容词,做定语修饰名词 I’ve still got some pain-in-the-ass work to do before I call it aday.在结束今天一天的工作之前,我还有一些烦人的工作要做。 We're having Mary over…
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Let's shake on it. 我们握手成交吧。 shake on sth 双方握手表示同意某事;握手成交 例句: I can't believe he broke his promise to me after we shook on it. 我真不敢相信在我们约定好了之后他竟然违背了他对我的诺言。 I agree to the terms of this deal, so let's shake on it.我同意这次交易的条款,所以我们就握手成交吧。 After several months of negotiations,I think we're now ready to shake on the deal.经过几个月的谈判,我觉得我们现在已经可以成交了。…
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have a lot/ toomuch/ enough on (one's) plate 有很多事情需要处理,或者操心 Just leave it be, you already have a lot on your plate.别管它了,你已经有很多事需要忙了。 Sorry, I can't do that right now, I've got too much on my plate already.不好意思我现在没法做那个,已经有太多事情需要我去处理了。
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get/be back on one's feet 重新站起来(字面);重新振作起来;(生病后)恢复过来 She struggled to get back on her feet after she fell. 她摔倒后又挣扎着站了起来。 Now that I've paid off all my debt, I'm finally back on my feet. 现在我还清了所有的债务,我终于可以东山再起了。 Mary is happy to be back on her feet again after her injury. Mary很高兴从伤痛中恢复了过来。
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What’s the catch? 有什么条件? 一般用于当你觉得某事听起来太好了,怀疑它是有条件的,或者是有潜在问题的 catch 这就是指潜在的条件或隐患 This sounds too good to be true. There's a catch,isn't there?这听起来太好了,而不真实,这是有条件的是吧? There's always a catch. Nothing's truly free in this world.任何事都是有条件的,这个世界上没有什么是完全免费的。
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Let’s get this straight.咱先把这个搞清楚。 straight 直的,直白的 get something straight.弄清楚,搞明白 Let me get one thing straight, I’m the boss here, you work for me, so you do what I tell you to do, not the opposite. 咱先搞清楚一个事实,我是老板,你为我工作,所以你照我说的去做,而不是反过来。
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1. used to do 过去经常…,曾经… He used to be my best friend, but now we are like strangers to each other. 他曾经是我最好的朋友,但现在我们彼此就像陌生人一样。 2. get/be used to +n/doing 习惯于… used adj 习惯的 She just got here, and she’s not used to the food here yet. 她刚到这,对这里的食物还不习惯。 I used to run in the morning everyday, so I was used to getting up early. 我以前每天早晨都跑步,所以我习惯了早起。 3. be u…
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Don’t judge a book by its cover.不能以貌取人,人不可貌相;不能通过表面来判断事物的好坏。可以指人,也可指物。 judge 判断;评判 cover 覆盖;封面 This machine may not be eye-catching ,but don’t judge a book by its cover, I promise you will be amazed after you see what it can do.这个机器可能看起来很不起眼,但是我们不能仅从表面来评判事物好坏,我保证你看到它功能后你会被惊艳到的。 I know she’s a little frumpy, but as they say, you can’t judge a book b…
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The ball is in your court. 轮到你来做决定了,下一步该你了 ball 球 court 球场 Now the ball is in your court, what are you gonna do? 现在该你了,你打算怎么办呢? They invited you, so the ball is in your court now. Do you wanna go out with them or not?他们邀请你了,现在该你做决定了,你跟他们去吗?
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I’d kill for that. 非常渴望,很想得到。 I’d= I would kill for 为了…杀人 I’d kill for 为了… 愿意去杀人,表示非常渴望 It’s so hot out here, I’d kill for a cold beer.这外面太热了,真想来杯冰啤酒。 be dying for… 渴望… to die for 为了…而死 be dying for 渴望得到… I’m so tired, I’m dying for a nap. 我好累啊,好想睡一觉。
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