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全台灣最荒謬Podcast上線啦!營養價值零,酸人指數滿點的溫腥惡魔小園地,消化餅、小部語不驚人死不休,你準備好拋開道德枷鎖享受最紓壓的幹話連發了嗎? Young Love Play: Taiwan's wittiest talk show, where hilarity meets razor-sharp opinions in a whirlwind of unapologetic, uproarious banter! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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身心靈工作者陳曼寧為您獻聲曼妙的詩篇,體驗過去西方著名詩人的時間與空間,並由音樂製作人Castor Sung配上動人的曲子及原文朗誦,與您一起回到最初的夢園。 Please follow us on Instagram: gwen.castor The fascinating poems are performed by the body, mind and soul practitioner Gwen Chen, delivering to you the experiences from previous brilliant poets. Recited in English and music composition by music producer Castor Sung, traveling back to the dreamland with you together where we used to be on. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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From Unicorns and Ninjas to Dinosaurs and Rock Collections, we talk about it all. The Chatty Monkey (蛇猴閒聊) is a Daddy-Daughter Mandarin podcast where we (爸爸和嫣嫣) chat about what excites us in life. Adventurers of all ages welcome. 歡迎所有冒險家來聽聽我們的廣播“蛇猴閒聊“! 是ㄧ個爸爸女兒(七歲)(爸爸和嫣嫣)ㄧ起錄的對話系列. 話題卻五花八門. 既然嫣嫣的興趣繁多我們什麼都談. 獨角馬也好, 水上樂園也好, 無論你興趣怎樣我們大概都會講ㄧ點點. 是ㄧ個以華語為主的廣播. 來吧. 跟我們一起談啊.
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"22 George Street" is a podcast that delves into the intriguing world where tradition and innovation intersect. It explores the stories and insights behind family businesses that break conventions and dare to innovate, ultimately making a mark on the global business stage. Through compelling storytelling and in-depth analysis, " "22 George Street" es un podcast que explora el fascinante mundo donde se encuentran la tradición y la innovación. Ofrece historias e ideas detrás de los negocios fa ...
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【每周四更新 欢迎订阅!】如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎把Good Enough!分享给更多和你一样有品味的朋友~ 一起来社交媒体找我们玩~~~ 【小红书】: @Good Enough! 你很好 @Sherry菲菲菲 【Ins】: @sherryfayej @maggieatsfood 【欢迎收听 Good Enough! 你很好:轻熟女幸福指南】 在这里,一对太平洋两岸的好朋友之间每周和各位听众一起亲密的闲聊。我们的分享内容不止健康饮食与健身,还有一切你感兴趣的女性(&两性)话题! 欢迎大家在喜马拉雅,小宇宙APP和苹果Podcast订阅收听🎧 【About Us】 Maggie, 北京出生,加州长大,中西文化结合的产物。性格开朗,自主独立,贫。目前在加州从事全职营养师,兼职健身教练,专门教高强度有氧训练(cycling,HIIT这类)。对吃有着崇高追求和热情的吃货一枚! Sherry,常驻北京的外媒记者,仙女,健身十级业余爱好者(常年把自己当活体小白鼠的那种)。北大学渣,年轻时在纽约联合国总部混过。 欢迎评论告诉我们你感兴趣的话题,或者报名成为我们的节目嘉宾! 【Where t ...
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為什麼血是紅色的🩸?為什麼大便臭臭的💩?為什麼恐龍滅絕了🦖?好奇的小孩們總是有好多的問題在腦袋裡轉呀轉!「媽媽老師,我想問問題」是一個為全世界的好奇小孩們設計的Podcast - 孩子們可以勇敢提問,然後媽媽老師會帶著小朋友一起去尋找答案。在節目中我們不僅探討自然科學常識,開啟孩子視角,更深入關懷孩子們心靈,包含社會情緒學習、身體健康管理、品格養成等等...孩子的身心靈各個方面遇到的疑問和煩惱,都有我們來當家庭的後盾。我們會邀請各個領域的專家、其他家長,以及孩子們一起探索,一起學習,一起去找答案。 "Ask Mama Laoshi" is a podcast in Mandarin made for curious minds around the world. Children can ask any questions without being judged, and we not only answer them but also show them how to look for the answers. In this children-centered show, ...
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👋, this is Klyn Wuu, where I gossip on an ad hoc basis. Let's Yield to Story! Video Podcast Available on Spotify. Feedbacks are highly welcomed, contact on Twitter/X/Instagram/Thread: @klynwuu Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/adhoctalk/support
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The Spark Podcast

Amy Tianyi Zhao & Meg Dowaliby

The Spark is a podcast that explores what it means to traverse cultures and share stories that intersect Chinese and American culture to interrupt barriers and create connections. The Spark is a cultural haven - A space held by a friendship between two women from two different countries, meeting at the point where their cultures, identities and stories intersect. Their conversations are grounded in transparency as they move beyond previous perceptions and ideas of the other to form deep conn ...
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在当今复杂的全球化背景下,为什么中国的叙事总是在国外遇到理解障碍?这一期,乔治将带领大家深入探索一个核心问题——逻辑一致性与独立人格,它们在跨文化交流中的重要性究竟是什么?我们会从历史与文化的根源说起,讨论儒家思想如何通过“君君臣臣、父父子子”的观念影响了个人对权威的依赖,以及为什么这种对权力的忠诚被包装为美德,却导致了在现代社会中与独立思考的冲突。 如果你对中西方文化差异感到好奇,或是曾在与不同文化背景的人互动时感到迷茫,本期节目将为你提供新的视角和答案。加入我们,一起深挖跨文化沟通中的逻辑与独立挑战,寻找更好理解与表达的方式。由22 George Street
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不开心的时候 when I meet some problems or some bad emotions come to me 流行乐和轻音乐很有效果 the light music or popular music would work well 沿着河边跑步散步 go for a run or slow walk just along the riverside 负面情绪消失 my bad emotions and fatigues would be gone
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本期“22 George Street”播客,我们讨论了一个有趣而重要的问题:为什么中国的叙事在西方总是没有市场?为什么有些人认为中国的历史和文化优越感无法得到认可?当这种认同无法实现时,往往会引发困惑甚至愤怒,被解读为“辱华”。这期节目中,我们将揭开这些现象背后的文化思维误区,讨论如何从文化偏好到个人自由选择,平等与尊重才是跨文化沟通的核心。我们还深入探讨了中国传统文化中的等级观念和“阿Q精神”如何影响中国人对外部世界的看法。 如果你想了解更多关于中西方文化交流的深层原因,或者想探讨虚幻的大国叙事是如何阻碍全球对话的,那么这期播客将为你带来全新的思考视角。听完本期内容,你或许会重新审视自己对文化和历史的认知,进而与世界建立更加开放、包容的对话。…
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在本期播客中,我们将深入探讨一个对当今社会和经济决策影响深远的概念:零和思维。零和思维是一种将成功和失败视为相互对立的思维方式,认为一个人的成功必然意味着另一个人的失败。我们将分析这一思维如何在不同文化背景下表现出来,并探讨它在当代社会中如何与民粹主义和反市场情绪交织在一起。我们将从多个角度切入,包括中国的传统思维、北欧的“贾特法则”、以及英国的社会阶层竞争。通过具体案例,我们将揭示零和思维如何导致互害和经济发展的停滞,以及它对社会合作和创新的压制。此外,我们还会讨论当前全球经济面临的挑战,如如何在资源有限的环境中促进更具包容性的增长和发展。欢迎收听本期《22 George Street》,让我们一起探讨零和思维的深层影响及其在当今世界的重要性。…
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小时候有吃早餐的习惯 When I was a little child, I had such kinds of habit for sure 我妈妈做的煎蛋和面条很赞 I especially loved eating fried eggs with some noodles in the morning and my mom would do it for me 吃早餐不像过去那么重要了 the breakfast is not that important as used to be 足够 that would be enough
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Send us a text ✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 準備一趟行程需要注意的事情真的很多,所以媽媽老師和小松鼠🐿️以及小書蟲🐛在這一集會繼續討論旅遊👜這個主題,小松鼠想要去博物館🏦,想要去遊樂園🎡、還想要去海邊🏖️玩,這麼多地方到底要怎麼安排呢?那動物們可以去旅行嗎?還有,旅行的時候要住在哪裡🏨啊?各位好奇小朋友,快點一起來聽聽看,小松鼠和小書蟲最後到底安排了什麼樣的行程,還有他們到底能不能順利出發呢? Traveling is an exciting adventure, but planning the perfect trip? That’s a whole different story! In this fun episode, Mama Laoshi te…
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完全没兴趣 Not really nope, I have no interest in teamwork 工作表现和效率被影响 my performances and efficiency at work would be disturbed for sure 自己干 When I am coping with some problems or challenges at work or study I would work it out alone 遇到强者 if I meet someone who I admire, or someone who I look up to
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En este episodio, analizamos el reciente plan de estímulo económico de China para 2024 y por qué podría no ser la solución que muchos esperan. A medida que el gobierno chino se muestra optimista ante un posible repunte en los mercados de acciones y bienes raíces, exploramos las razones detrás de la creciente preocupación sobre la efectividad de est…
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In this episode of 22 George Street, we evaluate China’s newly announced stimulus plan aimed at revitalizing its struggling economy. With the Chinese government optimistic about a rebound in the stock and real estate markets, many investors are eager to capitalize on potential economic growth. But what does the financial theory say about the effect…
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En este episodio de 22 George Street, el anfitrión George explora un tema a menudo ignorado pero crucial: el aumento del sentimiento anti-mercado. Mientras el mundo se preocupa por la guerra, las enfermedades y el cambio climático, este elefante gris está dando forma a nuestra economía de maneras que no podemos permitirnos pasar por alto. A través …
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好风景也是一段回忆 good view means a part of my memories, a part of my life 要是想看看过去发生过的事儿 if I want to see something that has happened in the past 记性不好 because I'm not that good at memorising anything 做不好 I couldn't do it well
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代餐、點心、下午茶、宵夜新選擇 Benefit Body激能/月亮蛋白無痛滿足口腹之慾 含足量20G蛋白質 更添加超強燃燒複方 促進代謝降低想吃的慾望! 年度銷售50萬包 輸入折扣碼「PD88」再享88折 https://fstry.pse.is/6h7eup —— 以上為播客煮與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 節目十四年消化餅愛情煩惱首度公開! 暈船的消化餅忍不住把自己的愛情煩惱滔滔不絕跟小部分享, 小部意外當起愛情諮詢師會如何接招? 青春愛消遣Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/youngloveplay/ 青春愛消遣Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/youngloveplay/ 參與Patreon訂閱…
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Welcome back to 22 George Street! I’m your host, George, and today we’re diving into a topic that looms large yet often goes unnoticed: the rise of anti-market sentiment, a grey rhino in our economic landscape. While many of us are quick to point fingers at more visible threats like war, disease, and climate change, I argue that the quiet, pervasiv…
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在本期的 22 George Street 中,主持人乔治将带您走进一个鲜为人知却至关重要的议题:反市场情绪的崛起。这就像房间里的灰犀牛,威胁迫在眉睫,但却常常被忽略。我们将一起揭开这个看似遥远但实际上影响深远的现象,看看它如何与民粹主义、民族主义甚至厌外情绪交织在一起。 在这个节目中,乔治不仅会分享新加坡和阿联酋等国家如何在低反市场情绪的环境中蓬勃发展,还会对比苏格兰和阿根廷面临的住房紧急危机,探讨反市场情绪带来的种种意外后果。 我们还将分析社交媒体如何在塑造公众认知中发挥巨大作用,让年轻一代对公平和包容的追求与传统市场原则产生碰撞。最后,我们重温里根总统的话:政府不解决问题,政府才是问题。呼吁大家重新审视市场驱动的解决方案。 准备好了吗?让我们一起探索这只被忽视的灰犀牛,发现隐藏在背后的…
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以前喜欢在咖啡厅学习 I would say that several years ago the coffee shop could be my favorite place 学校图书馆和城市图书馆 the school library and the city library 我会集中注意力 I’ll certainly stay focused on one thing at a time 不会轻易被干扰 I wouldn't be disturbed very easily
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从没那样做过 I haven't done anything in that way 内向不敢交朋友 I'm too shy to make new friends 不喜欢和陌生人说话 I don't like talking to different people, especially, I don't like talking to the new friends or strangers 浪费时间和精力 I mean, that's a wasteful spending on time, money and energy
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在这一期的播客中,我们将深入探讨一个引发广泛关注的议题:英国富人的大逃亡(润)以及背后的反市场情绪。随着越来越多的百万富翁选择离开这个曾经的财富避风港,我们将分析这一趋势的根本原因,以及它对国家经济的深远影响。我们将讨论反市场情绪如何在政治、税收和社会公平的背景下不断蔓延,导致政策的改变和企业环境的恶化。同时,我们也将看看其他国家如何在积极的市场环境中取得成功,反思英国的未来走向。加入我们,探索反市场思潮如何将这个曾经辉煌的国家拖入泥潭的深渊!由22 George Street
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En este episodio de 22 George Street, exploramos el alarmante éxodo de millonarios del Reino Unido y el creciente sentimiento anti-mercado que lo impulsa. A medida que miles de ricos abandonan el país, analizamos las razones detrás de esta tendencia, desde la desconfianza hacia la acumulación de riqueza hasta el impacto de la regulación gubernament…
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In this captivating episode of 22 George Street, we explore the intriguing phenomenon of anti-market sentiment in the UK and its alarming connection to the exodus of millionaires. As the nation faces pressing challenges like climate change and inequality, many are embracing a mindset reminiscent of Eastern European socialist failures, leading to bu…
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我想说的这个地方我超级熟悉 The public park or garden that I like to talk about is quite familiar to me 很多人开始不知道这个地方 At the beginning, not a lot of people got to know such a special place because it was right located in the city center 真事儿 But it happened for real 消除疲劳 all the fatigues and that would be gone, you know, after traveling to the park…
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En este episodio de 22 George Street, nos sumergimos en una pregunta clave: ¿Es el sistema financiero un héroe o un villano en la sociedad moderna? Desde la creciente desconfianza global hacia las finanzas hasta la revolución del dinero móvil en Kenia, te contamos cómo las finanzas están transformando vidas, empoderando a mujeres y, al mismo tiempo…
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在这一期的 22 George Street,我们将探讨一个让人又爱又恨的话题——金融到底是在帮助我们,还是在伤害我们? 金融精英主义和民粹主义的较量已经在全球范围内引发了激烈讨论。我们会聊聊全世界还是有1/4的人没有银行账户,而肯尼亚的移动支付彻底改变了数百万人的生活,以及金融科技、绿色金融如何在塑造未来经济的同时,带来更公平的机会。 金融不仅仅是华尔街的富人游戏,它在你我身边都有着看不见的力量!无论是你手机上的支付,还是影响气候的投资,每一笔钱都在塑造着我们的世界。这期节目将打破你对金融的刻板印象,让你重新认识钱的真正力量。准备好了吗?让我们一起发现金融背后的那些鲜为人知的故事吧!由22 George Street
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In this episode of 22 George Street, we’re taking a fresh look at finance and asking a big question: Is finance helping or hurting society? With growing distrust in the financial system and populist movements on the rise, many people feel that finance only serves the wealthy. But is that the whole story? We explore how finance can actually empower …
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和爸妈一起住在郊区 I'm living with my parents and of course we live on the suburb 热闹的街道 I'm mean the busy street or road 街上看不到人 you wouldn't find many people on the street too 可以的话 还是希望回到市中心居住 if possible, I also want to move back to the central area of the city
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喜欢搞笑电影 I love watching different kinds of funny movies, especially the comedies 尤其是忙碌之余 especially after a tough day of work or study 一直陪伴着我 then a funny movie will be with me all the time 很多喜剧片无聊 a lot of comedies are not very interesting in fact
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放在记忆里 because by doing so, I would put it in my memories, you know, not only in my smartphone but also in my memories 记录美好 I would remember something good and something wonderful in my life 分享 很快乐 I like to share it with other people and I'll feel very happy too 就像做了好事很开心一样 It's like that I'm doing something good and putting a smile of joy on my fa…
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十五六岁的年纪 probably at the age of fifteen or sixteen 不知道为啥 但是真事儿 I didn't know why, but it happened for real 忙碌之后 去超市 回家 finishing a tough day of my work or study, then going to the supermarket, then I would get back home on my own 患难见真情 a friend in need is a friend indeed
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每个人都想买房 Undoubtedly, almost everyone in the world wants to buy a house 私有的 just their own properties 家是港湾 home is the center of the life. Home is the best place for them to warm up themselves 一辈子的贷款 People have to borrow lots of money from the bank and give the money back to the bank after their whole lifetime…
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价格合理 you will find it has a reasonable price 人们都买的起 Almost everyone can afford it. Almost everyone can buy it 在两个地方买的东西 it is about the products or the items that you want to buy in two different places 一些小物件 like some ingredients for example, like some living stuff for example
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