Moosaa Richardson responds to some of the recent nonsense coming from Dr. Tahir Wyatt during a Friday khutbah delivered at the "United Muslim Masjid" in Philadelphia (may Allah be gracious to its people and guide them away from such harmful misguidance). The khutbah, entitled: "Standing for Justice: Muslim Youth Are the Present!" was delivered on the 24th of Shawwaal, 1445 (May 3, 2024). In it, Dr. Tahir states about Muslim protesters involved in non-Muslim politcal activities in non-Muslim lands, at the time of Jumu'ah itself very near from the masjid, not attending Jumu'ah , claiming about such people: "As if Allah -'azza wa jalla'- is using them to show us what tawakkul looks like, what resiliance looks like, in front of our own eyes..." He said this about Muslims whom he described as "up the street, where we have Muslims in an encampment, up the street from us right now, at the University of Pennsylvania..." This khutbah is replete with misguidance, including Quranic Verses in praise of true believers being twisted and misapplied to these sinfully negligent Muslims, missing Jumu'ah without any valid excuse! Instead of admonishing them for neglecting one of their most essential duties as Muslims and directing them to repent and rectify their affair, he encourages them and praises them, even applying many Verses of Quranic praise to them specifically! This shows that Dr. Tahir's obsession with non-Muslim politics overtakes his most basic duties of reminding Muslims about essenital religious obligations. Be warned, and do not be a blind follower, deluded by fluffy academic qualifications!…