Luna see where oil comes from
Manage episode 338635161 series 3152400
Check out how green your grid is or if you are in Alberta how green it is at this very moment at This is a great tool that Electric Vehicle Association of Alberta has put together. It will definitely help also when comparing evs to gas vehicles.
You can check Ken out on his YouTube and Facebook@ EV Revolution Show or twitter @evrevshow. And check out his podcast EV Revolution Show for more news and talks about worldwide ev's. You can email Ken at evrevo;[email protected].
If you would like more info or to contact Tyler at Envirodel feel free to check out his website at or email him at [email protected], on LinkedIn at Envirodel Zero Emissions Courier and also on Instagram @Envirodelwpg or call @204-806-9918
Check Easy EV Install out if you are in Manitoba and looking at getting an EV. You can find and contact Marc on Linkedin and Facebook at Easy EV Install and on Instagram and Twitter at @EasyEVInstall. you can also call or text him at 431-999-EASY(3279) or email at [email protected].
Shaun Loney's books An Army Of Problem Solvers and Beautiful Bailout is available on Amazon and more info is available at:
If you are in the Winnipeg or surrounding area and would like an independent shop to look at your electric vehicle, check out Erickson Motors:
Check out Saskatoon Electric Vehicle Association at There you will find links to their multiple social media accounts and a list of available Electric inventory throughout the province.
Check out the amazing work Chris is doing at Webb Motorworks and find out what new project the cyber beast is going into. Also if you would like to invest or help out find his contact info here:
For more info or to pick up your own EVOBD2 display go check them out at
If you want more info on the NeoCharge adapter take a look at Sun Country Highway's page:
Here is a link to Steve's YouTube channel:
Here is the link to kilowatt podcast:
Here is the link to EV Resources youtube:
Check out green your vehicle and grid is at
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Facebook link is: @truenorthev
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Email: [email protected]