ULEZ - The Facts on Ridge Radio [9 Feb 2023]
Manage episode 354951107 series 2159404
Today I was invited on Ridge Radio to talk about ULEZ. This is a recording of the Amanda Weston show from this morning. Lots of discussion on the problems with ULEZ expansion in this one!
Everything you need to know about ULEZ https://browncarguy.com/2023/01/17/ulez-everything-you-need-to-know/
Here are the other videos I've done on ULEZ
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Big Thanks to
AutoExotica (https://AutoExotica.com)
CraftLab (https://www.CraftLab.my)
Tom Conway-Gordon (instagram.com/tconwaygordon/)
Isaac Bouchard (bespokeautos.com)
Marc Waddell (twitter.com/elocutus55)
Zaka Khogyani (zakkhogyaniphotography.com)
Shaheer Hakki
Mohamed Al Musleh (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LZhIYsgOG4mZESw337HQA)
Reza Adil (Instagram.com/Alizarde.Cigars/)
Mohammed Qasim (wehms.com)
Salman Hussain (instagram.com/szhus13/)
TheCaffeineGTShop (caffeinegt.com)
Muhammad Ali Haji (instagram.com/behindthewheel.life)
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Brown Car Guy
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