CC5 - Trisha J. C-McMurray, a Language and Culture Educator, Professional and Entrepreneur.
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Trisha JCM es maestra de primaria en el estado de Nueva Jersey. Lo interesante y cautivador de Trisha es su herencia antillana/isleña multicultural. Ella nos va a contar un poco sobre su niñez y adolescencia, ya que también tiene una herencia afrodescendiente. 'm Yovy D, a former media broadcaster who transitioned into podcasting in 2017. My podcasting journey was driven by a series of layoffs I experienced—three times in just five years. This desire to switch careers was a long-standing passion, dating back to my high school days when I was a devoted TV viewer, particularly of talk shows. During that time, I realized my true calling was in journalism, explicitly producing content. To confirm my abilities, I decided to engage with the public and put my skills to the test. Fast forward to today, and I've successfully launched my English podcast, "The Yovy D," while wholeheartedly embracing and celebrating my unique accent. Moreover, I've ventured into creating the "Chombita Chronicles" podcast. This podcast chronicles my life journey as a Latina, Black, college-educated individual exposed to unique educational and career opportunities. The "Chombita Chronicles" primarily serves as a storytelling platform, advocating for and showcasing the personal narratives of Afrolatinx individuals. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that the views expressed by our guests, me, or sponsors may not necessarily reflect or align with the policies and ethical standards of ALKIRIA MEDIA PRODUCTIONS, LLC. These opinions are solely those of the individuals, agencies, or businesses involved. Additionally, explicit language may be used for illustrative purposes in the content. PODCAST EDITING & VO SERVICES: #ChombitaChronicles#afrolatinidad #afrolatinasenladiaspora#transferrableskills#educadoracultural#maestraprimaria #worldteachersday #frombroadcast2podcast#podcast#diversity #hispanics #latino #afrolatinidad #transferrableskills #businesstips #businessethics