School Me; Working History; Working to Live In Southwest Washington; America’s Workforce Radio; What Do Workers Want?; Working Voices; Working People
Manage episode 448082026 series 3547780
On this week’s show: The NEA’s School Me podcast takes a peek into the exciting weekend of training hosted by NEA's See Educators Run team…Step Up Louisiana co-founder and co-director Maria Harmon joins the Working History podcast to talk about the group’s Freedom Summer-inspired voter turnout campaigns and grassroots mobilization efforts in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Jefferson Parish…on the Working to Live In Southwest Washington podcast, Harold sits down with State Senate candidate Adrian Cortes and State House candidates John Zingale and Deken Letinich to find out the differences - and similarities - between the Federal Legislature and the State Legislature, the value of failure, and how you can change things in your state by talking to local legislators…Jason Lopes, Health Care Director for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and a business agent for Teamsters Local 25, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the new national master agreement for workers at the American Red Cross…on What Do Workers Want? -- a podcast about what brings social movements together and drives them apart -- Sarah and Max ask the tear-jerking questions about movement breakups, wounded hearts and petty revenge fantasies…and in our final segment, volunteer blood courier Larry Martin on That's My Job, from the Working Voices podcast.
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Highlights from labor radio and podcast shows around the country, part of the national Labor Radio Podcast Network of shows focusing on working people’s issues and concerns.
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Edited by Patrick Dixon, produced by Chris Garlock; social media guru Mr. Harold Phillips.