How Jesus Taught Us to Face Injustice
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Christ… suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.
1 Peter 2:21
At some point in your life, people will oppose you. They may even hate you. You may experience this in the context of business or in your family. Peter says the suffering of Jesus gives us a model to follow. What is His example?
No retaliation
When he was reviled, he did not revile in return (2:23). When someone hurts you, your first instinct will be to hurt them back. Jesus did not retaliate. When someone undermines confidence in you, your instinct will be to undermine confidence in them. Jesus did not do that.
No threats
When he suffered, he did not threaten (2:23). If anyone was in a position to threaten those who opposed Him, it was our Lord. He could have threatened hell, fire and damnation. But He chose not to do that. And, Peter says, “Neither should you.” Never make threats. Don’t threaten to get even. Don’t threaten to resign. Don’t say, “If you do this, I’ll do that.” Jesus made no threats.
Trust God
[He] continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly (2:23). When Jesus faced extraordinary injustice He said, “I know that my Father is just, and He knows all things. So, I entrust myself to Him, knowing that one day He will make all things known.” And in this, Jesus is our example.
We live in a world where the truth is often not known, and if it was, people wouldn’t believe it. How do you live in a world like that? You hold on to the justice of God.
Reflect on the past month or two of your life: How are you responding to injustice?