050 [Part 2] 2024 Wins and 2025 Game Plans
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Meet and learn from four of your fellow Real Estate Team OS listeners who share 2024 wins and 2025 game plans with you.
Each person shares what's ahead in 2025, the state of their real estate business today, and what they've learned and implemented from guests on the show.
A few themes in this special year-end episode:
- People power (and supporting systems)
- Content creation (and audience attraction)
- Mortgage partners (and client experience)
Listen to Ep 050 of Real Estate Team OS with:
Jonathan Campbell
CEO and Owner of Jon Campbell Team brokered by REAL in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
- Why market conditions weren't his biggest challenge in starting his real estate career in 2007
- What makes his team's productivity (45-50 transactions per agent per year) possible
- How he runs his agent recruiting conversations to find likable and coachable people
- How they set granular, bi-weekly goals for the year ahead
- https://www.instagram.com/jsooup/
- https://www.instagram.com/joncampbellteam
Jennifer Staats
Owner of Staats Solutions and Director of Ops with Digital Maverick and ez Home Search
- How she discovered real estate operations as a passion and skill
- Two categories of agents and teams who need a stronger focus on operations
- Why the right systems (and/or people) are necessary for growth and scale
- The main areas and activities she's evaluating as part of annual business planning
- https://www.instagram.com/jennifertherealtor/
Brandon Doyle
Realtor with Doyle Real Estate Team with RE/MAX Results in Maple Grove, MN
- How The Customer Experience Podcast and Chief Evangelist led him to Real Estate Team OS
- Why they doubled back into a father-and-son real estate team after growing agent count
- Learning from more people in a real estate team than the CEO and team leader
- How his YouTube channel on smart home technology helps his real estate business
- https://linktr.ee/brandondoylemn
Kim Robert Schieldknecht
Broker/Owner of Transaction Alliance, an independent brokerage in Cincinnati, OH
- Things to look for, expect, and value in a mortgage partner
- Why real estate franchise and brokerage brands aren't as important as personal agent brands
- Why Real Estate Team OS is "the best show in the real estate business" (and what else he's watching)
- The brokerage model that's led to start-up costs being covered and profitability in the first year
- https://jointransactionalliance.com/
Episodes mentioned by these four guests:
- 002 Laurie Finkelstein Reader https://www.realestateteamos.com/episode/laurie-finkelstein-reader-people-over-profits
- 027 Grant Wise https://www.realestateteamos.com/episode/real-estate-team-performance-marketing-grant-wise
- Inside The Laughton Team with George Laughton https://www.realestateteamos.com/episode/inside-laughton-team-phoenix-george-laughton
- Inside Whissel Realty with Kyle Whissel https://www.realestateteamos.com/episode/inside-whissel-realty-ceo-team-leader-kyle-whissel
- FUBCON Session with Tom Ferry https://www.realestateteamos.com/episode/tom-ferry-differentiation-accountability
- FUBCON Session with Mike Simonsen (Altos Research) https://www.realestateteamos.com/episode/mike-simonsen-altos-research-real-time-data
- Inside Whissel Realty series https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCJiXNo93cVqQmwl4tTOQYebBkBoL6ipz
- Inside The Laughton Team series https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCJiXNo93cVr9Oc0ptse5z6Vaq5l0T1kA
Make Real Estate Team OS part of your 2025 game plan! Get instant access to seven subscriber-only episodes and email-exclusive insights every week: https://realestateteamos.com/subscribe
Get instant access to 8 subscriber-only episodes: https://realestateteamos.com/subscribe