Costa's Audio Book: Patrick Süskind "Perfume: The story of a Murderer" 40th Anniversary Part II, 23-30 讀你聽2.2《香水:一個謀殺犯的故事》
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Costa's Audio Book “CAB” presents
Patrick Süskind "Perfume: The story of a Murderer" 40th Anniversary
Translated by John E. Woods
德國作家Patrick Süskind 於1985年創作的歷史奇幻小說
故事主角出生於十八世紀巴黎 備受冷落的孤兒
能分辨世界上的無數氣味 成為一名香水師
本作已被翻譯成四十九種語言 全球銷量超過兩千萬本
1987年榮獲世界奇幻文學獎和 PEN 翻譯獎
附注:2025年度周年紀念作 包括
Perfume, The Great Gatsby, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Don Quixote Volume I & II, Metamorphosis, Jane Eyre, The Brothers Karamazov
Part II, 23-30
00:22 二十三 向南進發 遠離人烟 遠離巴黎人的體臭 主角心神越發颯爽 他決定晚上行動 盡量避開所有人 包括市鎮 村莊 乃至山上牧者
08:42 二十四 主角終於找到一處棲身之所 深山山洞 欣喜若狂 高聲呼喊不止
13:50 二十五 不願出洞 主角只偶爾出洞捕捉蛇娃充飢 其餘時間留在洞裏
19:00 二十六 腦海裏 主角細味着往昔 所有人和事 都與氣味掛鈎 仿佛進入冬眠狀態 不斷縱情在記憶中的氣味之上
26:43 二十七 内心搭建紫色城堡 主角成爲堡主 放任品嘗任何年份的美味 包括當日的紅髮女孩 此後他突然回到現實 激烈嘔吐 生不如死 久久未能平復
36:04 二十八 如此龜息 七年時間過去 外面世界發生的人事 戰亂 與主角無關 有年冬天甚至差點冷死 也總算捱過去 若果不是一次災劫 恐怕主角會繼續在洞中渡過餘生
37:45 二十九 災劫並非自然 而是主角内心 驚覺自身氣味 仍然虛無 為此反復試探 包括他的陳年被鋪 仍然毫無頭緒 爲此主角毅然離開洞穴 往南走去
48:00 三十 主角殘破的身軀被村民誤認野獸 被當地信奉理論的領主禮聘 作爲實驗品 供鄰近科學愛好者鑒賞 理論雖無稽 然而改造成功 主角改頭換面 衣著外表與常人無異
Main Characters (in order of appearance)
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille - gifted yet deeply disturbed, an orphan with extraordinary sense of smell
Father Terrier - a priest, briefly cares for Grenouille as a baby but is eager to rid himself of the unnerving babe
Madame Gaillard - cold and detached caretaker, took care of Grenouille after Terrier for a few years, driven by practicality rather than affection, died penniless
Grimal - a harsh and exploitative tanner, traded Grenouille from Gaillard as cheap labor, later traded him off for 20 gold, soon drowned drunk
Giuseppe Baldini - perfumer and glover, while his odor collection exceeds his capacity, struggles to create new perfume, he then made a fortune and fame by using Grenouille, after releasing his piper, died of building collapse
Marquis Taillade-Espinasse - Retired from court life at Versailles to pursue scientific discovery, his pet project is the idea of fluidum vitale, that the earth contains poisonous gases, hires Grenouille as test subject
Other characters: Grenouille's mother, La Fosse the officer, Jeanne Bussie the wet nurse, Jacques Lorreur the helper, teenage girl with alluring scent, Chenier the assistant, Count Verhamont, Pélissier the perfumer, Count d’Argenson, Feydeau de Brou, Giuseppe's wife Teresa
Costa's notes
Deliverance n the action of being rescued or set free; a formal or authoritative utterance 解救 拯救
Proviso n a condition or qualification attached to an agreement or statement 條款 附文 (pro VHY so)
Itinerant adj travelling from place to place; a person who travels from place to place 巡迴 遊走 (iTIN ner rant, like itinerary)
Effluvium n an unpleasant or harmful odour or discharge 不良 有害氣味 (eef FLU vium)
Rarefied adj (of air, especially that at high altitudes) of lower pressure than usual, thin; distant from the lives and concerns of ordinary people, esoteric=小衆 缺氧 稀薄 曲高和寡 (RARE re fied)
Incorporeal adj not composed of matter; having no material existence 無形 (in core POOR real)
Dissolute adj (of a person or a way of life) overindulging in sensual pleasures 放縱 (DIS sol lute)
Rake n a fashionable or wealthy man of immoral or promiscuous habits 浪蕩子
Carrion n the decaying flesh of dead animals 腐肉 (CARRY yun)
Satiation n the act of completely satisfying oneself or a need, especially with food or pleasure 滿足 飽足 (say she asian)
Delectation n pleasure and delight 美妙愉悅 (de lect TAY tion)
Tarry adj like or covered with tar 瀝青氣味 (TAR ry)
Vernal adj of, in, or appropriate to spring 春天的 春季
Anemone n a plant of the buttercup family which typically has brightly coloured flowers and deeply divided leaves 銀蓮花 (a NEM mony)
Fluidum Letale latin lethal liquid
Talcum n a cosmetic or toilet preparation consisting of the mineral talc in powdered form, typically perfumed 滑石爽身粉 (tal cum)
Linden n lime tree
Carmine n a vivid crimson colour 深紅
Flue n a duct for smoke and waste gases produced by a fire, a gas heater, a power station, or other fuel-burning installation 煙道
Complete Collection:
The Great Gatsby, And Then There Were None, Jekyll and Hyde, Maigret, 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Sparkling Cyanide, 4.50 from Paddington, Great Expectations
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