In the creative world, passion and talent are essential. But understanding the business side is fundamental for sustained success. "From Creative Passion To Profit" bridges the gap between creativity and commerce, providing you with the tools to manage your finances, develop marketing strategies, and grow your entrepreneurial mindset. By focusing on practical financial and business advice, specifically for individual artists and creatives, this podcast will provide valuable and focused support. Each episode delves into topics such as crafting a winning business plan, demystifying taxes, pricing your work confidently, and overcoming the starving artist mentality. Our goal is to equip you with actionable insights to make informed decisions, ensuring your creative practice not only survives but flourishes. Join us as we explore the intersection of art and business, helping you turn your passion into a profitable and fulfilling career. Subscribe today and take the first step towards mastering your creative enterprise with From Creative Passion To Profit!
What happens when an elephant is rescued from a cruel existence performing in a circus or other entertainment venue? The size and social needs of elephants present big problems for those who rescue them. Scott Blais knows the challenges and better yet the solutions that face those who rescue and provide refuge for the biggest land animals on earth. In Elephants in Brazil? Scott shares with us how World Sanctuary for Elephants is meeting this challenge. He also relates how he became involved in the mission of protecting, rescuing and providing sanctuary for elephants worldwide. Scott’s story is inspirational and one that those who aspire to help animals must hear. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Elephants in Brazil on Pet Life Radio
What happens when an elephant is rescued from a cruel existence performing in a circus or other entertainment venue? The size and social needs of elephants present big problems for those who rescue them. Scott Blais knows the challenges and better yet the solutions that face those who rescue and provide refuge for the biggest land animals on earth. In Elephants in Brazil? Scott shares with us how World Sanctuary for Elephants is meeting this challenge. He also relates how he became involved in the mission of protecting, rescuing and providing sanctuary for elephants worldwide. Scott’s story is inspirational and one that those who aspire to help animals must hear. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Elephants in Brazil on Pet Life Radio
This Holiday Special dedicated to all the wonderful humans who volunteer for and work at animal shelters around the country. Please remember our furry friends who don't have forever homes. Contribute to your favorite shelter or rescue organization. After you enjoy this hopeful tale of what happened at one animal rescue, look online and see what is on their wish list. Many rescue and shelters need used towels, dog or cat food, bedding, and even newspapers. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - A Visit from Nick the Animal Advocate on Pet Life Radio…
Between the two of them this will make the third appearance of either Tim Phillips and/or his wife Jan Creamer co-founders of Animal Defenders International (ADI) appearing on Awesome Animal Advocates. Listen as Tim Phillips brings us up to date on the success of the film Lion Ark, and what he and Jan are doing in Peru. When you do you’ll understand why ADI is a featured news item on a national network news program such as ABC’s Nightline. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Meet Tim Phillips of ADI who was Featured on ABC’ Nightline on Pet Life Radio…
Sometimes people rise to a challenge and find a way to help not only animals but humans. Linda Walter, founder of Four Paws Food Pantry and her colleagues are just such examples. Linda saw a problem and instead of complaining about it created a solution that has benefitted countless cats and dogs and their human companions in Eastern Tennessee. As of August of this year they have delivered almost 100 tons of pet food for the pets of families coping with financial difficulties This episode of Awesome Animal Advocates contains valuable information from Linda on not only what she did, but advice to those who are thinking of founding a not for profit organization but who may be afraid to do so. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Four Paws Food Pantry Provides a 100 Ton Solution to a Challenge on Pet Life Radio…
What happens when an elephant is rescued from a cruel existence performing in a circus or other entertainment venue? The size and social needs of elephants present big problems for those who rescue them. Scott Blais knows the challenges and better yet the solutions that face those who rescue and provide refuge for the biggest land animals on earth. In Elephants in Brazil? Scott shares with us how World Sanctuary for Elephants is meeting this challenge. He also relates how he became involved in the mission of protecting, rescuing and providing sanctuary for elephants worldwide. Scott’s story is inspirational and one that those who aspire to help animals must hear. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Elephants in Brazil on Pet Life Radio…
Blood of the Tiger is a story set against China’s ascendance to power and the global fight against the forces of greed on behalf of tigers and other endangered species. Meet J. A. Mills, author of Blood of the Tiger: A story of conspiracy, greed and the battle to save a magnificent species. Hear her story about the greed and corruption of those who will and do exploit wild tigers and other endangered species. Listen as Mills tells how she followed the trail of this story and found the unintended consequences to wild tigers that were created by allowing the breeding, raising and slaughter of tigers for tiger bone wine and other gourmet treats. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Blood of the Tiger...Gourmands Drink Tiger Bone Wine and Sup on Tiger Cuisine on Pet Life Radio…
A few weeks ago while preaching his sermon Br’er Dan said, "Animal abusers bother me more as I grow older." As he spoke those words it struck me that Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates had not invited a cleric to be a guest on the show. After 64 episodes I thought it was time to get a clergyman’s perspective on advocating for animals. Meet Br’er Dan and learn one preacher’s take on being kind to animals. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Practicing What You Preach on Pet Life Radio…
Bright lights and dangerous building designs in cities throughout North America kill an estimated one billion birds each year. Hear what is being done to reduce this carnage thanks to people like Chicago’s Annette Prince and her network of volunteers. On this episode of Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates Annette shares how she and her volunteers pluck the stunned bodies of these fragile creatures from the streets and sidewalks of Chicago. Listen to this episode, because who knows? The next time you see a pretty bird or hear one sing, it could be a bird saved by someone like Annette. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Cities are Death Traps for a Billion Migrating Birds on Pet Life Radio…
Hear how Brad Childs and Jonathan Plesset melded their executive business skills along with their love of flying. The result was the formation of an extraordinary nonprofit that flies to rescue dogs and other animals and then carries them to safety. The Pittsburg Aviation Animal Rescue Team (PAART) story is an inspiration for animal lovers and is further demonstration that animal advocates have a variety of background and skills. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Flying to the Rescue on Pet Life Radio…
It is heartbreaking to hear how humans will frequently abandon a canine companion that has been loyal for years, simply because the dog is old. On this episode of Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates learn how an amazing organization of angels helps animal shelters and rescue organizations provide for the special care senior dogs sometimes need, and find homes for these dogs. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Old But Not Forgotten on Pet Life Radio…
This episode focuses on the unique bond between dogs and humans and how this bond is forged by groups such as Smoky Mountain Service Dogs Organization to a wonderful and symbiotic relationship between dogs and the veterans they assist. Learn how Smoky Mountain Service Dogs are making far more differences in the lives of their disabled veterans than imagined and why these dogs live to love to help their veterans. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Smoky Mountain Service Dogs on Pet Life Radio…
Anyone who hates rats and anyone who loves cats will enjoy this incredibly fascinating episode of Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates. The story of Cats and rat control is one of the oldest relationships between animals and humans. Ancient Egyptian art shows cats at royal granaries where they protected the grain from being spoiled by rats. Today volunteer organizations such as Chicago’s Cats At Work are again teaming up with cats to help rid city neighborhoods of rats. Dr. Anne Beall , author of COMMUNITY CATS: A JOUNEY INTO THE WORLD OF FERAL CATS shares with us the fascination story of how spayed and neutered feral cats are helping to solve Chicago’s rat problem, humanely and cost effectively resolving the feral cat problem, and more. No other program brings the variety and depth of animal advocate stories than Pet Life Radio’s Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates. That is why animal advocates, their followers and animal lovers everywhere make this a must listen to Pet Life Radio Program. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Cats: Ancient Rodent Control Method has Cost Effective and Humane Benefits on Pet Life Radio…
The Humane Society of the United States claims it is, "The nation’s largest and most effective animal protection organization." Yet there are critics of the HSUS who claim, "The advertising of the Humane Society of the United States is false by implying it runs animal shelters when in fact only 1 percent of the donations the HSUS collects", that HSUS is charged with Federal racketeering and more. Listen as Sarah Barnett, HSUS senior reputation manager responds to criticisms of the Humane Society of the United States on this episode of Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - HSUS Spokesperson Answers Critics on Pet Life Radio…
Death of a beloved pet is upsetting for millions of pet owners each year. Yet, many of their peers scoff at the idea of bereavement over an animal. Hear what Dr. Alice Villalobos has to say about the human/animal bond and why she developed the universal human animal bond scale. Don’t miss this uplifting and inspiring episode of Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Losing A Pet on Pet Life Radio…
"Most immediately, our work is helping the animals and ending shelter killing. But on another level, this is about saving people. It’s about saving our relationship to the animals and the planet," says Francis Battista. The carnage is truly astounding. Each day an estimated 5,000 to 5,500 dogs are legally euthanized in the United States by kill shelters that are supported by taxpayer money. Unfortunately even more cats meet their deaths each day at these same shelters. In this episode meet Francis Battista and learn what this remarkable man and others like him are doing to help end the carnage of dogs and cats and make this a no-kill nation. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Is No-Kill a Reality or Just a Dream on Pet Life Radio…
Keith and Max read an original holiday poem, A Visit from Nick the Animal Advocate Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - A Visit from Nick the Animal Advocate on Pet Life Radio
Bob Barker turned 91 years old the day this episode was aired. When I interviewed him I was inspired by his enthusiasm and support for animal advocacy groups. I am sure all our listeners will be equally inspired. I strongly urge anyone who loves and wants to help animals to listen to this interview. Television Celebrity Bob Barker is one of the best friends animals have ever had. His love for them is heartfelt and generous. Hear how at 91 years of age he is heavily involved in helping Animal Defenders International save circus lions from a cruel life in Peru. Catch up with what Bob Barker is doing for ADI and other advocate groups on this episode of Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Guess What Bob Barker is Up To? Would you Believe Helping Animal Defenders International Save 30 Lions in Peru on Pet Life Radio…
Darlene Arden author, award winning writer and animal behaviorist shares a disturbing trend that includes people literally throwing their pets away in places such as trash bins, what she thinks about giving pets as gifts and more on this episode of Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Darlene Arden Discusses that Doggie in the Dumpster, and Answers the Question, Do Pets Make Good Gifts on Pet Life Radio…
Dr. Roger Mugford, author, psychologist, inventor and preeminent UK animal behaviorist shares some interesting points of view in this episode of Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates. He also explains how humor is used in Wetnose Animal Aid, an umbrella charity which aims to raise awareness for all of the UK’s hardworking regional animal shelters that work tirelessly to help local strays and pets in need. Make sure you listen to this episode and share it with your friends. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Exclusive Interview with the Preeminent UK Animal Behaviorist and Friend to Animals on Pet Life Radio…
Is a well-trained dog really happier, healthier and safer? How do you find a good trainer for your dog? Can cats be trained? Mychelle Blake, CEO of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers shares her thoughts on these subjects and more. If you have a dog or are about to add one to your family make sure you listen to this episode of Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Building Better Trainers Through Education on Pet Life Radio…
In this episode of Awesome Animal Advocates you will learn how you can win a free portrait of your pet by Ramsey Beyer, the illustrator for the newly released book Daisy to the Rescue. You will also learn that animals are not only our companions, in many cases, true lifesavers as Jeff Campbell, author of Daisy to the Rescue, shares some of the amazing and true stories in Daisy to the Rescue. Hear Jeff tell how wild African Lions saved and protected a kidnapped girl, how Daisy the dog used what her human taught her to save her human’s life and life and more. As you listen to Jeff you will soon understand why his book is more than a compilation of 50 stories and why readers will be stimulated to find their own answers to the questions about animal intelligence. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Daisy to the Rescue on Pet Life Radio…
Learn how a math consultant made the switch that led to the formation of Safe Humane Chicago. Safe Humane is a unique organization that is based on a principle that a humane community is safer. Safe Humane Chicago is an innovative organization that was founded to make communities safer by reducing violence for children and companion animals. Its focus on education, advocacy, and second chances for at-risk youth and animals continues to make a difference. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Safe Humane Chicago on Pet Life Radio…
This episode is for everyone who has ever adopted a rescue dog and understands the special bond that can grow between human and dog. Max A Pooch agrees 100 percent with the mission of the book Rescue Me by Val Silver. Learn from this award winning author, teacher and animal lover what the Mission of Rescue Me is. Listen as Val shares with us why she wrote the book. Rescue Me is a collection of twelve original inspirational short stories, complete with photos and accompanying audios, of ten dog lovers who rescued the dogs who ultimately rescued them. This book contains true tales of extraordinary commitment, physical and emotional healing, life lessons learned, overcoming challenges, faith, twists of fate, new lives, and the magical joy that comes from the bond of unconditional love and acceptance between humans and their dogs. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Rescue Me on Pet Life Radio…
As a veterinarian Dr. Glenn Buckley was able to help one pet at a time. He wanted to do more. Through Pet Rescue Rx he can now help so many more pet. Hear how his company Pet Rescue Rx will provide continuing financial support to shelters from the purchases made;. 100% of the net profits will be given to shelters selected by customers so they can directly support the shelter or rescue of their choice. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Veterinarian Finds Way to Help Fund Animal Shelters and Rescues on Pet Life Radio…
I recently wrote a book review for Chicago Animal Advocacy on a unique and inspirational book titled Wild Ocean: Sharks, Whales, Rays, and other Endangered Sea Creatures. It is an anthology of 12 stories that are factual, yet have a touch of whimsy about 12 endangered species of sea animals. I was so struck by this collaborative effort of 17 cartoonists and writers I wanted to share it with the audience of Max A Pooch's Awesome Animal Advocates and I contacted Matt Dembicki the editor of Wild Ocean so he could share why he started this project and tell us more about this fascinating book. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Wild Ocean on Pet Life Radio…
Tim Phillips is co-founder and Vice President of Animal Defenders International. Tim discusses two very timely topics. The first is the horrific findings from an investigation ADI has made about monkeys that are supplied to the U.S for experiments in Laboratories. The second subject Tim discusses is the historic bill that was recently introduced by Congressman Jim Moran (D) of to end use of wild animals in travelling circuses that he recently introduced in Congress. Tim discusses what can be done to stop the transfer of monkeys by Air France from their homes to research facilities in America and elsewhere. He also provides insight as to the trauma and stress wild and exotic circus animals face traveling and performing. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - The Bad Kind of Monkey Business on Pet Life Radio…
Our pets can change our lives in ways in which we never dreamed. Vicki Price never imagined that a search for dog treats that she felt were safe enough to feed her dog Cooper would lead to a successful business venture. Learn the story behind Cooper’s Way Gourmet Jerky Treats and the remarkable woman who shares her success with animal shelters and humans. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Cooper's Way on Pet Life Radio…
Robert Misseri, President of Guardians of Rescue, is always ready to help the next animal in need. He is the President and founder of the non-profit group called Guardians of Rescue, an organization based in New York, whose mission is to protect the well-being of all animals by providing aid to animals in distress. His compassion and life long commitment to helping these animals in need provided the basis in creating People Helping Animals and Animals Helping People by facilitating fostering programs, rehabilitation, assisting other rescue groups, and providing support to both military and civilian families in need due to economic factors, deployment or other issues. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Real Men Save Animals on Pet Life Radio…
If anyone doubts the ability of animals to help children they should hear the story of NUBS the Parakeet and of NUBS the organization that brings children and animals together. Kristin Ludwig the founder of NUBS shares the inspiring store of a one-legged blue parakeet who helps teach children about resiliency. This episode of Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates is yet another example of why animals can be and are special. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - The Inspirational Story of a One-legged Parakeet Named NUBS on Pet Life Radio…
As the director of the New York City Feral Cat Initiative, a program of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals, Mike Phillips leads the effort to solve NYC’s feral cat-overpopulation crisis. Considered a nuisance by many because of their fierce fighting and prolific mating, tens of thousands feral cats live in colonies throughout the five boroughs. With many neighborhoods at a loss as to how to deal with these unruly felines, Phillips has become New York City’s go-to guy. His broad expertise includes knowing how to manage feral cat colonies; how to carry out TNR (trap, neuter, return), the safe and humane way to control feral cat-overpopulation; and how to round up even the hardest-to-catch feral. Phillips runs workshops on these topics and others, both in New York and around the country. He even runs a workshop on how to tame feral kittens and turn them into adoption-ready pets. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - NYC Feral Cats Have Mike Phillips a Talented and Creative Force Advocating for Them on Pet Life Radio…
Recently Chicago Cat Rescue held its 6th annual Sexy Black event to help educate and create awareness about a syndrome that is peculiar to black cats and dogs. Julie Adams, co-founder of Chicago Cat Rescue shares what this syndrome is, some reasons why it exists, and what her group does to help fight it. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Sexy Black on Pet Life Radio…
An estimated 5500 dogs a day are euthanized at kill shelters. Unfortunately, some shelters still gas dogs, cats and other companion animals. Kim Alboum, North Carolina state director for the Humane Society of the United States recently spoke out about Randolph county, NC saying, 'It is shocking that a North Carolina county would return desperately needed funding for their animal shelter because they would rather continue a practice (gassing) that has been denounced by every national humane organization. This does nothing but hurt the animals of Randolph County, for absolutely no reason.' Listen to Kim as she discusses the horrific act of gassing of animals, puppy mills and other animal advocacy issues. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Humane Society Working to Eliminate Gas Chambers in NC Shelters on Pet Life Radio…
Do you have a cause and want to rally supporters? Learn about online campaigning platforms from animal rights and environmental campaign manager Nick Magel. Listen as Nick shares how you can motivate supporters to action on online campaign platforms such as This is must listening for any pet or animal lover who wants to increase their ability to draw attention to their favorite cause. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Animal Advocates, Learn How to Motivate Followers on Pet Life Radio…
Sarah Hodgson recently wrote in her Huffington Post Blog , 'I don’t think dogs should bite people, but sometimes they’re left no other option.' This is a must-hear episode for anyone who owns a dog, because the sad truth is any dog might bite. And each year countless dogs are put down because they bit someone, frequently the incident could have been avoided. In this episode of Max A Pooch's Awesome Animal Advocates Sarah will answer questions such as Aren’t all dogs that bite dangerous, how do I hear the warning signs if a dog is going bite, and what are the top things to do to avoid being bitten when approaching a dog? Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Should the Dog Always be Blamed When it Bites a Human on Pet Life Radio…
Learn how a simple choice made by American consumers can help reduce the death and serious injury of an estimated 650,000 sea mammals annually. Zak Smith who helped compile the report Net Loss: The Killing of Marine Mammals in Foreign Fisheries, is a staff attorney for Natural Resources Defense Council’s (NRDC) Marine Mammal Protection Project. In this episode he discusses the carnage caused by foreign fisheries to an estimated 650.000 marine mammals each year, and how by selecting American caught seafood over foreign caught seafood American consumers can help reduce this horrendous depletion of sea mammals. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - The Seafood Situation on Pet Life Radio…
Meet Jena Ball, the kindness lady, creator of CritterKin, of Ricky Robby and Poco Loco books and more . Jena explains animals are part of our families and that is what CritterKin means. As family members pets should be treated with kindness. Learn how Jena takes her messages of kindness far beyond her books with personal appearances and lesson plans that educators can use in the classroom. Jena is an Awesome Animal Advocate because she communicates her message of kindness to animals to children with fantastic results. Her story is one you don't want to miss. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - CritterKin on Pet Life Radio…
Learn who Frankie the Walk’N Roll Dog was, and meet Barbara Techel the award winning author of Frankie, The Walk’N Roll Dog Children’s book series and the inspirational book Through Frankie's Eyes. Learn how Frankie inspired and changed Barbara Techel’s life and how her story gives others hope and inspiration to be the best they can be. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Meet the Lady Behind Joyful Paws and Walk'N Roll Day! on Pet Life Radio…
The cry of the wolf is perhaps the best known and most iconic sound made by any animal on earth. Yet, perhaps more myths and misunderstanding surround this animal than any other species on earth. Kent Weber, Mission: Wolf, Co-Founder and Executive Director, reveals some amazing facts about wolves, and how these amazing animals calm even tough gang bangers. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Mission: Wolf, From Wilderness to Classroom Dispelling Wolf Myths and Fears on Pet Life Radio…
This mild mannered professor and his dog Chaser proved to the scientific community what dog lovers have known all along... that dogs understand much of what we say. Chaser knows over a thousand of them- more than any other animal of any species except humans. In addition to common nouns like house, ball, and tree, she has memorized the names of more than one thousand toys and can retrieve any of them on command. Dr. John Pilley’s groundbreaking approach has opened the door to a new understanding of animal intelligence, one that requires us to reconsider what actually goes on in a dog’s mind. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Dr. John Pilley Proved to the Scientific Community What Every Dog Lover Already Knows on Pet Life Radio…
The IFAW recently released this blistering statement by Jeff Flocken condemning the Dallas Safari Club for auctioning a license to hunt and kill a black rhino. "This auction tells the world that some Americans will pay anything for the opportunity to kill one of the last of a species. It also sends a dangerous message that these iconic and disappearing animals are worth more as dead trophies to be mounted and hung on a wall in a Texas mansion, than living in the wild in Africa. This is not conservation, and it’s a sad joke that Dallas Safari Club is trying to call it that." In this thought provoking episode of Max A Pooch’s Awesome Animal Advocates, Jeff Flocken discusses this issue and shares with us some of the important work the IFAW is doing. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - IFAW Spokesperson Speaks Out Against Dallas Safari Club Auctioning of License to Hunt Endangered Species on Pet Life Radio…
Greg Gordon, the owner of Dog Patch Pet and Feed a pet store that sold commercially bred puppies, and the Cari Meyers founder of The Puppy Mill Project an anti puppy mill organization stopped yelling at each other and learned they had something in common. Now Dog Patch Pet is a humane pet store proudly stating on the home page of its website "We are a new type of pet store that matches rescues with forever home." In this episode of Max A Pooch's Awesome Animal Advocates Gordon discusses how he made the change and why the model works for him. This is a must hear episode for those who are against the sale of commercially bred puppies by pet stores, and pet store owners who are looking for a new business model that gains them lauds instead of criticism and demonstrations. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Dog Patch Pet and Feed Matching Rescues with Forever Homes on Pet Life Radio…
Meet Jane Hoffman, co founder, president and chair of the board of directors for Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals. Learn about this amazing coalition of more than 150 rescue groups and shelters, some of the projects it is involved in, and why Jane left a comfortable law practice to help animals. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - A Visit from Nick the Animal Advocate on Pet Life Radio…
Meet Jane Hoffman, co founder, president an chair of the board of directors for Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals. Learn about this amazing coalition of more than 150 rescue groups and shelters, some of the projects it is involved in, and why Jane left a comfortable law practice to help animals. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
Best-selling author and motivational speaker Charmaine Hammond shares with us who Toby is, and discusses how a sailboat accident that almost took her life and the life of her husband changed her. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Toby says, 'Be A Buddy Not A Bully' on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
Long Island philanthropist and vocalist Dahna Bender believes that God gave her her beautiful voice in order to help others through acts of kindness and giving, and in her world, those "others" include God's four-legged creatures. She was so touched so deeply by what the National Mill Dog Rescue, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Peyton, Colorado, does that she is donating 100% of the profits from her new Christmas CD, Giving of the Heart. Hear Dahna’s inspirational story. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Giving of the Heart on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
Learn how the 25 lions they rescued from Bolivian Circuses are doing in their new homes. Plus, share with them the gratifying successes of the Film Lion Ark on the film festival circuit. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Catch up with Jan Creamer and Tim Phillips in Lion Ark Revisited on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
Nugget the lost cat was euthanized after shelter personnel failed to detect the microchip that was imbedded in her. Today’s guest Pam Fernicola founder of Mobile Pet Microchipping shares Nugget's story, why you should microchip your pets and as importantly why you should check the microchip periodically and more! Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Would You Bet the Life of Your Pet on its Microchip on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
Susan Hargreaves founder of Animal Hero Kids says, ‘Humane Education is long term life insurance for the animals and the planet.’Hear Susan Hargreaves talk about the upcoming Animal Hero Kids Awards to be held on December 2 in LA, and how important it is to recognize acts of kindness by kids towards animals. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - November is World Animal Hero Kids Month on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
The 39 nominees for the Indianapolis Prize include the men and women who are among the most outstanding animal conversationalists in their fields. In the world of animal advocacy there is no grander prize and recognition than the combination of the Indianapolis Prize and the Lilly Medal. Learn what winning the Indianapolis Prize and the Lilly Medal means to the top animal conversationalists in both monetary support and peer recognition. Listen while Mike Crowther, President and CEO of the Indianapolis Zoological Society discusses past winners and this year’s nominees. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - The Grandest Prize in the World for Leading Animal Conversationalists and Environmentalists on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
Animal advocates around the world work hard to defend those who can’t speak for themselves. Learn about Gozques the charity started in Colombia by Jimena Hoyos. Hear Jimena’s inspirational story and her plans for Gozques. You will be fascinated with how Jimena Hoyos uses her formal artistic training. How she combines pictures of the street dogs of Colombia with junk found in their environment with captivating descriptions to help raise money to fund Gozques. Listeners will be and inspired by the passion this guardian angel has for saving the street dogs of Colombia. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Colombian Street Dogs Have an Animal Advocate Guardian Angel on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
Organizations such as Dogs on the Move are the keys in saving the lives of tens of thousands of dogs a year. The mission of Dogs on the Move is to transport dogs hundreds and even thousands of miles, saving them from shelters where the probability of euthanasia is high and transporting them to dog rescue organizations that place the dogs for adoption. Listen to the way Dogs on the Move responds to challenges such as heartworm disease, getting dogs vetted, and the ensnarling red tape they face when transporting dogs across multiple state borders. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - The Adventures of Dogs on the Move on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
Melanie Kahn was a television journalist. One day she was assigned to cover a Humane Society of the United Stated (HSUS) puppy mill rescue. Learn what horrific sights she saw that influenced her to make a dramatic career change and become an animal advocate. Melanie Kahn, HSUS animal advocate and senior director of the Stop Puppy Mills campaign explains the recent change that will allow the USDA to inspect the facilities of breeders who sell puppies online; and why buyers should still beware when buying puppies online or from pet stores. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Buyers Beware of Puppies Sold Online on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
This is a must-hear episode for any animal advocacy group faced with the challenge of raising funding through the harnessing the power of crowdfunding technology. Sometimes animal advocates are not very savvy when it comes to the technology of online marketing and fundraising. Learn how Angel Castillo, a tech savvy volunteer helped the founder of LA’s Downtown Dog Rescue. Hear how this resourceful volunteer used her professional marketing skills and GoFundMe, a crowdfunding technology to help raise enough money to help Downtown Dog Rescue obtain enough funding to obtain a new home. More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - How Technology Helped Raise Funding for this All-Volunteer Dog Rescue Shelter on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
Megan Blake, actress/The Pet Lifestyle Coach® and Super Smiley the Hero Dog Awards spokesdog talk about the Hero Dog Awards. Megan shares with us the amazing attributes of the Hero Dog Award finalists., her connection with Air Hollywood, and tells about the new Kindness Film Festival. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Megan Blake, Super Smiley and the Hero Dog Awards on Pet Life Radio…
Ever since she can remember Kathy Tarochione has been an animal lover. Early in her career she spent five years as Executive Director/Animal Shelter Manager at Save A Pet in Palatine, IL. Today, despite her busy career she still volunteers at her local shelters. Learn what she plans to do with some of the proceeds from her latest business endeavor Canine Community Reporters. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - This Executive’s Career Has Gone to the Dogs on Pet Life Radio…
Dog Ring a revolutionary idea from a dog lover and entrepreneur. 'If you like our products tell a friend. If you don’t, tell me, I’ll fix it.' Says David Wilder, inventor of the revolutionary Dog Ring. Listen to how Wilder's love of dogs was the catalyst that set him on a journey... a journey, that will be inspirational to any animal advocate or animal lover who has an idea that improves the quality of life of their pets. You'll learn about the Dog Ring, the Kickstarter campaign developed to help launch Dog Ring, and how you can be among the first to obtain this revolutionary product. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Join the Dog Ring Revolution on Pet Life Radio…
Learn why Karen McCumsey of Streator, IL believes many people abandon their pets in the rural area she lives in and what Karen is doing about it. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - For the Love of Pets, Helping Pets and People Through Rough Times on Pet Life Radio…
Meet Humphrey the inflatable Humpback whale, Toothless the 13 foot transparent white shark! Meet Deanna LaSusa-Hotchner, the amazing lady who combines her love of the animals of the depths with a unique blend of showwomanship and education to bring her world to schools, park districts, and more. Learn about Deanna’s latest project and the story behind Humphrey the Humpback whale, Toothless the great white shark and more in this episode of Max A Pooch’s awesome Animal Advocates. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Discover the Depths on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
More action adventure than a traditional documentary, Lion Ark follows one of the world's most ambitious and daring animal rescue, with a narrative meticulously compiled from film, interviews, conversations and the reactions of participants as events actually unfold. A shocking undercover investigation leads to a ban on animal circuses in Bolivia. But the circuses defy the law. The team behind the investigation returns, tracks down the illegal circuses and saves every animal. The confrontations, heartache and incredible risks the rescue team face are all captured before a joyous finale sees 25 lions airlifted to freedom in Colorado. An uplifting story of bravery, compassion, camaraderie and determination. How a poor but proud country said "no" to cruelty and how attitudes to animals were changed across an entire continent. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - The Story Behind the Film Lion Ark on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
Our guest, Diana Webster, writer, attorney and travel industry business professional discusses her recent paper about the impact stray dogs and cats can have on tourism. Learn the negative impact malnourished stray cats and dogs can have on tourism in tropical countries. What if anything can be done? And why humane solutions not only provide positive benefits to the tourism industry and local economy, but also benefit the overall economic and health of these communities. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Your Vacation Can Save Animals on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
Annie Blumenfeld, High School Student from Fairfield Connecticut is not one to sit around when there is a problem. She discovered that Teddy, the dog her family adopted had heartworm disease. As she watched the long and recuperation process Annie decided to raise awareness of heart-worm disease and formed Wags 4 Hope. Her goal is to help educate pet owners about heart-worm. She has appeared on TV, in print and also paints pictures to sell in order to raise money for Wags 4 Hope. Learn why that doggy in the window costs much more than most of the public realize. Meet Deborah Howard, Companion Animal Protection Society founder and president. Learn about why Howard was horrified when she learned what was behind the doggy in the window, and why she organized CAPS. Questions or Comments? Email Max A Pooch: More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Wags 4 Hope and CAPS on Pet Life Radio var ACE_AR = {Site: '845738', Size: '468060'};…
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