Wir sind Menschen mit einer Leidenschaft für Gott, für andere Menschen und für unsere Stadt Stuttgart.
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Sejam todos muito bem vindos ao Doxa Podcast! Conteúdo teológico e devocional em todas as plataformas! Siga o nosso Instagram: @doxacast
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Your hosts Daniel Silver & Addie Mena discuss the genres of science fiction & fantasy through the lens of Christianity to discover where and when those genres can be in agreement with our faith.
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Sermons from Doxa College Ministry at Faith Bible Church. View our full archive of sermons and resources at fbchurch.org/resources
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Dr. Chad Tucker is a Jesus-following, mission-leading, church-serving, people-loving, Bible-teaching pastor. Pastor Chad preaches with a passion to see people love Jesus, learn the Bible, and live on mission for the Glory (Doxa) of God. To learn more, visit http://doxachurch.life.
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Nosso objetivo é clarear as escrituras para todos discípulos de Jesus, entregando algo genuíno e comprometido com a verdade bíblica.
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Du entscheidest (3) | Was fürs neue Jahr wichtig ist | Christoph Stumpp by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Du entscheidest (2) | Was fürs neue Jahr wichtig ist | Silke Gabrisch by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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His Glory - our story | Vision Sunday | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Du entscheidest (1) | Was fürs neue Jahr wichtig ist | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Ich bin die Tür | Christoph Stumpp by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Führe uns nicht in Versuchung | VATERUNSER (8) | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Zwischen klug und blöd liegt oft nur eine Tankfüllung | Hoffnungssonntag | Michael Winkler by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Vergib uns unsere Schuld | VATERUNSER (7) | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Von der Verheißung zur Erfüllung | VATERUNSER (6) | Holger Genzmer by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute | VATERUNSER (5) | Silke Gabrisch by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Our total depravity makes it impossible for us to seek God and walk in his ways. We need God to make us alive spiritually through his grace. God chooses to make people alive, calling them to salvation in an effectual way. Passage: Ephesians 2:4–9由Faith Bible Church
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Dein Wille geschehe | VATERUNSER (4) | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Dein Reich komme | VATERUNSER (3) | Andreas Schäffer by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Sin has infected every single human being. It is important to know how our sin has broken a relationship with our sovereign God. No one seeks him, and as a result we make a mess of our lives. Only when we understand this bad news can the good news of God's grace have any appeal to us. Scripture: Romans 3:10-18…
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Vater Unser Im Himmel | VATERUNSER (2) | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Herr, lehre uns beten | VATERUNSER (1) | Ioannis Dekas by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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We often forget how transcendent God is, and try to think of him and related him as if he was on our level. We need to see God as high and lifted up and our hopelessness before him, unless he makes a way for our salvation. Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-7由Faith Bible Church
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Stark in und durch Krisen | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Wurzeln unseres Glaubens | Christoph Stumpp by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Über uns hinaus (6) | BEFÄHIGT DURCH DEN HEILIGEN GEIST | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Über uns hinaus (5) | BEFÄHIGT DURCH DEN HEILIGEN GEIST | Sam Krauter by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Vom Senfkorn | Reich Gottes Gleichnisse (4) | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Über uns hinaus (4) | BEFÄHIGT DURCH DEN HEILIGEN GEIST | Christoph Stumpp by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Haupt-Sache (4) | Christoph Stumpp by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Im neuen Menschen leben | Haupt-Sache (3) | Silke Gabrisch by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Verwurzelt sein und bleiben | Haupt-Sache (2) | Daniel Goerz by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Miteinander hören | Haupt-Sache (1) | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Über uns hinaus (3) | BEFÄHIGT VOM HEILIGEN GEIST | B. Hagenlocher Und C. Stumpp by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Über uns hinaus (2) | BEFÄHIGT DURCH DEN HEILIGEN GEIST | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Über Uns Hinaus (1) | BEFÄHIGT VOM HEILIGEN GEIST | Christoph Stumpp by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Von der bittenden Witwe | Reich Gottes Gleichnisse | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Bitte wenden (3) | JOEL | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Bitte wenden (2) | JOEL | Christoph Stumpp by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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The apostle Paul closes his letter to the Ephesians by explaining his faithful messenger and summarizing the message of the epistle. God calls all of the saints to do the work of ministry to encourage the hearts of their brothers and sisters. Scripture: Ephesians 6:21-24由Faith Bible Church
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Bitte wenden (1) | JOEL | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Paul encourages the believers in Ephesus to take up the armor of God by praying constantly in the Spirit, making prayer and supplication for others. Pray for not only ourselves, but for others, helps supply, equip, and strengthen believers in the spiritual war and can unleash a great power in their lives to make them bold ambassadors for the gospel…
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Wenn alles vorbei zu sein scheint | Hoffnung | Claude Greder by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Kontemplation | Lukas Knieß by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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As Paul draws to the close of his letter to the Ephesians, he says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord.” Believers need to realize that they are in the midst of spiritual war and that they wrestle with a formidable enemy, the devil and his demons. More powerful, though, is the power that God offers to believers. Believers must do everything they can t…
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Gerettet Und Frei (2) | Carol-Ann van Loggerenberg by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Josh Gilchrist and Jeremy Rainbow teach on Ephesians 6:1-9 covering what is looks like to walk worthy within families and workplaces. God has specific order that he has created, and he longs for people to ultimately honor one another. Authority is to be respected, and authority is to be respectful of those who are under it. Scripture: Ephesians 6:1…
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Gerettet & Frei (1) | Christoph Stumpp by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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We see the contrasting results of Jesus’ prayerful dependence in Gethsemane and the disciples spiritual lethargy. We need to realize that we are prone to temptation, and despite our best intentions, we are weak in and of ourselves, and we need to depend on the Lord. Scripture: Matthew 26:36-46由Faith Bible Church
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Von den anvertrauten Talenten | Reich Gottes Gleichnisse | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Was sucht ihr den Lebendigen bei den Toten? | Christoph Stumpp by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Glaube | DNA (3) | Silke Gabrisch by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Vertrauen | DNA (2) | Bastian Hagenlocher by Doxa Deo Stuttgart由Doxa Deo Stuttgart
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Marriage was instituted by God in the Garden where He joins a husband and wife together in a one flesh union. God has specific requirements for husbands and wives. Wives are to be submissive to their husbands as to the Lord, and husbands are to sacrificially and lovingly care for their wives as Christ loved the church. Marriage is to be a vivid pic…
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Those called to belong to Christ should know their spiritual surroundings and step carefully in wisdom, seeking to do what pleases the Lord. Believers must also choose to be filled with the Holy Spirit and live worshipful lives with one another. Scriptures: Ephesians 5:15-21由Faith Bible Church
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