Welcome to the weekly podcast from New Life Junior High! Listen to the sermons from our weekly Wednesday night services as we inspire, equip, and support junior high students with the word of God. To keep up with what is happening with New Life Student Ministries, follow us on Instagram @nlstudentministries.
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When shitty things are presented in audio form. Calling out all the cringy-enthusiasts in the entire universe.
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I was just bored so i saw that my friend was doing this so go check her out anchor.fm/some-random-stories
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This is about my life. Tips. Guides. Advice.
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To kick off our new series in the book of Corinthians, Pastor Nate spoke about God's generosity, highlighting how He continually gives us grace and the opportunity for unity through Him.由New Life Church
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Pastor Nate is back for the final week of our John Series, diving into John 21:15-19 where Jesus restores Peter after his failure. He calls him (and us) to repentance, deep love, and faithful discipleship; offering the hope that no matter our mistakes, God's love invites us to follow Him with purpose.…
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Student and Family Pastor from New Life East, Hannah Helwege spoke out of John 20:11-31 on how Jesus fulfills God's purposes and promises, revealing His identity and the hope of resurrection.由New Life Church
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Kayla Mendoza, from New Life Friday Night, spoke out of John 14 on how the Holy Spirit counsels us by helping, offering wisdom, and guiding us; encouraging us to ask, listen, and seek His direction.由New Life Church
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In John chapter 14, Pastor Nate emphasizes that Jesus is the only way to the Father, and that our lives must be fully devoted to seeking Him in all that we do.由New Life Church
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Pastor Nate shared from John chapter 10, highlighting how Jesus is the Good Shepherd who knows His flock. As His sheep, we recognize His voice, and He promises to protect us and lead us into abundant life.由New Life Church
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In his message inspired by the story of Lazarus in John chapter 11, Pastor Nate beautifully illustrated the compassionate and trustworthy heart of Jesus, emphasizing how, when we place our faith in Him, He can transform our sorrow into profound joy.由New Life Church
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This week we are in the book of John chapter 9 where Pastor Nate spoke on Jesus who is the Light of the World and how we need Him to enter into the dark areas of our lives to bring us freedom.由New Life Church
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Pastor Nate spoke on John 6, highlighting Jesus as the bread of life and explaining that you can receive eternal life through Him because His love is unconditional, He isn't exclusive, and the invitation to have these things are open to you right now.由New Life Church
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This week's message comes from John, chapter 4, focusing on the story of the woman at the well. Pastor Nate spoke about how, on our own, we are spiritually dehydrated and lacking, but in God, we find true and complete satisfaction.由New Life Church
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Visiting us from New Life Downtown, Pastor Stephen explores how through Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus in John 3, we learn the necessity of being born again by the Spirit, moving from darkness into light, and living in the truth of God's kingdom.由New Life Church
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Back from our summer break and heading into a new sermon series in the book of John, Pastor Nate spoke on how by believing that Jesus is the Son of God we are lead into finding life, light, grace, and truth.由New Life Church
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Pastor Nate shares on the importance of remembering the faithfulness of God and how focusing our eyes on His faithfulness helps us to endure through tough situations.由New Life Church
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In the second week of our Joshua series, Pastor Nate shares on how the merciful judgement and correction of God causes transformation in our faith and in how we live our lives.由New Life Church
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Pastor Nate shared in the second week of our Prayer Series on six different ways that God speaks to us; for example, through our circumstances and in the Word of God.由New Life Church
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We're starting off our brand new Prayer Series with the God Statement "God is Father" where Pastor Nate shares on some misconceptions of prayer that we might have as well as the joy that we can have in praying to God as our Father.由New Life Church
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Aidan Corley, the newest member of the Student Ministries team, joined us on Sunday to share the last message of our Hebrews series on how God, as our Father, disciplines and corrects His children out of His love for us so that we might be made Holy.由New Life Church
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Pastor Mateo gave a message out of Hebrews 11 and 12 and shared that God is worthy of our faith no matter how costly it is for us to follow Him.由New Life Church
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This week as we read out of Hebrews 10-11 we explore the truth of Jesus, our treasure, and the reality that if we don't hold onto Him we will lose heart and drift away.由New Life Church
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Camden Parks, one of our amazing student leaders, gave a message on Jesus the great High Priest and how He came as a representative of Heaven to walk with us, empathize with us, and to suffer for us.由New Life Church
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Pastor Nate shares a message on the unchanging character of God as shown in the book of Hebrews, and that because of His unchanging word and promises we can set our hope in Him.由New Life Church
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Pastor Nate shares in the second week of our Hebrews series on the rest that Jesus provides, and when we surrender our trust to Him we can enter into rest.由New Life Church
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This past Sunday we kicked off our series in the book of Hebrews with Pastor Mateo talking about how Jesus is God and that we can place our trust in Jesus and the truth that God spoke through Him.由New Life Church
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Closing out our Advent series Pastor Mateo speaks on joy and how we can experience true joy when we acknowledge God as the gift-giver, when we surrender our will for His will, and when we receive Christ's joy as our own.由New Life Church
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Our brand new Associate Student Ministry Pastor, Nate Workman, shares in the second week of Advent how we can find peace in our faith and in wholeness with God.由New Life Church
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Starting off this Advent season, Pastor Mateo gives a message on the hope that Jesus brings us and how we must anchor ourselves in the promises of God and the faithfulness of His character.由New Life Church
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We are in the final weeks of our Galatians Series and Pastor Mateo spoke on the humility of Jesus and what freedom looks like as we walk in unity with Him.由New Life Church
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Pastor Mateo shares a message reading through Galatians 5 on how to walk in the Spirit and how that leads us to sanctification through Jesus Christ.由New Life Church
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Guest Pastor Tim Shepard gives a powerful message out of the book of Galatians about how having faith requires us to have total dependence on God.由New Life Church
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Pastor Mateo jumps into our brand new sermon series in the book of Galatians and explains how Jesus being enough can justify, sanctify, and satisfy our lives.由New Life Church
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Pastor Mateo closes out our Alpha and Omega series with a message on God's faithfulness and how it is revealed in His goodness, His justice, His sovereign plan, and in his love.由New Life Church
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Following the story of Jacob in the book of Genesis, guest speaker Ryan Popineau gives a heartfelt message on how God withstands the trials of life with us.由New Life Church
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Pastor Victor walks through the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22, and how God is worthy of our love, obedience, surrender, and trust.由New Life Church
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Talking through the challenging story of the flood found in the book of Genesis, Pastor Mateo preaches on the compassion and heart of God the Father towards His people.由New Life Church
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Continuing our series through Genesis and Revelation, Pastor Mateo talks about how Jesus conquers our sin.由New Life Church
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Pastor Mateo continues our series through Genesis and Revelation by showing us how God's plan is to redeem our sin and brokenness both on the cross and at the end of all things.由New Life Church
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Kicking off our series in the books of Genesis and Revelation, Pastor Mateo preaches on the goodness of God as the fundamental attribute of God in both the beginning and the end.由New Life Church
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Continuing in our series on the roots and basics of our faith, Pastor Victor talks about what worship is, why we do musical worship every week and how God is inviting us to go deeper in our worship.由New Life Church
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Continuing our series through the roots and basics of our faith, Pastor Mateo speaks about the value of community in the body of Christ.由New Life Church
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Continuing our series through the roots and basics of our faith, Pastor Mateo talks about the salvation we have in Christ.由New Life Church
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Continuing our series on the roots and basics of our faith, Pastor Tim preaches on the topic of sin and how Christ is the hope for all believers in the midst of our failures and weaknesses.由New Life Church
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Kicking off our summer series on "Roots and Basics," Pastor Mateo talks about the value of the trinity in the Christian faith and what it reveals about God.由New Life Church
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Finishing our series in the Gospel of Matthew, Pastor Tim talks about the claim, the command, and the comfort Jesus gives in His final words to His disciples.由New Life Church
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Covering the words of Jesus about His second coming, Pastor Mateo dives deeper into our call as believers to fix our eyes on Jesus and endure to the end.由New Life Church
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由New Life Church
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Pastor Tim takes some time to share about the transitions approaching for New Life Student Ministries.由New Life Church
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Utilizing the story of the rich young ruler, Pastor Mateo shares how Jesus is Lord over all things in our lives.由New Life Church
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Pastor Mateo takes us through the sermon on the mount to reveal that we are in desperate need of Jesus.由New Life Church
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Continuing our series through the Gospel of Matthew, Pastor Mateo teaches through the beatitudes and how Jesus shows us what the blessed life looks like.由New Life Church
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Continuing our series in 1 Peter, Pastor Mateo talks through the implications of what it means to be a royal priesthood and a chosen people as believers.由New Life Church
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