I love to encourage others through the Word of God, as I've been encouraged. My hope is to illuminate the life of jesus throughout this space. Let's grow together while being encouraged.
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I hope that you're encouraged from this message that you are not to meant to do life alone or carry anything that wants to latch itself to you. God is faithful to see you through, help you through and grace you through. Though, you have to be settled in your heart and ASK in faith. Philippines 4:5-6 James 1:5-8 Be encouraged! @BrittAyeni…
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Happy New Year! I'm really excited to share what the Lord gave me concerning this year. I hope that it encourages you to hold fast to what he has spoken. I wholeheartedly believe 2025 can be pivotal, it's not too late to decide how the story ends. It's not a period just a comma to what he has started in you. Lastly, cast your cares, worries, anxiet…
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Matthew 16:18 @BrittAyeni
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A seed of faith is all you need. God will meet you exactly where you, and with the faith that you have. Number 13-16 @BrittAyeni
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Ecclesiasties 9:11 Genesis 37-50 Story of Joseph @BrittAyeni
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The Passion Bible refers to the Holy Spirit as the divine encourager and I love that description. To know that you have an advisor, comforter, counselor and divine encourager living within you life changing. You can walk confidently in Christ because you're never without help! May you lean into the help within you that's always ready to lead, guide…
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Comforter, supporter, booster, helper, truth teller... just a few synonyms to describe the role of an advocate. John 14: 16 & 26 @BrittAyeni
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The Holy Spirit is ready and any given time to comfort you, and overwhelm with hope and peace through the power of God. Psalm 46:1 @BrittAyeni
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John 14:26 He, the Holy Spirit will bring things to your remembrance, give you wisdom how to handle situations in life and will always be an ever present help. @BrittAyeni
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We shouldn't do anything apart from the helper and this week my hope is that you're awareness is heightened to the helper that lives in you, the spirit of truth! John 14:16-26 Romans 8:26,27 @BrittAyeni
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Ask and receive because you have access to God Hebrews 4:16 Galatians 5 Fruits of the Spirit @BrittAyeni
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Hebrews 13:5-6 You don't have to make an idol for the "thing(s)" you're believing for. Pray, believe, receive and rest in knowing God is able to bring it to pass for you, and it's usually better than what your expected!
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It impossible to please God without Faith. Hebrews 11 @BrittAyeni
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Day 2 of Ask and Receive according to Gods word @BrittAyeni
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*excuse the background static 😩 This week we are EXPECTING and RECEIVING! John 16 Matthew 6:24- @BrittAyeni
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Nothing can get in the way of the love the father has for you. You were created out of pure love. Romans 8:31- 1 John 3:20-23 @BrittAyeni
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Allow the love of God to manifest in the area that brings fear, anxiety, depression, worry... 2 -Timothy 1:7 2 Corinthians 10:5 1 John 4:18 @BrittAyeni
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We love because he first loved us. It becomes easier to love others when you know and believe you're loved without conditions by God. 1 John 4:7-14 @brittanyeni
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We can love others better when we remember, receive and life from He first loved ME! Scriptures Ephesians 3 14-20 1 John 4:19,20 Romans 5:5 @BrittAyeni
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1 John 7-10 Living from the place of Gods Love! @BrittAyeni
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Disobedience can lead to a loss of time, money, influence and the people he's called you to. Philippians 2:6-8 @BrittAyeni
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James 1:2,3 Galatians 5:22-25 @BrittAyeni
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Numbers 23:19 God is not man, so he can be trusted to keep every promise towards you. If he keeps every promise, why haven't we seen every promise fulfilled? @BrittAyeni
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Your worth is not determined by the mistakes you've made, past or future failures and greatest achievements in this life. It is only determined by the love that God has for you that he sent his son, Jesus to die for you. He believed you and I were with that sacrifice. Scripture: Genesis 1:26.27 IG: BrittAyeni…
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This is a good one! I am releasing what the father is encouraging me with as a shift my thinking, believing and doing. I hope this episode blesses you! We're all meant to walk in our incredibleNESS through Christ and we need courage to do! Joshua 1:9 @BrittAyeni
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I have a side very part time business! It's a hobby turned business and it works, and it only works because I allow the Holy Spirit to lead me.
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Whew! If you know, you know... having a love one struggle with an addiction and trying to "pray" them through yet, "seemingly" having no results leaves you frustrated, angry and I was mad at God. It's funny how he will meet us there with our attitude 🤣 don't worry, he can handle your mouth... just be honest, and be open to whatever he's saying... @…
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Today I'm sharing a testimony of how I conceived a baby 8 days after a miscarriage. This was a miracle that only God could give. Be encouraged. Don't lose hope. Stay the course. God is for you.
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Testimony on marriage.
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Well, God changed this week topic! I'll be sharing testimonies all week aka "the goodness of God stories" and my hope is that this week episodes encourage, strengthen and inspire you. @BrittAyeni FB: BrittAyeni
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God wants to overwhelm your life with grace. He wants you to experience his grace over and over... in subtle to grandiose. He's a good father, and he grace abounds greatly toward you.
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Recognizing the Grace of God will cause you to experience and expect the grace of God to show up everyday! It would be weird not to experience favor. As a believer you should be experiencing favor with people everyday.
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I love talking about grace and today I'm sharing what I wish I knew years ago. Expose it (the sin) and go to God Boldly to receive mercy and grace to help in ANY time of need. Hebrews 4:15,16 (AMPC)
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Ephesians 1:1 @BrittAyeni Brittanyayeni@gmail.com $brittanyayeni
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Grace!!! One of my favorite topics to talk about! I have learned now to lean into, tap in and flow from the unlimited well of Grace and after this week you will too!
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Day 5!!! Don't grow weary in the wait. If God has said it, he has to do it! Remember, he knew you, he knows you and he chose you! Remind God of what he said concerning your life, and as you begin to grow in trusting the Lord, EXPECT all the things to come to pass!
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Yikes! I Did not plan to go in this direction but i would rather us course correct with him, then keep going in circles claiming it's God when in fact, it's us... hoping for something that was never apart of his plan. Let's do a heart check together!
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God knew you, he knows you and chose YOU! Psalms 37:4 "...trust the Lord, give him the right to direct your life, and as you TRUST HIM ALONG the way you'll see he pulled it off perfectly... " James 1 "If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask. " It's OK to ask God all the questions concerning the deepest desires of your heart. Not only ask, but expect a…
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We're kicking off this week talking about desires... starting in Jeremiah 1:5. One of the many things I want to highlight is, God, the father KNEW you, KNOWS you and CHOSE YOU!
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For those that know me, hey! But for those listening for the first time, WELCOME! My hope is that you'll grow, be inspired and act on whatever the Holy Spirit is pulling at your heart while listening. Let's stay open to HIM! Now is the time friends!
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Hey Guys! I read from Joshua 1 in the NLT Bible! We are strong and very courageous because the spirit of God lives in us, helps us and has ALREADY STRENGTHENED us to be obedient and succeed.
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Couldn't let this month pass without another episode! May we continue to lean in with what and how the Spirit of God wants to move through us. Your steps are ordered. Scripture references: Galatians 2:20,21 passion translation
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@BrittayeniScripture reference | Colossians 1:27
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Colossians 3:3,5 (Amp)Romans 8:30- the rest of the chapter is life changing 🙌🏽Matthew 18:18 (The one scripture I couldn't remember )🤣IG: BrittAyeniFB: BrittAyeni Email: BrittanyAyeni@gmail.com
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What a message! Sat on this for 2 weeks, got in my head... but, it's out now, so be encouraged to walk freely in the person you are today. Don't allow people or the enemy to deter you off course based on who you "were". They that KNOW their God shall do GREAT exploits. You are known, loved, seen and forgiven! Let's continue to rise in greatness. ✨…
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Did I do anything to make this happen? Yes! My husband and I chose to believe it would happen fast and soon. Believing in the goodness of God after loss can be a mental challenge, but I chose to see God through the lens of his goodness. Momma, you're not alone and I want to encourage and speak life over you. Podcast: Supernatural Mommas. Book: Supe…
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Gods word is truth. You can trust it to lead, direct and align you to the place of where you're supposed to be. The word of God has the power to bring clarity to your why in life. Reference scripture: Hebrews 4:12, 16Facebook: Britt Ayeni Cashapp $BrittanyAyeni
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Numbers 23:19, Jeremiah 1:12 Facebook: BrittAyeni
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A continuation of Facebook. Britt Ayeni scripture reference 2 Corinthians 10:5
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It's been too long, but just because I've been gone doesn't mean I can't come back with a full swing of encouragement reminding you to STAND in the sufficiency of Grace. Not only stand but remind yourself, God is with me! He lives in me, and I have heavens help.
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