Testing ajah
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Welcome to the Rafil Podcast, all about music production & more!
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Progressive House Channel.
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Karen Elliott is the executive director of the Rafiki Foundation. Karen travels to Africa several times a year and oversees the work of the Rafiki Foundation which, through its 10 Rafiki Villages, is working toward bringing Bible study and classical Christian education to a thousand schools in Africa and beyond in the next decade. Karen believes classical Christian education should go global starting with some of the most marginalized children in the world – Africa. This podcast seeks to ans ...
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Berbagai hal seputar dunia haji, umrah, dan wisata halal
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Proyek seadanya yang sekedar ingin menemani kamu duduk bersantai, berkendara sendiri ataupun mengerjakan sesuatu.
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Listen to Psychological facts & experential sharing n learning
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Rafiki is a result of two loving Kenyans Tula Bischof and Brendalisa Karoki brought together by the universe to share our light. We are eager to make room for important conversations to take place, while acknowledging all the facets of the learning process. Join us as we explore topics ranging from personal identity to national identity while addressing the trauma embedded in African Politics. In the words of Elizabeth Jebiwot Bischof "corruption exists when people are not empowered". We aim ...
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This is about self awareness, self growth, self respect, and tolerating long sustained depression. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rafiki-episodes/support
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Sanatçı kitapları ve sergi katalogları üzerine bir kitap tanıtım programı. (Hazırlayan ve sunanlar: Sevil Sarp, Senem Çelikörslü)
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Unveiling the Hidden Threads of the Closet Industry: Beyond Hardware, Connecting Professionals. Tara Whitlock shares her knowledge of and experience in the closet industry through the Rafix Radio podcast. She will periodically be joined by other experienced professionals in the industry and together with her unique perspective their voices combine to offer valuable insights and advice to closet designers, installers, manufacturers, wholesale suppliers, production teams, business owners and d ...
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Weekly radio show
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a story by Muin Saiyed and Saad Afridi Rafi is the story of a young man trying to find his place in a future world. As a specialist in Branching Technology, we follow Rafi as him and his team explore the meanings of time and space and the implications of a technology that may be too powerful for their own good.
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Bienvenidos a Doctor Rafita Radio, un Podcast de salud y bienestar infantil, hecho para ayudar a padres, cuidadores, proveedores y estudiantes de habla hispana. Nuestro propósito es educar a través de contenidos breves, claros y precisos, presentados en la mayoría de los episodios con expertos invitados. Doctor Rafita Radio ilustra y resuelve las dudas de quienes crían, cuidan, entienden y educan niños en la comunidad. Un proyecto educativo independiente que demuestra que todos entendemos lo ...
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Welcome to the Special programme on great Singer Mohammad Rafi podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@anniespratt
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In this podcast, Karen Elliott interviews Lori McDaniel the author of the Mission of God and You. It's an excellent resource for mission statistics, inspirational stories and practical strategies to encourage all of us to engage all the more with God's mission to be glorified in all the earth. Rafiki’s implementation of Classical Christian schools …
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If you're wondering what your 20's are all about, we can confirm that you're not alone. In this episode we dissect the transition into adulthood with a thought-provoking debate about this 'defining decade'. Whether we're leaving the nest, navigating the job market or trying to figure out who we are outside of the roles that we have played throughou…
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Karen Elliott and Grant Horner discuss why Christians should read pagan texts and how this applies to classical Christian education in AFrica. For a full presentation on this refer to Rafiki Foundation's YouTube channel featuring Dr. Grant Horner's presentation at the Rafiki Foundation's classical Christian conference in Kenya and Uganda October 20…
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In this episode, Karen speaks with veteran educator, Robyn Burlew, about the distinctive features of classical Christian education (CCE) and its particular challenges and opportunities in African contexts.由Karen Elliott
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Episode 001: Time to say Hello to Rafix Radio: Hear Secrets, Stories and the Future Revealed Welcome to the debut episode of the Rafix Radio Podcast! We’re kicking things off with an exciting exploration of what a Rafix is, delving into its significance and impact on our industry. Next, we provide a snapshot of the closet industry, highlighting the…
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Welcome to Rafix Radio! 🎙️ In this trailer episode, we’re excited to introduce you to our brand-new podcast. Join us as we dive into the world of Custom Closets and Home Storage Solutions, featuring engaging conversations, expert insights, and inspiring stories. Whether you’re a closet designer, installer, manufacturer, wholesale supplier, producti…
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La desnutrición infantil es una condición de salud que impacta profundamente a los países en desarrollo, lesiona fuertemente a las comunidades que la enfrentan y que históricamente parecen ser las mismas. Está íntimamente asociada con la pobreza, pero no depende únicamente del poder económico de los grupos sociales que la sufren, cada comunidad inv…
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What does Athens have to do with Abuja? Classical Christian education in Africa is a part of church history. This episode provides stories from missionary work in nine of the countries where Rafiki serves with brief missionary biographies for both indigenous and expatriate missionaries.由Karen Elliott
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Este episodio de Doctor Rafita Radio presenta un interesante contenido sobre la Hormona del Crecimiento, una importante sustancia que desde el nacimiento hasta la pubertad nos hace crecer, pero que está presente durante toda la vida cumpliendo otras funciones para el equilibrio biológico en los seres humanos. Cuando no se produce adecuadamente debe…
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In this episode, Karen speaks with Becky and Richard, graduates from Rafiki's teacher training college and current teachers at the Rafiki School in Uganda.由Karen Elliott
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The title of this episode is something that is so dear to the both of us, because of the inevitable instability we face as we discover ourselves, both in relationships and in our own journeys. One of the harsh realities of life, is changing faster than your heart can grieve. But change is the only constant in life. With hearts that seek stability i…
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In this episode, Karen speaks with a Rafiki alumnus about her experience at the Rafiki school and what she has done since graduating.由Karen Elliott
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In this episode, Karen is joined by two missionaries who serve one of the Rafiki Foundation's schools in Uganda. David and Michelle Graves, a couple that upended their lives to serve Rafiki's mission, share their story about how they came to Rafiki, what the experience has been like in Uganda, and what the Rafiki school is like.…
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In this episode Karen speaks with a teacher at the Rafiki School in Kenya who started with Rafiki as a day student. They discuss how Rafiki’s classical Christian education is changing the lives of young people in Africa.由Karen Elliott
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In this episode Karen explores the history of the first African bishop of the Anglican church, Samuel Ajayi Crowther, and describes his significance in CCE.由Karen Elliott
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In this episode, Karen describes a 19th century intellectual leader, James 'Africanus' Beale Horton, who was greatly influenced by CCE.由Karen Elliott
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In this episode, Karen explores the history of classical Christian schools in Africa and how the need for such schools has developed over time.由Karen Elliott
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In today's episode we take a critical stance on the education system by assessing the structure of various curricula and some of their historical influences that are mostly rooted in colonisation. We did this by comparing and contrasting our experiences with Kenyan, American and British systems of schooling and their influences on developmental fac…
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Join us as we continue to explore relationship in the second part.由Rafiki
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Today’s episode is a smooth segue from our last, looking at relationships with the self, with others, as well as the various relationship dynamics. We also touched on a number of stages that are relatively universal within relationships such as romance, doubt, grief and disappointment. These are all mediated by power which is embedded in language. …
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In this episode we explore the healing journey through our analysis of our own experiences. We touched on both the triumphs and the challenges in our strive for personal growth. The focal point of our discussion is the mind-body-soul connection that binds humanity and the ways in which conflict can arise when we do not distinguish between these fac…
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In this episode Karen speaks with four members of Hope for Children Ministries, based in Rwanda where they have just opened their new school, Hope for Children International School. They discuss the mission of their ministry and the growth of their new school, in which they have implemented the Rafiki curriculum.…
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In this episode, we explore the topic of colonialism in Africa honing in particularly on Kenya. We are discovering the gravity that it holds on the progression in the mentality and development of the African People. We touched on topics of trauma, fear, power, and societal constructs, perpetuated through language. Join us as we explore the vast and…
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In this introductory episode we are pushing past the fear of being perceived, as we remain compassionate with ourselves throughout the process of sharing our story. Get to know a little bit about ourselves, and what we are looking to bring. Hope you enjoy!由Rafiki
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Bienvenidos a este Podcast de salud infantil en español Doctor Rafita Radio. Este capítulo presenta un contenido que pretende explicar, desde el concepto experto, que es el Mindfulness como herramienta favorable para intervenir la emoción y modular sus respuestas. La práctica de la conciencia plena en las actividades del presente ha demostrado que …
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In this episode Karen speaks with two other missionaries who have served as heads of schools in Africa. Together, these three classical Christian educators discuss what the most important class in CCE is and how it impacts the formation of virtue in students.由Karen Elliott
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Psychology behind personal branding I have chosen The Legend Mr. Saravana because no one other than him was suiting the current scenario and title.
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In this episode Karen speaks with two fathers of children who attend the Rafiki school in Africa. Together, these three discuss the universal difficulties of parenthood and offer a window into what parents see from their children who attend classical, Christian schools.由Karen Elliott
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In this episode Karen speaks with Reverend Ken Mbugua, a Reformed Baptist pastor in Kenya. Rev. Mbugua has written articles for Ligonier Ministries, an international Christian discipleship organization, and spoke at their national conference in 2021. Karen and Rev. Mbugua discuss the values of a classical, Christian education and the positive effec…
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In this episode Karen talks with Loise and Ann, who are Kenyan teachers at the Rafiki Classical Christian School in Kenya. Loise teaches kindergarten and Ann teaches logic, algebra, and geometry. This conversation explores the relevance and application of classical Christian education from teachers' perspectives.…
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In this episode Karen will be answering the question of why missions like The Rafiki Foundation are necessary in Africa.由Karen Elliott
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Arter Yayınları’nın Arka Plan serisinden Locus Solus başlıklı kitabı sizlerle buluşturuyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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In this episode Karen will be analyzing the importance of a Western civilization education in Africa.由Karen Elliott
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17. İstanbul Bienali için kurgulanan Şiir Hattı yayınından sizler için şiirler seslendiriyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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In this inaugural episode, Karen Elliott introduces herself and the organization she serves, The Rafiki Foundation, as she explains why a classical Christian education is needed in Africa.由Karen Elliott
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17. İstanbul Bienali'nde de yer alan şair Anita Sezgener'in Pusu Bilici isimli kitabını okuyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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Yasemin Özcan’ın “Limonata gibi hava” başlıklı sanatçı kitabını okuyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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El flujo vaginal es la secreción que elimina la vagina hacia el exterior. Durante el primer mes de vida de las niñas y en su pubertad puede ser normal, pero siempre debe generar consulta si aparece entre el mes y los 10 ó 12 años de edad, porque debe atenderse y resolverse. De qué depende, cómo se evita, cómo se aborda, cómo se trata y las situacio…
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Başak Bugay’ın Zilberman Galeri’de gerçekleştirdiği “füg” başlıklı sergisine eşlik eden kataloğu konuşuyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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En este programa #24, iniciando nuestra 6 temporada, hablaremos con un experto sobre el prepucio, que es la piel elástica retráctil que cubre la cabeza del pene, su función y una condición relativamente frecuente que es la estrechez de su punta en la infancia, encontrándose en tempranas edades como un anillo de piel fibrosa que no se estira, dando …
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Erden Kosova'nın kaleme aldığı "Aydan Murtezaoğlu - Yakınlıklar Kaybolup Mesafeler Kapanırken" isimli monografik yayını konuşuyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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1970’ler ile 1980’lerin başlarında Türkiye kültür ve sanat ortamında belirleyici bir konuma sahip olan ve zamanının ötesinde bir üretim yapan sanatçı İsmail Saray’ın monografisini ele alıyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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Galeri Nev’den çıkan “Canan Tolon: limbo” başlıklı yayınından kesitler okuyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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İz Öztat ve Zişan’ın üretimi "Bir Nehir Adası Teşkil Edebilmek” başlıklı yayınının bir kısmını okuyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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Sarkis’e ait Plastik Sanatlar Derneği’nin Beuys etkinlikleri nedeniyle yayımladığı kitabın ekini okuyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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Sanat Rafı: 5 Mayıs 2022由Açık Radyo 95.0
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Yüksel Arslan’ın kaleme aldığı "Yeni Etkiler" kitabını konuşuyor, sanatçının üretiminden ve etkilendiği isimlerden bahsediyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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Bu programda "Nil Yalter: Kayıt-Dışı” başlıklı yayından, sanatçının yaşamından ve yayınla aynı başlığı taşıyan sergide yer alan çalışmalarından bahsediyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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Bu programda ilk sanatçı kitabımızı ele alıyoruz. Cevdet Erek’in "SSS Sahil Sahnesi Sesi: Halı İçin Tema ve Çeşitlemeler" kitabını konuşup biraz da dinliyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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Bu programda "Tosun Bayrak: Faso Fiso” başlıklı yayından, sanatçının yaşamından ve sıra dışı çalışmalarından bahsediyoruz.由Açık Radyo 95.0
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