Building on the popular 1 Year Daily Audio Bible, the community expands to provide the Daily Audio Bible Arabic العربية. Expose yourself to the Scriptures on a daily basis and you will not see the world the same a year from now. This is a community experience. Join with thousands around the world as we take the adventure of a lifetime through the Bible.
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matthew, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Gospel of John are presented in the series with insightful explanation from Dr. Randy Weiss in the land of I ...
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Saint Mary Coptic Orthodox church, Maryland
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Arabic Christian Program about Salvation
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Num 10:1-11:23, Mark 14:1-21, Ps 51:1-19, Pr 10:31-32由Daily Audio Bible
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Num 8:1-9:23, Mark 13:14-37, Ps 50:1-23, Pr 10:29-30由Daily Audio Bible
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Num 6:1-7:89, Mark 12:38-13:13, Ps 49:1-20, Pr 10:27-28由Daily Audio Bible
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Num 4:1-5:31, Mark 12:18-37, Ps 48:1-14, Pr 10:26由Daily Audio Bible
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Num 2:1-3:51, Mark 11:27-12:17, Ps 47:1-9, Pr 10:24-25由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 27:14- Num 1:54, Mark 11:1-26, Ps 46:1-11, Pr 10:23由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 25:47-27:13, Mark 10:32-52, Ps 45:1-17, Pr 10:22由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 24:1-25:46, Mark 10:13-31, Ps 44:9-26, Pr 10:20-21由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 22:17-23:44, Mark 9:30-10:12, Ps 44:1-8, Pr 10:19由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 20:22-22:16, Mark 9:1-29, Ps 43:1-5, Pr 10:18由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 19:1-20:21, Mark 8:11-38, Ps 42:1-11, Pr 10:17由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 16:29-18:30, Mark 7:24-8:10, Ps 41:1-13, Pr 10:15-16由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 15:1-16:28, Mark 7:1-23, Ps 40:11-17, Pr 10:13-14由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 14:1-57, Mark 6:30-56, Ps 40:1-10, Pr 10:11-12由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 13:1-59, Mark 6:1-29, Ps 39:1-13, Pr 10:10由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 11:1-12:8, Mark 5:21-43, Ps 38:1-22, Pr 10:8-9由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 9:7-10:20, Mark 4:26-5:20, Ps 37:30-40, Pr 10:6-7由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 7:28-9:6, Mark 3:31-4:25, Ps 37:12-29, Pr 10:5由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 6:1-7:27, Mark 3:7-30, Ps 37:1-11, Pr 10:3-4由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 4:1-5:19, Mark 2:13-3:6, Ps 36:1-12, Pr 10:1-2由Daily Audio Bible
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Lev 1:1-3:17, Mark 1:29-2:12, Ps 35:17-28, Pr 9:13-18由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 39:1-40:38, Mark 1:1-28, Ps 35:1-16, Pr 9:11-12由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 37:1-38:31, Matt 28:1-20, Ps 34:11-22, Pr 9:9-10由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 35:10-36:38, Matt 27:32-66, Ps 34:1-10, Pr 9:7-8由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 34:1-35:9, Matt 27:15-31, Ps 33:12-22, Pr 9:1-6由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 32:1-33:23, Matt 26:69-27:14, Ps 33:1-11, Pr 8:33-36由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 30:11-31:18, Matt 26:47-68, Ps 32:1-11, Pr 8:27-32由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 29:1-30:10, Matt 26:14-46, Ps 31:19-24, Pr 8:14-26由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 28:1-43, Matt 25:31-26:13, Ps 31:9-18, Pr 8:12-13由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 26:1-27:21, Matt 25:1-30, Ps 31:1-8, Pr 8:1-11由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 23:14-25:40, Matt 24:29-51, Ps 30:1-12, Pr 7:24-27由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 21:22-23:13, Matt 24:1-28, Ps 29:1-11, Pr 7:6-23由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 19:16-21:21, Matt 23:13-39, Ps 28:1-9, Pr 7:1-5由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 17:8-19:15, Matt 22:34-23:12, Ps 27:8-14, Pr 6:27-35由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 15:19-17:7, Matt 22:1-33, Ps 27:1-7, Pr 6:20-26由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 13:17-15:18, Matt 21:23-46, Ps 26:1-12, Pr 6:16-19由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 12:14-13:16, Matt 20:29-21:22, Ps 25:12-22, Pr 6:12-15由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 10:1-12:13, Matt 20:1-28, Ps 25:1-11, Pr 6:6-11由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 7:25-9:35, Matt 19:13-30, Ps 24:1-10, Pr 6:1-5由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 5:22-7:24, Matt 18:21-19:12, Ps 23:1-6, Pr 5:22-23由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 4:1-5:21, Matt 18:1-20, Ps 22:19-31, Pr 5:15-21由Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 2:11-3:22, Matt 17:10-27, Ps 22:1-18, Pr 5:7-14由Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 50:1-Ex 2:10, Matt 16:13-17:9, Ps 21:1-13, Pr 5:1-6由Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 48:1-49:33, Matt 15:29-16:12, Ps 20:1-9, Pr 4:20-27由Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 46:1-47:31, Matt 15:1-28, Ps 19:1-14, Pr 4:14-19由Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 44:1-45:28, Matt 14:13-36, Ps 18:35-50, Pr 4:11-13由Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 42:18-43:34, Matt 13:47-14:12, Ps 18:16-34, Pr 4:7-10由Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 41:17-42:17, Matt 13:24-46, Ps 18:1-15, Pr 4:1-6由Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 39:1-41:16, Matt 12:46-13:23, Ps 17:1-15, Pr 3:33-35由Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 37:1-38:30, Matt 12:22-45, Ps 16:1-11, Pr 3:27-32由Daily Audio Bible
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