Brian Pasch covers online marketing topics that can help automotive dealership managers and owners maximize their sales and marketing investments.
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Join me and Aaron Bickart of OfferLogix to discuss how dealers need an alternative to auto loan payment tool. We discuss how an OMP can be integrated into your scalable marketing activation strategies. #automotivemarketing #automotiveretail #dealershipmarketing #podcast由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Jonathan Lucenay, CEO of Client Command as we discuss the new use cases for the Activate Shopper Network which are proving to be highly effective and profitable for dealers. Learn how AutoPilot delivers sales and service bookings without any intervention from dealership staff, breaking ROI records. #automotivemarketing #automotiveretail…
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Join me and Tim Cox as we discuss what CarNow will be showcasing at the NADA Convention in New Orleans this week.由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Lindsay Ciavattone, Dir. Dealer Relations at CarGurus, as we discuss the 2024 Consumer Insights Report and how dealers can use this feedback to gain a competitive edge in your 2025 sales strategy.
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I sat down with Brice Englert, CEO and Founder of TradePending to discuss the new products and enhancements which will be unveiled at NADA 2025. Join the conversation and make sure you take time to visit their booth in New Orleans.由Brian Pasch
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Join me, Gino, and Sam from Dealer eProcess as we discuss their approach to AI and the release of Sherpa AI. Also listen in to two special opportunities for dealers and a pre-NADA keynote address for dealers who can’t attend NADA. Keynote Registration: NADA Landing Page:…
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Join me and Ron Andrews as we discuss all of the latest innovations with their portfolio of companies and how they are raising the bar for true dealer partnerships. More Brian Podcasts available here:
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Join me and Joe as we discuss the many solutions which have emerged from the collaboration of dealers. and the Pol data sciences team to give dealers a competitive edge.由Brian Pasch
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Join me, Jason, and Jeff as we discuss how dealers are using defection data to power better retail workflows, reducind waste, and recovering customers which were lost back into the service lane.
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Join me and Tara Rego as we discuss the new opportunities dealers have with omni-channel video delivery and advanced data integration possibibilities.由Brian Pasch
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Join me as I discuss Cox's Omni-Channel retail platform which is delivering a profound change in how consumers engage with dealers and how dealers efficiently operate their business由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Megan as we discuss the latest data collected by the Active Shopper Network and how their audiences now include consumers shopping for service and parts由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Kerri as we discuss the breakthrough results dealers are experiencing with AutoFi Showroom and how dealers implementing a connected retailing sterategy are seeing higher PVR and lower staff turnover rates由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Margaret as we share the latest data and use cases for video in the Internet sales process. Video is now table stakes for progfressive car dealers so if you are not a believer, listen in today.由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Aaron Baldwin as we discuss the new opportunities dealers can leverage when they partner with automotiveMastermind for the CDP project
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Join me and Danny as we discuss how the VINCUE Vehicle Lifecycle Management platform is generating the additional profits which dealers are seeking in this very competitive and challenging period in our economy.
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Join me and Curtis as we discuss the latest upgrades to the CarWars platform and how AI will accelerate growth in the coming year. It's a great time to learn how to significantly improve phone outcomes in just 90 days.
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Join me, Deana, and Brian as we discuss the latest opportunities for dealers to partner with Equifax to enhance data and build new use cases to generate revnue and increase customer retention.由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Aharon to discuss the greater adoption of CDP technology with automotive dealers and how AI will power better engagement and sales process workflows.由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Zach Billings as we discuss what type of SEO investments are working and what are the KPIs and measurement tools which can show if your SEO investments are working. Don't miss this conversation.由Brian Pasch
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Join me, Sarah, and Denise as we talk about online marketing and the opportunities for smarter lifecycle marketing which is now available using CDPs and identity resolution technology.由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Connie Gundrum as we discuss the changing landscape in online search powered by AI and why dealers need to rethink their online content strategies.由Brian Pasch
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Join me, Micah, and Steve as we discuss how Clarivoy is finally answewring the marketing attribution questions which dealers have been asking for years.由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Amol Waishampayan as we discuss how is helping dealers manage their first-party data and activate more zero-party data confiormations to improve dfata hygiene and accelerate use cases that drive revenue and increase customer loyalty
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Join me and Bobby Gaudreau from Activator Dealer Solutions as we discuss the development of the CDP for automotive dealers and their unique approach to buiding a sustainable dealership data layer.
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Join me and Ben Chodor, CEO of CallRevu, as we dicuss TestTrack; a new product that will change the way dealers building the phone skills of their staff across all departments.
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Join me and Aaron Bickart general manager of OfferLogix as we challenge the vendor community to reimagine their product offerings to integrate robust soft-pull credit technology with a distinct advantage to competing solutions.由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Daniel Able, National Sales Manager of CarCutter as we discuss the breakthroughs in vehicle merchandising and photography which will become the standard in future automotive retailing.由Brian Pasch
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Join me as I sit down with Steve White to discuss this automotive shopper identity graph (now over 140 million shoppers) and how it powers actionable marketing attribution reports.由Brian Pasch
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Join me as I sit down with John Clavadetscher to discuss how Outsell leads the way for lifecycle marketing with expanded data input which create a powerful customer engagement platform.由Brian Pasch
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Join me as I sit down with Eric DeMont to review for SalesAlert and TrafficView are giving dealers the insights to improve their sales processes and eliminate labor waste.由Brian Pasch
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Join me as I sit down with Matt Niess to discuss the expanded service offerings which automotiveMastermind offers dealers who are considering a CDP or an advanced approach to first-party data management.
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TransUnion Delivers The Tools Dealers Need To Elevate The Customer Experience and Accelerate Profitability
Join me as I discuss with Satyan Merchant the new tools which TransUnion can offer dealers who are ready to elevate the customer experience and lower their operating costs.
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Brian Pasch sat down with Ben Chodor to discuss his recent acquisition of TotalCX making them the largest call measurement and customer communication platform in automotive retail. Listen in to catch a glimpse of their future growth plans which include complete customer contact measurement and seamless API connections to CDPs.…
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1 Innovates Automotive CDP Frameworks by Leveraging Salesforce and Fluency Technologies
Join me as I speak with Bobby Gaudreau about the advances their hybrid CDP platform has made in the last year and why they can accelerate and scale based on their technology partnerships with Salesforce and Fluency.
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Join me and Ross Tinkham of Podium as we discuss the latest update to the Podium Platform including their new AI assistant and plans to add email as an engagement channel.
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Join me and Zach Billings of Wikimotive as we sit down to discuss the latest SEO strategies and updates to the Google algorithm which will give dealers a competitive edge in their market.由Brian Pasch
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Join with me as I sit down with Will McGinnis of to discuss their patent for identity resolution and how their technology platform produces powerful marketing outcomes.由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Dave Steinberg as we discuss how Foureyes technology fixes holes in dealer sales processes and creates better engagement with shoppers.由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Aaron Bickart of OfferLogix as we discuss their latest updates to their platform which integrates marketing pricing and consumer credit.由Brian Pasch
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Join me as I discuss Speed Layer technology developed by Ben Hadley and the team at Auto Genius which is transforming website speed and increase conversions.由Brian Pasch
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Fullpath Unlocks The Full Potential Of Dealership First Party Data with Their Open Ecosystem
Join Brian and Mike Colacchio of Fullpath as they discuss the real-time audience features in Fullpath CDXP and the new API integrations that enhance customer data records for better activation由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Megan Hortan as we discuss why all marketing audiences are not created equal. In fact, most dealers have to blindly trust audience resellers that their audience is made up of in-market shoppers. Why guess when you can test the benefits of fully transparent active shopper audiences?由Brian Pasch
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Orbee Leads The Way: Greater Interoperability Improves Dealership Marketing and Customer Experience
由Brian Pasch
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AIM is DriveCentric’s Latest Product Innovation: Learn How AI Fills Gaps in Retention Marketing
Join me and Steve Roessler from DriveCentric as we discuss thier new product call AIM (Augmented Intelligence Marketing).由Brian Pasch
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Learn about the breakthrough partnership that Kia and CarNow have introduced to automotive retailing which allows for dealer choice while preserving a Kia branded retail experience.由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Rich Sands as we discuss their existing new platform and all the major integration announcements coming at NADA including being selected by Microsoft as their official automotive AI partner.由Brian Pasch
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Join me as I sit down with Sam Vukas (COO) and Gino Cipperoni (CRO) of Dealer eProcess to discuss the advantages dealers have when they switch from a static website to a Connected Retail Platform (CRP).由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Jonathan Lucenay as we discuss the power of the Activate Shopper Network and how audiences will change the way dealers market and communicate to customers in 2024.由Brian Pasch
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Join me and Tom Kondrat of Urban Science, as we discuss the latest developments of data driven applications for dealers which give them a competitive edge in the market place.由Brian Pasch
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