podcast with @_ednight @sunilpatelsolutions and @hugedavies . Join patreon.com/SlimeCountry for more
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Huge and Sunil visit the, as far as we know, only building in the world to be named after stock cubes由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Our last episode recorded before Christmas. Huge and Ed visit the king's house由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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On a chilly evening in early December, Huge and Ed get caught in the rain and indulge in some of the most egregious cross talk you'll ever hear. Join our patreon由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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The guys have some new glasses and Ed's feeling poorly由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Had to restart this record five times. Bird shat on Huge由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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the worlds first wireless podcast由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Huge and Ed combine the history of England with the future of football. patreon.com/slimecountry由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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The boys respect the dead由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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The boys find something mysterious while mudlarking on London's famous South Bank由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Huge and Ed discuss doctrine from a bench in the little park behind St Giles in the Fields由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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trying something new由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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please join the patreon and come to our Edinburgh shows由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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go to patreon.com/slimecountry for more brainteasers由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Sunil Ed and Huge come up with some astonishing baby names. The last episode we kept referencing was the patreon bonus we recorded just before this one. patreon.com/slimecountry由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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For access to all bonus episodes join patreon.com/slimecountry由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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15 - Podcasts no alineadas que luchan contra el imperialismo, el colonialismo y el neocolonialismo
go to patreon.com/slimecountry to be guaranteed a powerful position in the apparat由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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The brain trust comes up with a brand new thought experiment. To reward this kind of behaviour go to patreon.com/slimecountry由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Join patreon.com/slimecountry for the full episode由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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go to patreon.com/slimecountry to hear us list more stuff由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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go to patreon.com/slimecountry to get in the heckling queue由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Sunil doxxes Ed by reading a list of pizzas由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Huge and Ed can't believe what Sunil has to tell them. Join patreon.com/slimecountry to unlock more japes and jests由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Paying tribute to The Flying Scotsman. Support the show at patreon.com/slimecountry由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Join patreon.com/slimecountry to hear the full episode由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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The most legally actionable stuff we've ever had in one episode. Join patreon.com/slimecountry to help us with our lawyer fees由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Go to patreon.com/slimecountry to hear this episode plus all other bonus and archived episodes由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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good fun episode. we talk about many different topics and subjects. go to patreon.com/slimecountry for more episodes由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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ah we didnt think it would ever actually come out由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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The show has undergone an overhaul recently and all the old episodes have been archived, but seeing as Huge’s Off Menu has finally come out we thought it’d be mean not to give you a slice of the episode he referenced on there. So here’s a teaser of a fan fiction we read out on episode 8 of old slime country.The whole of this episode, the rest of th…
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smoking that permanent marker with mrs lovett in the pie shop go to patreon.com/slimecountry for all extras由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Go to patreon.com/slimecountry to unlock this episode, plus all other bonuses and archived episodes由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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This week talking about Yakub and Hardest Geezer. Go to patreon.com/slimecountry for more episodes由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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To get access to all our Patreon premium episodes, as well as the complete archive of old episodes, go to patreon.com/slimecountry由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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The boys examine animal skulls and consider new employment opportunities. Ed debuts a song. Join the movement at patreon.com/slimecountry由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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To get access to all our Patreon premium episodes, as well as the complete archive of old episodes, go to patreon.com/slimecountry由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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join patreon.com/slimecountry for all the extra episodes由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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The haters roll away the rock to reveal an empty tomb. Slime Country is back.patreon.com/slimecountry for bonuses and old episode archive由Ed Night, Huge Davies, Sunil Patel
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Our first live show. We talk about all the big news (submarine, Wagner group) and make Ed Gamble read out a fan fiction about himself. Shoutout Andrew White and The Bill Murray for making this happen Go to patreon.com/slimecountry to hear the rest and unlock all our premium episodes. Shout out to our top patrons:…
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