Tech news, tech debates, and more!! Listen to Tech Time with Lucas and David for all your tech news! Have your opinion featured on the show, or suggest topics for us to talk about by emailing us at or leaving us a message on skype: techtimepodcast
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Hello everyone! We are back to talk about the latest tech news! Today we will be discussing the recent Apple event, the upcoming Microsoft event and even more! Enjoy!由Viele Media
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Hey everyone! Today we are talking about the huge Apple vs F.B.I. war! It is something huge that could shape our security not only using Apple products, but all technology. We also rundown the Samsung Galaxy S7 new features and information. Enjoy!由Viele Media
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Hey everyone! We're back with another episode of Tech Time with Lucas and David. Today we talk about some useful apps, computer buying advice, an iPhone flaw that may affect you, and more! SHOW NOTES:由Viele Media
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We're back once again to give you all the latest tech news and reviews! Tonight we go over some Apple rumours, a PS4 Overview, and other discussions. Show Notes:由Viele Media
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Welcome back to Tech Time Podcast! Today we talk about the latest Apple news and rumours, plus some highlights from CES 2016, and more! Show Notes:由Viele Media
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Tech Time with Lucas and David is returning for season 2! This time around, we should hopefully be able to provide you guys with consistant episodes every week. Visit us at Spreaker on Tuesday January 10th 2016 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time to listen to us live, or on YouTube, SoundCloud, or iTunes shortly after that to listen to our show. Alright, see y…
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We are back to talk to you about all the newest apple news, and other technology news.由Viele Media
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Welcome to the first episode of Tech Time News! To watch this on youtube, visit Tech Time on Twitter: @techtimepodcast Visit our website techtimepodcast.webs.com由Viele Media
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UPDATE: The 4.7 inch model iPhone 6 will likely have a Safire Crystal display. Hello everyone! Today we have a very good show for all of you. Follow us on Twitter @techtimepodcast and visit our website www.techtimepodcast.webs.com由Viele Media
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Wow we have a LOT to talk about!!! Show notes are here: Find us @techtimepodcast or on www.techtimepodcast.webs.com由Viele Media
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Hello everybody, today we talk about Samsung's new tablets, the new Amazon Fire phone, Apple news, and more! Visit our website or tweet us @techtimepodcast由Viele Media
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Hello everyone! Tonight's episode is all things LEAKED! For example, Samsung's Galaxy Note 4 specs have been leaked, along with NHL 15's gameplay demo, Netflix passwords, and even MORE!!! You can find us at @techtimepodcast and由Viele Media
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We have a #AWESOME episode for you guys and gals today! Starting it all off is a WWDC recap, then our apps of the week, and an overview of the NEW Beats Solo 2 headphones!!! Visit our website: and tweet us or follow us on twitter @techtimepodcast Thanks for all your support!!…
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This is a JAM-PACKED Episode full of interesting content and opinions from our guest, Tyson! Unfortunately Lucas was unable to make it, but will be back next week. Visit our website for even more!由Viele Media
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We are here once again to talk about E Ink displays, cool apps for iPhone and Android, Apple's acquisition of Beats, and more!!由Viele Media
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We return from ANOTHER break (so sorry)! We hope to be back for good this time, but with school, there are never any promises. This episode we talk about the Oneplus One Phone (and yes it is spelled like that), our apps of the week, and some #CRAYCRAY iPhone 6 rumours that will blow your brain right out of your head! Also, there is a little surpris…
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We return from a break with a jampacked episode full of news, debates, and more!由Viele Media
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由Viele Media
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Everything you need to know if you are in the market for a TV.由Viele Media
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Hello everyone! David is back and we have lots to talk about! Check out the show notes and how you can contact us here: Also, sorry for the blank space at the end :/由Viele Media
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sorry it got cut off :( I have no clue why由Viele Media
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On our first episode EVER we talk about Samsung's upcoming Galaxy S5, Android VS IOS, hard drives and solid state drives, and more. Enjoy!由Viele Media
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