The Diocese of Arlington serves over 460,000 parishioners in 69 parishes and 6 missions in the Northern Virginia area. For this rich community of faith, we offer recordings from homilies, talks, and seminars offered by the Diocesan offices.
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Bishop Burbidge's Homily | Life Is VERY Good 2024 by Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Katie Prejean McGrady Keynote | Life Is VERY Good 2024 by Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Chris Stefanick Keynote | Life Is VERY Good 2024 by Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Father Christopher Christensen offers a First Saturday Devotion on the Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology Written by the Most Rev. Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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En la última década, nuestra cultura ha experimentado una creciente aceptación de la ideología transgénero, es decir, la afirmación que el sexo biológico y la identidad de una persona no tienen una conexión imprescindible y, de hecho, se podrían contradecir. Según este punto de vista, la "identidad humana" se autodefine y "se convierte en la elecci…
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Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony of the Diocese of Arlington offers a meditation on the Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony of the Diocese of Arlington offers a meditation on the Immaculate Conception and the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary.由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony of the Diocese of Arlington offers a meditation on Mary's Perpetual Virginity and Rosary Mysteries.由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony of the Diocese of Arlington offers a meditation on Mary Mother of God.由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony of the Diocese of Arlington offers a meditation on the Holy Name and Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Fr. Christensen of the Diocese of Arlington offers a meditation on the motherhood of Mary.由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Fr. Christensen of the Diocese of Arlington offers a meditation on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary.由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Fr. Christensen of the Diocese of Arlington offers a meditation on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: When you make your examination of conscience, reflect not only on sins you have to confess, but also on the good deeds (your "yeses to God") you have to thank God for.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Spend time with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament this week and see how God can work marvels in your life if you believe.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Everyday this week, find one thing about your body that you are grateful for, and then stop for a moment to raise your mind and heart to God in humble thanksgiving.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: This week, instead of rushing to get out of church after Mass, begin forming the habit of staying awhile to converse with Him Whom you have received in Holy Communion.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Try to give up something you really like this week (food, social media, etc.), and let that little deprivation make you hunger more for Holy Communion—the REAL FOOD for your soul!Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: This week, pray the Angelus more devoutly and acknowledge your littleness before the Lord.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Examine carefully how you keep the Lord's Day, and what work or busyness you need to eliminate in order to truly rest in the Lord on Sundays. Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: This week, ask Our Lord to help you detach your heart from all material possessions, or the desire for them, so that you may be free to belong entirely to Him. Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Try to please God alone, not people. Pray the Litany of Humility and ask for the grace to be free from human respect.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Pray intentionally for a family member, a friend or someone you know who is suffering from some physical or spiritual illness.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: This week, for ten or fifteen minutes a day, be quiet and be still. In the silence of your heart, allow the Lord to speak to you and grant you His peace.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Take some time this week to prove that you belong to Christ's Kingdom by doing at least one act of charity towards your neighbor.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Happy Feast of Corpus Christi!Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Pray for an increase of wonder and awe at the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament; and, ask God to lead you back to Him in those areas where you veered off the right path.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here: http…
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Happy Feast of the Most Holy Trinity!Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: This week, start making the Sign of the Cross more intentionally and prayerfully remembering that you belong to the Holy Trinity—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here: https://arlingtondiocese…
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Happy Pentecost! Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: This week, learn to live in the present moment and invoke the Holy Spirit often to let Him direct your life.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Ask the Lord what gifts He has given you for the building up of His kingdom and use them for that purpose.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Remember these three things: the love of Jesus was all-embracing, sacrificial and merciful. Then, examine your life and see which areas you need to improve, and ask God for the grace to do so.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here: https://arlingtondiocese.o…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Every day this week, spend 10-15 minutes just reading the Scriptures, and let yourself be surprised by the fruits it will bear in your life.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Make frequent acts of hope, handing ALL your troubles to Christ, the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for you.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Read the Gospels this week, and instead of looking for a specific lesson, simply pay attention to the person of Our Lord—who He is, what He says, how He acts.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Ask Our Lord for the grace to live Easter well, and make an effort to forgive someone in your life as Christ Himself has forgiven you.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Be a faithful witness to the truth of Christ's resurrection by reaching out to anyone in need and telling them that Christ lives and that He loves them.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Read the Passion of Our Lord in the Gospels and meditate on Jesus' suffering and death which He accomplished for love of you.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Pray for someone you know and let this person know that you've been praying for him/her.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Spend some time in front of a crucifix, asking Our Lord for the grace to love Him in a deeper way this Lent.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Make a good examination of conscience and then go to Confession to receive God's mercy. Let Christ drive the idols out of your heart!Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Remember a time in the past when Our Lord blessed you with consolation to prepare you for some suffering in the future. Then, write that down so you can go back to it during times of struggle.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Make a commitment to do each of these Lenten practices this week: prayer, fasting and alms-giving.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Ask Our Lord for humility and approach this Lent with a humble heart.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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2Minutes2Virtue: "Refresh Your Soul: Spend Time with God" - Fr. Peter McShurley (February 07, 2021)
Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Spend at least 10 minutes in silence with Our Lord, asking Him for the spiritual refreshment you need.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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2Minutes2Virtue: "God Still Speaks. Care to Listen?" - Fr. Thomas Ferguson (January 31, 2021)
Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Everyday, prayerfully meditate on one of the one hundred and fifty Psalms of the Bible.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Make a commitment to read and reflect prayerfully on one chapter of any book of the Bible.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2Minutes2Virtue Challenge: Resolve to advance our pro-life cause through prayer and fasting, especially on Friday, January 22nd, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Take 10 minutes this week and listen to God telling you, "You are my beloved...". Take another 10 minutes asking God to help you bring His Good News to a person who is suffering or struggling in any way.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here: https://arlingtondiocese.…
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Pause at least once each day and call to mind the many signs of God's love and blessings in your life, and then pray a "Glory Be". Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:由Audio resources from the Arlington Diocese
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Your #2minutes2virtue Challenge: Before the calendar year ends, think about the glory of God, how it should be the motive of your every action, and give thanks to God for the joy of Jesus.Get the 2-minute video reflection straight to your inbox every week by subscribing here:…
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