Legendary Los Angeles Morning Radio Personality Ken Minyard and son, Rick discuss the current events of the day and other stuff.
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Send us a text After witnessing the obscene way in which the Trump team treated the President of our ally Ukraine on Friday, it is clear that Trump and his cronies are working for someone other than the American people and the principles of democracy. Not only has the world reacted in outrage and horror, it is the American people, our economy and s…
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Send us a text Fun and games are over. Because the Westport development residents in Oxnard California have had enough and are not going to take it any longer! The birth of Resistance Westport has taken flight and is welcoming all like-minded members of the resistance to MAGA to join them in fighting back against the gangster government that is try…
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Send us a text We can stop pretending now. A fascist oligarchy is running the country. If events in recent days haven't convinced you that Trump isn't simply a figurehead, and that Musk isn't his Rasputin, then Michael Steele would like to have a word with you. This, therefore is the Elon Musk edition of the podcast. [email protected]…
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Send us a text In recognition of Ken's Birthday today, we've prepared a BLOCKBUSTER of an edition! Well, we think so anyway. As our government careens further into idiocy, and we further become a world-wide laughingstock, we provide proof as to why this is an accurate assessment of The United States in 2025. Perhaps the best example of this is illu…
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Send us a text If it's not plainly clear by now, we have handed the country over to a homicidal maniac hell-bent on taking out anyone and everyone he perceives as having slighted him. And that list is long and very distinguished. He has been mocked and laughed at his entire life, and always gotten by thanks to his daddy's money and influence. He is…
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Send us a text It's only been 6 days, but already it's clear that we are headed for some very tough times in this country. In that short amount of time, we've seen deportation raids on workplaces, homes, schools, churches. Congress is confirming some of the most inexperienced and dangerous people to head our Defense and Intelligence agencies. All o…
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Send us a text OK, so we have to find new ways of resisting what is about to happen to us as a nation. Overall, non-compliance whenever and wherever possible is how we're proceeding. But we have another way to proceed also. Simply don't use his name. We are from this day forward simply calling him "YouNoHoo". Everything this guy does is self-promot…
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Send us a text OK, so not as dramatic as it sounds, but we needed something sexy in the title of the episode. After taking time off to regain our sanity after the election...an effort that may not have been successful...we are back and have thoughts about our current situation as a nation. We see things somewhat differently on certain aspects, but …
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Send us a text As we collect ourselves in the new reality of just where we are now that the people have spoken, we realize that we need a break. In this episode, we share our thoughts on the election, and the need for some time to detox. The podcast will return in 2025. See you next year! We will stay engaged on our Facebook groups and hope to see …
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Send us a text We share the highlights, or lowlights, of the final week of the election cycle. By now, we all know the stakes and what to do. See you all on the other side... [email protected] Music by David Horton由Ken & Rick Minyard
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Send us a text The campaigns are bringing out their big guns in the last days of the campaign. Harris has billionaires Beyonce, Springsteen and Mark Cuban as well as Barack and Michelle Obama to bring it home. Meanwhile, Trump is handing out French Fries from a drive thru window, and standing up audiences in Michigan while he tries to reach young m…
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Send us a text Hard to tell who had the worst week between Trump, Ted Cruz and Bret Baier. Steve Schmidt summarizes pretty well just what Kamala Harris did to Baier, while Colin Allred treated Ted Cruz like a piñata. But the award has to go to Trump, who got humiliated at an event in Chicago, and decimated at an Hispanic Town Hall in Miami and fini…
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Send us a text How much crazier and more dangerous can Trump and his MAGA acolytes rhetoric get? This past week shows that Trump is nervous...very nervous and willing to put lives in danger with his lies. Buckle in, because the next three weeks is going to be rough. We've already voted. Have you? Also, M & M's first ever movie review! minyard.minya…
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Send us a text As the polls continue to track for Harris/Walz, and the prospect of incarceration comes more closely into focus, Trump grows more and more desperate and delusional. One month from now, we'll have a clearer picture of our fate as a nation. Make your plans to vote. [email protected] Music by David Horton…
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Send us a text In just over a month, the most important national election in our nation's history will take place. Our choice is between an insane, authoritarian wannabe who is literally losing his mind more by the day, and a truly historic and competent candidate. For some reason, polls tell us that the race is close. We'll have to deal with that …
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Send us a text There was so much idiocy on display this past week, that we decided to devote the entire show to the sounds of that idiocy. As usual, virtually all of it leads back to Trump. [email protected] Music by David Horton由Ken & Rick Minyard
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Send us a text Ken has cheated the Grim Reaper once again and is back in the saddle. So...what'd we miss the past 5 weeks? [email protected] Music by David Horton由Ken & Rick Minyard
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Send us a text Will Rogers famous quote "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat" may finally have become obsolete. In a short 3 weeks, the Democrats, and more specifically the Harris campaign, has made all the right moves and have come from behind like a sprinter running down her opponents in the last 100 meters of a lo…
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Send us a text After the NABJ convention debacle, a veteran GOP political pundit said “He did crap the bed. … The only question is whether he’s going to roll around in it or get up and change the sheets.” Well, he couldn't help himself during a Klan...er...MAGA rally in Atlanta, he did it again. This time, he continually attacked the popular Govern…
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Send us a text One week ago, in an instant, everything changed. It's now game on, and Trump is struggling to figure out how to deal with what is happening. [email protected] Music by David Horton由Ken & Rick Minyard
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Send us a text As the nation sorts through all of the conspiracy theories from the assassination attempt on Trump, and survives the absolute clown show that was the GOP convention, we again ask the question of when (not if) Joe Biden will step aside for a younger Democrat who will defeat Trump and hopefully put an end to the MAGA nightmare. Meanwhi…
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Send us a text President Biden is so far ignoring the borderline panic and political crisis that is building among Democrats and freedom-loving people across the globe. He stubbornly resists the calls for him to step down from the campaign and pass the baton to a younger generation. He says that he'll only step aside if the "good Lord Himself" tell…
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Send us a text Three things happened at the disaster of what was called a "debate" last Thursday. 1. Biden was terrible. 2. Trump unleashed an avalanche of bullshit "the likes of which we've never seen". 3. CNN crashed and burned while Jake Tapper and Dana Bash ended their careers for all intents and purposes. What now? We discuss. Minyard.minyardp…
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Send us a text No way around it. Last night was a fiasco. A disgusting and incompetent and lie-filled performance by Trump should have been destroyed by his debate opponent and the moderators. Instead, we are now faced with the fact that Biden is not up to the task and must be replaced immediately. CNN has also failed again in not addressing the av…
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Send us a text Gotta love Louisiana. Thanks to their Governor signing into law there a mandate for all schools, public and private, to post the Ten Commandments in classrooms, Trump has had to deal with the issue. And Trump being Trump, went all in on the idea in front of the Faith and Freedom Conference. Now, let's take a look at those Ten Command…
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Send us a text The past week featured a convicted felon with dozens of still pending charges sweep into town, where they threw a mob-style welcome home party for him. This leads to lots of questions. Associating with known criminals is disqualifying for just about any job in the country, so why do we accept that these weak examples of leaders are w…
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Send us a text While we endure the period between verdict and sentence, and the GOP is out twisting itself into knots in defense of the convicted felon, Trump has some time on his hands to get back in front of microphones at rally's and interviews. And being Trump, he's making a fool of himself. We brought the receipts. [email protected] Mu…
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Send us a text Between now and July 11th, Judge Juan Merchan will be deciding what to do with convicted felon Donald Trump. We will hear daily predictions of "no incarceration", "home confinement", "probation", "community service" and "prison time". One thing is certain, Merchan's decision will cause half of our political populace to lose their shi…
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Send us a text If the big news networks can do it, why can't we? Trump goes down! [email protected]由Ken & Rick Minyard
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Send us a text General consensus is that if a verdict comes down this week, it's bad news for Trump. Here's hoping for a lightning fast verdict! [email protected] Music by David Horton由Ken & Rick Minyard
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Send us a text OK, so now the future of the country, no, the world rests in the hands of a dozen New Yorkers, and then hopefully a Judge who will impose an appropriate sentence to the criminal. And we wait... [email protected] Music by David Horton由Ken & Rick Minyard
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Send us a text Ken and Rick discuss the highlights of the past week, and imagine different scenarios pertaining to the elections this year. Either way, the coming holiday season is going to be...different. [email protected] Music by David Horton由Ken & Rick Minyard
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Send us a text So Ken is back from his planned month-long road trip...after a week...? He'll provide a full explanation. We get all caught up on what has happened over the past two weeks in the world at large, and in Trump world of course. [email protected] Music by David Horton由Ken & Rick Minyard
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Send us a text Ken is traveling for the next several weeks, and is sending us reports from the road. We follow his early progress in this episode, while discussing the much anticipated start to the first of many criminal trials of Donald Trump. [email protected] Music by David Horton由Ken & Rick Minyard
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Send us a text Ken and Rick have decidedly differing views on how AG Merrick Garland has handled the Trump investigation. We debate. We also explore how Evangelical Christians have destroyed their credibility with their slavish devotion to Trump. Lawrence O'Donnell had a monologue for the ages this past week in anticipation of the trial starting in…
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Send us a text Last week, we explored the great American Tradition of Pitch Men, and made the argument that Trump is the greatest of all time. His grift has gotten him to the highest office in the land and convinced 70 million of our fellow voters to be convinced that he's the one to save us. Well, in this episode, we feature one more that certainl…
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Send us a text Dating back 200 years or more, with the 'Snake Oil Salesmen', and others hawking their wares door-to-door or at County Fairs or boardwalks, America enjoys a long tradition of pitch men. We explore some of the best in the past 40 years or so, and ask where the line is between pitch men and grifter. There is no doubt that there is one …
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Send us a text In a wild several days including Trump obtaining both another delay in one case, and a three week warning before a Jury is set to be seated in another...we share some of the Elon Musk interview with Don Lemon that ultimately got Lemon fired on his first day on the job at the app formerly known as Twitter. Was it the questions about M…
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Send us a text There is no disputing that America is at a place that we've not been since the 1860's. We really are two separate nations. Our differences appear to be irreconcilable. Therefore, instead of taking up arms and killing our fellow citizens over politics and whether we should convert from a Democratic Republic to an Authoritarian form of…
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Send us a text Big week. MAGA finally ran out the clock on Nikki Haley with the Super Tuesday results. President Biden blew away the low expectations set by both left and right by delivering a forceful State of the Union address, Eric Swalwell schools MAGA members of congress on the border bill, and Marjorie Taylor Greene told a foreign journalist …
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Send us a text The election of 2024, and quite probably the future of American democracy comes down to a battle between two grandpas. One, a kindly and beloved man with a loving family and a history of kindness and caring, and the other a career con man who has cheated and lied his way through life, and is threatening to end our system of governmen…
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Send us a text This week, psychologist Dr John Gartner, formerly of Johns Hopkins University Medical School, sounded the alarm...on Donald Trump. Trump's slurring and inability to sometimes formulate complete sentences appears to be a sign of growing dementia and possible early stages of Alzheimer's. He asserts that Trump is becoming more dangerous…
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Send us a text Aside from another mass shooting at a Super Bowl celebration, a massive, multi-hundreds of millions of dollars judgement against Trump and his spawn, the assassination of the leading opposition figure in Russia by Putin a month before the elections there...did anything of interest happen this week? [email protected] Mu…
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Send us a text Ken has a unique look at what Joe Biden is going through at 81 years old. He can relate he says. We discuss. Also, we focus on how this election is going to have to be conducted in order to keep Trump out of the White House again. And it isn't going to be pretty. Time to get dirty. [email protected] Music by David Hort…
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Send us a text WE DID IT! We made it through a podcast and only devoted maybe ten minutes to Donald Trump! Instead, we discuss, at length, the most popular celebrity on the planet, and someone who strikes absolute fear into MAGA brains. [email protected] Music by David Horton由Ken & Rick Minyard
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Send us a text That's it! Trump has developed a highly-advanced, very sophisticated way of communicating with his cult...MAGAese! It's probably the greatest, most highly advanced form of communication ever. One that only the true MAGA devotee can fully grasp. For the rest of us, it sounds clownish, ignorant and, well...just plain stupid. But to his…
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Send us a text The Diseased Brain of Donald Trump was on full display this week for all to see. Yet, it doesn't appear to have any effect on his cultists. We devote this episode to the words that come out of Trumps face and those of some of his supporters and lawyers. [email protected] Music by David Horton…
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Send us a text As we see time and again MAGA elected officials and supporters make complete fools of themselves by proudly owning their hypocrisy when it comes to their dear leader, Trae Crowder aka Liberal Redneck, has boiled it down for us. "Trump is awesome, and Biden sucks." It's that simple. The mind of MAGA is no more complicated than that. T…
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Send us a text Joe Biden launched his campaign with what many have been hoping...begging for - a case against Donald Trump that will motivate his voters. It is being compared by some to FDR and JFK. Meanwhile, in Iowa, his opponent by contrast, engaged in a series of demented rants about...pretty much nothing. We contrast the two. minyard.minyardpo…
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Send us a text Here is the 2023 retrospective in sound. We cover most of the main topics of interest for the past year in our final podcast of the year. Sit back, laugh, cry, shout, enjoy. [email protected] Music by David Horton由Ken & Rick Minyard
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