Podcasts from our weekly RUF at TCU Large Group Meetings.
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In Memory of Wes Smith由Bradford Green
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A guest sermon from TCU RUF's intern Walt Horton由Bradford Green
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Gen 3:8-24 | After the Fall, Gen 3:15 gives us the first word of the gospel and points us to a greater marriage between Jesus and his Church.由Bradford Green
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Gen 3:1-7 | Because of the Fall, sin has entered the world and death through sin-- leading to shame, fear, and our desperate need to hide from God.由Bradford Green
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Gen 2:4-25 | God uses covenants to order his relationship with humans, but the fall of Adam creates a need for a new and greater covenant representative: Jesus.由Bradford Green
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Part one of a three part series on justification from this year's Ranchopalooza youth retreat.由Bradford Green
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Part two of a three part series on justification from this year's Ranchopalooza youth retreat.由Bradford Green
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Part three of a three part series on justification from this year's Ranchopalooza youth retreat.由Bradford Green
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Gen 2:1-3 | In creation, God models work and rest for us, and gives us a special kind of rest in the Sabbath.由Bradford Green
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A preview of our Spring '23 series in Genesis, based on Gen 1:1-- "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."由Bradford Green
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Gen 1:1-31 | In the first chapter of Genesis, God makes promises-- and he never makes promises that he doesn't intend to keep.由Bradford Green
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Luke 18:1-8 | Guest Preacher Rev. Brian Davis of Trinity Pres in Fort Worth opens up the story of the unjust judge and the persistent widow.由Bradford Green
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Luke 18:9-14 | Through repentance and faith in Jesus, God gives us the verdict of "Justified" for all time.由Bradford Green
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Luke 15:11-32 | The Prodigal Son and his older brother both find different ways to run from their father.由Bradford Green
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Luke 11:14-28 | Jesus has overcome the kingdom of darkness for us由Bradford Green
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Luke 9:28-36 | At the Transfiguration, Jesus cracked open the door to another world.由Bradford Green
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Rev. 22: 1-5, 14-21 | Jesus has not forgotten us. He will come for us soon, swallowing up Death forever.由Ryan Anderson
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Rev. 21:1-5, 16, 22-27 | God work, all along, has been to put back together "all things."由Ryan Anderson
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Rev. 19:6-10 | Heaven itself is imaged/put on display as a great feast, a wedding feast even. But, we're not just there as *participants*, the people of God are there as *Bride*. How does seeing this about our future shape the way we live now?由Ryan Anderson
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James 1:26-2:7 | Rev. Ryan Moore shares with us about what lies at the heart of True Religion.由Ryan Moore
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Rev. 14:6-13 | John "presses into" his readers by encouraging them, no matter what they are facing – threats from without or boredom from within – to persevere. He does this by warning of Judgment and promising Blessing.由Ryan Anderson
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Rev. 17:1-6, 15-18; 18:1-4, 9, 11, 13 | In this selection of verses, we learn of the Symbolic City-Prostitute: Babylon...what she means and where she is headed.由Ryan Anderson
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Rev. 12 | Every Christian is engaged in a war they can't avoid...and, yet, one they can't lose.由Ryan Anderson
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Rev 6 & 8:1-5 | The slain Lamb on the Throne begins to open the scroll. The seven seals which He breaks set into action God's redemptive plan for His people. These texts show us that God is utterly sovereign in His rule. And, even through suffering and (apparent) chaos, God is governing all thing for the good of His beloved people and the judgment …
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Rev. 5 | At the center of the Throne, we are show a Lion who is a slain Lamb. John is showing us that Jesus and His work stands at the center of reality itself. This gives our lives profound meaning (as well as all of history), but it also shows us the way that following him will be like.由Ryan Anderson
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Rev. 4:1-11 | John's next vision takes us to the heart of Reality itself. At the center, we find an occupied Throne. The Throne reminds us that God is in control of all things and this is meant to bring all of creation to its knees in worship.由Ryan Anderson
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Rev. 2:1-7 | Jesus addresses, through John, a church that has much going for it! Right teaching, moral living, and confronting false teachers. In all of this, however, they had lost something critical: Their love for Jesus. Listen in as we learn how Christ confronts this situation and the good news offered, not only to the church at Ephesus, but fo…
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Rev. 1: 9-20 | John gives his readers, and us, a picture of Christ as He presently is. Seeing Him, how would this change the way we live our lives in the present?由Ryan Anderson
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Rev. 1:1-8 | The book of Revelation is meant to show us Jesus. It does so by giving us images to engage our imaginations so that we might see Him.由Ryan Anderson
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1Cor 6:12-7:5 | In an over-sexualize culture, how does the Bible speak on the topic of Sex? Listen in to how we learn to "Follow Jesus with our bodies." **If you would like to learn more about the ministry of RUF at TCU, including ways to support it, please click here.**由Ryan Anderson
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Eph 5:21-33 | The Christian vision/picture of marriage is one that points to a greater reality — Christ's love for the Church. Learn, here, where we get the power for marriage and how it shapes us as well. **If you would like to learn more about the ministry of RUF at TCU, including ways to support it, please click here.**…
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In the wake of tragedy/death on campus last week, we take a break from our relationship series to look at how God meets us in our sorrow and sadness.由Ryan Anderson
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Mark 12:28-32 | The Great Command to love God and Neighbor apply to all areas of life. Here, we explore their application to the topic of Dating.由Ryan Anderson
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1Cor. 7:1, 6-9, 25-28, 32-35 | Paul highlight singleness as a fully human expression of being human. Our singleness is not a less-than-ideal way of being human in God's world. Rather, being a gift, we are to continue to love God and love others even if we are not married.由Ryan Anderson
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Proverbs 18:24, 27:6, 9, 17; John 15:12-16 | Good friendships are necessary to live well and wisely in this world. In order to make, keep, and be good friends, we'll need to see how we have a Friend "who sticks closer than a brother."由Ryan Anderson
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Matt. 18:21-35 | Here in this parable, Jesus teaches us that those who follow Him must have their lives characterized by forgiveness. Not only TO us, but THROUGH us. This, in turn, gives us profound resources to bring healing to our relationships.由Ryan Anderson
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1 Jn 4:7-12 | The healing/mending of all our relationships begins with God first reconciling us to Himself through Jesus, an act that John calls a demonstration of Love.由Ryan Anderson
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Genesis 1:26-28, 31; 2:18-25; John 17:3 | From the beginning, the we were made for relationships. We bear the image of a communal God who has made us and therefore we too were made for relationships!由Ryan Anderson
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Mark 2:1-12 | Here we see how Jesus makes us whole, in community with others, for the good of the world around us.由Ryan Anderson
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Prov 14:25; 15:1, 18; 16:32; 19:11, 19; 22:24; 25:21-22; 29:9, 22 | Is there a more disintegrating (to our relationship, ourselves, and the way we see the world) emotion than anger? While created as emotional persons, the Proverbs tells us that we'll never become wise unless we learn to understand and get a handle on our anger.…
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Proverbs 3:35, 4:8, 15:33, 21:21, 22:4, 25:27, 27:2, 29:23 | Vainglory. Not a word we use much these days. Yet, the reality (the empty praise of others) is something very much present in our lives. What is vainglory and what do the Proverbs tells us about its dangers and healing? Listen here for more.…
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Proverbs 6:6-9, 12:11, 13:4, 21:5, 26:15, 28:19 | Man was made to work and to work well. The Proverbs move us from sluggardliness to diligence and wisdom.由Ryan Anderson
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Proverbs 3:31, 14:30, 19:23, 23:17, 24:1, 27:4, 27:20 | Most of us downplay the vice of Envy in our lives. But Proverbs holds it out as something terribly destructive to us and our relationships. Even still, it is not beyond being healed by the Gospel.由Ryan Anderson
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Proverbs 10:11, 18, 19; 12:17-18; 13:3; 15:1, 23; 18:2, 21; 24:26; 27:19; 29:11 | Nearly 13% of all the Proverbs deal with our words. In other 'words' (sorry), the Proverbs talk a lot about talking. Listen here to what our words are for and practical ways to use them in light of the gospel.由Ryan Anderson
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(NOTE: Poor audio quality halfway through)Proverbs 5:21; 15:22; 16:1,3,9,25,33; 19:21; 20:24; 21:2; 21:30 | Proverbs seeks to give us an understanding about how our choices and God's plan co-exist at the same time.由Ryan Anderson
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Proverbs 3:34; 11:2; 13:10; 15:25; 16:18-19; 18:12, 21:4; 22:4; 29:23; 30:13 | Here, we take a look at what author Dorothy Sayers calls "the sin of trying to be...God." What is pride and how do we find healing for our pride before Jesus?由Ryan Anderson
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Prov 3:5; 4:20-23; 12:20, 25; 15:13-14; 15:30; 16:1; 17:3; 20:9 | The book of Proverbs understands human beings in a unique way. It says that our hearts shape our entire lives. And even though they direct the "springs of life", the heart, too, is directed. We are most wise when we understand our hearts.…
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Prov. 2 | Wisdom is gift to us from God himself. Even so, it must be sought out. How do we gain it and what the promises it gives us?由Ryan Anderson
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Pv. 1:1-7, 22-23, 32-33; 4:7 | In this introductory sermon, we see that the book of Proverbs puts on offer something we desperately need. It seeks to give us wisdom that we might become wise, from Him who is the Wisdom of God.由Ryan Anderson
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1 Pt. 4:12-19 | Peter tells Christians that they will share in both Christ's suffering and in Christ's glory.由Ryan Anderson
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