In 2016, a group of comedians discovered the script for an unproduced Disney-channel TV show called Teen President. Set in the late 90's/early 2000's, it tells the story of a 14 year old boy named Jonhny Rad who becomes the President of the United States. Twice a month, a group of comedians such as Laura Havel, Saleh Karaman, and Dan LaBrecque, read that script. Welcome to the show that finally answers the question "can you heely in the White House?"
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The gang stumbles onto a mystery involving their new principal. But the bigger mystery? Why aren't you currently exploring the charming and up-and-coming neighborhoods of Anacostia?由Teen President
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Someone told Stacy that popular characters on shows sometimes get their own spinoff series. That was a mistake.由Teen President
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Teen President does a Back to the Future (sort of).由Teen President
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