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Adner Delhomme

To all listeners who have stumble on my podcast, and taking time to enjoy by listen them so thanks, this is a sort a personal journal that I decide to share to all of you, in this moment of health crises around the World. This is a great platform to sharing my thoughts, give encouragement. Please feel free to give your generous contribution in order for me to acquire better podcast tools in order for me to offer great listening contents . Visit my cash apps/$adner21 , ...
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show series
This podcast is just an overview or a narration of the Transatlantic Slade trade, which was one of the most shameful chapters in Human History. Between 1500 and 1900 it's estimated that around 12 million African men, women and Children were stolen from the Europeans. Its impact is still causing lots mental issues, poverty trauma. and the continuati…
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Ici C'est la fin de cet serie sur l'inportance de L'Arche de L' Alliance. L'histoire d 'Israel fait souvent mention de L'Arche de L' Alliance ,ou du Temoignage Qu'est-elle exactement ? Alors , L'Arche ? N'est-elle pas au milieu du peuple , la presence meme de Dieu ?, Aussi La Conversion de Paul ( Saul) est aussi expliquez . Tout cela est valable po…
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The Carribean was most of the time the final the destination of majority of the enslave African peoples ,Specifically to Haiti ,then where most of Stolen African families where transported to different part of North ,South America ,and all over the multiples Island into the Carribean . Zay Lewis 's video a tic tock creator who is giving his opinion…
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Tabernacle ''Dieu ne gere pas les concepts et les idees selon nos criteres d'appreciation. Pour lui , le theme du Tabernacle etait prioritaire .. Capital meme , puisque l'habitation de Dieu en Israel decrite par L'Ancien Testament presente ,prefigure ,et prophetise en quelque sorte l'habitation deDieu parmi nous. Ecrit par John H. Alexander { Certi…
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One of the things that worry me the most is not knowing how my ancestors were surviving the Middle passage . the transatlantic slave trade is one of the most shameful chapters in human history .Between 1500 and 1900 it's estimated that around 12 million African men , women and children were stolen from their home by Europeans. Please listen to this…
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Comme vous le Savez, Face a toutes les autres religions, L' evangile De Jesus-Christ presente un message unique .Et Cette nouvelle sujet pour L'annee 2024 '' C'est Rencontrer Dieu ''j'espere cet podcast vous aidera de grandit un peut et aussi des prieres recite durant my Podcast sont simples et faciles a comprend ,et rappellent que chaque gest de l…
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Angels '' appear in every major world religion and culture ,For instance ,From Christianity to Judaism , Islam . Growing up I was always curious about the existence of Those Angelic Beings or world's divine messengers. Hopefully this podcast will give you an insight about the life of Angels who are so diverse on status or ranks on the Celestial rea…
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Marie-Ange Faugerolas is the author of many novels and books on spirituality, she has been personally connected with angles since she was a child. This tome of Ancient and modern wisdom offers a perspective on the world we could have previously only imagined, as well as practical tools to bring more love ,light ,and energy into our lives.…
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Angels appear in every major world's religions and Culture from Christianity to Judaism , Islam to the Native American. This podcast will be celebrating the impact of those Spiritual beings . Also , The author Marie-Ange Faugerolas her Book ''Angles "' The definitive guide to Angels from around the world.'' I will be using to narrate this amazing s…
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Angels appear in every major world religion and Culture- from Christianity to Judais , Islam to the Native American Thurderbirds. This podcast will be a celebration of the world's divine messengers and definitive resource containing all the knowledge collected to date about these awe-inspiring beings. Author Marie-Ange Faugerolas her book will use …
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Prieres : qui nous force a recherchez la face de Dieu , et de partagez nos amertumes avec les autres ,specifiquement a noTre pere qui est au Cieux. "' Celui qui a des oreilles ,qu'il ecoute ce que L'Esprit dit aux Eglises : je te partagerai le secret du pain .Je te donnerai aussi un Caillou Blanc, Le caillou sur lequel estt grave un nouveau nom pou…
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer, On sait que il n'aimait pas qu'on parle de lui, de ses epreuves,de ses souffrances.Aussi aurait-il ete le premier surpris et gene qu'on publie des textes de lui rassembles en brevaire. D'autant plus qu'un breviaire est, en general, plutot une oeuvre communautaire,et non personnelle. Et an addition des definition des mots pour f…
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Les methodes d'exploration de la personnalite ,et les theories de la personnalite, sous le nom de methodes d' exploration de la personnalite, on entend generalement les techniques qui permettent d'apprecier les composantes affectives et conatives , leur structure , leur dynamisme et,eventuellement , l'histoire de de leur developpement dans l'indivi…
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The African American story, which will help the listeners around the world to get know better or to get themselves educated about the History ,and the rich cultural milestones, and also to discover the most uprising against the US's brutal slave system. Also a few short stories from the New York Times Bestseller '' The Sum Of US what Racism Costs E…
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Au sujet de Jesus de Nazareth, qui etait un prophete puissant en oeuvres et en paroles devant chretienne et devant tout le peuple. L 'existence de Jesus de Nazareth au debut de l'ere Chretienne est incontestable : en rendent temoignage aussi bien les incroyants que les croyants.Quelle idee devons-nous nous faire de ce personnage historique et des t…
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Despite what is going on in Haiti today, all supporters or lovers, and fighters of human rights around the world should be grateful to Haiti for its role for centuries, fighting against human rights abuses, Human traffics, violence or enslavements, and also, after the world most successful revolution against the force of evil abusers of this world.…
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Today's Podcast is about Historic moments ,of Key figures ,and cultural milestones from the African-American story, the second part of story of this podcast were few brief story about the Civil war,Emancipation ,Black Cowboys, Reconstruction ,and also , about the Jim crow laws impact on the lives of our fellow Americans,Finally ,part of this podcas…
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L ' esperance d'un project de paix perpetuelle , comme vous le savez pendant des siecle les homme ont lutter pour avoir une sorte de paix permanent parmi les hommes.Ce project ne se limite pas a celui du desarmement, qui semble,d'ailleurs, tout a faire insoluble;il ne pourra devenir un project politique qu'au moment ou les relations economique, cul…
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Apres 21 annees independence contre les demons Francais, Ils sont de retour en Haiti pour demander a La premiere Republique Noir du Nouveau Monde, de payer son independence qui'ils avaient lutter pour 13 annes de bataille . The New Times l'un des grands journeaux d'Amerique ont faire des recherches tres affrondi pour decouvrir l'impact de cet dette…
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This podcast is all about historic moments, key figures and cultural milestones from the African-American story. As you may know ,the African-American story is undeniably one of the heartache ,pain and struggle. However ,its also one filled with resilience ,creativity , innovation and hope. Most of those stories ,which is narrated by me ,it from th…
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Knowing about the life of Jesus should be everyone goal,in this podcast I just narrated a few details about Jesus life while he was ministering on Earth. And addition I have talking The road to Jerulsalem, the disturnbance in the temple,the last super ,and then , the arrest in Gethemane , the rial of Jesus that follow his indictment, and finally th…
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La Patience De Dieu : Avec l'aide des plusieur auteurs et ecrivaints , et aussi des opinions des philosophes, Cet podcast vous aidera apprend beaucoup sur la patience de Dieu qui commencera avec Adam et sa femme Eve apres ils sont peches contre Dieu, et Cain premier fils nee , aussi avaint perdu la confience de Dieu. Plusieurs des textes dans ce po…
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The Story of Jesus part 1, I am sharing with you the story of Jesus ,that most of you around the world have learned as children or in your own spare time ,if you are curious about his amazing life ,which has impacted many lives around the world to those who have learned about him. And also , a brief history of Christian's early beginning around the…
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As you may know, For ages Scientists ,philosophers and regular people have been in a long quest about the existence of our Creator ,and also ,they have hadasked countless questions , and they have beings searching for God ,despite the overwhelming evidences of God 's presence on our daily lives. Finally ,they are also scientists believe some people…
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La vie , notre vie -en tant que fils de Dieu devenu homme, a vecu en se substituant a nous, toute vie humaine est une vie essentiellement responsable. Le principale terme de ce podcast est la responsabilite de notre vie en ce monde, L' auteur de Breviaire a donner des explication tiree des textes de la Bible, et aussi avec l'aide des des grands tex…
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Toutes les textes de ce Podcast sont tires dans la publication par Dietrich Bonhoeffer ,il donne son commentaire sur l'histoire du commencement de la terre by Dieu, ce podcast aussi a des definitions des plusieurs termes familier ou courant ,ajoutons aussi dans le category Philosophers corner des textes de Kant et Leibniz aux sujet de l' essence d'…
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C'est la fin ce serie sur l'histoire de la revolution Haitienne, et la long lutte pendant 13 annees de rebellions contre les puisance diabolique de l'Europe , L'Espagne , L 'Angleterre et la France, plutart l 'Almagne , Les Americains et Nealandais. Ce podcast explore l'histoire de la lutte ,et guerres pour aboutir a L'independence D'Haiti.Ainsi es…
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Asher and Adner trying to pick each brains, by trying make sense of a few difficult issues of this life , and issues that come up in our hometown here in Portland, and others problems that have affected all of us,and also,many challenging that rise up due to the world pandemic, and ongoing issue of racial injustice in our country and around the wor…
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Estimating the number of Languages spoken in the past is difficult. .Unlike extinct animals, dead languages seldom leave fossils, most lack writing systems. Cautious estimates based on known rates of languages development suggest that more than 10,000 languages once existed. As cultural diversity decreased , the number dropped. Linguists project th…
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Les Flibustiers et les Boucaniers sont des voleurs et des pirates venus de tous les ports europeens,se sont lances a la poursuite des galions pour voler.Mais ils ne sont pas les seuls a s'interesser a Haiti ,d 'autres aventuriers ,animes d'intentions plus honnetes ,ont arme des bateaux dans le but de s'adonner au commerce avec les nouvelles contree…
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L'amour des ennemis avait ete enseignez dans la Bible par Jesus durant son sejour dans notre monde, Ce podcast est au sujet du courage il faut avoir pour apprendre accepter quelqu'un qui est un ennemis. Jesus nous equipent avec sa grand sagesse ,nous avaient encouragez la facon de confronter nos ennemis de ce monde en perdition.les textes de Deitri…
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The story of Israel's history continues in those few books of the Bible, that I have used for today's podcast; such judges, Ruth ,1& 2 Samuel etc . It was amazing how those people has God Constant presence and love ,while he was guiding them, protecting their nation and their leaderships. ,despite their flaws and their rebellious attitude or sins.…
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One of things to do in order to understand the Bible is trying to get first of all ,the propose of those books. For instance ; Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers ,and Deuteronomy are books of law from the Bible; which are describing clearly to the Nation Of Israel how to live their lives ,while in captivity or slavery .then those books help us understand…
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L'amour est un concept que toutes les monde ont interprete selon leur milieux or culture qu'ils viennent. Ce podcast je vient d' introduit ou presenter les ecrits et les textes des grands philosophes, qui donnent leur opinions sur L' amour dans toutes ses aspects ; par example Auguste Conte , Alain , Vladimir Jankelevitch , Platon et Spinoza ,leur …
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