Pastor Phil Kooistra 公开
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As believers, do we more often live out of faith or find ourselves living out of fear? In this sermon from Psalm 34, guest pastor Noah Winningham looks at David’s example of moving from fear to faith, as he began to regularly praise the Lord, boast about what God had done, and invite others to magnify the Lord with him. As we move into faith, we ca…
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Even long-time believers struggle with sin and can be tempted to hide or deny it. In this sermon from Psalm 32, guest pastor T.J. Smith looks at the blessing of forgiveness, the danger of concealing sin, and the definition of Christian confession. When we confess our sins to our loving Creator, we can experience the joy and peace that comes from kn…
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Most of us are looking for happiness, purpose, and to experience true freedom, but how do we find these things? In this sermon from Ecclesiastes 11 & 12, Pastor Neal looks at Solomon’s advice to enjoy life, remember our Creator, and fear and obey God. As we bow the knee and live according to His design, we can truly enjoy life and love God. From ou…
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In this sermon from Psalm 67, guest pastor Josh Pasma encourages us to make the Lord known by praising, enjoying, and fearing him. We are reminded that the fear of man often keeps us from sharing the gospel, and we are admonished to overcome this fear as we live our lives in service of the Lord Jesus Christ. From our Sunday service at Grace Bible C…
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In Ecclesiastes 1 & 2, Solomon shows us what we should, and should not, expect out of life. He helps us to see that so much of what we long for and seek after is not worth the chase in the first place. In this sermon, Pastor Neal looks at these truths and reminds us that life is not meant to be gain, but a gift of joy, and that joy begins by trusti…
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In this first sermon from our Summer of Wisdom series, Pastor Phil looks at Proverbs 3:5-8, where Solomon lays out for his son what will lead to a life of blessing. In verses 5-6, he calls him to trust the Lord with all his heart, and in 7-8 he calls him to fear the Lord, which includes living humbly, reverently, and obediently. The reward of livin…
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In the final two verses of his letter, Jude concludes with the most important thing for us to remember: that the source of our strength and hope to contend for the gospel and keep ourselves in the love of God is not dependent on us, but on God alone. He points us to God’s power and preeminence, encouraging us to properly align our worship to the on…
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In Jude 17-23, we are shown how to contend for the faith without tearing down the church as we attempt to silence the scoffers and corral false doctrine. We do this by remembering the truth of God's Word, keeping ourselves in the love of God, and showing mercy to those around us just as the Lord has shown great mercy to us. From our Sunday service …
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In this sermon from Jude 11-16, we look at the continued warnings regarding the dangerous teaching and lifestyle of the false teachers. Jude now focuses on their pride and love of self and warns of the destruction this leads to. We should reject the ways of these false teachers and instead turn to Christ, who alone can forgive us of selfishness, gr…
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In this sermon from Jude 8-10, we see Jude’s continued warning, describing the reasoning the false teachers use to justify their sin and the consequences that await them for their rebellion. Because false teachers ignore the objective truth of God’s Word and choose to live by their subjective feelings and beliefs, they are on a path to destruction …
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In this sermon from Jude 5-7, Pastor Phil looks at three Old Testament examples that warn us not to follow the false teachers’ path, highlighting the character of apostates and the consequences we can learn from. These examples warn us of the dangers of unbelief, rebellion, and immorality, and encourage us to live by faith, in humble submission, an…
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In this sermon from the books of Luke and Matthew, we see the different responses of Mary and Joseph to the incredible news that a Savior would come through Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit. They both demonstrate amazing faith and obedience that are examples for us today. From our Sunday service at Grace Bible Church of Bend. Visit our website …
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In this passage from 1 Corinthians, Paul makes an appeal for gospel unity in the church. He urges the believers in Corinth to agree, to have no divisions among them, and to be united in mind and judgment. His desire is that they would be unified in every way. Ultimately, the source of unity in the church is Christ, and the purpose is the proclamati…
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In this sermon from Jude 3-4, guest speaker Sam Raju helps us to understand what true faith is, reminding us that we are not just called to believe that God exists but to put our faith and trust in him. He also looks at the biblical definition of grace and three common misconceptions: that grace is a permission to sin, that it is God letting up on …
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The book of Jude is written to Christians being deceived by false teachers inside the church, warning and encouraging them to “contend for the faith.” In this sermon from Jude 1-2, Pastor Phil looks at who we are and what we have been given in Christ. As believers, we are servants of Christ, we are called, we are loved, and we are safe, and in him …
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In this sermon from Isaiah 40:27-31, guest speaker Todd Miles looks at Israel’s complaint, who God is, what he does, and what his people should do in response. We are reminded to go to God for help, to pray with expectation, and in our waiting to obey, hope, trust, and seek after the Lord. From our Sunday service at Grace Bible Church of Bend.…
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The book of Hebrews ends with a pastoral benediction over God’s people, as well as direction on how we should pray. We are encouraged to pray for the work of God in Christ, who is our peace, our life, and our Great Shepherd. We are also reminded to pray for the people of God, that he would equip us, work in us, and that we would listen to his Word.…
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The book of Hebrews calls us to follow and obey not only our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, but the pastors and elders that he has placed in authority over his church. In this sermon from Hebrews 13:17-19, Austin Farley looks at why we should follow and submit to our leaders, as well as what this looks like in the life of the church. From our Sunday …
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Our response to the book of Hebrews should be to offer up a sacrifice of praise, but what does this sacrifice of praise look like? In this sermon from Hebrews 13:15-16, Pastor Phil looks at the motivation, the manner, and the methods of true worship. We see that we can live a life that is pleasing to God when we acknowledge his name in our lives, d…
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As believers, are we fully devoted to Christ and willing to share our faith with others, or are we too proud, afraid, or even ashamed of the gospel? In this sermon from Hebrews 13:9-14, Pastor Neal looks at the beauty and great joy of God’s grace, where the believer will find no disgrace or shame, but hope and assurance in the gospel of Jesus Chris…
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What is so important about the death of Christ? In this Easter sermon from 2 Corinthians 5:14-15, Pastor Phil looks at the motivation, the purpose, and the impact of the death of Jesus Christ. It was motivated by a love beyond comprehension, accomplished our salvation through Christ being our substitute, and through the work of the Spirit, it has t…
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God’s word is clear that He alone is worthy of our worship, and it calls us to love him with all we have. But what does this look like in our lives? In Hebrews 13:5-8, we see that a life of worship includes being a faithful steward of what the Lord has given us, as well as a faithful leader who not only models what a true believer looks like, but w…
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What does it look like for Christians to offer up their lives as a living sacrifice to God? In this sermon from Hebrews 13:1-4, Andrew Sullivan looks at three practical ways that are found in this passage: by practicing generous hospitality, by identifying with the isolated and mistreated, and by keeping ourselves sexually pure. With the help of th…
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In Hebrews 12:25-29, the writer gives a final warning to his readers, encouraging them (and us) to listen to what God is saying and not to refuse his word. We are reminded that although we can choose whether or not to listen, we cannot choose the consequences. The writer also reassures believers that we are safe in Christ, encouraging us to give th…
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In Hebrews 12:18-24, the writer paints a picture of two mountains representing two covenants and two ways we can approach God. He contrasts the fear of Mt. Sinai, where God displayed his holiness and showed the people that they could not approach him, with the grace of Mt. Zion, a spiritual place where we can now dwell with God in peace. We are exh…
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The stakes are high as we run the Christian race. In this sermon from Hebrews 12:15-17, Brian Johnson looks at dangers to avoid as we pursue holiness: falling short of the grace of God, a root of bitterness that springs up and causes trouble, fornication, and godlessness. We must be watchful, carefully looking out for our own spiritual growth and v…
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In this sermon from Hebrews 12:12-15, Pastor Neal looks at the encouragement to be strong and stay on the straight path, to pursue harmony and holiness, to grow in grace, and to watch out for bitter roots. As we pursue this life of faith, we will live out the plan and purpose God has for us: to grow in holiness, to endure in our faith, and to finis…
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Scripture teaches that we should expect to experience suffering and God’s correction in this life, and that God can use all of this for our good and his glory. In this sermon from Hebrews 12:4-11, Pastor Phil looks at the Father’s comfort and purpose in our trials and in his correction, and how through these hardships he gives us life and makes us …
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In this sermon from Hebrews 11:32-40, Pastor Phil looks at the examples of a few more ordinary men and women who walked by faith, and the life circumstances in which they trusted the Lord. Like God’s people who went before us, we can have faith in our victories, faith in our suffering, and faith in our waiting. We too can walk by faith, trusting in…
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In this sermon from Hebrews 11:23-31, Pastor Neal looks at examples of enduring faith through opposition and fear. In the lives of Moses and his parents, the Israelites in Egypt, at the Red Sea, and in Jericho, as well as in the life of Rahab, we see the people of God facing fear, opposition, danger, and scorn, yet demonstrating faith to endure. Fr…
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In this second sermon looking at the faith of Abraham, we see how Abraham demonstrated faith in his trials and how his descendants expressed faith in God’s promises. We are reminded that God’s kingdom is coming, and that we should live as citizens of that kingdom now. That is the faith the writer of Hebrews wants us to hold onto, and that faith onl…
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In this sermon from Hebrews 11:8-16, Pastor Phil looks at the faith of Abraham to help us understand why the promise of a better home and of eternal rewards is so important to strengthen our faith. Abraham is the perfect example to remind us of these truths, for he demonstrated faith in the unknown, the seemingly impossible, and in an eternal futur…
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In the book of 1 John, the apostle explains what genuine love, love that is “perfected,” should look like. In this New Year’s sermon from 1 John 4:17-21, Pastor Phil looks at two evidences of genuine love: a love that lacks fear and one that displays sacrificial love for others. This type of genuine love will only come about by the power of the Spi…
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In our Advent series we have looked at Christ as the light of hope, the light of peace, and the light of joy. In this final Advent sermon, Pastor Phil looks at Christ as the light of love. What we celebrate at Christmas is not what is under the tree, but the One who would eventually die in our place that we may be made right with God. This gift of …
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Jesus offers each of us fullness of joy because he offers us himself. In this third sermon from our Advent series, Pastor Neal looks at the “Light of Joy” from Luke 2:1-12. In this passage, we see that joy shines in the darkness, fulfills and satisfies, and is found in Jesus Christ. From our Sunday service at Grace Bible Church of Bend.…
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We live in a broken world, where even during the season meant for us to reflect on the birth of Christ, the One who brought the promise of peace, our lives are instead filled with chaos and stress. But there is a promise of peace! In this second sermon from our Advent series, Pastor Phil looks at Luke 2:8-20 to see what that promise of peace means,…
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In this first sermon from our Advent series, Pastor Phil looks at the hope that we have as Christians…a hope that is not based on a wish or a dream, but is centered on confident trust in the promises of God. He fulfilled his promise in sending his own Son, who brought light from darkness, strength from weakness, care from abuse, and peace from chao…
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In this sermon from Hebrews 11:7, Pastor Phil shows us five qualities of true faith that can be seen in the life of Noah. True faith believes God’s Word, obeys God’s commands, endures despite difficulties, declares the gospel, and inherits God’s righteousness. Like Noah, may we have and display a life of true faith! From our Sunday service at Grace…
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In this passage from Hebrews 11, Pastor Neal looks at a faith that is certain of a future hope, of things unseen, and that is commended by God. We are given examples of faith in creation, as well as in the lives of Abel and Enoch. When we trust in Christ for salvation, walking with God through the present trials and sufferings of life and believing…
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In this passage, the writer of Hebrews continues to encourage his readers not to shrink back, but to remain faithful. He calls them to remember God’s faithfulness in their past, how he gave them grace to endure, to love others, and to rejoice, and he reminds them to find joy and hope in God’s promises for their future. From our Sunday service at Gr…
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Hebrews 10:26-31 warns us not to abandon our faith in Christ and calls us to remain faithful until the end. In this sermon, Pastor Phil encourages us not to ignore this sobering warning, not to presume upon the grace of God, not to ignore our sin or to fall in love with the world, and not to forsake the gathering of believers. We are admonished to …
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In this sermon, author, speaker and biblical counselor Jim Newheiser brings us a message from 1 Samuel 25, where we see Abigail serving as a peacemaker, rescuing her family from death and David from sin. We see in Abigail a model of how to confront someone about their sin, and in David we have an example of how to humbly accept correction and chang…
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Hebrews 10:19-25 encourages us to approach God with a sincere heart, holding fast to Jesus Christ. In this sermon, Brian Johnson explains that we can hold fast because we have unhindered access to God and a superior Priest, and that we should therefore draw near to God, hold fast to our confession, and consider one another as we encourage each othe…
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Counterfeit religion is a dangerous temptation that looks close to the real thing and deceives for a while, but in the end it is worthless. In this sermon from Hebrews 10:5-18, Pastor Phil looks at Christ’s perfect obedience, his finished work, and his assuring promise. Because he offered himself in our place we can be made clean and right with God…
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No matter how hard we try, sin is a stain that we are unable to remove on our own. In this sermon from Hebrews 10:1-4, Pastor Neal looks at how the Law leaves us in the shadows, all the sacrifices leave us imperfect and remind us of guilt, and nothing we offer can remove our sin. Scripture makes it clear that our sin can only be erased by believing…
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Hebrews 9:15-28 continues the theme of the better covenant that we have in Christ, especially because of the precious blood that he shed on our behalf. In this sermon, Pastor Phil looks at four blessings that we have received because of his sacrificial death: an eternal inheritance, redemption, purification, and eternal salvation. Though we deserve…
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