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Like a personal journal with topics on life, self-improvement, relationships, pet peeves, work, hobbies, daily quotes, articles & books, etc. And some things.. you're thinking it and I'm saying it!
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Brave Girls with Tracy Imm aims to empower you to be a better leader in the world. We share stories of people that have achieved great heights by overcoming adversity, rising to the challenge all while pursuing their passions. Have faith in yourself, take bold action and let your brilliance shine as only you can do!
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NatureScot presents podcasts that celebrate Scotland's nature and landscapes. In each episode you'll find numerous ways to connect with - and protect - our amazing natural world. We want to inspire everyone to join the fight against climate change and reverse nature loss. Immerse yourself and #MakeSpaceForNature in your life.
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Welcome to More Than a Merchant Mariner's Wife: Empowering women to reconnect with themselves and unite with each other. This is a place where women whose partners are at sea can find support, connection, and empowerment. I’ve lived this crazy life of a daughter or wife of Merchant Mariners my whole life and I'mm also a mom of 3 so if you’re looking for someone who understands the ins and outs of this lifestyle and the strength it takes to keep things afloat at home while your partner is at ...
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So Many Places to Go is podcast where “Planagers” (a.k.a. meeting and event planners / managers) can learn more about our favorite and future-favorite venues and destinations, in a a modern, fun, and easy to understand way. We are talking with hospitality partners of all kinds, and bringing you these vicarious conversations, through a planner-specific-lens. So Many Places to Go is hosted by Catie D., Amanda T. and the team at International Meeting Managers (IMM). Follow us and watch the epis ...
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INUNA – ’Nuissani´ katersortarfik. INUNA podcastiuvoq kalaallisut oqaasilik, taanna kalaallinut Danmarkimi najugaqartunut tusarnaagassatigut katersuuffiuvoq. Kalaallit Danmarkimi inuuneranni assigiinngiiaassuseq, aamma kinguaariiaat akornanni podcastini oqaluttuarineqarlunilu saqqummiunneqartassaaq.INUNA-p tusarnaartartut peqatigalugit, maanna pisut, inuit ataasiakkaat inuunerisa oqaluttuassartaat, kalaallillu akornanni ataatsimut immikkullu misigisartagaat sammisassavai.‘Nuissani’ katersort ...
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Konti 129 Production present to you our spotify channel, Konti 129!! Featuring MrOnePiece and Mr J.S. Our podcast genre is horror, ghost stories with insert of humour. It is in Bilingual. Fact or Fiction, you all judge for yourself. We try our best to entertain you all with our sense of humour. Importantly, you are all entertained. In terms of our own experience or we will tell the ghost stories that are shared with us. Just wait for it! Enjoy !! Follow our facebook page for more content: ht ...
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show series
Ukiuni kingullerni 30 -it missaani Danmarkimi Aasiveeraq ingerlanneqartarnikuuvoq. INUNA podcasts ukioq manna ilaavoq. Uani immikkoortumi 2009-imili aaqqissuusseqataasartoq Kattaaraq Andersen, Horsensimiu, oqaluasaartissavarput. Kattaaraq inuusuttunnguullunili Danmarkimut nuussimavoq uinilu Knud Erik ilaqutariinnguanngorlutik, ilaqutariittullu inuu…
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Annilaangasarneq atugarilerlugu / At lide af angst Inuunermi tassanngaannartumik pisoqarsimatillugu tuparujussuarnerup kinguneranit annilaangasarneq inuppassuit atugarilersinnaasarpaat. Ukiortaami 2019-imi Januaarip aappaani qimuttuitsut inunnik 134-inik ilaasoqarlutik ikaartarfissuakkoortillutik qimuttuitsut assartuisartut kalitaannit eqqorneqarlu…
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Uippakajaarnermik eqqugaasarneq / At blive ramt af stress Qallunaat nunaanni inuppassuit ukiumut amerlasoorpassuit uippakajaarnermik eqqugaasarput tamannalu ilaqutariinnut kalluaangaatsiarsinnaasarpoq. WHO-p eqqarsartaatsikkut peqqinnermut ulloritittagaanut atatillugu, Sapaatit akunnerani uani tulliuttumilu eqqarsartaatsikkut eqqugaasarneq INUNA-mi…
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Inuunerup unammillernarsinnaassusai nakkaqqanermilu nukissaninnissap pingaaruteqassusaa pillugu oqaloqateqarpugut / Vi snakker med Emanuel H. Frederiksen om livets nedgange og vigtigheden i at kunne finde styrke selv. Immikkoortumi uani Emanuel H. Frederiksen oqaloqatigaarput, angut 26-iinnarnik ukioqaraluarluni inuunermi unammilligassanik annertuu…
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Send us a text In this episode, we sit down with Katie Elise, host of the Thriving While Surviving podcast, to discuss caregiver burnout, especially for parents and caregivers of children with special needs. Katie shares her personal journey and offers actionable strategies to manage stress, maintain mental and physical health, and find support. Li…
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Discover the importance of Scotland's grasslands with our guest Jo Riggle, a Grassland Advocacy Officer from Plantlife. She highlights the fascinating range of grasslands and explains how these ecosystems are paramount for biodiversity, climate resilience, agriculture, and our mental and physical well-being. You'll also gain an insight into the uni…
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Takusinnaanngisatsinnik takunnissinnaasumik oqaloqateqarneq / Samtale med en person, der kan se hvad andre ikke kan se Immikkoortumi uani INUNA Podcat clairvoyantimit Agnethe Andersenimit pulaartoqarput. Agnethe clairvoyancep silarsuaani misilittakkani tupinnarsinnaasut oqaluttuarai. Agnethep ukiut ingerlanerini piginnaasami ineriartorneranik aamma…
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Minik Hansen INUNA podcastimit pulaarneqarpoq. Uani aallakaatitassiami Minik kinaanersoq ilisaritilaarparput, ilaatigut eqqartorneqarput Sauwestarimi taalliorsimanera, suliffigisimasai ilinniagaai suliffittaavalu, inuunerup ingerlarnga, silap nukinga qanga inuit malittuarsimasaat, anersaallu silarsuaat iserfigillatsiarneqarluni. Inuttullu inerikkia…
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Send us a text Today I welcome Karaleigh Garrison, singer, podcaster, teacher and so much more! Today we talk about what it means to find your passion and how important it is to do what makes you happy and fulfilled, not as a "reward" for a task or job done but as FUEL to energize you to do the mundane tasks that aren't your favorite. What is it to…
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Kigutaasat pingaaruteqarluinnarput / Tandproteser er absolut vigtige Inuunerup ilaani inuppassuit kigutaasartaarnissaminnut pisariaqartitsilluinnalertarnerat pillugu INUNA Peqqissuseq Aalborgimi kalaaleqaterput kigutaasiortoq Ivalo Lyberth ilisimasaanik alapernaaffigalugu suliffianut pulaarpoq. Danskit nunaanni kigutaasartaarnissamut pisariaqartits…
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Send us a text Today I welcome Katie Lynn Rojano. She is an elite personal coach, the creator of The Power Process and host of the podcast, Beyond with Katie Lynn Rojano. Today we discuss reclaiming your identity after years of caregiving or focusing outwards and "loosing yourself" in the roles you've taken on as mother, wife, caregiver etc. Findin…
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Immikkoortumi kingullermi Danmarkimi Aasiveeqqamut INUNA peqataavoq. Ullumikkut immikkoortoq pisut nanginnerivaat. Ullumikkut nunatsinni ukiorpaaluit matuma siorna Aasiveqartarallarmat peqataasarsumasut Herningimi peqataasut, eqqaamasalikkersaarlutik oqaluttuartut tusarfigissavagut. Eqqaamasalikkersaartut saniatigut Guuli and the McIntosh band appi…
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Send us a text In this episode, I open up about my personal journey to discovering the value of "white space" in my day-to-day life and why I avoided silence for a long time. All the way back to HGTV and Friends Reruns to now with my AirPods with Podcasts and Audio Books, I reflect on why I sought out background noise and subconsciously avoided whi…
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INUNA Herningimiippoq / INUNA i Herning Ukiut 30 kingulliit Herningimi “Aasiveeraq” ingerlanneqartarpoq. Aasiveeraq nunatsinni Aasivimmut 80-ikkunni ingerlanneqartarsimasumut assinguvoq. Uani immikkoortumi INUNA-p aaqqissuussami akuunerat tusarfigisinnaavarsi, malunnarporlu ilaasut puigunaatsumik misigisaqarsimasut. -- Hvert år, gennem 30 år, blive…
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Send us a text September means back to school and back to a routine for everyone! Join me as I chat out how I divided up my week to optimize everything that I want to get done from working at the school, working from home, helping family and tackling a DIY home project! Let me know what personal, just for fun scheduling item are YOU adding to your …
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INUNA Peqqissusermi siornatigut suleqatitta Sarap oqaloqatigereernikuusaa Gertrud Villadsen Nielsen tusarfigeqqissavarput, tamatumuuna alliartornermi atukkani pillugit oqaluttuarpoq. Gertudip toqqissisimananngitsumik alliartorsimanermi inuuneranut qanoq sunniuteqarsimanersoq tusassavarput. Immikkoortumi uani pissutsit taakku qanoq ililluni allanngo…
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Immikkoortumi uani pulaartorissavarput Nikoline Mortensen. Nikoline INUNA Podcastimi tusarnaartartutsinnullu takornartaanngilaq; arlaleriarlutami naammattoortareerparput. Arlaatigut INUNA Podcast Holstebromi aaqqissuussaqataangat peqataajuartarpoq. Tusartareeraluarlutiguli oqutiginartipparput Nikoline kinaaneranik paasisaqarfigissallugu. Nikoline M…
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Send us a text Better late than never, I'm here with a new episode discussing the perfect storm of emotions and energy, 2 weeks before school starts and spouse returning to work, leaving me with an empty nest in a few short days! Let's have a morning chat about making a schedule, taking care of ourselves and pouring into our kids after pouring into…
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Immikkoortumi uani takorluukkianik ersinartunik tusarnaarsinnaavusi, tassani Galtrup Efterskolemi kalaallit atuartut namminneerlutik oqaluttualiaat tusarnaarsinnaagassigit. INUNA podcast suleqatigalugu atuartut eqimattakkuutaarlutik oqaluttuaminnik ineriartortitsillutillu takorluukkaminnik ersinartunik immiussipput. Pimoorussillutik suliaqarlutik p…
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TRIGGERWARNING: Paasissutissiissutigissavarput aallakaatitassiaq una inuit ilaannut tusarnaassallugu sakkortusinnaammat - Piartortunik paaqqutarinninneq pillugu imaqarmat. Immikkoortumi uani piartortunik paaqqutarinninneq isumassuinerlu pillugu tusagaqassaagut. Palliativt pleje tassaavoq piartortunik imaluunniit aaqqinneqarsinnaanngitsunik nappaate…
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#130 Holstebrop nalliuttorsiornera / Holstebro festuge Holstebrop illoqarfittut 750-nngortorsiortinneqarnera malunnartillugu ulluni 8.-17. juni 2024 aaqqissuussat assigiinngitsut ingerlanneqarput. Ilaatigut INUNA Podcastimit ullut sisamat kaffisortitsivugut, tassanilu inuppassuit aggiapput. Kaffisortitsinitsinni immiussat ilaat uani tusarnaarsinnaa…
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Send us a text Whether you have experience with Tapping/EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or not, you're not going to want to miss this episode. Today we welcome Brad Yates from as we have a beautiful conversation about the importance and benefits tapping on a daily basis can have on your life. From a scientific explana…
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INUNA Peqqissusermi namminerinngisamik meerartaarsinnaannginneq Gertrud Villadsen Nielsen peqatigalugu eqqartorneqarpoq. Gertrud uinilu ukiorpassuarni meerartaarniartarsimapput, meerartaarniarnerminnilu aamma ikiorneqarnissaminnik pisariaqartitsilluinnartarsimallutik. Qanormita ikiorneqartarsimappat? Meerartaarniarnermi unamminarsinnaasut nuannaaru…
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Send us a text Save this episode to come back to whenever you need a boost. If you need connection, love and support, whether your partner is home or away, listen to these short affirmations and reconnect with yourself and other women in our community. You are strong, you are capable and you are loved and supported! Enjoy! Join Cathy Heller's Abund…
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Ikinngutigiit ilaqutariiulluni nunatsinniit Danmarkimut nuunneq pillugu eqqartuipput / Veninder taler om at flytte som familie fra Grønland til Danmark Immikkoortumi matumani suleqatitta Mia Skifte Lyngep ikinngutimi Najaaraq Krieghelip Danmarkimut nuunnera pillugu oqaloqatigaa. Oqaloqatigiinneq marlunnut avinneqarpoq; siulleq nittartakkakkut immiu…
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In this episode we head to Loch Leven National Nature Reserve to meet with Reserve Manager Jeremy Squire and Reserve Officer Sally Reay to learn about the area's vibrant ecosystem and the huge variety of wildlife that thrives in this habitat. Discover the seasonal spectacles that make Loch Leven a critical sanctuary for numerous species. With each …
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Immikkoortumi uani INUNA Podcastimit Kalaallit Nunaat Tivolimi 2024-mi ilisarititsisartut Kristian Mølgaardip Arnajaraq Joelsenillu peqataanerani immiussat tusarnaarsinnaavarsi. Ullormi tassani suut pilersaarutaanersut inuillu assigiinngitsut oqaloqatigineqarneri immiunneqarput. Ilaatigut tuniniaasut, naapitat, scenemi pisut aammalu Kristiaakkut Ar…
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Send us a text This episode is a bit delayed due to a death in the family and changes to the routine and schedule (hence the but better late than never I say! Also, it was recorded a few days ago on my phone instead of my regular mic set up b/c life and just now getting to uploading. I'm ok with it b/c I am showing up :) I'm thrilled…
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Aasap ingerlanerani Angut sapiissuseqarluartoq Nunatta avannaarsuani sakkutuutut nakkutilliisutut sulisimanerminik oqaluttuartoq pissanganarseruttortoq nangitassanngorluni naavoq. Massakkullu Immikkoortumi uani oqaluttuaata nanginnera tusarnaarsinnaavat. Innersuussutigissavarput oqaluttuap aallaqqaataa tusarnaarsimanngikkukku episode 121 tusarnaaqq…
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Upernaap naalernerani Holstebro illoqarfittut ukiuni 750-inngortorsiorluni nalliuttorsiornerani INUNA-mit najuuppugut. Sapaatip akunnerata ingerlanerani isiginnaartitsisartut nunatsinninngaanneersut aamma peqataatitaqarnerat iluatsillugu, isiginnaartitsinerat pillugu oqaloqatigaagut isiginnaartitsinerannilu aamma immiussilluta. Isigin…
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Aasaanerani INUNA-mi suleqatigiit immikkut pisassaqalernerisa nalaani sulinngiffeqareernermi aallakaatitassaq siulleq teknologii aqqutigalugu immiunneqarpoq. Eqqartorneqartut qulequttat marluk aallaavigineqarput, ukiup affaata ingerlanerani suummita aqqusaarsimavagut, aammalu suut suliassatut takorluugarineqarpat? Tusarnaartartugummita sunik tusaga…
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Send us a text When a topic appears in my path more than once, I know I should bring it to the Podcast. I have a strong sense of integrity and commitment when it comes to being a good wife, mother, friend, daughter, person in general. When it comes to myself, I've realized I have some work to do. Join me this week for a discussion of the impact tha…
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Send us a text Welcome to the Podcast, Alyssa Wolff, a work at home homeschooling mom of 5 who helps other introverted WAHMs avoid living in burnout & breakdown through her business, Your Unbusy Life. Her goal is to "help de-stress your WAHM life so you can handle the kids you already have, get quiet time to yourself, and crush those business goals…
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Send us a text It seems like yesterday I was waiting (not so) patiently for the arrival of my first baby, rocking him to sleep and reading him stories. 9 years later, I'm reflecting on the parent I was and the parent and person I've become both since having two more kids and growing and developing on my own. You know I had to sprinkle in some frien…
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Curious about how volunteering can change lives and communities? This episode reveals the incredible work of Volunteering Matters, as we celebrate 40 years of Volunteers' Week. Robert Henderson joins us to spotlight the Volunteering Matters Action Earth project, which has empowered over 100,000 volunteers through more than 3,100 environmental initi…
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Send us a text If you've ever felt uncomfortable in situations where you wish you had more self defense skills or want to know how to keep yourself or your kids safe in general, this is the conversation for you! Today I speak with Alison Bosworth who is the founder of Strong is Beautiful, and an advocate for women's empowerment and personal safety.…
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Send us a text In this episode, I dive into the humorous side of when you leave items in your partner's space and the frantic clean-up before they get home. Whether you leave bikes or forgotten broken toys in your husband's shop, I'll share laughs and relatable stories. We also celebrate those moments of personal pride and discuss the importance of…
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Namminersortutut inuuniuteqartuuneq / Livet som selvstændig erhvervsdrivende Kingullermik Maren Louise oqaloqatigigatsigu alliartornini pillugu oqaluttuarpoq. Meeraasimavoq angusaqarusussuseqarlunilu sapiissuseqarluartoq, aammali suli inuusuttuaraatilluni qanigisanik annernangaartumik misigisaqarsimasoq. Meeraanermi misigisimasani ullumikkut inuttu…
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Send us a text Happy Summer! We are bringing this raw and real conversation to you b/c we still haven't found a platform for recording that will allow me to have intros and outros and all that and this conversation was too good to keep until it was the "right time". It's summer and I'm flying solo with the kids till Mid July so here we go. Thank yo…
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Annaasaqarsimalluni peroriartorneq- Opvækst påvirket af stort tab Ukioq 2000 missaani meeraanikuusut immaqa tamarmik nipilersoqatigiit Nivissat Paamiuneersut atugaasa ilaat tusarnikuusimassavaat. Nipilersoqatigiit immikkuullarissumik nipillit Kalaallit Nunaanni nipilersortartununi nuannarineqarluartuupput. Taakkua ilagaat Maren Louise Poulsen Krist…
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Immikkoortumi uani soqutiginarluinnartumi Alfred Olsen oqaloqatigaarput. Alfred angutaavoq sapiitsoq misilittagartoorlu. Inuunermini nunatsinni sakkutuutut suliaqarnermini aqqusaarsimasani INUNA-p tusarnaartartuinut pissanganarluinnartumik oqaluasaarutigivai. INUNA-mi suleqatigiit marluk Alfred angerlarsimaffianut pulaaraat tusarnaarsinnaavat, atag…
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Send us a text Hi all, I'm popping in to share what's ahead for the summer with the Podcast and how things have been going so far, officially 3 days into summer break without Dad home. If you're a loyal listener, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere....but the regular Wednesday drops might be changing :) Message me with anything you're struggling wi…
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Visit Greenland - Kalaallit Nunaanni takornariaqarnerup siunissaa sammillugu / Visit Greenland - Om fremtidens turisme i Grønland Mittarfissuit sananeqartut sananeqartussallu siullersaat ukiormanna 2024-imi naammassaaq, Nuummi ammarneqartussaalluni. Ukiuni qaninnermi mittarfissuit allat marluk, Kalaallit Nunaata avannaani kujataanilu aamma ammartus…
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Qilaatersorneq sammivarput / Vi har fokus på den grønlandske trommesang Inngernerup silarsuaanut tikilluarit. Inngertartoq qilaatersortartorlu Nuka Alice, Aalborgimi kalaallit illuutaanni pikkorissarnerani peqataavugut. Pisoq taanna aallaavigalugu inngerneq qilaatersornerlu pillugit oqaloqatigiinneq uani tusarnaarsinnaavat. Velkommen til trommesang…
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Send us a text Let's explore creativity from a different perspective with Keita Selina from Art by Keita. If you're anything like me, you lost your sense of creativity when you got caught up in adulthood or maybe you still are creative but it's tied to an outcome such as work or for a purpose of helping kids with a project or finishing a house reno…
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Issittumi annaassiniartartut ilaat oqaloqatigaarput / Vi taler med en af de arktiske reddere Upernaakkut maajimi ukioq 2024, DR TV-ikkut aallakaatitassiaq “De Arktiske Reddere” aallakaatinneqaqqaarpoq. Isiginnaagassiami kalaallit annaassiniartartut arfineq pingasuusut sulinerani pissanganarluinnartumik malinnaavigineqarput. Isiginnaagassiap aallart…
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Inunami inunnik assigiinngitsorpassuarnik naapitaqartarpugut. Aallakaatisassiarpassuanilu paasinarsivoq inuit tamarmik soqutiginartunik oqaluttuassaateqartuaannartut. Tamatumuuna Gert Brask inuunermini pisimasorpassuit ilaat oqaluttuarivai. Inuunermik navianartorsiorneq, peroriartornini, taamanilu paarnaarussanik nunanit anisitaasunik angallasisara…
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Join us as we chat to Caitlyn Johnstone, a Nature Based Solutions Scientist from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE), to explore how plants and ecosystems can transform our cities. Discover how integrating nature-based solutions can make monumental differences in tackling urban issues like flooding and heat. We hear about RBGE's Plants with P…
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