Doctor Horror is a mental health horror podcast providing scares for whatever ails you. Each episode, host Anita Flores and a guest pick a horror movie or series to match how they’re feeling. From low-budget leprechauns to murderous mommies, there's a monster for every mood. NEW EPISODES EVERY WEDNESDAY!
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Con el destacado economista y profesor Tomás Flores, ex Subsecretario de Economía. Además el ingeniero comercial y economista Willy Díaz y la conducción del periodista especializado en materias económicas Juan José Lavín. "BUENOS DíAS MERCADO" significa una garantía de calidad, información, opinión y proyección en los temas de mercado, finanzas y empresas. Este programa tiene la gracia que habla de economía en fácil y está orientado a personas que no tienen por qué ser especialistas en estas ...
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Buenos Días Mercado | Juan José Lavín, Willy Díaz, Tomás Flores y Oscar Acuña Poblete, Abogado experto en Patrimonio 18-10-2024
由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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Buenos Días Mercado | Juan José Lavín, Willy Díaz, Tomás Flores y Jessica López, Ministra de Obras Públicas 10-10-2024
由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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Buenos Días Mercado | Juan José Lavín, Willy Díaz, Tomás Flores y Jorge Riesco, Presidente de la Sociedad de Minería 08-10-2024
由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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Notes: Vagina dentata, it’s real! Writer Amanda Lehr joins Anita to discuss why Teeth is the perfect film to watch when you’re feeling stressed about going to the gynecologist. She explains why body horror is cathartic as a chronically ill person and counts down her favorite werewolf movies. They also trade IUD insertion horror stories and break do…
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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Dementia: the scariest horror movie of them all. Journalist Sean Morrow joins Anita to discuss why The Taking of Deborah Logan is the perfect film to watch if you’ve lost or are losing a loved one to dementia. They also talk about horror video games, finding comfort in dark humor, and open up about their experiences caring for dads with dementia. N…
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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Maxine Minx is speaking words to live by. Actress Shakira Ja'nai Paye joins Anita to discuss why MaXXXine is the perfect film to watch when you’re feeling like you will not accept a life you do not deserve! They talk about the luxury of entitlement, how to fight imposter syndrome, and the importance of being fairly compensated. They also geek out o…
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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由El Conquistador FM
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