These are audio teachings from Church Planting International, a nonprofit missions organization based in Fort Mill, SC.
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Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to love the Lord with everything in us, and that the second commandment was similar but directed to those around us. But loving God and others isn't possible apart from God's love for us. It sets us free to love Him in return and love others like ourselves.…
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Just what is our spiritual condition as a result of original sin? How bad is our state before an infinitely Holy God? Scripture is very clear — it's depraved and desperate. We're completely incapable of reconciling ourselves to God, but He has a divine remedy for our hopeless plight.由Church Planting International
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The Law has been fulfilled completely in Jesus, meaning that those in Christ are no longer under the Law but are now led by the Spirit. This truth should guide our understanding of the Sabbath — its purpose and how we should approach it according to Christ's finished work.由Church Planting International
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The Church is not a physical building, social club, program or meeting. It is the community of God's children on earth, called and set apart to be Christ's body on earth and His bride in waiting. The Church — both universally and locally — belongs to Jesus, and it His to build.由Church Planting International
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Each of us is born in need of forgiveness, born with a debt that we cannot pay. But God in His mercy and grace offers forgiveness through Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross. God's forgiveness is complete and irreversible. It makes us whole and empowers us to forgive others.由Church Planting International
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All things were created for the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, to be God centered is to be Christ centered in all that think, say and do.由Church Planting International
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The Gospel is a very specific message, but man often tries to add things to it that cheapen it, change it and make it anything but the truly Good News that it is. The Gospel is that we can have forgiveness of our sins and be made new creations through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is power in the message of the Gospel. There is …
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The guarantee of Jesus that He will never leave or forsake us is all that we need. His salvation and forgiveness is forever, and He has promised to always be with us, despite our circumstances and the emotions we feel during those circumstances.由Church Planting International
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