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A bilingual true crime podcast with a purpose. Join two friends, Stephanie and Jahayra, as they research true crime cases that often are forgotten. Cuento Crimen focuses on cases from their community while implementing their latinx culture and language. New episodes every Wednesday! Episodes in Spanglish except every 10th episode in all Spanish. IG: @cuentocrimenpodcast
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En este mundo existen historias escalofriantes, relatos misteriosos que pueden erizarle la piel al mas valiente. Acompáñanos a descubrir estas Historias de MundoCreepy. Si tienes una historia para contar, puedes enviarla a: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Nuestro propósito es guiarlos en cómo NO aparecer en un capítulo de Forensic Files. Ésto será una conversación de historias sobre crimen real y lo paranormal. Hay que estar con las pilas puestas y alejados del viejo del costal!Por eso, acompáñenos y estén listos para ser nuestros cómplices, dedicando un ratico de su día, para escuchar estas historias contadas en nuestro idioma (y Spanglish también). Our purpose is to guide you on how NOT to appear in a Forensic Files episode. Get ready to be ...
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USA v. García Luna

Futuro Investigates

A Mexican-American journalist and a Cuban-Mexican investigative reporter walk into a recording studio with a bottle of tequila and reveal one of the most shocking true crime investigative stories you will ever hear. From Futuro Investigates and Latino USA —in partnership with Lemonada Media—“USA v. García Luna” tells the story of the most powerful Mexican government official ever to face trial in the United States for his alleged ties to the infamous drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán. His ...
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(English, Español) Imagine if Frank Sinatra went on stage every night with a gun in his waistband. Or if Tupac got into a shootout on stage at a rodeo. Well, Chalino Sánchez did just that. In this podcast, we examine the extraordinary life of the “King of Corridos,” and attempt to unravel the mystery of his death. Chalino’s story, his own narcocorrido, is the ultimate ride through the drug cartel world, the underbelly of the Mexican-American music industry and a murder mystery for the ages. ...
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show series
In December 2019, 25-year-old Kevin Bacon went missing after meeting someone on a dating app. Days later, police discovered he had been brutally murdered by Mark Latunski, a man with a history of mental illness and disturbing behavior. In this episode, we examine the details of the case and the investigation that led to Latunski’s arrest. — En dici…
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30 year old Bernardo Pantaleon was a openly gay man who wasn't afraid to show his true self. In November 2023 he was found murdered at Mountain View Park in Phoenix, Arizona. His body had suffered multiple gunshot wounds and postmortem mutilation with a sharp-edged object. The investigation led to the arrests of Manuel Carrasco Calderon, Leonardo S…
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📖 ¡Compra nuestro nuevo libro "99 Historias cortas de terror"! 🛒 Envíos nacionales (México): 🌍 Envíos internacionales: 📧 Envía tus experiencias a: 📱 Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales como: @KevinMaskedMan @Emmanuel_Night Hosted on Acast. See f…
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Esta noche exploramos seis historias aterradoras en las que lo imposible se vuelve real. Casos de brujería y una figura oscura que susurra su intención de llevarse a un bebé. Seres que aparecen dos veces en el mismo lugar, entidades que acechan en la escuela y una presencia escalofriante que se asoma tras una ventana en la oscuridad. Relatos que no…
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In this week's episode, we discuss the tragic case of 13-year-old Na'Ziyah Harris. Na'Ziyah went missing in January 2024. 42 year-old Jarvis Butts was charged charged with first-degree premeditated murder, second-degree criminal sexual conduct and child sexually abusive activity. Jarvis was accused of having a relationship with Na'Ziyah. — En el ep…
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Zebb Wayne Quinn was an 18-year-old from Ashville, North Carolina. On January 2nd, 2000, once he finished his shift at work, he met up with a friend at work, Robert Jason Owens, which was the last confirmed sighting of him. Two days later, Zebb's car was found parked outside a restaurant with strange evidence: A live puppy, hotel keycard, several b…
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📖 ¡Compra nuestro nuevo libro "99 Historias cortas de terror"! 🛒 Envíos nacionales (México): 🌍 Envíos internacionales: 📧 Envía tus experiencias a: 📱 Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales como: @KevinMaskedMan @Emmanuel_Night Hosted on Acast. See f…
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Claire Miller was a 14-year-old girl from Manheim Township, Pennsylvania, who was charged with the murder of her older sister, Helen Miller. Helen, who was 19 years old, had cerebral palsy and was nonverbal. She relied on a wheelchair for mobility and required extensive care. On the night of February 21, 2021, Claire allegedly called 911 around 1 a…
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Hay relatos que es mejor no contar… pero hoy te traemos seis historias aterradoras que te harán dudar de lo que ves en la oscuridad. Sombras que susurran tu nombre, llamadas desde el más allá y encuentros con lo inexplicable. Si decides escuchar, hazlo bajo tu propio riesgo… 📖 ¡Compra nuestro nuevo libro "99 Historias cortas de terror"! 🛒 Envíos na…
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20-year-old Cynthia Anderson was a young woman working as a legal secretary at a law firm who disappeared under mysterious circumstances on August 4, 1981, in Toledo, Ohio. That morning, Cynthia arrived at work early, as usual. She was alone in the office before her coworkers arrived. However, when they showed up later that morning, Cynthia was now…
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📖 ¡Compra nuestro nuevo libro "99 Historias cortas de terror"! 🛒 Envíos nacionales (México): 🌍 Envíos internacionales: 📧 Envía tus experiencias a: 📱 Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales como: @KevinMaskedMan @Emmanuel_Night Hosted on Acast. See f…
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Carlos Cruz-Echevarria, a 60-year-old U.S. Army veteran from Deltona, Florida, was killed on November 11, 2017. At first, his death seemed like an unfortunate act of random violence. He was found shot near his disabled vehicle, and his truck was later discovered burned several miles away. However, investigations revealed a more sinister plot. Carlo…
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Algunas de las historias mas escalofriantes que nos han enviado son las que tienen que ver con mascotas, sos fieles compañeros que están con nosotros, cuidandonos incluso de cosas que tal vez no sean de éste mundo. Bienvenidos al nuevo episodio de Historias de MundoCreepy! 📖 ¡Compra nuestro nuevo libro "99 Historias cortas de terror"! 🛒 Envíos naci…
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Kimberly Bearclaw Iron, a 21-year-old mother of three from the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana, has been missing since September 2020. On September 22nd, 2020, she left her home and was never seen again. Her father would receive strange phone calls from Kimberly; he believes that she has been sex trafficked. To this day, Kimberly's whereabouts a…
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En el episodio 245 de Historias de MundoCreepy, nos adentramos en relatos aterradores que te harán dudar de lo que crees conocer. Descubre cómo la brujería casi destruye a una familia, dejando marcas que nunca desaparecerán. Además, enfrentamos testimonios sobre entidades perturbadoras que acechan en casas y carreteras, y las historias de niños que…
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19-year-old Mara Fernanda Castilla's tragic case drew significant attention to issues of gender-based violence and insecurity in Mexico. Mara was a student, who disappeared on September 8, 2017, in Puebla, Mexico. Mara had been out with friends the night she went missing and later used an app called Cabify to get home. However, she never arrived at…
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En este episodio les traemos 6 escalofriantes relatos paranormales vividos por miembros de nuestra audiencia, casos impactantes que te quitarán el sueño. Ponte cómodo, apaga la luz, y disfruta de estas experiencias que te van a quitar el sueño. 📖 ¡Compra nuestro nuevo libro "99 Historias cortas de terror"! 🛒 Envíos nacionales (México): https://acor…
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On July 15, 2010, 17-year-old Norma Lopez attended a summer school class at Valley View High School. After class, she planned to meet her sister and friends. However, she never arrived. Five days after her disappearance, Norma's partially clothed body was discovered in a field about three miles from where she was last seen. Evidence at the crime sc…
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¡Bienvenidos al primer episodio del año de Historias de MundoCreepy! En esta ocasión, tenemos una serie de relatos de brujería, de fantasmas, espectros y mucho más, y con un invitado muy especial, el buen Paco Arias de Podcast Extra Anormal. Ponte cómodo, apaga la luz, y disfruta de estas experiencias que te van a quitar el sueño. 📖 ¡Compra nuestro…
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Lauren Landavazo was a 13-year-old girl from Wichita Falls, Texas, who was shot multiple times on September 2, 2016. Laren was walking home from school with her best friend, Makayla Smith, who could tell the story and survived the incident. Her description of the shooter led to the arrest of 20-year-old Cody Lott. In custody, Cody told the unsettli…
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In 1981, the murders of Rachel Zendejas and Lisa Gondek remained a mystery for over 40 years. Even with the extensive investigation, it wasn't until February 2023 that technological advancements allowed the DNA to lead to a breakthrough in the case. Tony Garcia, a 68-year-old Navy veteran was linked to both of the murders. — En 1981, los asesinatos…
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Wade Steven Wilson, born on May 20, 1994, gained infamy as the "Deadpool Killer" due to sharing a name with Marvel's comic book antihero. Convicted for the brutal murders of Kristine Melton and Diane Ruiz in 2019, Wilson was sentenced to death on August 27, 2024. — Wade Steven Wilson, nacido el 20 de mayo de 1994, ganó infamia como el "Asesino de D…
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Este es el último episodio del año, esperamos que lo disfruten y que tengan unas muy felices fiestas y feliz año nuevo! 📖 ¡Compra nuestro nuevo libro "99 Historias cortas de terror"! 🛒 Envíos nacionales (México): 🌍 Envíos internacionales: 📧 Envía tus experiencias a: mundocreepyhistorias@gmail.…
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Tyler Goodrich, a 35-year-old from Lincoln, Nebraska, was last seen leaving his home on November 5th. In this week's episode, we delve into the events leading up to his disappearance and explore the challenges his husband, Marshall Vogel, has faced in its aftermath. — Tyler Goodrich, de 35 años de Lincoln, Nebraska, fue visto por última vez saliend…
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En el episodio 241 de Historias de MundoCreepy, te presentamos relatos aterradores que no podrás olvidar. Descubre la historia de alguien que afirma haber estado en los brazos del Diablo, un inquietante encuentro con sombras en la noche, fallos en la realidad que desafían toda lógica y sueños perturbadores que parecen premoniciones. ¿Estás listo pa…
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This week, we delve into the tragic case of 15-year-old Jennifer Zacarias, whose relationship with Anthony Ruiz ended in violence. This relationship ultimately culminated in her murder outside her home, a shocking and senseless act that left her family reeling. — Esta semana profundizamos en el trágico caso de Jennifer Zacarias, de 15 años, cuya re…
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En este episodio de MundoCreepy, contamos 6 historias aterradoras, incluyendo la perturbadora historia de un hombre que durante un tiempo de su vida, solía dormir acompañado de un cráneo humano. Encuentros paranormales, y mucho más te esperan. ¿Te atreves a escuchar? 📧 Envía tus experiencias a: 📱 Síguenos en nuestras …
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In this week's episode, we delve into the tragic case of 20-year-old Angela Samota, who was brutally murdered in 1984. Angela was a bright and ambitious student at SMU, pursuing studies in computer science and electrical engineering. On the night of October 12, 1984, Angela went out with friends, but as the evening came to a close, she made a chill…
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¡Bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio de MundoCreepy! En esta ocasión, les traemos relatos tan inquietantes que te dejarán sin aliento. Historias de lo paranormal, lo inexplicable y lo aterrador que no querrás perderte. ¿Te atreves a escuchar? Las historias de hoy no son aptas para personas sensibles, ¿te atreverás a escucharlas? 📧 Envía tus experiencia…
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3 year-old Elijah Vue from Two Rivers, Wisconsin, was reported missing on February 20th, 2024. Elijah was left with his mother's boyfriend, Jesse Vang. Jesse claimed Elijah disappeared while he was taking a nap. 4 months later, Elijah's remains were found. — Elijah Vue, de 3 años, de Two Rivers, Wisconsin, fue denunciado como desaparecido el 20 de …
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¡Bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio de MundoCreepy! En esta ocasión, les traemos relatos tan inquietantes que te dejarán sin aliento. Historias de lo paranormal, lo inexplicable y lo aterrador que no querrás perderte. ¿Te atreves a escuchar? Las historias de hoy no son aptas para personas sensibles, ¿te atreverás a escucharlas? 📧 Envía tus experiencia…
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On November 3rd, 2006, 16-year-old Terressa Lynn Vanegas was found dead in a puddle across Dickenson High School in Texas. She was last seen leaving a Halloween party a couple of nights before. Despite the investigation efforts this case continues to remain unsolved. — El 3 de noviembre de 2006, Terressa Lynn Vanegas, de 16 años, fue encontrada mue…
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In this week's episode, we discuss the brutal case of Maria Santos Corona, who was found dead outside her home. Maria was found with two chainsaws near her body. Maria left behind six children, although her husband was issued an arrest warrant and believed to have fled the country. — En el episodio de esta semana, hablamos del brutal caso de María …
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En el episodio 237 de Historias de MundoCreepy les traemos algunas de las historias más fuertes en la historia del programa. Les contamos la historia de una persona que ha vivido toda su vida rodeada de fenómenos inexplicables, también hablamos de encuentros con la muerte, de personas que sufrieron de acoso, y más. Las historias de hoy no son aptas…
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16-year-old Aranda Briones, a high school student from Moreno Valley, California, disappeared on January 13, 2019. The investigation revealed that Aranda was last seen with Owen Skyler Shover, a friend from high school. The two had a history together, including Aranda getting Owen expelled from high school. — Aranda Briones, de 16 años, estudiante …
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En este episodio de Historias de MundoCreepy, nos sumergimos en relatos donde el terror va más allá de lo explicable: maldiciones familiares, entidades perturbadoras y un demonio que intenta llevarse a la hermana de una oyente. Prepárate para escuchar historias que harán temblar hasta al más valiente. 📧 Envía tus experiencias a: mundocreepyhistoria…
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On January 16th, 2022, Irene Luevano called her oldest daughter to tell her that her boyfriend: Jorge Quintero Lara had stabbed her in the neck. Her family called Phoenix police in an attempt to track her down. After 5 days of searching, Irene's body was found, she was stabbed multiple times. After being charged, Jorge was controversially offered a…
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Hoy, en el episodio 235 de Historias de MundoCreepy, te traemos relatos que no te dejarán dormir. Hablamos de un encuentro inesperado con La Llorona, fantasmas que piden aventón, muñecos que lloran, figuras de Cristo que se mueven, gatos que enfrentan a criaturas sobrenaturales, y más. No te lo puedes perder, pero recuerda escuchar esto a solas y e…
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17-year-old Oscar Rangel was found dead outside a friend's house in Elmendorf, Texas on December 31st, 2020. His body was found in only a T-shirt and boxers, with a tranquilizer drug in his system. While Oscar's family was kept in the dark about the investigation, it wasn't until 3 years later that arrests were made. — Oscar Rangel, de 17 años, fue…
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Hoy, en el episodio 234 de Historias de MundoCreepy, traemos las que consideramos son algunos de los relatos más aterradores que hemos contado en este programa. Las anécdotas de hoy van desde juguetes malditos, criaturas demoniacas, pactos, brujería, premoniciones mortales y más. ¿Te atreves a escucharlas a solas? 📧 Envía tus experiencias a: mundoc…
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El día finalmente llegó. Genaro García Luna, quien fuera uno de los hombres más poderosos de México, ha sido sentenciado por una corte en Nueva York a más de 38 años en prisión. En el último episodio de nuestra serie, Maria Hinojosa y Peniley Ramírez nos cuentan qué ocurrió dentro de la corte y nos comparten sus primeras impresiones. Además, nos re…
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The day finally arrived. Genaro García Luna, one of Mexico's former most powerful government officials, has been sentenced to serve more than 38 years in prison by a court in New York. In the last episode of our series, Maria Hinojosa and Peniley Ramírez tell us what happened inside the courthouse and also reveal to us that this isn't the end of th…
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In this week's episode, we discuss the case of Meredith Kercher. On November 1st, 2007, while studying abroad in Italy, Meredith was found dead in her room. The case sparked national attention due to her American roommate at the time, Amanda Knox being accused and wrongfully convicted of the murder. However, DNA samples at the scene pinpointed inve…
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Hoy, en el episodio 233 de Historias de MundoCreepy, les relatamos algunas anécdotas estremecedoras de nuestra audiencia. Tocamos temas como los pactos con entidades malignas, fallas en la realidad, encuentros con fantasmas, y sombras que intentan llevarse a un bebé. ¿Te atreverías a escucharnos con la luz apagada? 📧 Envía tus experiencias a: mundo…
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Un año después de la condena del Genaro García Luna, quien fue Secretario de Seguridad Pública de México durante el sexenio de Felipe Calderón, Peniley y Maria vuelven como conductoras de USA vs García Luna y cuentan un nuevo ángulo la historia del exsecretario de seguridad pública mexicano, a pocos días de su audiencia de sentencia. En este episod…
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After a year since his conviction, Peniley and Maria dust off the hosts' seats to continue telling Genaro Garcia Luna’s story as he is just days away from his sentencing hearing. On this episode, former State Department official, John Feely, sits down with our hosts and reveals the flaws in the American justice system that let Garcia Luna run free …
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In 1982, Joyce Tina Gallegos and Gabrielle DiStefano both disappeared and were found murdered in the same area. Although the cases occurred only weeks apart, investigators did not connect the two cases. In 2018, new investigators on the case believe they are connected because both young women were murdered with the same weapon. En 1982, Joyce Tina …
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En este episodio 232 de Historias de MundoCreepy, te contamos relatos escalofriantes que giran en torno a maldiciones familiares, encuentros con nahuales, sucesos inquietantes a bordo de aviones, presagios mortales y mucho más. ¿Te atreves a escucharlo a solas? 📧 Envía tus experiencias a: 📱 Síguenos en nuestras redes …
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Introducing a new series that we think you'll love: "Chess Piece: The Elián González Story," from Futuro Studios, in collaboration with iHeartRadio's My Cultura Podcast Network. In 1999, two Florida fishermen found a cherub of a boy named Elián González in the sea on Thanksgiving. The boy had floated alone for days. His mother managed to save her s…
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10-year-old Amberly Mendoza was found dead in her home on the morning of March 9th,1996. Amberly's mother found her unresponsive in her bedroom. Investigators discovered that Amberly was sexually assaulted and the cause of death was asphyxiation. DNA was recovered from the scene, although the case remains unsolved. — Amberly Mendoza, de 10 años, fu…
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