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En INUSUAL Preparamos a personas, equipos y organizaciones para ser más innovadoras y alcanzar con éxito el siguiente nivel. En este podcast conversamos con líderes fuera de lo común acerca de sus vidas y de sus propios aprendizajes.
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¡Hola a todos y bienvenidos al podcast! Aquí, donde la sabiduría se condensa en dosis concentradas, nos sumergimos en el fascinante mundo de los resúmenes de no ficción. Cada semana, exploramos los temas más relevantes e intrigantes del mundo actual, desde ciencia y tecnología hasta negocios y filosofía. ¿Te falta tiempo para leer esos largos libros que llevan meses en tu lista de pendientes? ¡No te preocupes! Nuestro equipo de expertos hace el trabajo por ti, destilando las ideas clave y en ...
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Ideas, reflexiones y consejos de quienes están en la mesa chica de una organización. ¿Cómo se llegan a tomar decisiones que marcan el rumbo y futuro de una empresa? Beto Parra es consultor, especialista en Gestión de Talento. La razón de ejercer su profesión es construir una sociedad mejor.
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English Made Simple #1 podcast for professionals, international students & other awesome non-English speakers planning to live, work or study overseas. Tune in every week to hear from your lovely host Milena who shares her wisdom (as she likes to call it :)) and crazy stories about what life in Australia is really like for a non-English speaker. Milena is an online English coach and is passionate about simplifying English learning for learners who struggle to make conversation. She breaks it ...
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La Magia del Cambio

Empower for Change

En este espacio escucharás perspectivas creativas, consejos e ideas para desarrollar nuevas maneras de pensar, que te invitan a crecer como persona, fortalecer tus relaciones, emprender y reconocer la magia de lo único constante en nuestras vidas: el Cambio. Somos Lina y Mauro una pareja de emprendedores apasionados por la vida, las relaciones y el empoderamiento humano.
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“EL ENCUENTRO” Más allá de la Tierra tiene Alma exploradora, no cesa la inquietud de conocer más y a más personas que desean compartir sus experiencias, herramientas y sabiduría. Todo suma. Yo, Martín Villaverde Jiménez, ha preparado mi mochila con los imprescindibles necesarios: una sonrisa, amabilidad, compañerismo, micro y grabadora, inmensas ganas de llegar a más personas, centros, institutos, terapeutas… para ser la voz de todos y cada uno, compartiendo, expandiendo y comunicando. Si si ...
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show series
Learn how to handle customer complaints like a pro in this episode. Whether you work in customer service or just want to improve your communication skills, you’ll pick up practical tips and phrases to handle tough situations with confidence. Tune in for helpful advice on how to handle customer complaints. Enjoy!Download your free gift here to help …
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Evi Papp es una líder que ha sabido moverse entre mundos aparentemente distantes. Profesional de las finanzas en una gran multinacional, ha construido una sólida carrera en un ámbito conocido por su rigurosidad y análisis. Pero lo que verdaderamente la define no son los números, sino su pasión por la vida, el autodescubrimiento y su capacidad para …
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Si alguna vez te has preguntado cómo es posible liderar desde la empatía sin perder de vista los resultados, o cómo convertir la gestión de equipos en un proceso colaborativo y humano, esta entrevista es para ti. Lorenzo Romero Vázquez, director de proyectos en Tecnotramit, una empresa dedicada a la externalización de servicios para el sector finan…
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In this episode, I share a personal story of dealing with bad customer service during a major project. From poor communication to feeling like ‘just a transaction,’ I dive into the frustrations of being a customer when service falls short. Have you ever experienced bad customer service? Enjoy today's episode! Download your free gift here to help yo…
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¿Recuerdas nuestra charla con Cristina Montserrat: El plan es tener un plan? Nos dejó grandes lecciones sobre cómo transformar una visión personal en una empresa con impacto en el sector ambiental y, sobre todo, dio voz a errores comunes que no le permitían consolidar la empresa como referente en su sector. Hoy Cristina vuelve con una organización …
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Lluís Salart, un líder comprometido con la sostenibilidad y un iluso –como él mismo se define– que nos inspira a pensar y crear un mundo mejor. Escritor, consultor y apasionado por el impacto positivo, Lluís acompaña a empresas y organizaciones sociales para integrar la sostenibilidad en sus estrategias y operaciones, no como acciones aisladas, sin…
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In this episode, we dive into customer service and call center communication, focusing on how to navigate different accents, including Northern and Southern US accents. Plus, we share a fun audio clip from Gabe and Goyo’s '¡No Te Rindas! Intermediate English' podcast, where they role-play a call center scenario and teach us how to use the NATO Phon…
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In this episode, we look at the pros and cons of AI teachers vs Human teachers... have a listen then tell me inside the Comments, which one do you prefer? Enjoy :) ---- Download your free gift here to help you with spelling: How to Spell Your Name in English with Confidence ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Also, check out my YouTube Chan…
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En este episodio, tenemos el privilegio de conversar con Jill Patterson, una profesional cuya trayectoria y visión del liderazgo resultan simplemente inspiradoras. Jill es actualmente la Directora Nacional de De Familia a Familia, y se desempeña también como formadora y mentora de talento en la fundación Agape, con una experiencia consolidada en el…
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Según las estadísticas, hasta un 70% de los trabajadores en España han experimentado el Síndrome de Burnout. ¿Qué refleja esta cifra sobre el estado de salud mental en el entorno laboral español? ¿Cómo afecta esto a la productividad? ¿Qué impacto tiene en la sociedad? Hoy hablamos con el Dr. Juan Segundo Clavijo, médico psiquiatra y consultor de or…
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In this episode, we explore how you can use AI virtual assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa to practice English in your everyday conversations. Learn practical tips on how to ask questions, improve your listening skills, and even have fun while interacting with AI - all from the convenience of your phone. Enjoy :)---- Download your fre…
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Alba Torrejón, una líder dinámica y polifacética que ha forjado una carrera impresionante en Schneider Electric, ha pasado por seis departamentos diferentes en 8 años, demostrando una adaptabilidad y una versatilidad notables. Actualmente, es Sales Manager H&D Mediterranea, donde lidera con un enfoque humanista y centrado en las personas. En esta e…
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In this episode, we explore how the latest AI technology from Samsung can enhance your English learning experience. Plus, I’ll share a personal story on how AI is shaking things up in the way we work. Tune in and let’s embrace the future of language learning together! Enjoy :) Download your free gift here to help you with spelling: How to Spell You…
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In this episode, we explore how the Olympic Games can be the perfect icebreaker for starting conversations. Learn fun and engaging ways to chat about your favourite sports, share interesting facts, and connect with others. Enjoy! :) Download your free gift here to help you with spelling: How to Spell Your Name in English with Confidence ⁠www.englis…
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Hey amigos y amigas! Today, I'm sharing how different it is to drive in Australia compared to Europe, the US, or the rest of the world! Enjoy! :) Download your free gift here to help you with spelling: How to Spell Your Name in English with Confidence Also, check out my YouTube Channel here:…
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Bea deja atrás un puesto de trabajo seguro en una gran organización para apostar por una forma de hacer “diferente”. Fiel a sus principios y valores, en 2022 aterriza en Z1, un empresa de tecnología con sede en Sevilla en pleno crecimiento que actualmente cuenta con un equipo de más de 50 personas trabajando 100% en remoto, ofreciendo servicios a n…
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Hey amigos y amigas! Join me on a hilarious and educational journey as I share my experience of renting a car in New Zealand. Learn useful English phrases and expressions while enjoying my funny rent-a-car anecdotes. If you're travelling soon, this episode is for you. Enjoy! :)Download your free gift here to help you with spelling:How to Spell Your…
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Hoy tenemos el honor de conversar con Karla Wheelock, una pionera del montañismo y una inspiración para líderes organizacionales. Karla es la quinta mujer en coronar el Everest y lo hizo el 27 de mayo de 1999, enfrentando la ruta norte, conocida por su complejidad técnica y desafíos extremos. Solo cuatro mujeres habían logrado esta hazaña antes que…
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Carmen Barrera es una líder apasionada y resiliente que ha dedicado más de 20 años a transformar la industria del entretenimiento turístico. Desde sus inicios como animadora turística en 1996, Carmen ha escalado posiciones hasta convertirse en CEO de Personas en Acttiv, una empresa que provee servicios de animación y entretenimiento a más de 250 ho…
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Os presentamos la primera canción corporativa de INUSUAL. Os traemos algo especial que hemos cocinado. Se trata de nuestra primera canción corporativa 😎 Se titula “Executive Reeducation” y no quiere ser solo una canción, sino un verdadero himno para todos los que queremos desarrollar nuestra forma de gestionar y liderar. ¡Ahí va! En esta canción, n…
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In this episode of The English Made Simple Show, we embark on a journey to the breathtaking landscapes of New Zealand's South Island. I'll introduce you to some Maori words, starting with Aotearoa, the Maori name for New Zealand. Join me as we explore the stunning scenery and learn why every corner of the South Island is perfect for a selfie. Enjoy…
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¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo los líderes experimentados manejan los desafíos de transformar empresas familiares en corporaciones multinacionales? ¿O cómo navegan el mundo de la innovación y resiliencia? Paloma Bellido comenzó su carrera profesional en una empresa familiar, donde no solo aprendió a profesionalizar negocios sino también descubr…
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Rebeca Febles es Ingeniera Agrícola y desde hace años trabaja como auditora. Sin embargo, ni el ritmo de vida diario, ni un trabajo demandante, le impidieron escuchar su voz interior: brindar oportunidades a comunidades vulnerables en África. Desde hace 8 años, Rebeca se enfrenta al desafío continuo de compatibilizar su trabajo como Quality and Env…
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How does Newport address the idea of "mission" and finding meaningful work? Newport addresses the idea of "mission" and finding meaningful work through his concept of "career capital." He argues that instead of focusing on finding a job that aligns with one's passion or purpose, individuals should focus on developing rare and valuable skills that c…
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How does The Millionaire Fastlane approach the idea of passive income? The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco approaches the idea of passive income as a means to achieving financial freedom and building wealth quickly. DeMarco argues that traditional ideas of saving and investing for retirement will not lead to true wealth or financial independence…
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How do you determine what type of work you find fulfilling and meaningful? Determining what type of work is fulfilling and meaningful can vary greatly from person to person. However, some common ways to figure it out include: Consider your values and interests: Think about what is important to you and what you enjoy doing. Identify your passions an…
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What role does mindset play in achieving financial success according to the book? In the book, mindset plays a pivotal role in achieving financial success. The author emphasizes that having a positive and growth-oriented mindset is crucial in overcoming challenges, taking risks, and seizing opportunities in order to improve one's financial situatio…
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En este nuevo episodio de entrevistas a Inusuales, charlamos con Monika Tubía, coach, mentora y formadora para el buen liderazgo, sobre el papel de la comunicación en las organizaciones, para promover un liderazgo humanista. Monika es una mujer vital y emprendedora, que le gusta hacer y ayudar a hacer que las cosas pasen. Y sobre todo le gusta disf…
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How does the novel portray Michelangelo's struggles with self-doubt and insecurity as an artist? In the novel, Michelangelo's struggles with self-doubt and insecurity are portrayed through his internal monologues and interactions with other characters. He constantly questions his talent and whether he is truly capable of producing great art. His in…
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What role do schools and communities play in promoting outdoor play and exploration for children, as emphasized in the book? Schools and communities play a vital role in promoting outdoor play and exploration for children by providing safe and accessible outdoor spaces for them to engage in active play. By creating opportunities for children to exp…
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What message or lesson does The Agony And The Ecstasy convey about the nature of artistic genius and the pursuit of perfection? "The Agony and the Ecstasy" by Irving Stone tells the story of Michelangelo, emphasizing the struggles and sacrifices that come with pursuing artistic genius and perfection. The novel conveys the message that true artistic…
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How can parents and caregivers balance concerns about safety with the benefits of outdoor play and exploration? Parents and caregivers can balance concerns about safety with the benefits of outdoor play and exploration by taking the following steps: Establish clear guidelines and boundaries for outdoor play. This could include setting specific area…
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Hey amigos, in today's episode I try to convince you to learn how to spell your name confidently and clearly. Every time and in every possible situation. In today's episode you also learn a few phrasal verbs such as: dive into, come in handy and jot down. Enjoy today's episode!Download your free gift here:How to Spell Your Name in English with Conf…
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How might Wade's research influence public policy and discussions around race, genetics, and identity? Wade's research may influence public policy and discussions around race, genetics, and identity by sparking debate and raising awareness about the complexities of these issues. His findings may prompt policymakers to consider the implications of g…
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How might the ideas presented in A Troublesome Inheritance impact future research in the fields of genetics, anthropology, and sociology? The ideas presented in A Troublesome Inheritance, particularly those related to the role of genetics in shaping human behavior and social hierarchies, may have a significant impact on future research in the field…
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En este nuevo episodio de entrevistas a Inusuales, charlamos con Paloma Cabrera Olayo, Innovation Driver & Learning Experience Accelerator en Cabrera Management Consultants. Paloma se presenta como una ingeniera informática apasionada por la tecnología y la transformación personal y organizacional. Es madre, compañera y líder de un equipo que ella …
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What are some key takeaways and actionable insights that readers can apply to their own professional practices from The Checklist Manifesto? The importance of implementing checklists in any profession or industry to improve efficiency, productivity, and reduce errors. The power of simplifying complex tasks into a series of actionable steps that can…
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What are the key characteristics of a successful checklist, according to Gawande? According to Gawande, the key characteristics of a successful checklist are: Clear and concise: The checklist should be simple, easy to understand, and not overly complicated. Specific: Each item on the checklist should be clearly defined and actionable. Relevant: The…
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How does the concept of "letting my people go surfing" tie into Chouinard's overall business philosophy? The concept of "letting my people go surfing" ties into Chouinard's overall business philosophy by emphasizing the importance of work-life balance and allowing employees the freedom to pursue their passions outside of work. Chouinard believes th…
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In what ways does Patagonia prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility in its operations? Patagonia uses recycled and environmentally friendly materials in their products, such as organic cotton, recycled polyester, and non-toxic dyes. The company actively promotes repairing and reusing products through their "Worn Wear" program, wh…
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En este nuevo episodio de entrevistas a Inusuales, charlamos con Sarah Dubois, analista de software en Grupo Castilla, sobre digitalización y por qué a día de hoy sigue existiendo una gran brecha digital. Nuestra invitada de hoy es ingeniera informática, con 25 años de experiencia en el desarrollo de software, y actualmente es analista de software …
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In what ways does color influence our emotions and behavior? Color has a significant impact on our emotions and behavior because it can evoke certain psychological and physiological responses. Different colors can create specific moods, feelings, and reactions. For example: Red: Red is often associated with strong emotions such as passion, love, an…
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What are some examples of the ways in which artists have used pigments and dyes to manipulate color and create new visual effects? Some examples of ways artists have used pigments and dyes to manipulate color and create new visual effects include: Mixing pigments to create custom colors: Artists often mix different pigments together to create uniqu…
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What do you think the future holds for the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her impact on American society? Ruth Bader Ginsburg's legacy is sure to endure for many years to come. She was a trailblazer for gender equality and women's rights, and her impact on American society is profound. As the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court, she inspi…
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In today's episode we are going to learn how to spell our name in English using the Phonetic Alphabet. Doing this the right way will make you sound like a confident English speaker. Enjoy today's show!Download your free gift here: How to Spell Your Name in English with Confidence, check out my YouTub…
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How does the book examine the impact of Ginsburg's work on gender equality and women's rights? The book examines the impact of Ginsburg's work on gender equality and women's rights by discussing her pioneering legal work and advocacy for equal rights for women. It delves into her groundbreaking cases that challenged discriminatory laws and practice…
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How does the author portray the Viking raids on the British Isles in the book? In the book, the author portrays the Viking raids on the British Isles as brutal and relentless. The Vikings are depicted as fierce warriors who show no mercy to their enemies, plundering and pillaging villages and monasteries along the coast. The raids are described in …
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How does McChrystal address the challenge of maintaining a sense of purpose and unity within a team of teams? McChrystal addresses the challenge of maintaining a sense of purpose and unity within a team of teams by emphasizing the importance of clear communication and shared goals. He encourages active collaboration and transparency among all membe…
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What parallels can be drawn between the Viking conquests and modern-day imperialism? Motives for conquest: Just as the Vikings sought to expand their territories and gain wealth through their conquests, modern imperial powers often have similar motivations for their actions, such as the desire for resources, land, and power. Use of military force: …
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How does McChrystal recommend integrating technology and data analytics into decision-making processes? McChrystal recommends integrating technology and data analytics into decision-making processes by creating a dedicated unit within an organization that focuses specifically on collecting and analyzing data. This unit should work closely with deci…
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