Sunday morning sermons from Dan Smith (and others) from Momentum Christian Church in Cleveland, Ohio. Check us out on the web at
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Als Gemeinde sehen wir unseren Auftrag darin, Menschen in eine persönliche Beziehung zu Jesus zu führen und ihnen zu zeigen, so zu leben, wie Er dies tut.
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Momentum Church exists to lead people to passionately follow Jesus. This podcast includes messages from Lead Pastor Tim Payne and others, discussing relevant topics in today's culture. Visit for more content like this.
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#Jesus - Botschaft für diese Zeit - Ein Feigenbaum | Daniel Liniger | Momentum Church Reinach | 23.03.2025
#Jesus - Botschaft für diese Zeit - Ein Feigenbaum | Daniel Liniger | Momentum Church Reinach | 23.03.2025 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Join us for week 6 of our series, Roots, with Pastor Tim Payne. — Stay Connected Website: Momentum Church Facebook: Momentum Church Instagram: Momentum Church Twitter: Tim Payne Facebook: http://www.facebook…
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Not all of Jesus’ teachings are warm and fuzzy. Some are difficult to understand. Others are jagged little pills that are all too easy to understand but incredibly hard to swallow. Here are some of the hard teachings of Jesus from the Gospel of Mark in the Bible. #MoHardSayings
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#Jesus - Botschaft für diese Zeit - Ein heiliges Haus | Markus Gygli | Momentum Church Reinach | 16.03.2025
#Jesus - Botschaft für diese Zeit - Ein heiliges Haus | Markus Gygli | Momentum Church Reinach | 16.03.2025 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Yul Perez shared the parable from Luke 15:11-32 on the Lost Son, sometimes referred to as The Prodigal Son.
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Join us for week 5 of our series, Roots, with Pastor Tim Payne. — Stay Connected Website: Momentum Church Facebook: Momentum Church Instagram: Momentum Church Twitter: Tim Payne Facebook: http://www.facebook…
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Join us for week 4 of our series, Roots, with Pastor Tim Payne. — Stay Connected Website: Momentum Church Facebook: Momentum Church Instagram: Momentum Church Twitter: Tim Payne Facebook: http://www.facebook…
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Back in 1980 Pac-Man was released in the U.S., and we were overtaken with something called “Pac-Man Fever.” What metaphorical lessons can we learn about God and faith from the hours upon hours some of us have spent in bean bag chairs with controllers in our hands? #MoPacMan
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Back in 1980 Pac-Man was released in the U.S., and we were overtaken with something called “Pac-Man Fever.” What metaphorical lessons can we learn about God and faith from the hours upon hours some of us have spent in bean bag chairs with controllers in our hands? #MoPacMan
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Eine Frage die dein Leben verändert | Daniel Liniger | Momentum Church Reinach | 23.02.2025 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Back in 1980 Pac-Man was released in the U.S., and we were overtaken with something called “Pac-Man Fever.” What metaphorical lessons can we learn about God and faith from the hours upon hours some of us have spent in bean bag chairs with controllers in our hands? #MoPacMan
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Momentum Sunday - Jesus dein Ruhepool | Samuel Lauterburg | Momentum Church Reinach | 16. Februar 2025
Momentum Sunday - Jesus dein Ruhepool | Samuel Lauterburg | Momentum Church Reinach | 16. Februar 2025 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Lauren Love, Director of Student Ministry, leads a panel of Middle School girls as they share the story of their spiritual journey!
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Beten in der Gemeinschaft | Matthias Hunger | Momentum Church Reinach | 9. Februar 2025 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Join us for week 1 of our new series, Roots, with Pastor Tim Payne. — Stay Connected Website: Momentum Church Facebook: Momentum Church Instagram: Momentum Church Twitter: Tim Payne Facebook: http://www.face…
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Austausch unter offenem Himmel - Wie Jesus beten | Daniel Liniger | MC Reinach | 02 Februar 2025
Austausch unter offenem Himmel - Wie Jesus beten | Daniel Liniger | MC Reinach | 02 Februar 2025 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Join us for our final week of our series, Refresh, with Pastor Tim Payne — Stay Connected Website: Momentum Church Facebook: Momentum Church Instagram: Momentum Church Twitter: Tim Payne Facebook: http://www…
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“I like big Bibles, and I cannot lie!” This is the opening line from a viral comedy song / music video created by our Lead Minister, Dan Smith (Google “Baby Got Book X”). This internet banger is all about a dude who loves the Scriptures and is searching for a godly lady who feels the same way. Psalm 119 was also written by a poet who absolutely “de…
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Austausch unter offenem Himmel - Kraft des Gebets | Markus Gygli | MC Reinach | 26.01.2025 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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“I like big Bibles, and I cannot lie!” This is the opening line from a viral comedy song / music video created by our Lead Minister, Dan Smith (Google “Baby Got Book X”). This internet banger is all about a dude who loves the Scriptures and is searching for a godly lady who feels the same way. Psalm 119 was also written by a poet who absolutely “de…
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“I like big Bibles, and I cannot lie!” This is the opening line from a viral comedy song / music video created by our Lead Minister, Dan Smith (Google “Baby Got Book X”). This internet banger is all about a dude who loves the Scriptures and is searching for a godly lady who feels the same way.
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Join us for week 1 of our new series, Refresh, with our Blackwater Campus Leader, Brian Case. — Stay Connected Website: Momentum Church Facebook: Momentum Church Instagram: Momentum Church Twitter: Tim Payne…
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As we begin the New Year of 2025, Dan reminds us of the amazing ways we were able to bless our community and use our church building for so many wonderful events in 2024. For this coming year, we have the privilege of being the Lord's Ambassadors and telling others the Story of Jesus and why we believe!…
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Momentum Sunday - New year - same God | Daniel Liniger | MC Reinach | 05.01.2025 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Gesundem Glauben folgen Taten | Matthias Hunger | Momentum Church Reinach | 29.12.2024 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Join us for week 4 of our series, Carols, with Pastor Tim Payne. — Stay Connected Website: Momentum Church Facebook: Momentum Church Instagram: Momentum Church Twitter: Tim Payne Facebook: http://www.faceboo…
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Throughout history, countless artists have depicted the events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each week during this holiday season we will look at one painting, along with the Scriptures, to celebrate the first Christmas. #MoChristmas
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Join us for week 3 of our series, Carols, with Pastor Tim Payne. — Stay Connected Website: Momentum Church Facebook: Momentum Church Instagram: Momentum Church Twitter: Tim Payne Facebook: http://www.faceboo…
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Throughout history, countless artists have depicted the events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each week during this holiday season we will look at one painting, along with the Scriptures, to celebrate the first Christmas. #MoChristmas
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Weihnachten neu erleben I Geduld für den richtigen Zeitpunkt I Matthias Hunger I 15. Dezember 2024
Weihnachten neu erleben I Geduld für den richtigen Zeitpunkt I Matthias Hunger I 15. Dezember 2024 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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In His Presence I Seth Dahl I 24.11.24 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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In His Presence I Seth Dahl I 23.11.24 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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In His Presence I Seth Dahl I 20.11.24 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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In His Presence I Seth Dahl I 22.11.24 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Throughout history, countless artists have depicted the events surrounding the birth of Christ. Each week during this holiday season we will look at one painting, along with the Scriptures, to celebrate the first Christmas. #MoChristmas
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Weihnachten neu erleben-Geduld.... | Rahel Schubert | Momentum Church Reinach | 08.12.2024 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Guest Speaker, Matt Nickoson, Kingsway Christian Church Avon, Indiana
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Weihnachten neu erleben I Hoffnung in schwierigen Zeiten I Markus Gygli I 1. Dezember 2024 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Weihnachten neu erleben | erfüllt trotz unerfüllten Wünschen | Daniel Liniger | 01.12.2024 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Join us for a special message from our Blackwater Campus Leader, Brian Case. — Stay Connected Website: Momentum Church Facebook: Momentum Church Instagram: Momentum Church Twitter: Tim Payne Facebook: http:/…
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Most people want to relate to Jesus on their own terms, but a “fake Jesus” that we create to meet our needs can’t really change or challenge us. If you want a Jesus that can actually transform you, you have to search for the real Jesus. In the earliest gospel account in existence, a writer named Mark introduces us to “The Real Jesus.” #MoRealJesus…
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In His Presence I Seth Dahl I 21.11.2024 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Join us for our series, Our Church, with Pastor Tim and Stephanie Payne — Stay Connected Website: Momentum Church Facebook: Momentum Church Instagram: Momentum Church Twitter: Tim Payne Facebook: http://www.…
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Most people want to relate to Jesus on their own terms, but a “fake Jesus” that we create to meet our needs can’t really change or challenge us. If you want a Jesus that can actually transform you, you have to search for the real Jesus. In the earliest gospel account in existence, a writer named Mark introduces us to “The Real Jesus.” #MoRealJesus…
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New Creation, Neues wird sichtbar | Markus Gygli | Momentum Church Reinach | 17.11.2024 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Most people want to relate to Jesus on their own terms, but a “fake Jesus” that we create to meet our needs can’t really change or challenge us. If you want a Jesus that can actually transform you, you have to search for the real Jesus. In the earliest gospel account in existence, a writer named Mark introduces us to “The Real Jesus.” #MoRealJesus…
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New Creation, Neu und Dankbar | Matthias Hunger | Momentum Church Reinach | 10.11.2024 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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New Creation I Neues wird sichtbar I Ruth Truttmann I 10. November 2024 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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New Creation_Das Ding mit der Sünde | Markus Gygli | Momentum Church Reinach | 03.11.2024 by Momentum Church由Momentum Church
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Join us for a special message from Pastor Tim Payne — Stay Connected Website: Momentum Church Facebook: Momentum Church Instagram: Momentum Church Twitter: Tim Payne Facebook:…
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