The A G.A.M.E is an acronym, The A represents Priority, The G represents Goals, The A is representative of the Actions necessary to accomplish your Goals. M stands for the Mentality required to stay focused and intentional, and finally the E represented the Excuses that we need to circumvent for they are Killers of our Destiny!
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If we are going to pray, let's not worry! But if we are going to worry let's not pray!
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If you can't live without your cell phone. You need to listen to this .. for real for real!
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Jesus, on the lifeline, can you hear him now??? With all the noise in your life from everywhere but heaven, no wonder the love of many wax cold! God is speaking a powerful message for the saints to be positioned for the coming of our victorious Christ! The message is loud and clear...CAN YOU HEAR ME...NOW?…
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The grand finale on the "love chapter" expose!
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Continues our journey through the expose on 1 Corinthians 13
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Love is a many splendid thing, or so they say. When it comes to a husband and wife relationship, exactly what does love have to do with it? And what kind of love is it?
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Never look at failure the same again, continue the journey to freedom from doubts and fears in part 2
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Failure can be your best friend if you learn these valuable lessons 💯
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If you've ever been in a dry place, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually thos episode focuses on the thirst quencher. The living Water
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My intro to the BHF Blessed and Highly Favored artist
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Success does not just happen! This 3 part series gives some insights into possible strategies that may assist you in your pursuit!
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Success does not just happen! This 3 part series gives some insights into possible strategies that may assist you in your pursuit!
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Success does not just happen! This 3 part series gives some insights into possible strategies that may assist you in your pursuit!
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You are being tested, and challenged, and tried , you are pressed but not crushed and NO PROBLEM formed against you shall prosper!
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Fear! It is an emotion we all experienced and for some, that encounter with fear is life changing in a debilitating way! If fear has frozen your live free assets, man, have I got a thaw for you!!!
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The continuation of our conversation on Inductive Bible Study method, developing the tools to get you deeper into God's word and God's presence like never before,
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One of the best ways to study the Bible is through “inductive” study. This method makes observations on a passage of Scripture and then draws conclusions based on those observations. Allow me to be your guide as we explore, embrace,and execute the inductive method's process of observation, interpretation, and application.…
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This segment take a practical look at how devicesiveness can tear apart every relationship we cherish, specifically our most precious relationships with our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ..Check it out...
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We worry, God tells us why it is a waste of precious time. He is gracious in sharing with us what works and how it works and how wonderfully it work so let's go to work on God's worry free philosophy!
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The dictionary states that persistence is : the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people..or The state of occurring or existing beyond the usual, expected, or normal time. Allow me to share with you some techniques that will power up your determination t…
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If you are challenged in being consistent in prayer, If you can't find time to pray, or even if you just got bored 😐, this series can revitalize your spirit and get you back to the bosom of God!
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We all suffer pain in life, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual pain.This episode focuses on the purpose of pain and how to get relief and continue this journey called life.
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Failure can be your best friend, join me as we take another approach to being a success through the gifts of failure!
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A good friend and I chat it up a bit and you are invited to the conversation 😉
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Continuing the conversation on the necessary actions and mentality for purposed filled leadership
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A limiting belief is a thought or state of mind that you think is the absolute truth and stops you from doing certain things. These beliefs don't always have to be about yourself, either. They could be about how the world works, ideas, and how you interact with people.Join me as I wrap up this series, I hope to encourage you on your journey of disc…
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We have come near the end of this series. Listen to this segment with expectations of growing more focused,encouraged, and empowered!
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Boundaries help keep us safe, they provide us with the freedom to feel loved, honored, and respected when our Boundaries are taken into consideration, as we honor and respect the Boundaries of others.
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We continue Discombobulating those beliefs that have held us captives for too long. We are much more than we give ourselves credit for, this segment focuses on The misbeliefs that say you don't deserve success and that you have to care about what people think about you, let's go!
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The Discombobulation of those Limiting Beliefs continues ...
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Part 2
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Part 2
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If you're tired of watching your time,your hopes, your dreams and goals slip away this series is for you! I am going to help you as I have helped many others to overcome the limitations you have placed on yourselves.
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How to get through seasonal depression, get back on track and do the A G.A.M.E thing
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Help for when you can't help it!
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A two part series focused on discombobulating the doubts we have concerning God's love for us and the victory we have as we overcome!
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Are you feeling just a bit distressed by all this mess? Well join the club as we de- STRESS!!!
Here are some practical methods for discombobulating the stress that you're too blessed to mess with!
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Free Lance, fun time with mom and family in Georgia.
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Limiting beliefs are conscious or subconscious beliefs that hold you back in some way. They are ideas that limit you. Thoughts that keep you from reaching your full potential.If we are going to truly achieve our true potential, we must destroy the limiting beliefs that are holding us back. We must be set free from the lies and falsehoods that we be…
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This final episode of this series focuses on the true gift of resilience and the source of its power to withstand the calamities of this life and give the resources for your A. G.A.M.E success!
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More about resilience and the strength it takes to truly pursue your purpose.
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Resilience is the key to accomplishment
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How a tragic motorcycle accident made me up my A. G.A.M.E.
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Continuing to explore the lessons learned from a tragic motorcycle accident and how they affected my A. G A.M.E.
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Hear how a terrible motorcycle accident that breaks my pelvis , my ankle, and caused internal bleeding challenges me to reset...everything! This series takes you into my mind , my heart, and my soul as we explore the superpower Resilience and the difference it can make in how or when we succeed in our A GAME.…
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Hear how a terrible motorcycle accident that breaks my pelvis , my ankle, and caused internal bleeding challenges me to reset...everything! This series takes you into my mind , my heart, and my soul as we explore the superpower Resilience and the difference it can make in how or when we succeed in our A GAME. Awesome, can't wait to hear the upcomin…
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This segment continues to alert you to the important principal of preparation and the important role it plays in your A G.A.M.E
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This episode focuses on being intentional about persevering through the challenges of accomplishing your goals
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Learn why Proper Preparation Prior to Presentation Prevent Poor Performance!
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Patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances. Patience may involve perseverance in the face of delay; tolerance of provocation without responding in disrespect/anger or forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one can have before disrespect. It is also used t…
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