Anderson Cooper brings you highlights from CNN's premier nightly news program AC360.
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Grief can feel so lonely but talking about it, and listening to others share their grief experiences helps. In Season 3 of All There Is, Anderson Cooper continues his deeply personal exploration of grief in all its complexities. In moving and honest discussions, he learns from others who’ve experienced life-altering losses. All There Is with Anderson Cooper is about the people we lose, the people left behind, and how we can live on – with loss and with love. | Visit the All There Is online g ...
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Anders och Måns svarar på lyssnarfrågor och tänker högt. Podden släpps varje lördag 08.00. Skriv din fråga till podden: Vill du prenumerera på podden och lyssna utan reklam? Klicka här: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
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andersschlau - DER Podcast für DICH! Hier erfährst du alles rund um die Themen Hochsensibilität und Hochbegabung. Wir sprechen aus unserem Praxisalltag und laden auch sowohl Betroffene als auch Fachpersonen ein.
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Internationally acclaimed dream analyst and author of Bird of Paradise (Taming the Unconscious to Bring Your Dreams to Fruition), Jane Teresa Anderson, interprets her guests’ dreams and shares dream interpretation tips and insights. A new episode is published every four weeks.
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This podcast is hosted by Michael Andersen. Heading into fantasy football season I’ll be providing tips and insight to help you win your league, and provide some entertainment along the way.
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Följ min resa mot ett bättre mående via fysisk träning, kreativa utmaningar och näringsrik kost.
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Local gardening, horticulture, landscaping information and advice.
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Who are we? What is the universe?
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Karsch and Anderson
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Educate. Equip. Empower.
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Host, Erik Anderson, introduces his universe to the Podcast realm through comedy interviews, silly voices and cringey improvisation. There is literally no way to know what’s coming next.
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If you've ever enjoyed Thunderbirds, Space 1999, UFO, Captain Scarlet or any other Gerry Anderson show then this is the place where you can experience those shows episode by episode in the expert hands of Gerry Anderson historian Chris Dale. He randomly takes you on a journey through 6 decades of Gerry Anderson shows.
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Connecting you, the listener, with all the current news that Winnipeg has to offer.
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Korrespondenten weltweit im Selbstversuch: Wir befragen unsere Reporterinnen und Reporter einmal nicht nach den wichtigen Geschichten in ihrem Berichtsgebiet, sondern nach den kleinen Dingen des Alltags. Hören Sie im Folgenden, wie anders das Leben in Peking, Mexiko City, Nairobi, Moskau, Los Angeles, Rabat, Tel Aviv oder Tokio verläuft.
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Real Estate Investors, Stock Traders, and Business Owners guide to preserve their wealth, protect their assets, and prosper in the future.
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Die große Gala der niederen Instinkte mit Jan Off und Herrn Hagestolz
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interdisciplinary lessons & conversations on baseball, hitting, and life. audio only.
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Enter the incredible worlds of Gerry Anderson and his unforgettable shows like Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Space:1999, Terrahawks and many more. A weekly podcast hosted by Richard James and Jamie Anderson. News, facts, trivia, competitions, and 'The Randomiser' - an episode-by-episode journey through six decades of Gerry Anderson shows!
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Horse trainer turned millionaire Clinton Anderson interviews successful business owners from all industries about how they started their careers and how they navigated the challenges and successes of running their own businesses while maintaining their personal lives. Delivered with Clinton’s Aussie humor and his no-holds-barred, straight-to-the-guts style.
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The Peabody Award-winning Studio 360 with Kurt Andersen, from PRX, is a smart and surprising guide to what's happening in pop culture and the arts. Each week, Kurt introduces the people who are creating and shaping our culture. Life is busy – so let Studio 360 steer you to the must-see movie this weekend, the next book for your nightstand, or the song that will change your life. Produced in association with Slate.
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If you work in financial 'Market Data' be you Data Vendor; Exchange; Technology/Service Provider; and especially if you work in a customer firm - we will be discussing all the burning issues and educating on core elements.
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In deze podcast gaat organisatieveranderaar Minke Buizer van Changekitchen in gesprek met experts én ervaringsdeskundigen over anders organiseren in de toekomst. Samen met de gasten ontdekt ze wat er is nog meer is op organisatiegebied én wat nu al werkt binnen organisaties.
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Immersive yourself in FREE audiobooks and audio dramas from the iconic worlds of Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet, Space: 1999, UFO and more. Each episode features your favourite characters, nostalgic soundscapes, and original music, bringing thrilling stories of action, adventure, and sci-fi to life. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to Gerry Anderson's work, jump in for exciting, audio dramas and audiobooks of epic missions and unforgettable characters!
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Fun talks about everything. Lots of tech. Please fill out this survey:
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Welcome! to short stories and beyond podcast show by published Author, Screenwriter, Director Nichel Anderson, that mostly focuses on her popular production "MOLIAE" throughout the season. More info at
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Anderson Overland Podcast is an authentic, non-commercialized overlanding podcast spoken by a real overlander and outdoorsman! Authentic guest interviews from some of the great names in overlanding and offroading, product experiences, trail stories, camping tips, and lessons learned from our years of Overlanding experience and trail guiding!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
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Join our daily verse by verse journey through the Bible with Pastor Doug Anderson. Experience the life changing transformation as you begin to apply these truths to your daily life. You will love these "walks"!
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After almost 10years on SoundCloud I will not be renewing my premium account this coming year. If any of my current followers wish to download any of the mixes on the account please send me a message and i will enable the download feature. My account will lapse on 23rd January 2025. I still love DJing but don’t have the time to regularly record full mixes anymore so no point in holding old content on here. Thanks for all the plays
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Assistive Technology Update—a weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist individuals with disabilities and special needs.
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The Pulse with Bill Anderson features in-depth interviews with celebrities, people in the news, and more. Each week Bill talks to actors, musicians, comedians, social media stars, and newsmakers about how they have reached their own level of success. Bill also asks all of his guests how they "use their voice for good?" The Pulse airs weekly on FOX 29 in Philadelphia and FOX Soul nationwide
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Samtal om och kring skola, utbildning och livet i allmänhet. Conversations in Swedish about school, education and life in general.
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Det er en jungel der ute. Husk å abonnere da. Instagram: dettelivetmedanders Bonusepisoder på: Youtube:
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Welkom bij Neem Er Anders Nog Een de podcast waar we de meest delicate onderwerpen niet uit de weg gaan. Mijn naam is Mart Heuker of Hoek ik ben 28 jaar, en ik ben hier om de taboes te doorbreken die ons gevangen houden in stilte. Als voormalig alcoholist, heb ik mijn eigen weg gevonden naar herstel en zelfverbetering. Nu wil ik anderen een stem geven en ruimte creëren voor openhartige gesprekken over de moeilijke onderwerpen die te vaak worden vermeden. In elke aflevering nodig ik gasten ui ...
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Der Mensch hat die Sprache beim Geschichtenerzählen erfunden. Geschichten erklären die Welt. Sie können uns Mut oder Angst, Freude oder Trauer fühlen lassen, uns Wissen oder Weisheit vermitteln. Eine Geschichte ist kein Werk, sondern ein Akt. Wir denken, schreiben, sprechen und Du hörst uns zu – so kommt sie erst in die Welt.
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Menschen lieben Geschichten – Geschichten machen den Menschen. Ellen Anders und Oliver Wunderlich erzählen laufend neue Geschichten. Komisch, phantastisch, nachdenklich oder historisch – aber immer besonders: anders und wunderlich eben!
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I’m here to help you create more, earn more, and find more happiness in your life. We have a bold mission here to live a rich life doing what we love. We want to be content with ourselves, and the content we create.
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Anders mit Hund - Dein Podcast für ein zufriedenes Leben mit Hunden. In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um den Alltag mit Hunden, die ihre Menschen herausfordern. Sei es durch Angst, Aggression, Stress oder andere Dinge, die zu Verhaltensproblemen im Alltag führen. Als Fan von Verhaltensbiologie, einem bedürfnisorientierten Leben und persönlicher Weiterentwicklung triffst Du bei mir nicht auf das klassische "Sitz, Platz, Fuß". Meine Inhalte richten sich an alle, die es ANDERS machen wollen. ...
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Regular guy Tim Anderson (Not the shortstop for the White Sox) goes on weekly dives into the world of sports, culture and life. During the football season, you will hear weekly wrap ups featuring Tim and his regular guests Ryan and Zach. Several other characters will make appearances as the year goes along. Tim will branch off to talk golf and pro wrestling away from regular sports as well. He will also bring in resident film experts like Lauren to break down the classics in cinema. Tim Ande ...
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Ob aus Literatur, Kunst oder Philosophie: auf verschaffen wir Texten Gehör, deren Schönheit und Zeitlosigkeit uns begeistern! Echte Klassiker, die nicht mehr Zeit beanspruchen als eine nette, kleine Dusche. In unserem Podcast widmen wir (Ulrike und Dirk) uns mit Hilfe spannender Momentaufnahmen ganz unterschiedlichen Persönlichkeiten und teilen mit euch Originaltexte, die wir als besonders anregend empfinden. Alle auf registrierten Hörerinnen und Hörer erhalten ei ...
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echt & anders. Aus dem Hardtwald direkt in die Ohren - mit Wolfgang Hell und Stefan Feininger. Der offizielle Podcast des SV Sandhausen ist für euch - unsere Fans. Hintergrundgeschichten, Emotionen und andere Blickwinkel - eben echt anders! Jede Woche unterhalten sich Wolle und Stefan über das aktuelle Geschehen im Verein sowie zukünftig geplante Projekte. Zudem wird immer wieder ein Gast bei den beiden vorbeischauen. Dabei können sowohl Spieler, als auch Trainer, Funktionäre oder Ehemalige ...
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Willkommen zu "Inspirierend anders", dem Podcast für alle, die mutig genug sind, ihr Leben auf ihre eigene Art zu gestalten und ihre Träume zu verwirklichen! Begleite uns auf eine spannende Reise durch die Geschichten von inspirierenden Menschen, die es geschafft haben, erfolgreich zu sein, ohne sich den Erwartungen anderer zu unterwerfen. Wir sprechen über Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Selbstverwirklichung, Karriere und Beziehungen - immer mit dem Fokus auf Inspiration und Motivation für dich ...
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Du lebst in Deutschland, maar je bent Nederlander / Nederlandse? Je woont in Nederland, aber Du bist Deutsche(r)? Du arbeitest im Nachbarland? Of doet veel zaken met je buurland? Oder einfach, Du liebst die Deutschen / die Niederländer…. Ja dann, dann bist Du hier bei unserem Podcast genau richtig! Der Podcast von Anouk Ellen Susan (Niederländerin, wohnend in Deutschland) in kooperatie met de Duits/Nederlandse platvorm AHA24x7. Der ERSTE deutsch/niederländische Podcast, waar je van beide wer ...
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Es war einmal ein Märchen von einer wunderschönen Frau namens Wassilissa und einer mächtigen Hexe mit Namen Baba Yaga. Der Beitrag Die schöne Wassilissa erschien zuerst auf Morgenradio.由Oliver Wunderlich
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Anders & Måns läser lyssnarfrågor och tänker högt. Podden publiceras lördagar 08.00. Skriv en fråga till programmet: Vill du prenumerera på podden och lyssna utan reklam? Klicka här: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Baxmann, Matthias, Alltag anders由Baxmann, Matthias
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108: Das Einstein Teleskop Projekt - so richtig lekker anders! Ein Gespräch mit zwei der 3 Direktoren - Hans & Stan
Home - Einstein-TeleskopStan Bentvelsen | LinkedInHans Plets | LinkedIn Das neue Buch ist da 2023: LEKKER anders Netzwerken!? Für Einsteiger und/oder für mehr Diversität? Letzteres auch auf niederländisch übersetzt! Hier geht es zu den 3 Büchern: Hier geht’s zu meinem ersten LEKKER anders Buch – rundum Kultu…
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Die Pressekonferenz mit Cheftrainer Kenan Kocak vor unserem Heimspiel am Samstag (16:30 Uhr) gegen den 1. FC Saarbrücken.Hier geht's zu den Tickets! 🎫➡️由echt & anders - Podcast des SV Sandhausen
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We gaan het hebben over Steward-ownership! Een ondernemingsvorm waarin medewerkers daadwerkelijk eigenaar (kunnen) zijn! Doordat o.a. stemrecht en economisch recht van elkaar gescheiden zijn. Wil je zelforganisatie laten slagen? Dan heb je Steward-ownership nodig! Minke gaat in gesprek met de auteur van het boek We are Stewards-Gijsbert Koren en Ma…
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Der 21. Januar ist der International Hugging Day – eine wunderbare Gelegenheit, um sich dem Thema Kuscheln mit unseren Hunden zu widmen. Doch warum läuft das Kuscheln zwischen Mensch und Hund manchmal nicht so harmonisch, wie wir es uns wünschen? In dieser Episode geht Anne genau diesen Fragen auf den Grund. Freu dich auf sechs wertvolle Tipps, wie…
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"Er ist gar zu düster, immer mürrisch, zänkisch und streitsüchtig, und das gefällt mir nicht." Wenn sich Madame de Pompadour (1721-1764), seit 1745 als Maîtresse en titre Ludwigs XV. die einflussreichste Frau Frankreichs, derartig ärgern muss, verheißt das nichts Gutes. Doch irgendetwas scheint ihr an dem radikalen Aufklärer Jean-Jacques Rousseau (…
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Inspirierend Anders Hinterfragt Alles – Gerrit Callenberg In dieser Folge zu Gast: Gerrit-Léon Callenberg – Klarheits- und Fokustrainer, der Menschen dabei hilft, ihre wahren Werte zu erkennen und ein erfülltes Leben zu führen. Gerrit erklärt, warum Erfolg viel mehr ist als Statussymbole oder finanzielle Freiheit. Stattdessen spricht er über Authen…
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Vandaag heb ik te gast: laura van Dijk! En laura is 29 jaar oud en een gewichtsneutrale diëtist of ook wel een anti dietist genoemd ze heeft een eetstoornis verleden en deelt in deze aflevering haar kennis en ervaringen, Haar missie is helder: jou helpen naar een gezond en gelukkig leven, waarin je je thuis voelt in je lichaam, zonder eindeloze str…
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Ein Jahresrückblick zum Vergessen. Anhören ist dennoch Pflicht.由Jan Off und Herr Hagestolz
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Nytt år. Hva nå? Hva skal skje videre? Vi skal fortelle deg hvordan det går ned.
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Time to get over the loss?
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Doug and Khang's Champ and Chump of the weekend.
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Thoughts on Chiefs vs Eagles again.
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Jane Marion from Big Brothers/Big Sisters Winnipeg joins Hal to talk about making a difference in a kid's life. Plus, Dog Runs Farm owner Katie McInnes由CJOB / Curiouscast
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Would the Lions have lost to the Eagles?
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Support the show: See for privacy information.由Garden Talk
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Do the Chiefs get all the calls?
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Did you even watch Football?
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We're so happy to welcome Space Precinct's Production Coordinator, Sharon Mansfield to the podcast! Sharon reveals lots of behind the scenes secrets from the show, as well as lifting the lid on a career spent in the film and TV industry. Meanwhile, Jamie has news of some retro figures to collect, we hear from our wonderful Podsterons and the Random…
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In our journey through the Bible very often we meet a person in the Old Testament who really understood how to ‘Walk with God’ long before Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Recently we’ve been looking at the stories of two such men, Daniel and Jeremiah, both of whom were positioned very strategically by God in their world and through whom God spoke powe…
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The best conversations about the Aaron Glenn and Ben Johnson departures from Costa and Jansen with Heather, Karsch and Anderson, and The Valenti Show. Should Ben Johnson henceforth be known as "Benedict Johnson" for joining an NFC North rival? Plus, diving into what Johnson's departure could mean for Jared Goff and the Lions offense. Also, is repla…
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An investigation of a flying saucer leads Zodiac to try to save a planet that has broken out of its orbit and is on a collision course with another planet.由Anderson Entertainment
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XSpace recorded on Jan 25, 2025由Israel Anderson
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Jesus spoke constantly in parables.A parable is a comparison between a new idea and something the listener already understands.Jesus's listeners' identity was tied to the Exodus, where their ancestors endured 40 years of harsh treatment, being tested in the desert by YHWH to force obedience.Christians, however, know next to nothing about the Exodus…
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We look at the love of Jesus for us demonstrated through grace and mercy and unconditional acceptance as we are.由Israel Anderson
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Costa & Jansen wonder how much longer the Lions Super Bowl window will be open. Plus, Karsch & Anderson debate whether it's time for Brad Holmes to say "f them picks" and Valenti & Rico discuss how the Lions offense will move forward without Ben Johnson.
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Jag vandrar längs havet på en ö i Atlanten och tänker på estetiken i Stevensons Skattkammarön, och att jag har hittat en skatt, eller fått en skatt. Jag har en skatt hur som helst. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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President Donald Trump is in Los Angeles to see the damage from the areas devastating wildfires, after saying earlier that he would condition aid to California on political demands. Trump also visited hurricane-ravaged North Carolina earlier today, where he threatened to eliminate FEMA. CNN anchor and Chief White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins…
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NFL Free agent targets.
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And some local College hoops talk.
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Lions key free agents.
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National Green Juice Day!
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Are you sick of the Chiefs?
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由Ray Young
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Welcome to Anderson Audio Adventure's. In this series, we bring you an underwater adventure from Stingray, written by John Theydon. The Stingray crew discover an ancient diving bell that leads them on an expeditionary voyage through the freezing waters of Antarctica to the land of a lost civilisation. Close on the heels of Troy Tempest and the prid…
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Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs. Special Guest: Michael Bond – Founder and CEO – Spoken —————————— If you have an AT question, leave us a voice mail at: 317-721-7124 or […]…
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Dr. Nigel Biggar CBE, Emeritus Regius Prof. of Moral and Pastoral Theology, University of Oxford; Dr. Stephen Chavura, Author and Academic
John speaks with Dr. Nigel Biggar and Dr. Stephen Chavura to explore the complexities of history, challenging one-sided narratives of colonisation and conflict. Their discussion sheds light on the nuanced relationships between settlers and Indigenous peoples, revealing both moments of mutual respect and undeniable tragedy. The discussion emphasises…
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Despite opposition from Democrats as well as Republican Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, it is looking almost certain that by tomorrow night that former Fox Weekend Morning host Pete Hegseth will be running the Defense Department. Today, CNN learned that Hegseth told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he paid $50,000 as part of a co…
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Full Show: Brad Holmes presser recap, Football questions, Pistons win again, Goff haters out!
Let it all out Lions fans.
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A 20 game NFL season on the horizon?
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Lions fans let it all out.
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What's the Lions window?
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What is the Pistons ceiling?
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