A rubrica que partilha as últimas novidades e notícias sobre novas tecnologias.
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Ligação direta da TSF à inovação tecnológica e ao mundo digital com os mais recentes lançamentos e novidades do setor.
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Em DIGITALIDADE vou explorar os melhores insights sobre Marketing, Comércio Eletrónico, e Redes Sociais. Cada episódio será uma nova aventura que promete informar, inspirar e entreter. O meu objetivo é criar uma comunidade de ouvintes que partilhem a minha paixão por aprender e explorar temas que importam nos nossos dias para as organizações e pessoas.
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Notizie dal mondo della rete per i cittadini della rete
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Un poco de todo: noticias, tecnología, libros, turismo, política, actualidad...
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The Dig is a podcast from Jacobin magazine that discusses politics, criminal justice, immigration and class conflict with smart people. Please support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4839800
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Digitaliseringens podcast. Metoder, verktyg, teknik och exempel. För konsult, beställare och intressent som vill lyckas med digitalisering. Jonas Jaani guidar dig tillsammans med Micke Norbäck. Intervjuer med konsulter och experter. 20 min/avsnitt
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Professorer, PHD-er, teknologer, politikere og ledere i privat og offentlig sektor er gjester som deler sin kunnskap i Digitaliseringspådden. Hver uke treffer du en ny gjest som gir deg ny kunnskap om digitalisering. Programlederne er Jens Christian Bang og Dag Rustad blander seg inn i samtalen og stiller de spørsmålene du ville stilt.Digitalseringspådden produseres av utviklingsselskapet Already On og distribueres av Computerworld Norge.
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Geschichten von Computern und Katastrophen
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Intelligenza artificiale e deep learning, realtà virtuale, social network, bitcoin e criptovalute, capitalismo della sorveglianza: le nuove tecnologie digitali stanno cambiando il mondo in cui viviamo a velocità sempre crescente, lasciandoci spesso pieni di domande senza risposta. Ogni settimana faremo chiarezza e approfondiremo i temi più inquietanti e affascinanti del mondo digitale, cercando di capire qual è il futuro che ci attende. Sono Andrea Daniele Signorelli, da anni racconto i risc ...
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Podcasturile Digi FM sunt o colecție de emisiuni radio disponibile online, care acoperă o gamă largă de subiecte, de la știri și actualitate la divertisment și lifestyle: Matinalii, Lucian Mîndruță, Florin Negruțiu, Radu Paraschivescu, Audiența Națională, ExtraMatinal, Săptămâna Unu la Unu
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Her kan du møde en masse spændende mennesker, der spiller forskellige korte rollespils-scenarier, som vi bringer som et hyggeligt hørespil.
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Ferramentas digitais e novidades do mundo tecnológico.
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El podcast de Protestante Digital, donde la fe cristiana dialoga con la actualidad. Visítanos en www.protestantedigital.com
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A mini Bible study with Cindy Colley to supplement the Digging Deep Bible study for women.
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Podcast Národního pedagogického institutu ČR věnovaný inspiracím k rozvíjení digitálních kompetencí žáků napříč předměty a do výuky nové informatiky.
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Digital Foundry is a leading authority on gaming technology and performance, and in this regular podcast, the team sits down to discuss the latest news and take questions from the audience.
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Go to place for all things cloud accounting and digital. Find out the latest in accounting app news and exclusive interviews with cloud pioneers in the accounting industry.
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Podcast de cultura digital, actualidad tecnológica y evolución de internet.
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Jaap Jacobs, Managing Director van Fingerspitz, bespreekt samen met diverse Marketing experts de trends omtrent Digital Marketing in 2025.
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Is it a movie podcast? Is it a history podcast? Is it an unholy union of the two? Short answer: yes! Each episode, hosts Colin MacCormack, Elijah Fleming and Christie Vogler break down a new movie about Greece, Rome or the wider ancient world and what works (or doesn’t work) about them. But this isn’t a podcast for nitpicking historical inaccuracies. Rather, it’s a chance to get hot takes on Hollywood films from professional nerds/academics and take a closer look at the relation between our ...
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Historias, Aprendizajes y Tendencias del Mundo de Emprendimiento y Negocios a través de Conversaciones con Emprendedores, CEO´s y Expertos.
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Darrers podcast - Ona Digital
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🤝🏼 Assista ao treinamento gratuito, afilie-se aos produtos da Mind7 Digital e receba 💰 comissões em dinheiro, sem vender nada: https://www.mind7digital.com.br/afiliados-mind7
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A weekly digital marketing podcast with listeners in over 190 countries worldwide.The Digital Marketing Podcast combines interviews with global experts, together with the latest news, tools, strategies and techniques to give your digital marketing the edge. Perfect for your daily commute, the podcast aims to be both entertaining and informative. Produced by Target Internet and hosted by Daniel Rowles, Ciaran Rogers and Louise Crossley. Find out more at targetIniernet.com/podcasts
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Podcasten, der hver mandag giver kendte gæster muligheden for at leve det liv, de drømte om som børn.
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Listen to talk about computer forensic analysis, techniques, methodology, tool reviews and more.
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Varje vecka träffas två pedagoger i ett klassrum nära dig. De dricker kaffe och pratar pedagogik. Samtalen handlar om skola, digitala verktyg och lite annat. De spanar in i framtiden, lyfter fram aktuella händelser samt tipsar om användbara digitala verktyg.
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She Rewires Digital 通过组织每月两次的线上知识分享活动,以促进不同行业、不同资历、不同地域之间的知识交流与社群建设为使命,欢迎来自全球STEAM领域各行业的女性分享她们的项目、经验、知识和观点。欢迎搜索订阅「She Rewires Digital」苹果Podcastss
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Welcome to Dig In, the podcast brought to you by the minds at Dig Insights. We're interviewing some of the most inspiring brand professionals in marketing, innovation, and insights to discover the story behind the story of their most exciting innovations.
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Podcast til dig, der elsker musicals og dig, der endnu ikke ved, du gør det.
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Podcast by Jan Simmen
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Informativ, Unterhaltsam, Positiv – das ist überMORGEN, der neue Podcast von inside digital! Wir machen Lust auf morgen. Alle zwei Wochen. Überall dort, wo es Podcasts gibt.
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Impactful digital innovation that happened on this day.
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Digital Health News podcast on all things IT and digital technology in the NHS
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Chaque semaine, l’Empreinte Digitale déchiffre l’actualité du monde digital et des réseaux sociaux. Au sommaire : des conseils en stratégie marketing digital, des analyses d’experts (community management, marketing d’influence…), des interviews et des décryptages de tendances numériques qui vous aideront à mieux comprendre le monde du web et à optimiser son impact sur votre communication.
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Tips and practical ideas on entrepreneurship, personal finance, Digital Transformation for SMEs, and cryptocurrency investments. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/digital--coffee/support
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CADA LUNES NUEVO EPISODIO. Podcast dedicado al posicionamiento SEO y marketing digital. Entrevistas y actualidad en un tono desenfadado para que aprendas todo lo necesario para optimizar tu web.
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TBS / JNNの最新ニュースをダイジェストでお届けします。#ニュースライブ #ニュース #tbs #japan #live #news #newsdig #まとめ #最新ニュース▼TBS NEWS DIG 公式サイト https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/▼チャンネル登録をお願いします!http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6AG81pAkf6Lbi_1VC5NmPA?sub_confirmation=1▼情報提供はこちらから「TBSインサイダーズ」https://www.tbs.co.jp/news_sp/tbs-insiders.html▼映像提供はこちらから「TBSスクープ投稿」https://www.tbs.co.jp/news_sp/t…
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Saif Ali Khan Attacked: सैफ पर धारदार हथियार से जानलेवा हमला, आखिर रात को उनके घर में हुआ क्या?
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Saif Ali Khan Attacked BREAKING NEWS: सैफ अली खान पर हमला, Lilavati Hospital में कराए गए भर्ती
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