The Society of St. Pius X is an international priestly society of common life without vows, whose purpose is the priesthood and that which pertains to it. The main goal of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X is to preserve the Catholic faith in its fullness and purity, to teach its truths, and to diffuse its virtues. Authentic spiritual life, the sacraments, and the traditional liturgy are its primary means of bringing this life of grace to souls.
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Šv. Pijaus X kunigų brolija (lotyniškai, Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Pii Decimi, FSSPX) yra tarptautinė Romos Katalikų Bažnyčios kongregacija, kurios svarbiausias tikslas yra ugdyti ir rengti šventus kunigus. Tie kunigai vėliau siunčiami į pasaulį kaip MISIONIERIAI tam, kad skleistų ir stiprintų tradicinį katalikų tikėjimą ir padėtų sieloms šiais sudėtingais ir neramiais laikais, prasidėjusiais Bažnyčioje po Vatikano II Susirinkimo.
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God, Our Author - A Sermon for Children by FSSPX由FSSPX
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Parish Lenten Mission 2025 - 2nd Conference - Fr. Patrick Crane by FSSPX由FSSPX
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Parish Lenten Mission 2025 - 1st Conference (2nd Sun. Lent) - Fr. Patrick Crane by FSSPX由FSSPX
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Obedience is the perfect sacrifice for children in Lent. Mum and Dad are the helpers God uses to both bring life into the world and to form the characters of their children. They do the latter by the use of authority. Mum and Dad must make rules for their children to help them become good people, protect them from bodily and spiritual harm, and to …
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Resisting Temptation - A Sermon for Children by FSSPX由FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explain how Christ set the example for us in teaching us how to combat and wage war against ourselves in order that we may begin to live for Him and in Him so as to be transformed by Him.由FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains how silence is an essential condition for the spiritual and how it necessary for our spiritual growth. It lays for us the foundation of everything that is to follow.由FSSPX
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Before Lent - Sexagesima | Fr Patrick Kimball | 230225 by FSSPX由FSSPX
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5th Sunday after the Epiphany by FSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached at Blessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached at Blessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached at Blessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached at Blessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains How God's providence used King Louis XVI of France's commissioning of La Perouse in 1785 to undertake voyage of the pacific in order to bring the Mass and its importance.由FSSPX
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Hidden Love Hinted by FSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached at Blessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached at Blessed Virgin Mary ChurchJune 9, 2024Warners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached at Blessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Sermon preached at Blessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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BVM Marian Year Capital Campaign Kick-offby Fr. Richard BoyleDecember 8, 2024at BVM Church - Warners, NY由FSSPX
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'If we misunderstand or misapply charity, it will become a form of self service, it will no longer be a bond of perfection that places us in contact with our Lord, it will be a monstrous imitation that feeds our pride... We can't love our neighbour if we don't first and foremost love God. We can't serve our neighbour if we don't first and foremost …
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Fr. Taouk directs explains how St. Agatha gave all for love of Christ because she was determined to make Him the priority of her life and how that is an important foundation for all of our actions.由FSSPX
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'Today marks the fulfilment of all the hopes and aspirations and prayers. Christ is finally received into His temple. It's only after the feast of the Purification — the end of this Christmas cycle — that Lent can begin.' — Fr. John Brucciani.由FSSPX
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Adult Catechism given atBlessed Virgin Mary ChurchWarners, NYSSPX由FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains the theological import of this feast and its practical application for our daily lives.由FSSPX
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Blocked from Healing - III Epiphany | Fr Patrick Kimball | 250126.m4a by FSSPX由FSSPX
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A sermon by Fr Daniel Themann FSSPX由FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains how a marriage set on the right foundations is our glimpse into the divine work of God leading us on a journey to a deeper union with Our Lord.由FSSPX
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'Cana recalls our soul's nuptial union with Christ, which comes about through sanctifying grace.' —Fr. John Brucciani由FSSPX
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Cana in our Lives : II Epiphany | Fr Patrick Kimball | 25/01/19l.m4a by FSSPX由FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains how Our Lady's response to the lack wine at the wedding of Canna is for us to imitate in so many ways, helping us to have a deep insight into the matter so as come closer to Christ.由FSSPX
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A sermon by Fr Andrew Cranshaw FSSPX由FSSPX
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Family Tension | Fr Patrick Kimball | 25.01.12 by FSSPX由FSSPX
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'It's the members of the family, acting on behalf of the family, who bring the gold of adoration and worship to our Lord' — Fr. John Brucciani.由FSSPX
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Fr. Taouk explains how a solid religious education and Catholic formation are a necessary foundation for obtaining the virtue necessary to live out the Catholic faith in the present world.由FSSPX
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