Listen to all messages from Agape Faith Church. A church where faith works by love.
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Pastor Whitfield shows the importance of a thankful attitude.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Barr shares a message about bringing unity by being the influence.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Whitfield continues his unity series with a message about God's anointing.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Whitfield emphasizes the importance of unity.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Whitfield shares a message on unity with the Holy Spirit.由Agape Faith Church
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Join us for a message on righteousness given by Pastor Whitfield.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Whitfield shares a message about standing in solidarity with Israel.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Michael shows us how to steward the generations.由Agape Faith Church
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Join us for Pastor J.B Whitfield's message titled "Your Tithe is Augmented".由Agape Faith Church
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Join us for an end time sermon perched by Joseph Morris.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor J.B Whitfield continues his message, God of increase.由Agape Faith Church
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Join us as Pastor Whitfield begins a new series!由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor J.B Whitfield continues our series on guiding principles for life.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Robert Barr continues our series on guiding principles for life.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor J.B Whitfield continues our series on guiding principles for life.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Belinda Watson continues our series on guiding principles for life in our back to school service.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Dossie continues our series on guiding principles for life.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Whitfield continues our series on guiding principles for life.由Agape Faith Church
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Today Pastor Carla Porter shares a message.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor J.B Whitfield continues our guiding principles for life series.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Murray continues our guiding principles for life series.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Dallas Banks continues our series on Guiding principles for Life由Agape Faith Church
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This sermon Pastor speaks on the importance of Fathers.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Chris continues our series on Guiding Principals for Life由Agape Faith Church
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We continue our series on Guiding Principals for Life where Pastor talks about Love, Faith and Joy.由Agape Faith Church
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Enjoy a time of conversation surrounded around Mothers day由Agape Faith Church
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Join us as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday由Agape Faith Church
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We're starting a new series called Guiding principals of life where our Pastors will over the course of the next couple of months will share their guiding principals to life that they got through the word of God由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor continues to talk about faith and how we are the seed of Abraham.由Agape Faith Church
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由Agape Faith Church
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Join Pastor in this message on Palm Sunday由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Robert Barr talks about the call of God and how you can get plugged in with our bible college Impact University - Impactuniv.com由Agape Faith Church
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As we approach the Easter season Pastor Whitfield talks about Why Jesus Came由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor continues to talk about how this is the year of the Open door and how it can be a EPIC year for you!由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Returns from his surgery to finish up Find Your Place由Agape Faith Church
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We celebrate 42 years of Gods faithfulness here at AFC with Bishop Silas Johnson bringing a timely word of Leaps & Bounds由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Barr continues our Find Your Place series with finding your place in marriage.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Doss Poteat continues our series of Finding Your Place由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Chris continues to minister on Open Door 2024 and this time how it relates to families由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Dallas Banks opens up our new series Find Your Place由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Chris continues talking about how this is the year of the open doors and how to be in position for it.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Chris continues talking about how this is the year of the open doors.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor continues talking about how 2024 is going to be a EPIC YEAR!由Agape Faith Church
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We end 2023 and enter into 2024 with intensity as Pastor talks about what is coming in 2024 the year of the open door.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor continues speaking on what to do when things go from bad to worse, which is straight from his book titled the same. You can buy it at Jbwhitfield.com由Agape Faith Church
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In this message Pastor Whitfield talks about how thanksgiving is a multiplier由Agape Faith Church
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由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor Chris Leab talks about New Life and we baptize over 20 congregation members and get to hear what it means to them.由Agape Faith Church
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Pastor continues to talk about what we have been talking about all year. Vision 26 Build the Next Generation.由Agape Faith Church
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We had an awesome opportunity to have Pastor Carla Porter, Pastor John Grunewald, Pastor Ken Taylor, and Pastor Solomon Mwesige speak on how they and we are building the next generation across the globe.由Agape Faith Church
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