Weekly Podcast from First Monroe.
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we looked at 1 John 5:1-5 and saw that true authentic followers of Jesus have been born again.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Hope to really look at what it means to love each other, but part 2.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we looked at 1 John 4:13-21 and saw that loving one another is the evidence that we know God.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Hope to really look at what it means to love each other.
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we looked at 1 John 4:7-12 and saw that loving one another is the evidence that we know God.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Hope to recap 2024 at First Monroe.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we looked at 1 John 4:1-6 and saw that authentic followers of Jesus are called to discern between true and false teachers.由First Monroe
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Pastor James paused our Authentic series to look at what makes Christmas such good news. This week we looked at Matthew 1:1-17 and saw that God's grace is big enough to save sinful, broken people.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we looked at 1 John 3:19-24 and saw that followers of Jesus can have assurance in their walk with God.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Hope to see how we can truly love the people around us!
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we looked at 1 John 3:11-18 and saw that loving one another is the way that we practice righteousness.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we saw that living in sin is incompatible with being an authentic follower of Jesus.由First Monroe
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Hope sits down with Pastor James and Shane to how our identity should produce a hope that leads us to live in purity.
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Pastor Shane continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we saw that because of our identity in Christ, we are called to something greater.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we saw that we must be on guard against anyone leading us away from Jesus.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Hope Johnston to see how our we should live our lives in the world but not loving the world.
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we saw that authentic followers of Jesus are not to love the world.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Hope Johnston to see how our lives should be marked by love.
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we saw that authentic followers of Jesus are marked by love.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Hope Johnston to see how we can have assurance in our relationship with Jesus由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we saw that true knowledge of Jesus leads to a transformed life.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Hope Johnston to see how we can have fellowship with God.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we saw that the way we walk reveals if we truly have fellowship with God.由First Monroe
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Pastor James begins a new series, Authentic, walking through the book of 1 John. This week we saw that authentic Christianity is centered on Jesus.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James, Perry Smith, and Hope Johnston to see how we can spend our life for the Gospel.由First Monroe
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Pastor James finishes our series on becoming an Everyday Missionary. This week we saw that if we want to help others take their next step toward Jesus, then we must spend our lives for the mission of God.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Hope Johnston to see why it's important to share the Gospel and how we can do that where we live, work, and play.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our new series on becoming an Everyday Missionary. This week we saw that if we want to help others take their next step toward Jesus, then we must personally share the Gospel with them.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Hope Johnston to see that being an Everyday Missionary means we have to consider our actions.
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Pastor James continues our new series on becoming an Everyday Missionary. This week we saw that if we want to help others take their next step toward Jesus, then our lives must demonstrate what we believe.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Hope Johnston to see that to be an everyday missionary, we have to pray for conversions.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our new series on becoming an Everyday Missionary. This week we saw that if we want to help others take their next step toward Jesus, then we must begin to pray for conversions.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and our financial director, Hope Johnston, to ask how we can practically become everyday missionaries.由First Monroe
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Pastor James begins a new series on becoming an Everyday Missionary. This week we saw that being an Everyday Missionary is not about what you do, but who you are.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James to talk walk through Psalm 23.
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Pastor James concludes our series walking through the Psalms. This week we looked at Psalm 23 and saw that the cure for a wanting heart is found in the care of the Good Shepherd.由First Monroe
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Shane sits down with Pastor James and Rob Garner, an elder at First Monroe, to talk through the idea of Sabbath and why we should practice Sabbath as believers.
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Pastor James continues our series walking through the Psalms. This week we looked at Psalm 92 and saw that true rest is only found in worshiping Jesus.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series walking through the Psalms. This week we looked at Psalm 113 and saw that praise is to be our response to God.由First Monroe
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Dylan Spillers continues our series walking through the Psalms. This week we looked at Psalm 86 and saw that when we bring our needs to God, He responds with grace and mercy.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series walking through the Psalms. This week we looked at Psalm 27 and saw that our confidence in this life is to be rooted in the Lord.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series walking through the Psalms. This week we looked at Psalm 32 and saw that when we confess our sins, we will experience the blessing of forgiveness.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series walking through the Psalms. This week we looked at Psalm 112 and saw that the person who fears the Lord will be blessed.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series walking through the Psalms. This week we looked at Psalm 103 and saw that we are called to bless the Lord with all of our being.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series walking through the Psalms. This week we looked at Psalm 13 and saw that when we experience grief and loss, we are to run to the Lord in lament.由First Monroe
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Pastor James begins a new series walking through the Psalms. This week we looked at Psalm 90 and was reminded to live in light of eternity.由First Monroe
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Pastor James finishes our series looking at the person and work of the Holy Spirit. This week we looked at what it looks like to live with the Holy Spirit in our everyday life.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series looking at the person and work of the Holy Spirit. This week we looked at the gift of speaking in tongues.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series looking at the person and work of the Holy Spirit. This week we looked at the gift of prophecy.由First Monroe
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Pastor James continues our series looking at the person and work of the Holy Spirit. This week we looked at the question of whether or not the spiritual gifts have ceased or continue.由First Monroe
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