Doc and Tito and guests discuss how to improve your skills in Hearthstone.
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Tito is joined by the new cohost Pylet to talk about the Emerald Dream and the rotating core set.
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Doc says goodbye to Bread and Butter.
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Pylet and DragonRider join Tito to talk about the starcraft meta and having the right growth mindset
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Tito is Joined by World Eight and Ron Mexico to talk about the Starcraft meta.
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Pylet joins Doc and Tito to talk about the starcraft miniset
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This week we are joined by none other then NoHandsGamer to talk about how to be a better hearthstone player He should know, since he's writing a book on it.
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RiseWasHere joins the crew to talk about keeping your emotions level while playing Hearthstone, and in other situations.
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Dragonrider joins the boys to review the lessons we learned this year, to get ready for an even better 2025
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New battle ground season so of course we have Pocky on to give us a primer. Want to know how he feels about re-rolls? We ask him...
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Tito and Doc are joined by Drimsdale all the way fromNew Zealand to talk about better ways to both give and receive feedback.
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Tito and Doc interview Leonardo Robles Gonzalez (Senior Initial Game Designer) and Luke Mason (Senior VFX artist) from the Hearthstone team. We ask the hard hitting questions like "what is the process a set goes though during design" and "what is their favorite desert". Also Doc and Tito are joined by Pylet and JustAGuy to talk about the latest pat…
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Tito and Doc are joined by Zeddy and Judge to talk about the World of Warcraft 30 year announcements from the Hearthstone team.
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Warshack joins Doc and tito to talk about the state of the expansion, and we take a deep dive into some of the other strategy games out there right now.
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This week Pace and Pylet join Tito to talk about the Dark Beyond Brawl and feelings on the new set.
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Tito is joined again by WorldEight and Pylet to talk about the last of the classes released, and theorycrafting.
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Tito and Doc are joined by Pylet and WorldEight to talk about The Dark Beyond (and the balance patch of course).
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Dragonrider joins Doc and Tito to talk about Hand Reading
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Doc and Tito Sit down with McBanterface to talk about how to be good at hearthstone. Think you're good? Maybe you could be better.
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Tito and Doc are joined by Schmoopydady to talk about how to dip your toe into wild as a Standard player. Aren't you curious?
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Tito is joined by WorldEight and Pylet to talk about big spell mage, how to define it, and what a meta is anyway.
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Pace joins Doc and Tito to talk about the Mini Set.
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Tito and Doc sit down with Pocky to talk Trinkets and the state of Battlegrounds.
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Tito is joined by Zeddy and WorldEight to talk about how to use the coin to gain advantage in a game of Hearthstone.
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We talk to Streamer Eggs about Snap, Hearthstone, full time streaming, and most importantly, the struggles and hurdles women in the gaming space still have to deal with... in 2024.
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Chanman fills in for Doc this week to help us interview Joce from The Angry Chicken. Miss TAC? So do we and it was great talking to Joce! We also take a dive into the history of Hearthstone.
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Tito and Doc are joined by DragonRider to talk about the current meta, how to adjust to new metas and what it's like being blind in gaming. We also remember Brandon Cole, aka super blind man.
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D0nkey joins the boys to talk about HOW to play the good decks out there right now in the first week of the New Paradise meta.
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Pylet and World eight join Tito and Doc to talk about Perils in Paradise which is LIVE!!!! Let's go.
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Doc and Tito come to talk about the experience of Theorycrafting and what we like and don't like now that we've played with the cards. Number eight will surprise you!
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Corbett joins Doc and Tito to talk New Decks, Theory Crafting, and Olympics. 95% magic talk in this one too!
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Tito and Doc are joined by enthralimund to talk about new cards, art, and commander. and commander. And commander....
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World eight joins Doc and Tito to evaluate some new cards, and more importantly talk about HOW to evaluate new cards.
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Tito is joined by JustAGuy and Stormraige to talk about how to improve at hearthstone if you don't play all that much. Well JustAGuy talks quite a bit about his favorite game devs, and tito talks a little bit about a new podcast, but mostly they talk about how to get better as a casual player. Trevor project:…
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Tito and Doc are joined by DragonRider to talk about the NEW EXPANSION Perils in Paradise as well as a discussion on the mulligan.
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Sidisi and Pylet join tito to talk about what to do while we are waiting for the next expansion, and you are just tired of the current meta.
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This week in hearthstone joins Tito and Doc to talk about the new Twist mode.
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Dankest Dad joins Tito and Doc to talk about those other games out there, and how they relate to Hearthstone.
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WickedGood Joins Tito and Doc to talk about all the easily correctable mistakes we make that could just make you better if you just focused on NOT doing them.
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Tito is joined by RonMexico and WorldEight to talk about how to plan ahead more then one turn to bring your game to the next level.
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Doc and Tito sit with Pocky to talk all about BG Duos and the new season of BG as well.
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Tito is joined by Itachi and Pylet as they talk Nerfs, Buffs, and how to take those sweet sweet tournament decks and get them ladder ready.
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Tito and Doc are joined by DragonRider to talk numbers. (and not just the nice one).
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Tito talks with Pylet and WorldEight about the changes in meta, and when to go all in.
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It's no longer time to D-D-D-D-D-Duel. Tito joins some amazing guests to say goodbye to the mode.
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Tito and Dragonrider sit down with L0rinda to talk about the new expansion.
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Doc and Tito sit down with Dragonrider to talk about what's coming in Wizbang's Workshop after she had a chance to play with the cards during the theory crafting event.
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Doc and tito sit down with our boy Warshack to talk new cards and when your mom watches your stream.
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Tito and Doc sit down with Hydra and ElectricSheepCity to talk new cards, twist, video games, and books?
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Doc and Tito sit down with the 2023 HEARTHSTONE WORLD CHAMPION to talk about how YOU can win the next masters tour.
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Doc and tito are joined by MattAtArms and WorldEight to talk year of the Pegasus, core roation, and new expansion. We forgot to mention Leroy.
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