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Each week, join Pastor Erwin Lutzer, from The Moody Church, for a brief conversational teaching about the Bible and the Christian life. With over 40 years of ministry experience, Pastor Lutzer offers solid biblical truths that both instruction and transform as we apply God's Word together.
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show series
If God is so loving, why doesn't He intervene in human suffering? Yet God loves us in ways we do not understand. Pastor Lutzer confronts our expectations of love from Romans 8, giving hope in our suffering. As children of God, we are loved eternally, even as Jesus is loved. This episode was originally published April 22, 2019 as “The Attributes of …
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What does it mean that God loves the "world"? The love is God is a difficult teaching, especially when we consider His hatred for sin and evil. Pastor Lutzer explores the deeper questions related to John 3:16. Each of us is invited to love God in return and be loved eternally. This episode was originally published April 15, 2019 as “The Attributes …
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If we are saved, there is nothing we can do to convince God to love us more or less. The redeemed are loved with the same love as Jesus. Pastor Lutzer ponders the implications for believers because of God's unconditional love. Is such a love fair? This episode was originally published April 8, 2019 as “The Attributes of God | Week 14: Love.”…
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Society wants to believe any kind of "love" is God. But the true nature of God's love is actually difficult when we try to reconcile it with what's happening in the world. Pastor Lutzer explores the origin of the love of God to define it biblically. Can we really understand the complex love of God? This episode was originally published April 1, 201…
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Many people come to God thinking they deserve something from Him. But all our efforts and achievements do not make us more deserving. Pastor Lutzer reflects on how we can have the unique privilege of accessing God’s throne from the book of Hebrews. Our confidence in approaching God must rest in His character. This episode was originally published M…
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Most Christians believe God provided salvation at the cross but our contribution is to believe. In fact, Jesus was crucified within the providence and the predetermined plan of God. Pastor Lutzer shares insights into how God’s mercy is displayed in our salvation. What does it take for people to be redeemed? This episode was originally published Mar…
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Many wonder how God's mercy can be compatible with His strong penalties for sin. In the Old Testament and the New, God is never changing in His character—always merciful and longsuffering. Pastor Lutzer explores the hope of God's mercy from Leviticus to Lamentations. Where is God’s mercy in the middle of judgment, despair, or grief? This episode wa…
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None of us will enter heaven unless we’re as perfect as God. The moment we realize we have nothing to offer God is the moment we receive God’s mercy and grace. Pastor Lutzer observes the basis for God’s mercy and the posture of any sinner who receives mercy. What’s the difference between mercy and grace? This episode was originally published Februa…
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In such a broken world, many question why God chose the means He did to achieve His purposes. We may even praise God for who He is, but we wonder if all the evil in the world was truly necessary. Pastor Lutzer considers whether evil could eventually contribute to God’s glory. What if we could see from the standpoint of eternity? This episode was or…
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We often depend on our own wisdom, or even the world’s, in making everyday decisions. God’s purposes flow from His wisdom, so we should seek His wisdom. Pastor Lutzer reflects on God’s multi-faceted wisdom to create His church and how we can depend on God’s wisdom in our everyday decisions. Do we consult God’s wisdom? This episode was originally pu…
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Though some wear a cross as a pendant around their necks, others see it as a foolish, primitive symbol. How can God's plan for the cross defy the world's wisdom? Pastor Lutzer encourages us by the multifaceted wisdom of God seen in the death of Jesus on the cross. We can learn to love the cross. This episode was originally published February 11, 20…
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We need true wisdom, even in the best of circumstances, to avoid foolish decisions. But can the wisdom of God the Creator turn evil or senseless acts for His good purposes? Pastor Lutzer distinguishes God's infinite wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We can entrust ourselves into the arms of God. This episode was originally published February 4,…
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There is no one like God, completely and morally perfect. God will do whatever it takes to ensure his children are progressing towards holiness. Pastor Lutzer examines 1 Peter 1:15-16, uncovering how we can imitate our heavenly Father. How does God intend to lead us to holiness? This episode was originally published January 28, 2019 as "The Attribu…
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In a culture consumed with finding our authentic self, what if we can't face the true depths of our sin? Face-to-face with God, we are undone. Pastor Lutzer shows two reasons God's holiness shows us our sin. In God’s presence, the real us is unmasked. This episode was originally published January 21, 2019 as "The Attributes of God | Week 3: Holy."…
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Is it a contradiction for a completely holy God to want to be with us? Our holy God dwells not only in the high and holy places, but also among us. Pastor Lutzer contemplates two immense but practical attributes of God. No matter where God is, all of His attributes are. This episode was originally published January 14, 2019.…
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Suffering often seems pointless. But we, like many of God’s people in Scripture, can glorify the Lord not only by winning but also by losing. Pastor Lutzer explains three responses to suffering from the long-range point of view. What if we prayed for a fresh vision of God in the midst of our greatest wounds and losses?…
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Some circumstances just don’t seem glorious. Our health is elusive, our work is mundane, and our suffering is relentless. Pastor Lutzer describes four ways God can be glorified in every circumstance of our lives. No matter what comes each day, we can wake up focused on our chief purpose in life: the glory of God.…
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Many of us gaze at our smart phones for hours, without realizing we start to become what we behold. We might wish to see God Himself in person, like Moses saw God’s glory on the holy mountain. Pastor Lutzer draws four contrasts between the Old and New Testaments, showing our unique privileges as Christians. How can we see God's glory today?…
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We all want to be treated fairly and get what we deserve. But what we deserve is nothing compared to the praise and worship God deserves. Pastor Lutzer ponders the scope and the significance of beholding God’s glory, like Moses did on the holy mountain. What if the glory of God was our deepest desire—our ultimate objective?…
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If our lives are full of tasks and clutter, what difference does prayer make? When we encounter God, like Moses did on the holy mountain, it changes the way we wake up and live out our days. Pastor Lutzer unveils the heart of intercession through Moses’ three prayers face-to-face with God. Nothing else really matters in life until we experience God…
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We all have distractions and discouragements in life. How do we respond to situations with purpose and clarity of values? Pastor Lutzer redirects our focus to God’s ultimate purpose for our lives revealed in Scripture—nothing else matters. In God’s weighty and majestic presence, we move forward with a simple prayer.…
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Our God can do the miraculous. When Jesus’ followers in the early church spoke “in other tongues,” what was God doing? In a special edition of the program, Pastor Lutzer addresses the Bible passages about speaking in tongues and their controversial interpretations. God can do what God wants to do, so Christians should seek God, not speaking in tong…
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Many people struggle to understand the role of the Holy Spirit today and are confused by the biblical texts about the Spirit. What does it mean to be baptized in the Spirit? Pastor Lutzer explains vital implications for individuals and for churches of being in the Spirit. The Spirit of God is for all believers.…
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All Christians have the Spirit of God dwelling within them. But how do we access the Spirit’s power in our daily, mundane tasks? Pastor Lutzer unpacks the requirements for being filled by the Holy Spirit, resulting in the transformation of our character. Imagine a movement of Christians praying every day for God’s Spirit to renovate our priorities …
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Many Christians long to experience God beyond empty rituals. We are spiritually thirsty, desiring to encounter God Himself. Pastor Lutzer reflects on the context and meaning of Jesus’ words in John 7 about the living water of the Spirit. What does the Bible say about becoming worthy of the filling of the Holy Spirit?…
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When it seems no one cares, Christians must remember the Holy Spirit is with us. He is not an impersonal force but a person who comforts us, advocates for us, and can be grieved by us. Pastor Lutzer introduces us to the blessed companionship of the Holy Spirit, showing four ways the Spirit helps us. The Holy Spirit is not only with us, but in us.…
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Deep inside our inner being, we need true healing and power. As Christians, the Spirit is already within us, searching our hearts, transforming our desires, and changing our attitude toward others. Pastor Lutzer highlights four word pictures in Scripture which represent the blessed Holy Spirit. What would God find if He looked within us?…
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From the moment of conversion, all true Christians have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. But if many of us are struggling with grievous sin, what’s the Spirit’s role in our process of becoming more like Christ? Pastor Lutzer prepares us to relate to the Holy Spirit as a person. We can experience the filling of the Spirit, walking in his power.…
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Our battle against sinful habits starts in the mind, where the devil strikes at our confidence in God. Our behavior cannot be changed unless our minds are renewed. Pastor Lutzer helps us overcome sinful or anxious thoughts through God’s promises in his Word. God is on our side in the transformation of our character.…
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Many of us are stuck in a rut by our sinful behavior. But we can say “no” to sin because of the resources we have in Christ. Pastor Lutzer discusses how we can stand firm in the work Jesus accomplished on our behalf. If we have no obligation to follow the sinful desires of the flesh, what keeps drawing us back to the demands of our old life?…
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Any sin we commit usually comes in clusters, with one sin enabled by other kinds of sin. After we’ve fallen, can we get out of the pit of persistent sin? Pastor Lutzer strengthens our resolve against temptation by digging down to find the root cause. In the middle of our mess, let's lift our eyes up in worship.…
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Though some believe humanity is capable of morality and self-fulfillment without God, we all still have habitual sins. The Christian life is about the transformation of our character and our habits. Pastor Lutzer defines four aspects of what confession means biblically. What if we are truly changed in God's presence?…
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We all want to see character growth and personal change. But when sin enters the picture, we resent God’s ways and plan, rebelling against him. Pastor Lutzer observes that many issues we face today go back to the Garden of Eden, when the goodness of God was questioned. What does it take for our behavior to change?…
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We all have conflicting desires about our struggles with temptation. The enemy of our souls wants us to lose the battle against the flesh, giving in to our passions. Pastor Lutzer lays the first brick in a wall against temptation, guiding us to God’s provision for our character development. What is it that we must believe to experience transformati…
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If a follower of Christ backslides, does that mean they no longer belong to God? Like rebellious sheep, we can wander away from the fold. Pastor Lutzer provides three compelling reasons why we can make it home to the Good Shepherd. Belonging to the Lord is the greatest privilege imaginable so let’s listen for His voice.…
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Can we know for sure that we are one of Christ’s sheep? While the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, the Good Shepherd lays down His life for His own. Pastor Lutzer describes three of Jesus’ purposes as the door to the sheep fold. Imagine what a difference it would make if we lived securely as the object of His love.…
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In all the risks and fears we face, we are not alone. When Psalm 23 walks us through the valley of the shadow of death, we are invited to call out directly to the Lord. Pastor Lutzer identifies the Good Shepherd’s resources to guide and comfort the likes of us. Whatever we’re going through, He will bring us home.…
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Even God’s people are prone to wander away from Him. How can we come back to the Lord after we’ve gone off the path, doctrinally or even morally? Pastor Lutzer reflects on song lyrics for two kinds of people God can restore. Whatever habits, hurts, or hang-ups you have, let the Good Shepherd restore you to Himself.…
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When we lie down in bed, we are often bombarded with our thoughts: world issues, personal accusations, and more. Peace comes for the believer as we meditate on Psalm 23. Pastor Lutzer discusses two questions: Who is the Shepherd and what does He do for us? He’s the One who sees the whole pasture, looking out for us.…
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God’s judgment is thorough, fair, and gracious. For Christians, we will stand before our Lord Jesus at the Bema Seat to receive what is due us, not according to our eternal destiny but our faithfulness. Pastor Lutzer explains what each one of us can expect at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Will all Christians hear, “Well done, good and faithful serva…
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The Bible’s teaching about hell is difficult to accept—in fact, it’s terrifying. In the final judgment, God is going to hold each one of us responsible. Pastor Lutzer considers why there’s an eternal hell for eternal beings and where we can flee for rescue. Imagine being judged for our sins, of all kinds, before the glorious throne of an infinite G…
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God gives everyone justice—including Christians. God’s mercy and justice were completely satisfied at the cross, but many people struggle to accept it in their confession of sin. Pastor Lutzer considers the fundamental basis of God’s forgiveness. Would God ever demand a believer to pay the penalty for their sin? Originally Published: July 15, 2019…
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If all God’s ways are just, what do we make of children who die prematurely? Many wonder how God will rightly judge babies and young children. Pastor Lutzer ponders essential Scriptures on children’s conception, personal accountability, and destiny. As we bring these honest questions to God, we can leave it in His hands. Originally Published: July …
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Is God fair? In a time when many imagine a more tolerant deity, many wonder how God can rightly judge those who've never heard of Christ. Pastor Lutzer discusses God’s love for justice, found in His revelation throughout creation and within our consciences. God’s justice effects our daily lives and our ultimate destinies. Originally Published: July…
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Death appeared to have the last word. But when it looked like He was powerless on the cross, Jesus was still in control, willingly giving himself into the Father’s hands. Pastor Lutzer points to the hand of God in Jesus’ example of death and work of redemption. If we are in God’s hands, we never face death the same way again.…
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Pastor Erwin Lutzer says, “All of us are born with an expiration date.” When Jesus breathed his last words, He knew he had completed all the work the Father had given Him to do. Pastor Lutzer proclaims what the finished work of Christ did on our behalf. When we reach our final days, will we have finished what God called us to do?…
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All the ways we attempt to quench our thirst for happiness and satisfaction leave us thirsty in the end. At Calvary, the Creator of the oceans and rivers felt thirst. Pastor Lutzer points to Jesus’ humanity and submission to the will of the Father as the weight of sin rested on Him. How long will we thirst before we are truly satisfied?…
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