Podcast by sGeekMC
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All that is going on with our Scotties at South Green Elementary!
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Welcome to the S.G.E Podcast! Please take a seat and listen to these humorous stories we have to offer! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/s-g-e/support
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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/sg-explained/subscribe SGExplained follows Rovik, Elliot and Charmian, three regular Singaporeans trying to understand how Singapore is what it is. We explore institutions, histories, events and phenomena in Singapore and get into the details of it all. You'll see Singapore like you never have before.
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SGE with S&G is a School for Good and Evil read-a-long podcast hosted by Sam and Gale.
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Fàilte do ar pod-craoladh, Sgeul is Seanchas, far an cluinnear measgachadh de sgeulachdan traidiseanta, eachdraidheil is èibhinn anns a' Ghàidhlig bho chuid de na seanchaidhean is bàrd as fheàrr ann an Alba. Bu toil le Fòram Sgeulachdan na h-Alba taing a thoirt do Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig airson an taic agus maoineachadh airson a’ chiad sreath agus gu Maoin nan Ealan Gàidhlig airson am maoineachadh airson an dàrna sreath den phod-craoladh. Riochdaire agus Deasaiche ...
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Fàilte gu am pod-craoladh speisealta seo mu dheidhinn pròiseact trì-chànanach air òrain is sgeulachdan na Fèinne. Tha TRACS air a bhith ag obair air a' phròiseact seo fad dà bhliadhna còmhla ri buidhneann de sàr luchd-ciùil is aithris à Alba is Èirinn: Mhàiri Hall, Màiri Nic ille Mhaoil, Gráinne Holland, Éamon Doorley is Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir. Cl…
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We can't believe we're finally here but 21 episodes later and it's time to wrap up Season 5 of SGExplained. This is a full banter episode as Charmian, Elliot and Rovik look back on their favourite episodes of the season and discuss some of the fresher elements in the show, including our new co-host Mian. We also look forward to what the series' fut…
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You can't talk about Singapore without talking about the Peranakans - a sub-community with a heritage associated with being Straits-born amidst a time of heavy immigration. Elliot, a Peranakan himself, shares his stories of growing up with some exposure to the culture and how he stays in touch with it. In this episode, you can look forward to: Lear…
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In partnership with MINDS MYG, this episode introduces the important People with Intellectual Disabilities (PWID) community in Singapore. We hear from Jessica (not her real name), a caregiver and volunteer about her experience directly, and as you can imagine from previous SGExplained episodes, this gets inspirational very quickly. In this episode,…
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There has been a slew of news announcements lately on Singapore's stance on drugs, especially as some of our neighbours choose to liberalise their policies on substances such as marijuana. We take a look at why Singapore has been insistent on its position on drugs and how we have enacted laws to dissuade offenders. In this episode, you can look for…
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Thank you for being on this amazing journey with us to reach 100 episodes on SGExplained!! It's a big deal for us, and if you are a Day One listener, please let us know so that we can reach out to you and invite you to our show for a chat! For this episode, we go back to the origins of why the show was even started: to explore the Singapore identit…
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We may have memories of the Singapore Zoo when we were children, but did you know that the overall Mandai Wildlife Group has been staying relevant through its sustainability and conservation efforts? Join us this episode as we: Explore the history of the Zoo, including some of its unfortunate accidents Trace the various unique exhibits in the main …
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Getting from place to place in Singapore is convenient only because of our great public transportation, including our beloved MRT system! In this episode, the crew share laughs and develop an appreciation for our subway system, with tons of factoids in between. Look forward to: Tracing the story of the subway-that-almost-never-was Learning about so…
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Now that borders have reopened, Singaporeans have been flocking to Malaysia, specifically to Johor Bahru across the border. In this episode, we reflect on the relationship these two cities share! Look forward to: Learning how many people cross the border each day Unpacking the economic features of the Singapore-Johor Bahru relationship Adding to yo…
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We're looking at the full life cycle this season, and so it only makes sense that we look at what happens in Singapore when you die! Zach Leung, Associate Director at PFPA, comes onto our show to shine some light on what happens after we pass on, especially to our assets and our loved ones. In this episode, you will: Learn about the difference betw…
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Who can deny that taxi drivers are Singapore's master storytellers? We get the extremely cool opportunity to talk to Uncle Ben, the father of a close friend of Rovik's, who also happens to be a night-shift taxi driver about his storied life on the roads. In this episode, you will: Learn about how many taxi and private hire drivers there are actuall…
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The Orang Laut are thought to be one of the first inhabitants of the islands that now make up Singapore, but why do so few people know about them? We chat with Firdaus Sani, founder of Orang Laut SG which is a community sustaining the stories of this lineage, to get the real scoop. In this episode, you can look forward to: Learning about how the Or…
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’S ann aig Na Leòdaich, Clann ’ic Leòid, a bha smachd air Eilean Leòdhais airson iomadh linn. Ach thug an Crùn seilbh air fearrann Leódhais ga na Sìophartaich -Clann ‘ic Choinnich, ann an 1611. Thug Iarla Shìophairt òrdugh gu feumadh na bhuineadh ga cinn-feadha na Leòidich, an cur gu bàs. A rèir beul aithris na Sìophartaich fhein, agus na tha sgrìo…
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This episode is brought to you by National Library Board’s One Story, which is a National Reading Movement initiative to make Singapore short stories – originally written in Tamil, Malay, Chinese, or English – available in other languages. The project aims to bring these stories to more readers beyond the language communities that they were origina…
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Hi Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the 27th chapter of The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani entitled Promises Unkept (or Unkempt, if you so prefer). Over the course of the episode, Sam and Gale go on various tangents ranging from Harry Potter (Dumbledore comics linked below) to unsolicited (but honestly pretty good…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, join Sam and Gale as they discuss BAD SHIPS: A YA Dance Spectacular (https://youtu.be/K37X8gyTtSg). This episode unites various fandoms, but beware- spoilies are rife throughout! Discussion subject matter includes good good ships, good bad ships, and heated debates on the validity of both. 🐐 💕🚢 💔🛳 Email the …
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The Australians have their bogans, the British have their chavs and here in Singapore, we have the Ah Bengs and Ah Lians. What makes up this oft caricatured subculture? We chat with content creator Jeremiah Chen from Tropic Monsters TV about what inspires his hilarious sketches on these characters and learn more about how it adds to our Singaporean…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the twenty sixth chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani, titled “The Circus of Talents.” Topics include spurting black sap, Tedros’ tanning routine, and undone laces of a (certain) royal blue shirt. 👕🐰👑 Also, a very important knock. Email the show at sgewithsandg@gma…
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Pamelia Chia from Singapore Noodles comes onto our show this episode to discuss Heritage Food with us. It is a topic that is novel and complicated only because Singapore is an immigrant nation and we are starting to see a new wave of food evolution with influences from Japanese and European styles. In this lively conversation, we: Discuss what exac…
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Sikhs are known as a minority within a minority in Singapore, and yet they have an outsized influence on our identity in Singapore. Join us as we chat with Shaun Sarabjeet Singh, President of the Young Sikh Association, to learn about the history of the Sikh community in Singapore as well as how it integrates into the wider community. In this episo…
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Singaporeans have a mixed set of feelings when it comes to the Merlion - on one hand, it is an increasingly globally recognised icon and a major tourist attraction, and on the other hand, it is a reminder that one of Singapore's biggest symbols comes not from a mythos but from a logo design. Join us this episode as Elliot and Rovik spend this short…
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What's going on at Marina Bay Financial Centre and why is Singapore home to so many "Finance Bros and Brodettes"? In this episode, we're excited to have Reggie Koh from The Financial Coconut Podcast as a guest to chat with us about what really makes Singapore a Finance Hub! We make the jargon simplified so you don't have to wonder what asset manage…
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You can identify the iconic Nasi Lemak, both by its aromatic coconut scent as well as its unique pyramid-shaped banana leaf packaging. Just coconut rice, sambal chilli and ikan bilis in a parcel, this delightful dish is a big part of Singapore food culture! Join us in this episode as we: Learn about the hilarious alleged origin story of the name Na…
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World War 2 was a dark chapter in Singapore's history and so when the Japanese eventually surrendered, spirits were high amongst the residents. But did you know that there was a probability that the Japanese in Singapore would refuse to surrender despite the Emperor's announcement? Operation Tiderace was the Allied Forces' plan to secure Singapore …
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the 25th chapter of The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani, titled “Symptoms” (very fitting, indeed). Topics include the genetics of sweaty princes, Sophie’s swimming capabilities, and sewer sludge (yum). Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this special episode, Sam and Gale are sick (bleh). But do not fear, for they are still delivering quality content! The episode you have all been waiting for, subconsciously or not: Gale’s old fan fiction. That’s right! This special, special, special (!!!) podcast includes read alouds from Gale’s old stories (rather painf…
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Did you know that there's a community of foster parents in Singapore who contribute as a labour of love to provide safe and nurturing homes for vulnerable children? Frankly, Elliot and Rovik were not very aware before this recording of this incredibly coordinated and involved ecosystem of social workers, policy planners, and families who go the dis…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the twenty fourth chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani. Topics include mini sapphire jacuzzis, chiseled topiary, and cherry pie! 💎🛁🍒 Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!
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Biodiversity is important to any country, and in Singapore, we need to talk about our snakes. We're not talking about those folks who gossip behind our backs - this is about the reptiles that are hidden in our parks and wetlands, and are surprisingly not out to harm you! In this episode, we're privileged to have Sankar from the Herpetological Socie…
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Singapore is known internationally for a couple of things and the Chewing Gum ban is high on the list. In this short episode, Elliot and Rovik follow the rather hilarious journey of how chewing gum got banned in Singapore as well as how a certain US company managed to get some gum back on the books. You may get stuck on this one (pun intended!) Thi…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this special episode, Sam and Gale take a number of SGE-related quizzes (but not after a hearty introduction, of course). Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com! Quizzes linked below: https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12280871/Your-School-for-Good-and-Evil-life-GIRLS-ONLYhttps://www.quotev.com/quiz/12621519/SCHOOL-FOR-GOOD-AN…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this (quick) special episode, Sam and Gale react to the Hort movie casting! 🐸🏴☠️ Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the twenty third chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani. Topics include macho towers, squeaky duckling, and the heat of the moment. 🐥🤒(Sophie’s nemesis dreams)🔥 Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale do a lot: a chapter episode, plus a reaction, plus an impromptu quiz? Look no further, it’s all here! Topics include bad hair dye, chunky broth (yum), and brutal friendships. (Also, Dot’s alter ego, Dove.) 🍲💇🕊 Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this special episode, Sam and Gale react to the casting announcement of...Professor Anemone and The School Master! 🐠 Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!
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We always enjoy the episodes where we look at the "fringe" of Singapore culture, but are tattoos too mainstream here to even be fringe anymore? We chat with Tattoo Artist Beverly Ann Koh (bev.bot on IG) about her experience in the industry and how Singapore has moved to be more inclusive of tattoos. We explore the history of tattoos with gangs, rec…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this special episode, Sam and Gale react to the latest casting reveals (Dovey and Lesso)! Please disregard the sickly ramblings; although we are both sick, we wanted to give some content to you! 🥳🐺🕸🦄 Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!
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Ageing is a scary topic but it has shaped much of Singapore's landscape in the last few decades. We're privileged to have an advocate and opinion leader, Dr Farhan Alami, come into the virtual studio to share her insights on how ageing and dementia affect not just the elderly but also their families and loved ones. Learn about the statistics surrou…
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If you're reading this, you're probably doing so on the internet and maybe even on your phone. The fact that we have access to telecom and mobile services in Singapore has a lot to owe to Singtel's past, as once our national telecom provider and the largest contributor of infrastructure. Journey with us as we trace how Singtel survived the removal …
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the twenty first chapter of “The School for Good and Evil”. Topics include pink warthogs, Sophie’s Mogrification skills (questionable), and a self-pruning shrub (now at your local IKEA). Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!
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What's the Post Office part of the POSB? Why is it in every neighborhood? And perhaps most importantly, is the Postmaster General really the Chief Mailman of Singapore? We answer all these questions and more in this lighthearted look at the institution of community banking in Singapore and where our habit of saving earnestly came from! Do let us kn…
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With the government's announcement that a review on women’s issues in Singapore will be conducted to look more closely at how gender equality can be more deeply ingrained in Singapore society, we thought to explore the evolution of gender issues in Singapore. The Women's Charter provides a central lens for such an exploration, tracing its origins t…
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In this special episode, Sam and Gale discuss their podcasting goals for the new year and take a couple of quizzes (links below)! We hope you enjoy your New Year’s Day and as always, feel free to email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com! To a great 2021!! 🥳🥳 Links to form mentioned: https://forms.gle/111K3ar3KxEzwSYv8 Links to the quizzes in order …
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this special episode, Sam and Gale discuss fan favorites for the upcoming SGE movie, as well as react to the casting announcements for Sophie and Agatha! Have a safe and happy holiday! 🎥🍿 Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!
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In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the 20th chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani. Topics include cockroach communication, swan crest statuses, and cleaning toilets. 🪳🦢🚽 (a glorious array of emojis for the day [rhyme]) Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!
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We've heard of the spree of sexual misconduct and harassment cases in the news and the question must be asked, what does this say about who we are as a Singaporean society, and why are we having such a difficult time talking about this topic? Elliot and Rovik try their best, within their constraints, to have a conversation around the cases that hav…
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In this special episode Sam and Gale discuss your opinions on pros, cons, and general opinions on creating a School for Good and Evil movie! Tell us what your ideal movie cast would be: https://forms.gle/oarNuMSHuEBjRhpN9 for a chance to be featured in an upcoming special episode! Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!…
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We've all had our own personal stories with the Singapore library system before and I'm sure we can all attest it's one of the best of Singapore's public resources. Join us as we dive into the evolution of the library system including the digitalization of the library, the story of how it survived the Japanese Occupation (hint: there are some retur…
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Hello Evers and Nevers! In this episode, Sam and Gale discuss the nineteenth chapter of “The School for Good and Evil” by Soman Chainani. Topics include Tedros’ main personality trait (being sweaty), Chaddick’s Application Hacks™️, and “the boys”! 😓👸🤴🐍 Email the show at sgewithsandg@gmail.com!
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If you want to find old Peranakan houses or have some tasty kueh, you've probably made your way to Katong. Elliot himself is a proud homeboy of the area. But did you know that Katong pre-land reclamation was home to one of Singapore's better-known kampongs that made its living from the sea? Or maybe you're interested to find out why there's a Chine…
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