This is a podcast about two men who are hired to review everything in the universe. Through an elaborate pneumatic tube system, Chris Mueller and Steve Leichman must review everything from pop culture to food to life experiences to colors to that thing you saw on the street that one time. New episodes every Monday.
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The Naked Vocalist | Advice and Lessons on Singing Technique, Voice Care and Style - Chris Johnson and Steve Giles
Chris Johnson and Steve Giles
The Naked Vocalist is a podcast for singers and singing teachers which shares practical information on of singing, including technique, style, health and business
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"Ho Ho Ho"?! More like "Bro Bro Bro" because bros everywhere will weep when they hear what cool gifts Chris got Steve this year and what gifts for children Steve got Chris this year! Everyone else outside of bros will be mildly amused!由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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The polar bears would be spinning in their frozen graves if they tried this shit由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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Ten-Butt! Two battle softened men who have never and will never see action in their lives taste test an MRE! Also Jean is there but she's a huge badass so we can't make fun of her.由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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Steve and Chris are fed up with these damn unhealthy lunchables! They want a virtually identical type of product run by scummy YouTubers! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!?由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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Jingle all the Whey! haha get it because of holidays and cereals and a think they put whey in them sometimes? ...psh, whatever. what ami i john-y carson?由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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We try various Korean snacks, and no, this is not like our "Chris and Steve go to a Korean Supermarket" episode because there are actual professionals choosing the snacks, not a couple of jamokes由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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And just like that, The Reviewniverse is back! Jean's been watching Sex and the City recently so I know ALL the references. I'm such a Tonya! Anyways, we BRING IT this year with a record number of Advent Calendars, and a record length of the podcast, nearly 3 hours of bullshit! Hope you cleared your schedule as you stare directly at the device that…
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Santa has visited us and filled our stockings! Sadly, he gave us coal only because we're such naughty boys. Luckily, we used said coal to power our "Turn Orphans Into Presents For Chris and Steve Machine"! Oops ;)由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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We try "regular" American Candy that have a "twist" on it AKA something we've never seen before! Just like A STABLE DEMOCRACY AM I RIGHT?!由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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Chips that are unique? What's next, popcorn that does your taxes?! I don't know man I'm tired由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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Candy Bars from over the seas! D'ya think they were made by pirates? That's the only reference I have for the seas.由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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Chris and Steve try sodas that have been sitting in Chris' fridge for a year. Yum?由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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More Advent Calendars + Chris and Steve = More slight chuckles from you! How's that for some advanced math? Oh... a simple addition equation isn't advanced math? Then what did I pay Steve Leichman's Totally Legit Online College Courses $5,000 for?! Skyrim Advent Calendar VS Dungeons & Dragons Advent Calendar…
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We come out of hibernation for an amazing guests who teaches us about VOCAL FOLD SWELLING, how to spot it, and what to do about it! All hail, Lori Sonnenberg... you're welcome!由Chris Johnson and Steve Giles
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Our tradition of opening gifts for each other continues! You know what would be the best gift you could give us? Pretending like you didn't notice that we re-used 2021's intro because we forgot to record a new one for this year :(由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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Let's all be thankful that Chris and Steve finally answer the age old question: Who's hotter, Mario or Sonic? Well, it depends on if you're a furry or not. Find out who is by tuning in!由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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Chris and Steve are randomly back to clean out Chris' fridge of the weird drinks and snacks he's been stockpiling for the boys to eat! Please use your time machines to procure the same snacks and follow along!由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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Chris and Steve buy each other gifts and open them on mic as this special holiday episode tradition continues! As a gift to you all this year, I have decided not to make a shitty joke in the episode description!
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How about a cookie flavored candy cane that removes everything everyone likes about cookies! How about it? Hm? Oh they're gone
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What's holiday popcorn you ask? I dunno just shovel some cereal in there and call it a fuckin' day.
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Gross! A Mountain Dew that tastes like gingerbread and also tastes exactly what you think Mountain Dew with gingerbread would taste like and you hope it would be good but it's not good? Gross!
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Please ignore the repeated thwack-ing, downstairs neighbors! Chris and Steve are just opening a Terry's Chocolate Orange! No, please don't call the cops... ah shit we're in jail again
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Chris and Steve crack open some (AMERICANIZED) Kinder Eggs! You know, that classic Christmas candy? And, NO, they're not for Easter just because they're eggs, you holiday racist!
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I know you got excited that there would be smooches in this episode, but it's just a bunch of holiday flavored Hershey's Kisses. What a rip.
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Our tradition of farting out two episodes a year continues with another Advent Calendar showdown! Listen as Chris and Steve duel each other with two new advent calendars AND a bonus third advent calendar!?? HUH??? I hope there will be loud chewing into the mic! Mini Brands Advent Calendar VS Roblox Advent Calendar PLUS a Sugarfina Candy Advent Cale…
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As we seem to be coming out of this mess, when can we expect to get back to singing together? We invite two scientists to come and give you their take on how the singing world is going to move forward. Listen to find out more!由Chris Johnson and Steve Giles
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The boys and girl eat some sticks made of meat! Various meats! Weird meats! Tune in and hear what they think! Meat!由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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We're back back! ANOTHER new episode within a week?!? I know, we're going to have to take 2 years off after this flurry of activity! Chris and Steve keep their tradition alive even in a pandemic and buy each other some cute gifts. Listen to them open them!由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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We're back! With our first full sized episode in almost a year! Yup, it took Chris and Steve that long to figure out how to record remotely. Anyways, we're back with a couple of holiday themed episodes to end out the year! I hope you enjoy as much as Chris enjoys having Coronavirus (SPOILERS) Reviews this episode: FRIENDS Advent Calendar VS LOL Sur…
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Today we thought we would devote an entire episode to the world of voice teachers. After all, COVID has messed up A LOT of diaries and we want to help you get back to capacity in this new world of 'online coaching'. Essentially, going from in person to online coaching needs a big shift in approach, but once you understand it you can flourish again.…
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Join us as we host the brilliant vocal coach and scientist Heidi Moss Erickson. We'll be talking about the neuroscience of pitch matching and how we can use science to improve our tuning, how the brain connects to the vocal folds and what that means to our approach, aaaaaaaand the planned aspect of primal (or not so primal) sound.…
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We're back! Kinda! Not really? But, yeah. Chris and Steve are "back" with a mini-episode announcing their new channel, The Streamviewniverse! I bet you didn't know Chris and Steve had a video game YouTube channel for the last 4 months, did you? Well, why would you when they've never advertised it?! They actually have almost 100 quality videos uploa…
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Walt has trained thousands of voice professionals, speech therapists, ENTs and vocal coaches in manual therapy techniques for voice. Originally a myofascial release champion, Walt now sees the world of touch through a different lens, leaving big questions as to how and why massage REALLY works.... it's not all as it seems. He also shares self-help …
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Chris and Steve pop in quickly for an update regarding The Reviewniverse's release schedule and the upcoming season 2! TLDL: - The Reviewniverse will be taking an off-season break to recharge - The boys are working on season 2, will be releasing soon - New season will be moving to a bi-weekly format - More news will be coming soon!…
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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由Christopher Mueller & Stephen Leichman
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In this episode, Chris and Steve reprise one of the "all time great" episodes, Advent Calendars! Maybe this year, Steve will be awakened in the same manner he was last year when he discovered Paw Patrol. But hopefully not with the Ryan's World calendar. Ew. Reviews This Episode: Fortnite Advent Calendar VS Ryan's World Advent Calendar…
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In this episode, Chris and Steve have their hearts all a flutter because they're watching holiday specials! And everyone knows holiday specials cause heart palpitations. Please consult a Reviewniverse before watching holiday specials. Holiday specials are only to be taken while Chris and Steve-ing. Reviews This Episode: 12 Worst Holiday Specials + …
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