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iPad Workers

はるな👠iPad Worker

iPad活用のヒントになる情報をお届けするポッドキャスト番組 ■LISTENで文字起こしも見られます https://listen.style/p/ipadworkers ipadworkers.substack.com
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IPA Podcast

Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA)

The IPA is the professional body for advertising, media and marketing communications agencies in the UK. We represent over 300 agencies which are responsible for 85% of UK advertising and communication spend. Our shows, AdTalk with Paul Bainsfair, The Effectiveness Files with Laurence Green, New Business Diaries, and IPA On... Talent Matters break down the big issues facing advertising and communications business.
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İPA Podcast

İstanbul Planlama Ajansı

İstanbul Planlama Ajansı podcast kanalına hoş geldiniz. İPA Podcast'te İstanbul’un kent gündemini, kente dair güncel yayın ve araştırmaları uzman konuklarla konuşuyoruz. Hazırlayan ve sunanlar: Elif Yıldız Kızılca ve Berkan Özyer
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IPA Payments Pod

Innovative Payments Association

Hosted by the IPA, the Payments Podcast is designed to keep you ahead of an ever-changing industry and position you to succeed in tomorrow’s payments environment. Join us for thought-provoking discussions on the most pressing issues of the day.
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Nova Igreja de Ipanema

Nova Igreja de Ipanema

Ouça uma mensagem gravada na Nova Igreja de Ipanema. Esperamos que você possa conhecer um pouco mais o amor e a graça de Jesus Cristo, e que sua fé seja fortalecida para vencer quaisquer desafios que estejam a sua frente.
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Patreon.com/iPApodcast - 6 degrés de separation en lien avec les acteurs du terroir : bières, vins, distilleries et plus encore. The 6 degres of seperation with the people in the world of beer, distillery, wine, cider and more.
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This is IPAA INSIDERS. A podcast from IPAA NSW where we answer your big questions about how the NSW Public Sector works and how you work in it. Each episode we speak with senior leaders, blue sky thinkers, and IPAA members across the sector who will answer your burning questions about life in the NSW Public Sector and share their unique perspectives and actionable advice to help you build a career you're proud of.
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The rules are forever changed. If you're a practicing physician assistant and need to take your recertification exam, as you know, in 2019, the rules have changed. In teaching board review courses and teaching at colleges for years, I've always said you need to know how the game is played. You need to know the test writers, how they're writing their tests, and where they're getting their content from. Well, the NCCPA has revealed their 2019 blueprint for how and what you need to study.
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iPadはもはや特別な存在ではなく、学校と家庭での日常の一部となり、教育現場と教育者に目覚ましい進化を起こしています。 このイベントでは、昨年度4月から新入生に1人1台ずつiPadを導入、現在は中高合わせて3,000台のiPadが稼働している近畿大学附属高等学校・中学校から、こどもたちのクリエイティビティを促進する生徒の学習成果物作成、教材プリントや解説動画の作成と配信、クラブ活動や文化祭での利用まで、21世紀の教育に欠かせないリアルなストーリーを多数紹介しています。 iPadとこれからのこどもたちのための学校教育をわかりやすく伝えています。
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筑波大学附属桐が丘特別支援学校の児童生徒たちは、身の回りの問題にiPadを取り入れ、筑波大学情報科学類の学生と協力しiOS アプリケーションを開発・解決しました。このイベントでは、学生、児童生徒と先生が共同開発をはじめた想いやあゆみと今後を、今の教育に不可欠なキーワードであるテクノロジーと人のつながり、アイデア、問題解決のストーリーと共にお話しています。
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LA SUMATORIA DE LAS FUERZAS DE LO POSITIVO DIÓ INFINITO. Cartas de Amor fraterno de la Cosmogonía. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ipartio/support
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Join executives of major corporations and find out how they are incorporating iPad into their business. You'll learn how they are using third-party applications as well as developing their own internal apps to streamline workflows that help their employees be more productive.
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La Stanza Dei Fumetti è un Podcast interamente dedicato ai fumetti. Ogni settimana viene pubblicata una puntata in cui Matteo, alias IpadderHD, parla delle ultime notizie su comics, manga, graphic novels e di tutto ciò che ruota attorno al fantastico mondo della nona arte! Se ti piace il Podcast e vuoi rimanere ancora più aggiornato, IpadderHD ti aspetta su YouTube con le sue video recensioni e i suoi video acquisti!
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With iPhone, iPad, and iOS, progressive IT teams are leading innovation at their companies. Hear real-world examples and best practices from IT groups who embrace a new vision for technology to transform the way their employees work.
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O IPA CAST é o PodCast do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa “Intelectuais e Política Nas Américas” da Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus de Franca. O IPA é formado por alunos de graduação, mestrado e doutorado em História, além de Professores e Pesquisadores da Unesp, mas também de outras instituições. Nosso grupo existe desde 2013 e, neste ano, assume um formato digital, com o seu podcast. A nossa intenção é a de que o IPA CAST seja um espaço de discussão e debate sobre assuntos relacionado à ...
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show series
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is starting 2025 with a significant move—a proposed interpretive rule expanding the scope of products regulated under Regulation E. Despite the expectation that CFPB Director Rohit Chopra will be replaced by the next administration, the Bureau continues its active rulemaking and enforcement efforts. In this …
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Le 34e congrès de l'AMBQ (Association des Microbrasseries du Québec) avait lieu au mois de novembre 2024 et Concept B m'ont invité à faire une série de podcast dans leur kiosque. Ce deuxième épisode fait rouler la roulette à jasette aux participants. Je remercie Guy Dubois, Anne-Claude Thivierge, Maxim tremblay, Samuel Giguère, Drew Stevens, Danaé …
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Alex Lloyd Hunter, co-founder of The Dad Shift, joins the IPA On... Podcast to explore the realities of paternity leave in the UK, discuss why proper paternity is good for mums, dads and children; and explain how they are campaigning for substantial, affordable and equal leave for both parents in every relationship.Find out more about The Dad Shift…
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「目標ではなく1年のテーマを決める意味」です。 おすすめの記事 * 🗺️ Prodraftsで夢マップをつくる * 🔍 自分テーマの見つけ方 * 🎥iPadで行動指針設計 * 🤖🛠 ChatGPTを使った仕事術 * 🎥 ChatGPT活用講座 * 🎥 ChatGPT活用講座 ワンランク上の画像の作り方 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けてツイートお願いします。 ✨ なぜ「1年のテーマ」を決めるといいのか テーマは、1年間の方向性を決めるコンパスのようなものです。 たとえば、「健康的な生活」「挑戦と成長」「心の余裕」など、ど…
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CULTO DE ENSINO - AD IPANEMA MG | 17-12-2024Preletor: Pr Jander MagalhãesA parábola do Bom Samaritano, em Lucas 10:25-37, ensina sobre amar ao próximo sem limites. Nela, um samaritano ajuda um homem ferido após outros passarem sem socorrê-lo. Essa mensagem, pregada no culto de ensino da 1ª Igreja Evangélica Assembleia de Deus de Ipanema, destacou q…
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Juízes 13 revela como o ventre de Manoá, a mãe de Sansão, se torna uma matriz de bênção para o povo de Deus. Mesmo em um contexto de opressão, Deus escolhe uma mulher para gerar um libertador, demonstrando que, muitas vezes, o Senhor usa o mais simples e humilde para cumprir Seus planos. Assim como um ventre que traz uma vida destinada a ser bênção…
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View this video at https://macmost.com/phishing-attacks-how-they-work-and-how-to-protect-yourself.html. Phishing attacks come into our email inboxes almost every day. Learn what they are, how they work and how to protect yourself. Learn how AI may be making phishing attacks even worse.由MacMost
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Riley Hill is back on the podcast to discuss how our iPad workflows changed in 2024 and what we are looking forward to in 2025 for the iPad. Early episodes with chapter markers are available by supporting the podcast at www.patreon.com/ipadpros. Early episodes are also now available in Apple Podcasts! Show notes are available at www.iPadPros.net. F…
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View this video at https://macmost.com/how-to-use-the-redesigned-ios-18-photos-app.html. The iOS 18 Photos app has the same features as before, but it puts all collections on one long screen along with your entire library. You can get to whatever section you want by scrolling up or down, and customize what is included.…
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Our purpose: To inspire, empower and educate future and present PAs so that they can create a healthier world. We appreciate you joining us for the CME4Life iPANRE Podcast! Be sure to subscribe, rate, and leave a review, and stay connected for upcoming episodes filled with valuable knowledge, insights, and thrilling discoveries. Until we meet again…
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Host: Ben Jackson Guest: Brian Tate, CEO, IPA Recorded: December 19, 2024 Episode Summary: How much influence do CEOs really have in the White House? In this episode, we dive into this question through the lens of Tevi Tory's book, The Power and the Money. Tory explores the relationships between presidents and the heads of business throughout histo…
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Le 34e congrès de l'AMBQ (Association des Microbrasseries du Québec) avait lieu au mois de novembre 2024 et Concept B m'ont invité à faire une série de podcast dans leur kiosque. Ce premier épisode est une jasette avec Marie-Eve Myrand (directrice générale de l'ambq) et Jean-François Nellis (président du CA). Bonne écoute! Send us a text Support th…
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Thank you for listening to iPad Pros in 2024! We have a great lineup of guests shaping up already for 2025. In this special holiday episode, Matt Birchler and Tim Chaten deliberate on an iPod tier list. A live to YouTube version is also available: https://www.youtube.com/live/bdKtlHOeBYk Early episodes with chapter markers are available by supporti…
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C'est le jour de l'An et avec Cédrick Johnson, on a décider de fêter ça avec la gang de la Distillerie du Quai. Question de se faire suite à la jasette de Noël. Merci à Claudine Loubier, Stephane Breux, Isaac Tremblay, Éric Fortin, Émile Sauvé et Bruno OKane pour leur temps. Bonne écoute! Send us a text Support the show…
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CULTO DE ENSINO AD IPANEMA MG | 03-12-2024Após o dilúvio, Noé soltou uma pomba três vezes em busca de sinais de terra seca, um símbolo de esperança e renovação. No primeiro voo, a pomba voltou sem encontrar descanso, pois as águas ainda cobriam toda a terra. No segundo voo, ela retornou trazendo no bico um ramo de oliveira, um sinal claro de que a …
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A parábola do Bom Samaritano, em Lucas 10:25-37, ensina sobre amar ao próximo sem limites. Nela, um samaritano ajuda um homem ferido após outros passarem sem socorrê-lo. Essa mensagem, pregada no culto de ensino da 1ª Igreja Evangélica Assembleia de Deus de Ipanema, destacou que a verdadeira compaixão transcende preconceitos, mostrando que todos sã…
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Enregistrer un podcast dans un verger, check! Lors de la Grande Presse, Milton à acceuillit Stephane Dèls et moi-même dans un magnifique rang du verger pour une jasette à propos de l'histoire chez Milton. Merci à Marc-Antoine Lasnier et Jonathan Fontaine pour leurs temps et leurs passions. Bonne écoute! Send us a text Support the show…
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Lors de la Grande Presse, J'ai eu l'énorme chance d'aller souper à la Ferme Cidricole Équinoxe. Nous avons pris le temps de faire un podcast avant avec La Famille Tremblay Cidrerie et la Ferme Cidricole Moulton Hill. Nous avons jaser de plein de choses incluant la réalité agricole de chacun. Merci à mon co-animateur Stephane Dèls et bien entendu au…
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Sigmund Judge began his Apple TV coverage in 2015, and has gone on to cover Apple, tvOS, and Apple Originals across video, written articles, and podcasts. Inspired by storytellers and innovators, Sigmund is also the co-host of Magic Rays of Light, a weekly podcast exploring the diverse world of Apple TV. In this episode, we discuss his Apple TV Go …
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The results of the election are set to reshape payments regulation, but the work of the current administration will leave a lasting impact on the industry. In this episode, Ben Jackson, IPA’s COO, sits down with Brian Tate, the IPA’s CEO, to discuss what this period of change means for payments. From shifts in the congressional banking committees t…
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🎙️ Welcome back to IPAA Insiders! This podcast continues to be your essential guide to navigating your career and thriving in your public sector role. Designed to answer your burning questions, each episode delivers actionable insights from experienced professionals inside and outside the sector. 🌟 Episode Highlight: In our third episode, we tackle…
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A/mazed is celebrating their 10th anniversary and as an escape room lover. I had to know more about it. Specialy that they celebrate their anniversary at Memento Brewery and they're releasing 3 beers for the occasion. The event takes place december 29th at Memento. Here's the chat I did with Alexander Karpov. This episode is completly free and only…
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「新機能 ChatGPT Canvas」についてです。 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けてツイートお願いします。 ✂️従来のChatGPTでは難しかった部分修正 従来のChatGPTでは、生成されたコンテンツの一部分だけをピンポイントで修正することが意外と難しい作業でした。部分修正を依頼しても、修正箇所以外の内容も意図せず書き換えられることが多かったためです。 画像生成の場合は、「この部分だけ」をピンポイントで選択できる機能がありました。 12月10日に正式リリースされたChatGPT Canvasを使うと、生成されたコ…
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Finalement faire la route jusqu'à Dégelis ce n'étais pas si pire! J'ai été invité à aller fêter le 2e anniversaire de la microbrasserie Madawaska et faire une jasette avec Éliane Deschênes et Martin Rioux-Beaulieu. Super beau moment que j'ai eu la chance de passer et je vous informe même que quelques semaines après mon passage, ils ont gagné au gal…
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