Welcome to Night Swims, a podcast hosted by Two Idiots who think they know everything about mysteries, conspiracies, and strange phenomena. Tune in every week for a new topic as they learn, teach, laugh, and cry their way through each episode. With 99 episodes down and thousands of interesting and bizarre things to be learned, there’s something out there for everyone.
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Hello there. Today we have a sort of a sequel to last episode about the Dogon people, with a few guests showing up and totally not derailing the show at all. Also just and FYI, ancient astronauts are basically aliens. So yea, we have another alien episode here at Night Swims, but what's new. We hope you enjoy it.…
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Welcome. I had COVID. Sorry we were gone, I'm sure we were extremely missed by our millions of fans. Anyways, Doug had the topic this week so you know it'll be bad but cut him some slack. Love you all.
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It's part 2. What more is there to say. Douglas is out of town so it's my time to shine. I will rule the world!
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Atlantis is a beautiful paradise resort in the Bahamas equipped with over---Oh wait sorry, wrong script. Atlantis is an ancient "lost civilization" to some, and nothing more than a fictional piece of literature made by Plato. Today in part 1 we discuss the history of the legend and it's literary interpretations. Part 2 comes out next week.…
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NAZIS. Nah just kidding, well...kind of. Operation Highjump is another secret operation carried out by the US Military, and it's true purpose is possibly unknown. We hope you enjoy.
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Hello. Today we have not one but TWO instances of murder where the claim of demonic possession was used as a defense. Arne Johnson and Michael Taylor both murdered someone but claimed they were under the control of a demon, or even the devil himself. We hope you enjoy today's episode.
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Welcome back ladies, gentlemen, and were people alike. Today we have quite the unique topic today, and discussed in a way we have never really done before. We hope you enjoy.
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We did it. 100 episodes. Thank you to everyone for listening over the past 2 1/2 years, from the first episode to the 99th episode, we have enjoyed every second of it, and we can not wait to make more episodes.
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We're one away from 100 baby. This what we've all been waiting for, but for now we have to resort to this episode full of Canada, crevices, and other nature-y things. We hope you enjoy.
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Invisible ships, empty planets, donuts & bacon? Confused? Us too. Listen to our newest episode to try and figure all this out.
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Flat Earthers. Are they real? Is the Earth even real? Today we're discussing the Flat Earth Society in the modern era. If you're a Flat Earther, please reach out to us. We would love for someone to come on and discuss with us.
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We finally covered the Moon Landing. Please, no need to thank us. You're welcome. We hope you enjoy.
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Welcome, today we are talking about the mysterious disappearance of Frederick Valentich. I know what you're thinking, this sounds like an Uncovered. Well it isn't. Do you see it titled Uncovered? No? I rest my case. We hope you like it.
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We have a brand new Uncovered for you all today, and it is little unconventional. We are joined by Drew Barnett and our youngest guest ever, 14-month old Sawyer. The Sodder Children were 5 children who disappeared on Christmas Eve in 1945. Or did they? Give it a listen and try it solve it for yourself.…
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Throwback to episode 7 am I right? Anyone? Ok. Anyways, today we have a trifecta of topics: the Battersea Poltergeist, UFO testing by the US Government, and The Gateway Experience. We also give some life updates, which I'm sure everyone was curious about. We hope you enjoy.
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Do giants exist today? Slight possibility. Did they exist back in the day? In the olden times? Again, slight possibility. The Giant of Kandahar may just answer this question. If not, oh well, at least you listened. Enjoy.
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Hello all. How is your day? Today's episode is full of mispronouncing, strokes, and... Well that's really it. The Yeti is real. Or is it true? Feel like I made this joke for the Bigfoot episode.
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It's the Battle of LA, one of the most famous events surrounding UFO in history. And this episode gave us the first bleep in Night Swims history. We hope you enjoy.
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If you haven't heard, the CIA just de-classified and release literally millions of documents about UFOs this past week, so that is what we're here talking about today. Hope you enjoy it.
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The Circleville Letters. It's me, Douglas. Jackson is letting me write the description today. This is fun. apuinvpijasnf0iudg. I just slammed my forehead into the keyboard. Bye now.
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Stanton Friedman was the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident. What's the Roswell Incident you ask? You'll have to listen and find out. Psst. it's aliens. When isn't it though.
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Welcome to our lookback, patent pending. What's a loopback you ask? Well go listen and find out. What're you doing here still reading this? Go listen. Please. We need the plays. Douglas hasn't be able to eat recently because our plays are down. It's his punishment. Seriously stop reading and go listen. I know where you live. My dad works for Micros…
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What's new, its aliens today. No surprise here. That's really all I have to say.
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84--Ancient Rocks: An Examination of the Geology in a Period Far Previous Than the One We Are In
How bout THAT title?! Way smarter than episode 81. Three episodes really allow the brain to grow. Today we go over 10 Ancient Stones surrounded in mystery. Pretty self explanatory. Lots of Viking theories and Midwest locations. But are these stones True? Or Real? Go listen and find out.
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Today we are discussing a lake. But is more than a lake? Or just a lake? Or even a lake at all? Only the Russians know. TYPICAL! Thank you all for continuing to support us, also Jackson is better at the sound board.
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Alexander the Great, one the greatest military figures in human history. Where he at though? No one knows where his body is, in fact, according to records no one has seen his body in hundreds of years. That is what we're here to talk about today. We hope you enjoy.
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How bout that title, huh? Sounds smart as hell. Today we are covering 10 Mysteries in Ancient Archeology. That is pretty much it. Sequel to this episode will be next week. Also the intro may sound weird. Go listen to episode 6 of Spill Your Beans to understand why.
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AIDS! Did we scare you? Today Douglas is talking about the conspiracy that the CIA created AIDS, we also do some rambling and good ole chit chat but we hope you like it. More episodes coming out this week.
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Happy Halloween! We are here with a brand new Uncovered for today featuring long time listener Dewby "Dewbert" Dewbous. Mr.Cruel is a truly haunting mystery. That's all I've got to say. Go listen.
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First things first, thank you to everyone who has listened and supported us over the years. 1000 followers is amazing, and something we never expected when we started this in my dorm room almost three years ago. We're happy so many people have enjoyed listening and we're looking forward to the future. Oh also, Douglas tells stories, Jackson tells s…
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We have our very first ad. Shoutout to Nightfood for giving us a chance, when no one else would. The collaboration of century, Night Swims x Night Food. Check out Instagram to find out how you can get a free pint of Nightfood Ice Cream, and enjoy Jackson's explanation of the Phantom Time Hypothesis.
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Douglas has kicked off his own series to celebrate the spooky season. I am not sure what he is calling the series. It's not important. What is important is to remember to enjoy spooky season, because you never know if you'll die within the next year at some point and never get to experience Halloween again.…
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We got really smart on today's episode. Well one of us did. Actually maybe neither of us did but we just thought we did. Who knows.
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Today we're talking about Gloria Ramirez. But also a lot more than that. Today we talk about life, it's meaning, our purpose hear, what our ultimate end will be. Just kidding.
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ALIENS!! Now that I have your attention, today we discussed more Epstein, the GSK, (oooo whats that stand for) and a fan theory from one our biggest supporters. That is all. Have a good day, except for you Terrance.
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(Sing the title like the 1989 Billy Joel classic "We Didn't Start the Fire"). Welcome back! We've been gone longer before, don't judge. Today was kind of a jack-of-all-trades episode. Some laughter, some anger, some love, some tears, and of course......some laughter. That's really it. Love you all.
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In our 5th Uncovered, we are joined by long time listener, first time follower of Jackson, Ward Bronold. Is he the best guest yet? Who knows. Is he a guest? Absolutely. Maura Murray was last seen February 9th, 2004, and to this day she is still reported missing. BUT, perhaps we were able to solve it.…
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We talk about some stuff thats going on today. That's really it. Basically, Epstein didn't kill himself, the Clintons are the worst, and Aliens are real.
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Douglas came up with the title. He's new to this, cut him some slack. We hope you enjoy, and as always...hugs not drugs.
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Welcome back. Jackson here, this is the start of my new "series". Basically I'm just gonna be going over a bunch of alien incidents the next couple of weeks so strap on in. The McMinnville UFO Photos are first up, but don't worry....I am just getting started. P.S. Douglas sux
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Greetings Earthlings, I am Pleeklorb. Jackson has become my human butler. We otherworlders shall rule soon on this planet, as we have on so many others. All hail Garthang, the Destroyer.
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Douglas left me. Here is the result. Happy Monday.
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We had a little bit of Kool-Aid. But we're rolling with it. Love you
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Today, we got a trifecta. Or a quad-fecta (quadta?). Alexander McKinnon, Stanley Meyer, and John Kanzius are considered key figures in the free energy suppression conspiracy. That's really all I have to say. Now, a word from our sponsor...
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It is a second throwback episode. Shorter, but denser. Quicker, but slower. Sexy, but even more sexy. To be honest, I can't remember all we talked about so you can go listen for yourself. Or don't, I can't really tell you what to do. But I can suggest it. As always, today's episode is brought to you by Gary Busey Productions.…
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Haunted Series Finale. I'm not sure if this was the proper capitalization, but I'm going with it. Happy Saturday, or whatever day your listening.
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No description needed. You'll understand soon enough.
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I got hot dogs waiting for me. Bye bye
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(Insert words here) Kidding. Hi, its me again. Ok thats all. By now.
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I have given up all motivation to write here. Maybe that'll come back in the next few weeks. Bye bye *Edit* I did hello if you're reading this. You have found the secret to immortality. Venmo me @ZooForStrays $0.01 if you see this and I'll Venmo you $1. For the description just write "I have found the secret". Congrats, you're $1 richer.…
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