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Text: II Kings 22 & 23 Hilkiah the High Priest carries out routine orders from the King for a small business transaction. What follows is a chain of events that would transform the King and an entire nation, at a time when their hearts - and their actions - were far from the Lord. From the dumpster fire of their egregious sin emerged a renewal birt…
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Text: Matthew 5:1-6 Have you ever read through Scripture and recognized how completely opposite the way of the world is compared to the way in which Jesus describes what it means to be a Kingdom citizen? What our culture often tells us to pursue, Jesus totally flips on its head. As we study, examine, and dwell on these words and wisdom from Jesus i…
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Text: Judges 6:11-24 Gideon's life is a powerful reminder of God's desire and ability to use each of us for His glory. When we focus on our weaknesses and lack of natural ability, the Lord wants us to rest in Him and have confidence in His wisdom and power at work though us. Our passage from Judges 6 is a good reminder for each of us as we begin a …
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Psalm series message 5 Text: Psalm 34 Sunday we continue our Psalms series with a Thanksgiving Psalm. We are invited to join in giving thanks for God's personal engagement with us and help rendered at our point of need. The power of Christian fellowship is the living testimonies we have of how GOD stepped in as only He can! Thank God for His person…
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Psalm series message 4 Text: Psalm 72 As we go through another contentious election cycle, as followers of Jesus, we are called to respond differently. We are called to pray. Psalm 72, a royal psalm and prayer for the king, shows us how to pray for those in power now, what we pray to see in those who will ascend to positions of power, and what we a…
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Psalms series message 3 Text: Psalm 33 Psalm 33 is a hymn of praise in response to the call for praise in verse 22 of Psalm 32. We will examine God’s instruction to his people to sing a new song, shout for joy and give thanks to the Lord. We will see that our praise is rightfully rendered based on God’s character, what He has done, and His steadfas…
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Psalms series message 1 Text: Psalm 1 Psalms Charles Spurgeon spent countless hours immersed in the Psalms, noting it was a royal banquet for him and a means of grace for his heart. Many have rightly said that the Psalms speak to our desires, emotions, attitudes, thoughts and as Spurgeon called it, the anatomy of our conscience. For the remainder o…
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Galatian series message 25 Text: Galatians (misc.) The message to the Galatians is crucial for the church in every generation! After a game or concert, we often see highlights to summarize the event for those who missed it. We recap 5 key truths contained in this compelling letter that bring clarity and confidence in our walk with the Lord: the ess…
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Guest speaker Geoff Frink, DBC Elder Board Chairman Text: Heb 10:10-14, 19-25 Christ, through his once for all time sacrifice, has made us complete, holy and righteous now and for all eternity. From the foundation of being made holy, perfected by Jesus, we draw near to God, hold fast to our faith in Jesus and spur each other on to live out our fait…
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Galatians series message 22 Text: Galatians 6:1-5 Galatians is such a practical letter! Having shown us how not to fulfill the desires of the flesh, Paul now gives concrete guidance on restoring one who is caught in transgression, giving special consideration to the reality of the ones restoring facing temptation themselves. They key in all of this…
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Galatians series message 21 Text: Galatians 5:25-26 We enter the Kingdom by the Spirit, we live by the Spirit and we must keep in step with the Spirit as we mature in Christ! This week we'll bring together the crucial concepts in Pau's passage on walking by the Spirit that teach us how to follow, apprentice to and mature in Christ. His comment on r…
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Galatians series message 18 Text: Galatians 5:7-15 Our key theme keeps rising in Galatians: freedom in Christ. We are free from the crushing burden of proving ourselves through our adherence to the Law. However, our freedom is not freedom to sin. Paul gives the proper place of the Law in the believer's life, which results in loving others well.…
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Galatians series message 17 Text: Galatians 5:1-6 Our text begins with a profound gospel statement: it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Paul exhorts the Galatians to stand true to the purity of the gospel and not add works. To add works would be to submit again to a yoke of slavery, the very slavery he just enumerated on in the previous …
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Galatians series message 15 Text: Galatians 4:8-20 There is nothing greater in life than to be known by God, as that is what it means to know God personally - to be reconciled to Him, to be redeemed and indwelt by His Holy Spirit. Paul continues to express his great concern and affection for the Galatians, longing to see Christ formed in them. When…
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Galatians series message 12 Text: Galatians 3:15-20 We're now at the heart of Paul's letter to the Galatians and it's all about Abraham. We'll dig deeper into his significance in the unfolding drama of redemption. Gaining clarity on this brings freedom and joy in our walk with Christ. When we consider the beauty of the gospel, we see God is all-wis…
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Galatians series message 10 Text: Galatians 3:11-14 Our desire to contribute to our salvation is deeply ingrained in our thinking. Many turn to the Law or a moral law to do so. But that only brings a curse, because we can never fully keep the Law. And that's why the gospel is such good news! The Law giver submitted Himself to the Law's demands and …
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Galatians series message 9 Text: Galatians 3:1-9 Can we be saved through our good works or keeping the law? No - Paul bolts that door shut. There is another important question that needs to be answered, affecting each of us: can I live this Christian life by my own efforts and in my strength? Can I put sin to death or love my neighbor by my own str…
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Galatians series message 7 Text: Galatians 2:11-14 This week, we see Peter compromising the truth of the gospel out of the fear of others. He's putting on an ‘act’ to avoid conflict, but Paul confronts him because he is off-track. Peter's moment of weakness shows us how easily we can be led astray, and bring others down with us, but Paul shows us h…
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Galatians series message 5 Text: Galatians 2:1-9 After fourteen years, Paul takes Barnabas and Titus, his test case, up to Jerusalem. He's given the right hand of fellowship and recognized as the one to take the gospel to the Gentiles. These details of Paul's testimony are absolutely crucial for the vitality and flourishing of the Church as the Gos…
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Galatians series message 4 Text: Galatians 1:11-24 The gospel is rightly called the gospel of Jesus Christ because it never had its origins in the mind of man, but is from God. The Apostle Paul was not only a mouthpiece of the gospel but a living testimony of its breathtaking beauty and power. In this message, we hear some of Paul's unlikely story …
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As we have seen, God is faithful - He keeps His promises! Learning to appropriate what He's promised us brings much comfort, encouragement and stability in our lives! On Sunday we'll examine three of God's promises and also learn how to discern which promises are for us and which are better left for the original recipients.…
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Text: Ephesians 5:15-16 Time - we're more aware of it as we begin a new year, but will we be aware of it in glory? Scripture has much to say about time, and our relationship with it. Let's resolve to be intentional in how we prioritize and spend our time, knowing that our time here on earth is short and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.…
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As we close out this year and enter a new one, let us determine to continue in wonder, engage in worship, and be grounded in the Word. The comfort and joy of Christmas is for every day of our lives. We were made to worship - if we neglect true worship, we will worship lesser things. And may we abide in His Word, as true disciples of Jesus.…
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Text: John 1:1-3, 14 & I John 3:8b Some criticize the practice of celebrating the birth or resurrection of Christ - we will see, from Scripture and church history, why this is a misguided criticism. Whether festive or solemn, there can be great benefit to the thoughtful consideration of such great news. Consideration will be given to modern interne…
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The Glory of God series message 14 Text: 2 Corinthians 3:18 Letter to a Weary Christian Advent Season is more than a manger and sentimental thoughts. Despite our many weaknesses, discouragements and failures, God faithfully continues His work of grace in our hearts! He saves us from our sins and is faithful to His promise to conform us fully and fo…
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The Glory of God series message 13 Text: II Corinthians 4:6 Having pondered that He came, now we examine why He came and what He accomplished - the gospel! Paul presents a beautiful image, God's glory shining in our hearts in the face of Christ. Only Christ could be our Savior, thank God He did not consider equality with God something to be grasped…
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The Glory of God series message 12 Text: Luke 2:8-14 We've heard it many times, the glory of the Lord shone round about them. The glory that shone that night was in concert with the holy One that was born in Bethlehem. Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, the Creator takes the form of His creation. Let us bow in awe and wonder at this thing GOD has don…
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The Glory of God series message 10 Text: Revelation 19:6-7 God is all powerful, such a comfort for believers in every age. We worship Almighty God because and rest in His care, knowing He has no rival or threat to His sovereign reign. This is the final specific attribute that we will examine in this series. The following Sunday we will answer the q…
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The Glory of God series message 9 Text: I Peter 5:10 The sum and substance of the gospel, the good news, is this: in Christ, God forgives us completely, adopts us into His family, and will fully, and finally, conform us to the image of Jesus Christ as we enjoy Him forever. In short, God has called us to His eternal glory!!! God will completely rede…
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The Glory of God series message 8 Text: Deuteronomy 6:5 As we examine the excellencies of God, I pray we more clearly understand the injunctions against idolatry in God's Word. Scripture repeatedly warns us against bowing our hearts to lesser things. There are endless pursuits that will compete for our time and affection - we do well to heed the Ap…
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The Glory of God series message 6 Text: Various As we continue our focus on God's perfections, our theme this week is often misunderstood, misapplied or ignored altogether. We'll highlight the biblical presentation of God's wrath - its centrality to the gospel and how it is intrinsically tied to the gospel. Understanding the beauty and fury of Calv…
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