A site about all things geeky and/or artsy. Seriously, how can you not love a site called Pixelated Sausage?
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I thought I played Batman: Arkham Origins when it originally came out. I was wrong. When I booted up the game on my Xbox 360, all I had was a 5% completed save file from 11 years ago to the day, so what I thought was going to be another Second Run was actually an Attack the Backlog. I don't know if it's because it was all new to me or if it's just …
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I always preferred Batman: Arkham Asylum to Batman: Arkham City, but the gap this time was much larger and I have to assume it's at least partially due to the time gap between playthroughs being so small this time around; I just think playing these games back to back does Arkham City no favors. That said, and regardless of how time affected my feel…
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It's been a while since I've replayed a game, since I put out an episode of Second Runs, but when I decided it was finally time to play Batman: Arkham Knight, I knew what needed to be done first: replay every Arkham game that came before (and play the ones I never played for the first time). That brings us here, with me revisiting Batman: Arkham As…
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Welcome, everyone, to a brand new show: The Last Call. (I technically called it Attack the Backlog because I recorded this episode before coming up with the new name, but every episode forward will be correctly branded). What is The Last Call? It's really quite simple: The Last Call is a show all about games that have received their final papers, t…
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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor was good...until it wasn't. That's not entirely true. It never got bad, per se, it just went on and on for way too long, wearing out its welcome multiple times over. The real kicker, though--the thing that made me go from liking Survivor to (kind of) hating it--is the story--one specific aspect in particular. I won't spoil …
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Thanks in large part to my Star Wars rewatch journey of 2025, but also because I overall enjoyed my time with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, I returned to Cal Kestis and his adventures in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. While a lot of things are the same, there are key differences that make Survivor feel like its own game, including much larger and open a…
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Surprising no one, my opinion of Hi-Fi Rush didn't change since the last episode; if anything, it got worse. I still think it's a very pretty game, but at no point did I enjoy playing it. The worst part, though, is how disappointing the soundtrack is; in a game all about integrating music and gameplay, more is rightfully expected and Tango Gamework…
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Hi-Fi Rush is soooo pretty. Everything about it from an artistic standpoint is some of the best I've seen in a video game in years. That's why it pains me to say the rest of the game disappoints; from the music selection to the gameplay and everything in between, everything else in Hi-Fi Rush fails to reach the same heights as the art and animation…
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I am happy to report that Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order gets better and better as it goes on, from eventually adding a double jump to introducing some of the coolest set pieces I've played in years. While Fallen Order may be rough around the edges--though not as rough as this episode or last--the core is as strong as any Force user and I couldn't be…
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This episode is a bit rough around the edges as the new format for Attack the Backlog is just around the corner (after all the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Hi-Fi Rush episodes are out), but even so, it's still a solid time. Having played six hours of Fallen Order so far, I find myself enjoying the game, but not without issue. It feels good, loo…
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This one is 100% my fault. If I paid any attention, I would have known what kind of game Exoprimal was--a team-based action game about completing the same objectives over and over again until you get so good you can do them in your sleep--but I didn't pay attention; instead, I let myself become disappointed by the game not meeting my uninformed exp…
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It's not entirely me, but my overall meh-ness on Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is partially due to my being burnt out on Spider-Man games. It doesn't help that Miles Morales is just another Spider-Man game, for better and worse, but I can't deny my blame in this outcome. While I was genuinely excited to play Miles Morales, it's clear my heart …
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I was excited to finally play Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales as I was deep into my MCU (and live-action Spider-Man) rewatch, but that excitement quickly disappeared as I remembered exactly why I liked but didn't love Marvel's Spider-Man: it was just another Spider-Man game. This shouldn't come as a surprise, but Miles Morales is yet another Spi…
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It's No Downhill Domination, but It's a Fine Substitute | Attacking the Backlog with Riders Republic
You may be asking yourself, "Why on earth did you decide to play Riders Republic of all the thousands of games you own?" The answer is simple: I love Downhill Domination and I'm always looking for games that scratch that itch; first there was Descenders and now there's Riders Republic. Let's not kid ourselves here, Riders Republic is no Downhill Do…
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The hell of my own making is finally over. After seven longs nights of streaming and over twenty hours of playing, my story with golf has ended and I can finally move on with my life. I don't say this lightly, but I genuinely believe like I wasted my time playing this game; not in the playing it all part, but in the playing it to completion when I …
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Things have taken a turn for the worse. While I was indifferent last episode, I am indifferent no more. I hate this game. I hate everything about it--okay, that's a bit of a stretch, but I really don't like a lot of it. What I thought was going to be a pleasant surprise is instead and wave of sand in my eyes (from hitting a lot of balls out of the …
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I didn't know what to play after Kena: Bridge of Spirits. I perused the various short lists I created and, when I got to my Switch, one game popped out at me: Golf Story. I had always been interested in Golf Story ever since it first came out to overall glowing reviews, but me and the Switch haven't had the best relationship, so, like many Switch g…
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Kena: Bridge of Spirits: Part 02 - A Rough Finish, But Still Great in the End | Attack the Backlog
Things got a little rocky at the end. An annoying boss followed by another annoying boss almost soured the whole experience. Thankfully, the good of Kena greatly outweighs what little bad is there, so not much love was lost. There are things to nitpick and little ways they could have improved this or that, but what's there is a solid experience tha…
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Kena: Bridge if Spirits is a game I've been wanting to play ever since it was announced. I was so excited for it, I bought it on PlayStation 4. But as we all know, there is only so much time and we can only play one game at a time, so Kena ended up where 99% of my games end up: the backlog. Then, when I had the time and had the desire, a curveball …
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The title says it all. While Destiny 2 may have been a great game at launch and may still be great for those who went along for the ride these last seven years, it is not great for new players. If you're coming to Destiny 2 fresh--or in my case, after not playing for somewhere between six and seven years--you will be met with the same opening tutor…
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Disney Speedstorm - Welcome to Disney's Newest Attraction: Microtransactionland | Attack the Backlog
"Oh how I wish this was a 'regular' game," Marc said, enjoying their time in Disney Speedstorm. "Why did this have to be one of the most free-to-play games I've ever played?" 'Tis a tale as old as time. The tale of a game getting in its own way by forcing a bunch of nonsense down your throat when all you want to do is pay once--excluding future DLC…
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This whole week has been a painful blur, starting with a scary injury I'm still recovering from--a scary injury that could have been much worse--and ending with this episode of Attack the Backlog about THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD: Remake. In some ways I feel lucky for picking this game before the injury happened because it was easy and short enough to st…
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Well, I thought I had more time left than was actually the case. With only an hour and a half left to complete the story, I couldn't just stand and say that was enough for the final episode of this backlog attack. Being the considerate person I am, I went ahead and spent an additional hour and a half going after collectibles and completing every si…
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Nothing like a random Seinfeld reference to start off a new Attack the Backlog series. As evident by the title, this new series is all about LEGO 2K Drive--aka LEGO Forza Horizon (even though there are LEGO expansions for Forza Horizon so it's kind of already been done, but also not, but also yes, and now I've gone cross-eyed, to make another rando…
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I made a bit of a mistake committing to make this week's episode the last episode, "forcing" myself to play the game for almost 13 hours. This led to pushing through frustrating times when a break would have been welcome and a need of crunching when it came to recording, editing, and posting this here episode. Did this commitment completely ruin my…
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System Shock: Part 03 - Don't Push the Button, Except When You Must Push Button | Attack the Backlog
You know that feeling when you push a button and accidentally kill millions of people on Earth, so you don't push the button until you know you won't accidentally kill millions of people on Earth and then you forget about the button you didn't push but can push now if only you remembered the button was there just waiting to be pushed? You know, a r…
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System Shock: Part 02 - Even When Roombas Attack, I Love It and That's a Fact | Attack the Backlog
Unlike The Ascent, there were no 180s this week with System Shock; I'm still loving the game. Sure, it's not perfect--Cyberspace continues to frustrate and annoy, and combat in general hasn't changed all that much--but the story, world-building, and general sense of discovery and tension are all excellent, keeping me invested and engaged in this wo…
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It's been a long time coming, but I've finally started my adventure in the world of System Shock, a game I've been wanting to play ever since I played (and adored) BioShock--yes, I know System Shock 2 is the one most mention when talking about BioShock, but how could I play 2 before 1? As the title gives away, I'm currently loving my time with Syst…
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Our journey with the The Ascent continues (and ends) this week with disappointment. The issues that showed their face at the end of last week were all over the place this week, with difficulty spikes galore and a story that continued to bore. What used to be mostly fun was frustrating and irritating to the bum. Butt it's okay because it's all over …
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We are back with a new game and a new episode of Attack the Backlog. Continuing with the new format, the game this week is The Ascent, an action-RPG twin-stick shooter set in a cyberpunk world full of characters named Poone and plenty of enemies to shoot. While you can play the game with a buddy, I've been playing the game solo and am currently in …
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My time with Ghost Recon Wildlands has finally come to an end. While I originally wasn't sure if I was even going to keep playing the game after week one, I ended up completing the game 100%--not including the DLC--and I must say...it didn't really get any better; I just got more and more used to its repetitions and said repetitions ended up being …
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My journey of doing the same thing over and over and over again with no end in sight continues with part three of Attack the Backlog, Ghost Recon Wildlands edition. Despite some not-so-fun family-related surprises, I was about to make a decent amount of progress this week and can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not much has changed,…
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My journey taking on drug cartels as part of an elite special forces group in the beautiful country of Bolivia continues with part two of Attack the Backlog, Ghost Recon Wildlands edition. While I wasn't able to play as much as I would have liked since the last episode, I still got in some additional time with the game and, so far, it's all been bu…
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This episode sees the return of Attack the Backlog, now in its new (and improved?) form. What was once more of a review(ish) show is now more of a Game Club(ish) show, moving from biweekly to weekly, where you can choose to play along with me, or just go along for the ride next to me, figuratively speaking, of course. But don't get too down because…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, a Zelda-like ala A Link to the Past, where you play as little Turnip Boy, not to be confused with Little Lion Man, who’s not as brave as he was at the start. After getting evicted by Mayor Onion for not paying your taxes, you must complete a handful of trash tasks for t…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Virginia, a game that really wants to be a movie instead of a game and suffers for it, becoming one of the worst "games" I've ever "played," featuring a lot of walking and a whole lot of, "pressing 'A' to pay respects." The score may be great and it doesn't look too bad either, but when the act of "pl…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Armed and Dangerous, a game that’s been sitting on my hard drive for years now, mocking me every time I look at my Xbox library with its top placement upon my alphabetically-ordered collection of download games, saying nothing short of, “Looks like someone’s still too scared to get a little dangerous.…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about...nothing in particular. That's right, this is not your traditional episode. Instead of talking about a single game like Marc usually does, they decide to get a little personal and apologize for a 2023 of so-so content--which they're sure you'll say they don't need to apologize for--before talking abo…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Goat Simulator, a game where you simulate being a goat by licking everything you can see, headbutting everyone until they pee, and wrecking general chaos with a face full of glee, even though you’d much rather be playing General Chaos for Genesis...or maybe that’s just me.…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Heaven Dust, a game that takes inspiration to a whole new level, copying Resident Evil to a T…virus, from the key art to the gameplay to the structure to the story to the window…to the wall, ‘til blood drip down them walls, all these zombies crawl, y’all shoot shoot shoot shoot them in the head, y’all…
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The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan - More Like The Man of Mundanity... | Attack the Backlog
This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan, a game where you play as a bunch of rich kids trying to find buried treasure because, despite being rich, they’re not rich enough to pay for all the plastic surgery it would take to make Julie go from hideous monster to the madame of meDAMN girl, you fine. Bu…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Paratopic, a game I can't quite explain, where jump cuts are plentiful as you play; a game you could finish in just one day, in just one sitting, in fact, I say; a game I recommend despite my haze, for fans of David Lynch, Twin Peaks, and his crazy ways; a game I played, that you can play, so I say, n…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Terminator: Resistance--aka, Terminator: Resources--the game where you pick up everything you can see because, "Oooo, look, so shiny," and are marked for termination because you never learned that sharing is caring. You also shoot the occasional robot and have awkward sex, but the majority of the game…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about The Walking Zombie 2, a first-person shooter where you go on short missions to kill all the zombies, or missions to collect goods and kill all the zombies, or missions to find buried treasure and kill all the zombies, or missions to defend your home base and kill all zombies, or even missions to rescu…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Hyper Gunsport, a cyberpunk volleyball game where hands are replaced with guns (not literally) and enjoyment is replaced with the opposite of fun (yes literally). Despite some nice visuals and an alright idea, Hyper Gunsport doesn't live up to its potential thanks to poor controls and a general lack o…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Bowser's Fury, the additional content included with the Switch port of Super Mario 3D World, where Mario gets his very own harem of pussy(cats) while also getting his Powers Rangers in super-sized battles against kaiju Bowser in extra large Cat Mario form, all of it set in a moderately-sized open worl…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Police Chase, a game where you play as the police and chase NO ONE until the last few missions, where you’re stuck chasing super cars in your stupid and slow police van because no one told you you could walk out of your car and into a different, shiny, fast one, except maybe they did and you just were…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about The Crew 2, a game where you can drive, fly, or boat yourself through an incredibly truncated and disproportionate version of the United States, all in the pursuit of completing numerous events that fill the map with more icons than anyone could ever hope to complete because when you say icon, I say, …
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Vampire Survivors, a game that sucks away most of the controls so you can watch numbers explode…eventually…because, oh my, does Survivors start slow. Vampire Survivors is a game that asks very little of you input-wise, but demands all of your attention–a bit of a weird dichotomy–but if you take the ti…
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This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about The Simpsons: Hit & Run--the game many called, "Grand Theft Simpsons," but is really just, "The Simpsons: Road Rage 2: Now You Can Get Out of the Car, Too," not to rhyme 2 with too, but I did, like I do, so poo of me, and sorry to you. Does that sound like a good time? Do you think I had a good time? …
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