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Vigilantes, a hurricane has destroyed Acapulco and WE NEED YOUR URGENT HELP for the people and animals – as much or as little as you can afford to contribute! No, you didn’t misread. Yes, this is a new request, almost exactly 11 months after the last time I asked you to help with donations because a hurricane that appeared out of nowhere, with no w…
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Ah, The Simpsons. Those little crystal-gazing yellow prophets with the screechy voices and funky hair. In Springfield, they ate dogs long before Trump said so. Lisa was inaugurated in a purple suit and pearls before Kum-a-la took the throne. Crusty-toe pedophiles took off before Epstein’s plane. And, remember that one time on The Simpsons when Mr. …
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In 1975, the CIA revealed a “heart attack” gun. It was a battery-operated gun that fired a dart of frozen water & shellfish toxin. Once inside the body, it would melt leaving only a small red mark on the victim where it entered. The official cause of death would always be a heart aka killing a human being — and getting away with it. The heart attac…
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Berwick: Sons of Scotland (and the world), I am Jeffrey Berwick from the Clan Berwick. Young soldier: Jeff Berwick is 7 feet tall. Berwick: Yes, I've heard. Kills NPC’s by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the satanic death cult organization from Khazaria with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse. I AM Jeff Berw…
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In his most recent public mumbling, Pedo Pete, the incumbent president of the United States of America reminisced about his travels to North Korea; admitted that the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ was just a scam to fund the climate agenda; and called for GUN CONTROL with his friend Camel-A. Right on schedule. Sandy HOAX, Mandalay Bay, Parklands High Sc…
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In the US, right on cue, there’s been another “school shooting”, just a few months before the (s)election Big Reveal. Bets are on that the “shooter” was a bullied gay/trans VICTIM, killing two psyops with one shot, so to speak. Also, September 11th is coming up, and that’s always a good opportunity for some murder and mayhem. Maybe the “war” will f…
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Nephillim, satanists, globalists, aliens. War. HAARP Attacks. Monkeypox, bird flu, Kill Gates’ pets… genetically modified mosquito death jabs. Climate change propaganda. Digital IDs. Vaccine passports. Cyber attacks. Blackouts. Invading armies of imported terrorists. Stopping war on children just long enough to kill them with lethal polio injection…
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It’s a veritable zoo of psyops agendas out there. The United States of Absurdities is currently in a panic over Monkeypox, Bird flu, Sloth fever, and not one, but TWO different Mosquito viruses! First, Your Holiness Dr. Fraudci is allegedly just recovering from a bout of West Nile Virus, the symptoms of which include no symptoms at all. Yet, just l…
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In today’s vlog, Appolonia makes a brief guest appearance and we discuss the CovAids-Shingles-Plague-Pox they’re breaking out as the next plandemic. Maybe, as a cover for the billions of people who are going to die of the previous ‘clot shot for a donut’. Or, maybe billions will die from a new lethal injection specially engineered for the monkeypox…
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LIBERPULCO With Jeff Berwick And Vit Jetlicka, Anarchapulco Is Coming To Europe! In less than 3 weeks, Liberpulco will kick off in Serbia from September 5 – 7. The Serbians are friendly (and gorgeous). The sun is shining. You’ll hang out with the best community in the world. Some people call it Anarchapulco in Europe, but it’s a whole lot more than…
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Since my last walk ‘n talk, this all happened: The 33rd Satanic Olympic Games is over and wow! Two men won gold medals in women’s boxing. One-eye symbolism. And, the slave-themed closing ceremony was almost as good as the opening… putting everyone on earth in bondage, with Lucifer descending from the heavens. The reaper came for Susan WakeJewski of…
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In this video, I chatted with RTDtv about WW3, the financial collapse, the COVAIDS scamdemic and the NEW FLU, whatever that will be. (Maybe bird flu, maybe monkeypox, maybe a new disease carried by Kill Gates’ mosquitos) Within 24 hours, the video was removed from RTD’s YouTube channel, for… you guessed it… ‘violating community guidelines’. Seeing …
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Vaccine death no.188,543,434,098 Here lies Susan Wojcicki Jewish “mother” of YouTube, Wife of Dennis and mother of Marco, who died suddenly just months before satan clawed back one of its best enforcers and propagandists in the biggest genocide in history. Her accomplishments were plentiful: Susan played a major role in Google's purchase of YouTube…
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“The new business model for America is clearly recognizable. Its dominant feature is the merger of government, real estate, and commerce into a single structure, tightly controlled at the top. It is the same model used in Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Communist China.” In 1994, G. Edward Griffin wrote The Creature from Jekyll Isla…
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The UK has descended very sharply and very quickly into extreme and brutal totalitarianism. You can’t say you haven’t warned! George Orwell set out the dystopian reality in his book ‘1984’. I wrote about the entire Kalergi plan in my book, ‘The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire'. Other people like David Icke have been sending out SOS sig…
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I haven’t watched a movie or played a video game in years. But the intrinsic ingredient of a dystopian world is the same: A society that might look ideal on the surface but in reality is heavily flawed or anarchic. It has bizarre rules and customs that the citizens are supposed to abide by, and the government makes sure they do. Our current game wo…
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If you’ve been a Dollar Vigilante follower or subscriber for a while, nothing I’m saying today should surprise you. First, there’s the massive stock crash and crypto bloodbath I’ve been warning of for the past few years. Fears of a US recession have gripped global markets, triggering a share market rout that prompted investors across Asia, Europe a…
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Let the Psyop (but mainly Death) Games begin! Man, I’m enjoying this video game. There’s never a dull moment. Well, January maybe. When the globalists’ are making plans designed to enslave you to the system somewhere between Xmas hedonism and Davos ritual sacrifice. In this video, I reveal yet more plot twists about the ‘Gunfight at the PA Corral’;…
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Dancing drag queens and fat lesbian Jesus and the plandemic 2.0 collapsing dance. Even the Pale Horse from Script-ure galloped into The Capitol as the 33rd Hunger Games went fully woke dystopian. Tune in for an excerpt from the Shots Fired show with DeAnna Lorraine as we talk about the signs and symbols of the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony. …
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Here we go again! Trump’s ear had miracle healing, and, a brand new Joe Biden and cringe-cringier-Cackles meet with Bibi to discuss bom-bom-bom bomb-bomb Iran. Plus, the 33rd Olympic Hunger Games ceremony kicked off with more genius-level psychological programming. Wow! ‘Tis the season for psyops. First, there’s the Trump hoax, where the plot conti…
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“It's a Big Club, and you ain’t in it.” Everyone knows George Carlin’s Big Club one-liner, but when last have you read the rest of his skit? Here it is… You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the …
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The SHOT. Where did it come from? Who did it come from? Was it even real? Or was it about as real as the moon landing? Or 9/11? Or the Covid plandemic? I can go on… In today’s video, I talk about the ‘assassination attempt’ on Trump with DeAnna Lorraine on her show, ‘Shots Fired’ I’ve now completely ruled out one of my first scenario options, that …
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There once was a Boy who outwitted the Secret Service, the FBI, and the CIA with a ladder, a sloped roof and an AR Rifle… If you saw a movie about it, you’d leave the cinema, because it’s that unbelievable. The only question that remains, is whether this was a badly botched assassination attempt or a giant World Wide Entertainment PSYOP with a huge…
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What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Almost like Davos… and Bilderberg. And, Kill Gates’ treasure box of evil plans. Yup, I’ve been in Las Vegas, enjoying some poker IRL, one of the few attachments I have left of my drinking-smoking-busting-into-and-out-of-jail days. And, as the thermometer stands at 113°F (45°C) and is set to hit 117°F today, su…
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In another Jeff & Bruce “You Just Can’t Make It Up” episode, Hollyweird just made a movie about making a movie of NASA’s fake moon landing. And, as ‘US the People’ celebrate “Independence” Day today, it couldn’t be more ironic at a time when we’re inching closer to a democrat-Uniparty World War fought by trannies and rabbis and fat people. Hollywei…
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An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bri…
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The prelude to World War III has begun. Or rather, the third level of the satanic takeover in the ultimate 3D video game by New World Order types who have done it all before, at least twice. At NATO’s “peace” summit the word “peace” is punishable by sacrifice, and everyone is polishing each other’s nuclear weapons of mass destruction. (Including Ja…
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“The government will control ze weather and poison ze food supply and you will be happy.” Remember that one time on The Simpsons when Mr. Burns put up a shield to block the sun? The “Sun Blocker” was created to blot out the sun outside, to ensure Burns' electricity was sold in a monopoly, covering Springfield in perpetual darkness otherwise. And, r…
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The assault on cash has been waged for a very long while, but over the past few years it’s accelerated into a full-blown war, aided and abetted by a psyop war in Europe, powered with American play-money. It goes like this: Fake a pandemic, create a war, inflate prices and lower or stabilize interest rates to give your savings a death blow. In fact,…
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This is Jeff Berwick, reporting to you straight from beautiful Jasper, Cubanada where we’re feeding mountain goats and walking through picturesque alpine forests and wondering how the hell people can afford to live here anymore. Or why they would want to. I mean, it’s expensive AF! Just like its American neighbor, both government and private debt i…
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Mexico has a new female, Jewish president… and extremist-supremest Jeff Berwick has left Bruce the Chihuahu at the mercy of the Jewish El Chapo cartel wives and returned to the smart city of Deadmonton, Kanada, where he and his family will be taking up ice hockey and terrorizing voters, tax slaves, and stiletto-wearing prime murderers. Hah! Don’t b…
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It’s hard to decide which insane evil-clown world story I should kick off with today. Would you prefer to hear about, Anal Schwab retiring from WEF and becoming a Solana-powered meme coin? Kill Gates’ chai-drinking chicken-cow-tree-sky-people murdering agenda? Woketards lining up for their ready-and-waiting mRNA bird flu jab even before they’re for…
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People tell me about Hollyweird predictive programming like Barack and Big Mike Obama’s racist cyber attack apocalypse flick, but in truth, I haven’t watched a movie or played a video game in years. Maybe that’s why I’m always comparing our living reality with The TRUE-Man Show (1998) and The Matrix (1999). Or maybe, it’s because those movies revea…
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Hear ye, hear ye! Calling all leaders of the globalist-free world. Join the WZO and let us vaxx-genocide your people, or we shall, Destroy your country with our weather bombs and fire lasers, Steal your children for their sacrificial flesh and buoyant blood, and Terminate your ass Surviving defiant presidents: Congratulations to Slovakia and Madaga…
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The shock. The horror. The drama. “I’m just an innocent Jewess who was STABBED IN THE EYE! In a VIOLENT PALESTINIAN flag ASSAULT Using TERRORIST methods Calling for the GENOCIDE OF ME I was HOSPITALIZED for feeling the pressure of what happened… and a headache” Alert the international media! Fire the rockets! Send more money! (In other news, some w…
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“What kind of morons are running this asylum? Unfortunately, they’re not your average low-IQ moron, but conniving and maniacal sociopaths.” That’s the opening line from Alison Steinberg in the interview she did with me on One America Network (OAN) a few days ago. You have to love a beautiful woman who says it like it is, right? I’m kind of looking …
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When disaster strikes, roughly seven out of 10 people act in a very bizarre way. They don’t panic. They don’t spring into action, either. Instead, they do whatever it was they were doing before disaster struck as if it hadn’t struck at all, right up until the very moment when doing so becomes impossible. This is called normalcy bias. The normalcy b…
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Congratulations! You are now a fat, gay, braindead useless eater and hackable animal. Your Free Will is over. Anyone who is reading this who is new to the I Am Legend With Jeff & Bruce Show (which is everyone who didn’t watch our first walk and talk a few days ago) and somehow missed the past four crazy years with me and Lucy, won’t know what that …
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They think you’re stupid and gullible, with the memory of a goldfish. Unfortunately, when it comes to the general population, they’re not wrong. Nothing seems to be easier than fooling them with new and improved psyops, and I mean NOTHING. You can cry about it, or roll on the floor laughing your ass off, because it’s actually quite hilarious. Even …
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WARNING! This is one of the craziest vlogs I’ve ever done. And, if you prefer to live boiling frog or ostrich-style, don’t watch today’s video and don’t read this blog. I guarantee you won’t like what you hear! On the other hand, this might be one of the last opportunities you have for a reality check much greater than anything I First, just two mo…
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Why is America sponsoring foreign wars and securing the Khazarian Empire’s borders while getting deeper into debt by the week and giving the finger to American families? Why did the BidenBot say “In my view, this [climate] crisis is a genuine opportunity. An opportunity to do things we wanted to do. And only now it becomes so apparent.” Why does Ge…
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“Stay in your job at the bank”, they said. “You’ll have a job for life”, they said. If this sounds good, you probably accessed the wrong page by accident. I bet you also believe the government will take care of you. And, I bet no one ever told you to let it all go, take a chance, and follow your heart. Hell, growing up in Kanada among macho hockey …
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The economy in Amerika is now so bad that even the Feebs are struggling to make ends meet. Join the club, buddy! Oh wait, they’re already in The Club. Or so they thought. Unaffordability in a hyperinflation slave economy whipped on by the Masters of the Universe is an equal opportunity agenda. It’s not even true, anyway. There’s nothing wrong with …
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It is with a very heavy heart that I have to tell you there will be no more walk-and-talk videos with Jeff & Lucy as my dear little friend is now running circles and giving kishus in a much better place. For today’s vlog, which covers what really happened on April 8th (and why) as well as the hokey pokey war that’s blowing up in Europe and the Midd…
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Well, today is April 8th, so it’s time for the Apoceclypse to rain down mayhem and chaos onto North America as: The ‘Great American Eclipse’ mesmerizes parts of Mexico, 15 U.S. states, and eastern Canada. NASA launches three giant rockets toward the sun CERN does some particle-smashing The cryovolcanic ‘Mother of Dragons’ devil comet with horns mak…
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In today’s show, Doug Casey and I share our views about the signs and symbols of the April 8th eclipalypse, the Greatest Depression, a goyim genocide, and writing sci-fi novels during the controlled demolition of the Western World. In the anarcho-capitalist corner, you have Doug Casey, world-renowned investment speculator, libertarian philosopher, …
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This year, Easter Monday, or Resurrection Day, has been replaced by Happy Transgender Day Of Visibility by the Jewish tranny who played Penguin in Batman Returns. And, as much as that’s a giant April Fool’s joke… It isn’t. It’s also Happy New Year! Not a joke, either. The real joke is that we have been fooled for centuries into thinking January 1st…
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Today is the first time I’ve gone on my walk & talk without Lucy in about 5 years. She’s not doing well at all, so if you don’t want to see me getting emotional, don’t watch the video. Here’s a summary of what you’ll miss me talking about: On March 23rd, ISIS, or more accurately the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, left the CIA’s Skull & Bones …
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Mention slavery and you are immediately entering a minefield of political correctness, setting off “offense” bombs left, right, and center. The really funny part is that people today are nothing more than slaves, and the worst thing is that they can’t even see it. That’s because for hundreds and thousands of years, generations of “citizens” have be…
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This might be the craziest video I’ve ever made. I don’t even know where to start. I don’t know what’s going on, all l can say with certainty is that something is going on. Most people are so disconnected now they don’t pay attention to anything but TikTok, Taylor Swift and Trump, but they really should, because everything on earth and in the sky a…
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