These Vibes Are Too Cosmic is devoted to bringing you in depth interviews with scientists and experts on interesting, cutting-edge topics. Hosted by Stevie Bergman and Brian Kraus, TVR2C airs a new episode every Tuesday, 6-8 P.M. EST, on WPRB 103.3 FM. Each podcast episode is edited by David Exumé and features original music by Jeff Snyder.
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Stevie interviews Cameron Ellis, cognitive neuroscience researcher at Princeton University. In the first part of the discussion Cameron explained the different theories of what is/isn’t conscious. Are animals conscious? Light switches? The Internet? How do we know that anything is conscious outside of our own selves?…
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For this week’s show, Justine Atkins, a graduate student in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton, came in and told us all about animal decision making and the (lack of) science behind protected areas for conservation. (5/10/16)由Stevie Bergman & Brian Kraus
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