Das Gospel Life Center ist eine christliche Freikirche für Menschen jeden Alters und aller Nationen in der Region München. Mehr Informationen auf unserer Website unter http://www.glc.de
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Gospel-Centered Pro-Life is a podcast hosted by Daniel Parks and Vicky Kaseorg. Daniel currently serves as the West Coast Regional Shepherd for Love Life and Vicky serves as Sidewalk Training Director for Love Life. Together they have a combined 25+ years of experience in reaching women and men at abortion centers across the nation. This podcast covers pro-life issues with a focus on Biblical truth and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Lebendiger Glaube - Jörg Zeiller by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Die Freude in uns - Maxi Knauer by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Identität - Wer bist Du - Mike Heuchling by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Hilfe, ich bin nur ein Mensch - Teil 8 - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Elijah and Vicky begin the New Year with a podcast about painting the vision of the new beginning of life with the baby for the moms as well as the new life possible for them in Jesus. Practical tips are shared in how to help moms see the choice before them as one that can bring glory to God in the life of their baby and eternal life for them throu…
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Sehen was Gott sieht - Lukas Rauffer by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Heiligabend - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Weihnachtsgottesdienst - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Hilfe, ich bin nur ein Mensch - Teil 7 - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Das Wort des Glaubens - Teil 2 - Stephan Steinle by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Daniel, Vicky, and a special guest share ministry highs and lows, favorite verses, and an announcement for the coming year. https://sidewalks4life.com/equipping-articles/由Love Life
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Berufen für die Ewigkeit - Maxi Knauer by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Die Rolle der Gemeinde - Prophetisch Relevant - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Die Rolle der Gemeinde - Sozial Bedeutend - Mike Heuchling by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Die Rolle der Gemeinde - Evangelistisch wirksam - Lukas Rauffer by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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It is not always easy to balance the need for compassion to the moms with the necessity of speaking convicting truth. That balance is essential to optimize the likelihood the women will come talk with us and consider what we have to say, BUT ALSO convict them not to take the innocent life of their child. Oftentimes, we err on one side or the other …
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Die Rolle der Gemeinde - Geistlich lebendig - Jörg Zeiller by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Die Rolle der Gemeinde - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Wort des Glaubens - Stephan Steinle by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Hey Jesus - Mike Heuchling by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Gemeinde ist ... - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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3. The God Kind of Faith - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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2. The Measure of Faith - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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1. Walking in the steps of Abraham - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Personal testimony is a powerful thing to share at abortion centers. Our personal story of abortion or of choosing life in spite of adversity can sway a woman to reconsider taking her own child’s life. However, there are optimal times and ways to share personal testimony to full advantage. In this podcast, we explore how to use personal testimony e…
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Schätze im Himmel - Freiheit - Teil 4 - Jörg Zeiller by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Gott hat immer noch einen Plan - Brian Houston by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Hilfe, ich bin nur ein Mensch - Teil 6 - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Jesus sehen - Lukas Rauffer by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Schätze im Himmel - Teil 3 - Jörg Zeiller by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Lately, we have encountered increased aggression and spiritual attack as we serve on the sidewalks of abortion centers. This episode explores how we can effectively resist the devil and his attacks on us and on our teammates. Several practical tips are shared, along with scripture to help us fight the forces of darkness more effectively as we serve…
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Kurs halten - Werner Oechsle by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Unterschätz dich nicht - Lukas Rauffer by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Hilfe, ich bin nur ein Mensch - Teil 5 - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Special Guest Zack Jones - Ein Basketballprofi berichtet über sein Leben mit Jesus by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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A common reason given for the desire to abort is that either the mom or the baby will suffer if brought to term. In this episode, we examine the fallacy of this point of view as well as scriptural support and practical things to say in countering this rationalization. https://sidewalks4life.com/equipping-articles/…
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Dankbar in allen Umständen - Maxi Knauer by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Wassertaufe - Jörg Zeiller by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Hilfe, ich bin nur ein Mensch - Teil 4 - John Angelina by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Bewahre Deinen Glauben - Stephan Steinle by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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God’s word is powerful, and can make the difference between a mom choosing life or death. We are called to use His Word wisely and to be prepared to use it with discernment and at the appropriate time. This podcast explores the major general topics or areas that we will encounter in counseling on the sidewalks as well as many suggested scriptures i…
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Deine perfekte Welle - Mike Heuchling by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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Leben mit Gottes Geist - Lukas Rauffer by Gospel Life Center e.V.由Gospel Life Center e.V.
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