Nel Podcast di Marco's Box - troverete il riassunto settimanale delle principali notizie dal mondo del software libero e open source.
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Tutti gli audio dei video dello Zio Monty (Marco Montemagno). That's it.
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“Flimmerkiste mit Marco” ist ein Podcast für Film- und Serienliebhaber, die sich für die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Welt des Films und der Serien interessieren. In jeder Folge bespricht Marco zusammen mit seinen Gästen Filme und Serien, die sie gesehen haben. Von Klassikern bis hin zu den neuesten Veröffentlichungen - hier finden Sie alles, was das Herz begehrt. Der Podcast wird jeden Montag um 6 Uhr veröffentlicht. Viel Spaß beim zuhören!!!
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Aprende cómo disfrutar y vivir tu vida al máximo. Cada semana con entrevistas y capítulos especiales, Marco Antonio Regil te acompaña en un viaje de crecimiento personal y consciencia que te empodera y apoya, para que alcances tus sueños y logres tu máximo potencial.
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Italiano per Stranieri con Marco | Il Podcast di Italiano Avanzato | Advanced Italian Podcast
Vuoi imparare l'italiano con i podcast e hai già un livello avanzato? Sei nel posto giusto. Impara e migliora l'italiano con i podcast in italiano di Marco su temi di attualità, storia, economia e scienza: il podcast per gli studenti di italiano che vogliono perfezionare la lingua. Dimentica il livello intermedio. Diventa un campione dell'italiano. Più risorse su
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Pr. Marcos Granconato' on SermonAudio.
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Good Morning Marco is a podcast about all things Marco Island, Naples and the surrounding area! Live here, planning a visit? There’s so much for you to learn and enjoy! 🌅🏝️ Arts, culture, history, entertainment, food, reviews, and much much more!
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Personaggi , eventi e cose che hanno fatto parlare di se Storie raccontate da Marco Cavalli
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Velkommen til "Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco", hvor vi tar utgangspunkt i dagens evangelietekst. Pater Arne Marco vil dele sine refleksjoner og tolkninger av evangelietekstene, og du kan lytte til nye episoder hver mandag til fredag i vår podkast. Vi håper at "Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco" vil hjelpe deg å vokse i troen og styrke din forståelse av evangelietekstene.
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Podcast by Marcos Botelho
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O biólogo Marco Bravo, professor e mestre em Gestão Ambiental, aborda assuntos de ecologia, fauna, flora, planejamento sustentável e agro-ecológico, educação e gestão ambiental
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Welcome to alAndar w/ Marcos & Jim, a podcast where two friends, united in their love of art, share and discuss their work, their struggles, and their thoughts on all things creative. Marcos de Jesús “de la Guagua” is a singer, rapper, and song-writer. James Noguera, aka "Jim Nog," is a fiction writer, poet, and university instructor. Let's make the way - al andar!
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Just a mate who loves having conversations. Solo un compa que ama las conversaciones
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You already know I mean you already know what’s going down
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A podcast focused on integrated marketing communication and technology as a holistic approach that integrates marketing, communication, and technology.
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Podcast by Community Lutheran Church
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we explore the latest in current events and dive deep into strategies for personal growth. Whether you're looking to enhance your health, build wealth, or strengthen your relationships, our engaging discussions and expert insights will inspire you to live your best life. Join us each week to stay informed and empowered!
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Marcolatur - Podcast. Irgendwann war er mal TV-Autor. Oder KriPo-Angestellter. Oder Fotograf. Oder Redakteur, Barkeeper und LKW-Kontrolleur. Jetzt ist er nebenbei noch Podcaster. Mitlabern bei diesem und anderen Podcasts könnt ihr unter
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Podcast by MARCONI
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Attualità, politica, talvolta tecnologia. Ogni settimana i miei commenti sulle notizie più importanti, con il contributo di qualche amico e dei vostri audio messaggi.
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You’re listening to the Street Pricing podcast - The only show where proven SaaS leaders share their mindset and mistakes in pricing so we can all stop guessing and start growing. Enjoy, subscribe, and tell a friend. Now, let’s break it down with your host and sought-after slayer of bad pricing, Marcos Rivera.
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Aquí aprenderás cómo convertir desconocidos en clientes en automático y sin grandes presupuestos. Esto es lo UNICO que debe importarte para crear o crecer un negocio. Esto lo hacemos a través del BlueHacking (lo cual te iremos explicando en los episodios). Suscríbete si tienes un negocio que quieres crecer, o si no tienes uno y te gustaría comenzarlo. Más lugares para aprender en:
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Artisti e concerti dal mondo della musica più sensuale del mondo!
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Negócios imobiliários e dicas direto da fonte, de quem pratica e exerce atividade imobiliária.
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Welcome..No too simple. What's up and welcome to my side of Anchor.We'll be talking about everything Film related,drama,love tips EVERYTHING
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resúmenes semanales, teorías y predicciones locas, el guru del deporte
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Vi spiego le mie attività
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Welcome to marco, where amazing things happen.
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Hola a todos, mi nombre es Marco, tengo 18 años y sean bienvenidos a mi podcast. ¿De qué tratará el podcast? La verdad es que en su mayoría se tratará de mis experiencias o de mi punto de vista hacia ciertos temas. Espero disfrutes de el. Muchas gracias por escucharlo
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Todo apesta.
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Soy un admirador incondicional de los paisajes que nos regala la madre Tierra, y de todo lo que habita en ella. Nuestra querida España ofrece una extraordinaria exhibición de vida vegetal y animal, con vistas de ensueño y una riqueza natural de la que voy recogiendo imágenes y sensaciones que me gustaría compartir. En mi blog encontraréis también notas sobre gastronomía, para rendir honores a esa maravillosa cocina que embelesa a escala internacional. Lo que intento es elaborar una pequeña g ...
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"rehalitätsnah" - ein Wissenschaftspodcast mit Dr. Marco Streibelt
Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
Die Deutsche Rentenversicherung geht neue Wege - und zwar ins Ohr. Mit dem neuen Wissenschaftspodcast "rehalitätsnah". Hintergrund: Im Forschungsschwerpunkt zur Weiterentwicklung der beruflichen Rehabilitation der Rentenversicherung werden seit Herbst 2021 neun wissenschaftliche Projekte gefördert. Ganz "rehalitätsnah" wird Dr. Marco Streibelt, Leiter des Dezernats Reha-Wissenschaften der Deutschen Rentenversicherung Bund, die Leistungen zur Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben genauer vorstellen - und ...
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hidup memang susah apa lagi kalo pengangguran
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Desenvolvimento de marca pessoal através de uma comunicação consciente e persuasiva 🦉
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Si me gustaría saber mas
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Whether you are looking for targeted media buying or highend signage consultation, moving to new office and looking for complete internal branding or any retail branding. MSMarcom is just a call away from you.
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Marcom Mode will focus on discussions with marketing leaders across multiple industries. These discussions will cover topics such as how to build a great team, how is the econonmy affecting your marketing efforts and how are you using AI in marketing.
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Hola Cover art photo provided by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash:
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Podcast by Guillermo Torres
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Make funny, entertaining, hope you enjoy
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"Perto está o Senhor de todos os que o invocam de verdade"
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Evangelho de Jesus e bolsa de valores em poucas palavras com Marcos Eduardo
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Welcome to Marcos Lucio, where amazing things happen.
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Bem vindo! Aqui vamos falar somente de Jesus Cristo.
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Welcome to Marcos Acosta, where amazing things happen.
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Dicas práticas e conteúdos essencias sobre Empreendedorismo, Produtividade e Vendas com Marconcelio Fonseca, fundador da Menthoria Coaching e Presidente Executivo da Herbalife Nutrition.
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Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco. Velkommen til “Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco”, hvor vi tar utgangspunkt i dagens evangelietekst. Stemme: P. Arne Marco Kirsebom. Regi og produsent: Pål Johannes Nes. © EWTN Norge 2024 Om p. Arne Marco P. Arne Marco er geistlig rådgiver for EWTN Norge, kansler og stiftskapellan i Tromsø Stift …
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NEW! MONTY TOUR 2025, QUI I BIGLIETTI SAPERNE DI PIÙ SULL'INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE? ISCRIVITI GRATUITAMENTE AL MIO CORSO:💡 ChatGPT Tasks, automazioni e il futuro dell'Intelligenza Artificiale!In questo video Monty esplora le ultime news sull'intellige…
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Série "Energias e o destino do planeta Terra": hoje, as vantagens e benefícios da energia eólica!
Nesta edição do "CBN Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade", o comentarista Marco Bravo traz um novo destaque na série "Energias e o destino do planeta Terra". Dessa vez, o destaque é a energia eólica. Destaque no Brasil, a energia eólica é uma fonte de energia renovável que utiliza a força do vento para gerar eletricidade. É considerada uma energia lim…
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20 ottobre 1973, viene inaugurato dalla Regina d’Inghilterra Elisabetta II il teatro dell'Opera di Sidney su un progetto di uno sconosciuto architetto danese...由Marco Cavalli
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Willkommen... In dieser Episode meines Podcasts Flimmerkiste mit Marco bespreche ich gemeinsam mit Helmut den Horrorfilm Heretic, in dem Hugh Grant eine völlig untypische Rolle übernimmt. Wir tauchen tief in die Handlung des Films ein, beleuchten die Charaktere und analysieren die visuelle Gestaltung, die dem Film eine ganz besondere Atmosphäre ver…
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358 - Estrategias para salir de deudas y empezar a ahorrar - Marco Antonio Regil, Marina Armendares, Mariana Padilla y Luis Lucido
¿Cansada o cansado de vivir con deudas y estrés financiero? En este episodio, me acompañan Mariana Padilla, Marina Armendares y Luis Lucido, tres expertos en finanzas personales que nos comparten claves poderosas para romper el ciclo de las deudas, sanar nuestra relación con el dinero y empezar a construir un futuro financiero estable. Aprenderemos…
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Italiano per Stranieri con Marco è il blog di riferimento per gli studenti d'italiano di livello intermedio che vogliono raggiungere il livello avanzato Oggi nel nostro podcast d'italiano avanzato parliamo di: un pò di consigli. Vuoi prendere lezioni private d'italiano online? Contattami su …
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PUNTATA 397: ascoltiamo il cantautore portoghese Salvador Sobral e poi il collettivo internazionale Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra由Radio Budrio
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Tornano Marco Canestrari, Costantino De Blasi e Nicola Biondo per lo speciale di fine anno! I nostri "Cari Fottutissimi Amici" parlano dell'elezione di Trump, del declino del giornalismo, i pericoli della dipendenza dai social network e l'importanza dell'empatia nel mondo moderno. Apple Podcast…
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In this very special episode of Good Morning Marco Jordan and Ryan have the pleasure of interviewing Mike and Laura, owners of Marco Island Bait & Tackle. Discussing Marco Island, Naples, the Everglades, and all things 239!Follow Good Morning Marco everywhere @GoodMorningMarcoPod You can find Ryan Sullivan and his other creative endeavors here: …
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A new MP3 sermon from Igreja Batista Redenção is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: A entrada de Jesus em Jerusalém (Parte 1) Subtitle: Marcos Speaker: Pr. Marcos Granconato Broadcaster: Igreja Batista Redenção Event: Sunday School Date: 1/17/2025 Bible: Mark 11:1-11 Length: 54 min.…
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Devotion - Apostles' Creed - The Third Article of the Creeed by Community Lutheran Church由Community Lutheran Church
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The provided texts offer an overview of Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychologist and author known for his controversial views on cultural and political issues. His books, such as 12 Rules for Life and Maps of Meaning, explore themes of psychology, philosophy, religion, and social issues. Peterson's work has garnered both significant praise and crit…
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Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco. Velkommen til “Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco”, hvor vi tar utgangspunkt i dagens evangelietekst. Stemme: P. Arne Marco Kirsebom. Regi og produsent: Pål Johannes Nes. © EWTN Norge 2024 Om p. Arne Marco P. Arne Marco er geistlig rådgiver for EWTN Norge, kansler og stiftskapellan i Tromsø Stift …
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Descubrí una fórmula en seis pasos para crear prompts altamente efectivos en herramientas de IA como ChatGPT. Los componentes clave son tarea, contexto, ejemplos, persona, formato y tono, organizados en un orden estratégico. La tarea siempre es lo más importante, seguida por un contexto relevante para personalizar el resultado, mientras que los eje…
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Devotion - Apostles' Creed - Part 2 What do we say about Jesus? by Community Lutheran Church由Community Lutheran Church
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NEW! MONTY TOUR 2025, QUI I BIGLIETTI SAPERNE DI PIÙ SULL'INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE? ISCRIVITI GRATUITAMENTE AL MIO CORSO: come Notebook LM può rivoluzionare il tuo modo di lavorare! In questo video Monty esplora 3 utilizzi pratici di uno strumen…
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Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco. Velkommen til “Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco”, hvor vi tar utgangspunkt i dagens evangelietekst. Stemme: P. Arne Marco Kirsebom. Regi og produsent: Pål Johannes Nes. © EWTN Norge 2024 Om p. Arne Marco P. Arne Marco er geistlig rådgiver for EWTN Norge, kansler og stiftskapellan i Tromsø Stift …
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How can entrepreneurs unlock exponential growth by understanding and leveraging “discovery-led growth” in their pricing strategies? Today, Street Pricing listeners are treated to Marcos’ discussion with Eric Weiss, CEO of Chaos to Clarity. Eric delves into the intricacies of entrepreneurial growth with an emphasis on understanding customer value. D…
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A new MP3 sermon from Igreja Batista Redenção is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: O servo verdadeiro de Deus (Parte 2) Subtitle: Atos Speaker: Pr. Marcos Granconato Broadcaster: Igreja Batista Redenção Event: Sunday School Date: 1/13/2025 Bible: Acts 16:25-34 Length: 67 min.…
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Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco. Velkommen til “Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco”, hvor vi tar utgangspunkt i dagens evangelietekst. Stemme: P. Arne Marco Kirsebom. Regi og produsent: Pål Johannes Nes. © EWTN Norge 2024 Om p. Arne Marco P. Arne Marco er geistlig rådgiver for EWTN Norge, kansler og stiftskapellan i Tromsø Stift …
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Sermon Luke 2:40-52 Beyond Routine Vogelsang by Community Lutheran Church由Community Lutheran Church
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Sermon Matthew 20:25-28 Serving Challenge Intro by Community Lutheran Church由Community Lutheran Church
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He logrado aumentar mi cuenta de Instagram a 208,000 seguidores y quiero compartir contigo las estrategias que he usado para lograrlo. Desde optimizar mi perfil enfocándome solo en mi nicho, hasta aprovechar herramientas como encuestas en captions, palabras clave en videos, y efectos en tendencia, cada acción cuenta. También aprendí a usar hashtags…
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La Biblioteca Nacional de Austria nos recibe con la espléndida Gran Sala (Prunksaal), uno de los vestíbulos más bellos del mundo. El emperador Carlos VI (1685-1740) de la Casa de Habsburgo ordenó edificar esta brillante obra de la arquitectura profana del Barroco. La sala, con más de 77 metros de largo, fue construida entre 1723 y 1726. Se trata de…
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Devotion - Introducing the Serving Challenge / Small Catechism: Apostles' Creed, Article One
Devotion - Introducing the Serving Challenge / Small Catechism: Apostles' Creed, Article One by Community Lutheran Church由Community Lutheran Church
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NEW! MONTY TOUR 2025, QUI I BIGLIETTI SAPERNE DI PIÙ SULL'INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE? ISCRIVITI GRATUITAMENTE AL MIO CORSO:📚 I 4 Libri che mi hanno cambiato la vita + Risposta alla domanda sull’iconico sfondo di MontyTi sei mai chiesto se lo sfondo dei …
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A new MP3 sermon from Igreja Batista Redenção is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: Calamidades sofridas por José (Parte 1) Subtitle: Gênesis Speaker: Pr. Marcos Granconato Broadcaster: Igreja Batista Redenção Event: Sunday Service Date: 1/12/2025 Bible: Genesis 37:18-36 Length: 72 min.…
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Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco. Velkommen til “Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco”, hvor vi tar utgangspunkt i dagens evangelietekst. Stemme: P. Arne Marco Kirsebom. Regi og produsent: Pål Johannes Nes. © EWTN Norge 2024 Om p. Arne Marco P. Arne Marco er geistlig rådgiver for EWTN Norge, kansler og stiftskapellan i Tromsø Stift …
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En el video, explico cómo estructuré un VSL que ha generado más de $4 millones en ventas. Organizo el contenido siguiendo las preguntas frecuentes de los clientes en el orden lógico en que suelen surgir en una llamada de ventas, permitiendo que los prospectos se sientan comprendidos y facilitando el cierre de ventas. Comparto esta estrategia para q…
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Sermon - Matthew 20:25-28 - The Serving Challenge - Introduction by Community Lutheran Church由Community Lutheran Church
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Nuova puntata del podcast di Marco's Box, come sempre dedicata a commentare le principali notizie della settimana (circa) appena trascorsa. Trovate la puntata su Spotity, Google Podcasts, Anchor, Apple Podcast, Castbox, TuneIn, Amazon Music, Amazon Alexa e YouTube. In alternativa, per ascoltarla sul vostro player preferito, potete aggiungere il seg…
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Marcos and Jim begin the episode with providing context for new listeners: who Jim and Marcos are and what alAndar is and means. Jim shares how he overcame crippling depression. And Marcos describes his journey with ADHD. *If you're experiencing difficult thoughts, you can call 988. You are not alone. Life is worth living. TIMESTAMPS (0:00) Beginni…
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En este video te voy a mostrar cómo reprogramar tu mente para alcanzar el éxito financiero. Empezaremos con ejercicios de visualización para crear una imagen clara de tus metas y diseñar un plan concreto para lograrlas. Te enseñaré a manejar tu energía de manera efectiva, retrasar la gratificación instantánea y desarrollar un enfoque a largo plazo,…
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Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco. Velkommen til “Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco”, hvor vi tar utgangspunkt i dagens evangelietekst. Stemme: P. Arne Marco Kirsebom. Regi og produsent: Pål Johannes Nes. © EWTN Norge 2024 Om p. Arne Marco P. Arne Marco er geistlig rådgiver for EWTN Norge, kansler og stiftskapellan i Tromsø Stift …
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La verdad de Marcos Razzetti...由Marcos Razzetti
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Tony Robbins, a prominent self-help author and speaker, is examined across three sources. One source details his motivational techniques, including NLP and EFT, while also noting criticisms of his high costs and lack of scientific evidence. Two other sources focus on Robbins' investment strategies, specifically his popularization of a diversified p…
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Devotion - Baptism / Fourth Question/Are you made new in your baptism? by Community Lutheran Church由Community Lutheran Church
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NEW! MONTY TOUR 2025, QUI I BIGLIETTI SAPERNE DI PIÙ SULL'INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE? ISCRIVITI GRATUITAMENTE AL MIO CORSO: AI, Robot, Longevità e Politica – Cosa Ci Aspetta?Dal CES alle strategie di Zuckerberg e Nvidia, passando per le mosse di Tr…
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A new MP3 sermon from Igreja Batista Redenção is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: A questão do divórcio (Parte 3) Subtitle: Marcos Speaker: Pr. Marcos Granconato Broadcaster: Igreja Batista Redenção Event: Sunday School Date: 1/9/2025 Bible: Mark 10:2-12 Length: 65 min.…
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Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco. Velkommen til “Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco”, hvor vi tar utgangspunkt i dagens evangelietekst. Stemme: P. Arne Marco Kirsebom. Regi og produsent: Pål Johannes Nes. © EWTN Norge 2024 Om p. Arne Marco P. Arne Marco er geistlig rådgiver for EWTN Norge, kansler og stiftskapellan i Tromsø Stift …
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A new MP3 sermon from Igreja Batista Redenção is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: A questão do divórcio (Parte 2) Subtitle: Marcos Speaker: Pr. Marcos Granconato Broadcaster: Igreja Batista Redenção Event: Sunday Service Date: 1/9/2025 Bible: Mark 10:2-12 Length: 55 min.…
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En este video, te voy a enseñar cómo manejar la objeción de "lo tengo que pensar" para cerrar más ventas. El primer paso es bajar la guardia del cliente en lugar de presionarlo, lo que permite que se sienta más cómodo y sea honesto sobre sus verdaderas preocupaciones. A partir de ahí, te mostraré cómo pedir un plazo específico para recontactarlo, e…
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NEW! MONTY TOUR 2025, QUI I BIGLIETTI SAPERNE DI PIÙ SULL'INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE? ISCRIVITI GRATUITAMENTE AL MIO CORSO: Zuckerberg, Trump e l’era del caos social – Cosa sta succedendo a Meta? In questo video Monty commenta la svolta epocale di M…
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Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco. Velkommen til “Evangelieforklaringer med pater Arne Marco”, hvor vi tar utgangspunkt i dagens evangelietekst. Stemme: P. Arne Marco Kirsebom. Regi og produsent: Pål Johannes Nes. © EWTN Norge 2024 Om p. Arne Marco P. Arne Marco er geistlig rådgiver for EWTN Norge, kansler og stiftskapellan i Tromsø Stift …
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