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Giving you a Nervous Boner since 2012!
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That’s right folks! The long wait is over! Cadaver lab is back with a vengeance!!! No, that’s not a pun based on the movie that we’re talking about this episode… This movie is all about teens and slashing… together this movie is a teen slasher. This movie is named Varsity blues from 2014 and we break it down harder than your stomach acid. We also s…
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We’re back! This episode we’re talking about Murder Party from 2007. We also give you the next installment of horror trivia. Who has to take the deuce? Listen to find out.由The Cadaver Lab Podcast – The Corpse Collective
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Johnny and Mike are back talking hot beach parties and romantic nights with your best girl! Well… kind of… we are talking beach parties, but other than that it’s all about naughty bits and confused rambling… Which is cool… We’re talking about 2000’s Psycho Beach Party.由The Cadaver Lab Podcast – The Corpse Collective
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We’re finally back folks! This episode Crystal Eyes and Mike are talking about The Janitor from 2003.由The Cadaver Lab Podcast – The Corpse Collective
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We’re back… New month… new holiday! This episode we’re talking about 2011’s A Cadaver Christmas. We have Horror Movie Trivia and, of course, shenanigans… Enjoy!由The Cadaver Lab Podcast – The Corpse Collective
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Now is the time of giving thanks for all of our blessings… floppy titties, turkey necks, and Goodbye Horses… That’s what we bring you this week as we finish off this round of Horror Trivia and talk about 2009’s Thankskilling.由The Cadaver Lab Podcast – The Corpse Collective
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Johnny and Mike are back with their monthly foray into the cheap and independent film world! This episode we’re talking about Satan’s Little Helper… A story about how an annoying kid manages not to get molested by a savage serial killer… We also start the show with our Horror Movie Trivia Challenge and we get closer to the Banana-Sprite-Goodbye Hor…
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The ghost of technical issues visited us upon this episode… which sucked the balls. However, we worked through it and though the sound quality is a little worse than usual, it’s still amazing… and you can take that to the bank! This week we soldier on with the Trivia Challenge and we talk about Ti West’s film from 2011 called The Innkeepers.…
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Johnny and Mike are back! This episode we talk about 2010’s Pelt… about young folks who go walking through the woods and get picked off… one… by… one… Zzzzzzzz… ooh sorry… I dozed off a little there reading that plot synopsis. Seems old and tired. However, did Pelt have anything that made it rise above the played-out plot-line? We’ll see… Also, we …
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You have found our old feed address. This mp3 will explain how to update your subscription for more Cadaver Labby goodness! As always, visit http://www.cadaverlab.com for more information or email [email protected] for more help!
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